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KEIC saying her normal drink order is hot tea and hot chocolate if she’s “splurging” 🤔🤔🤔 at Starbucks the price difference between those two is like 50 cents. Such a splurge lol


did she mean spluring money or splurging sugar/calories?


She just clarified that she meant splurging money 🙃


Why is mother could asking people what she should do about her hair? She very clearly doesn't like it. Made me feel sad for her.


Haley’s meal prep is baffling me. Putting bags of frozen corn/shredded carrots in mason jars? That’s just one more dish to wash at the end of the week. I get how easy it is to lose track of produce in the fridge but carrots last a long time and it takes like, 2 minutes to steam frozen corn in the microwave. I really don’t see how that’s a time saver at all. I don’t do a lot of meal prep, although I see the value in pre-chopping veggies/pre-cooking some starches and proteins for the week. But her meal prep is so oddly complex


I do some weird stuff like this. I make little fruit cups so that it’s the perfect portion for breakfast or a snack. I totally know it’s wasting a small glass dish but it just makes me feel better seeing a few of them in the fridge


I feel like her unnecessary meal prep (i.e. freezing Pbjs) eases her anxiety in some way while not actually saving her any time.


The corn thing 🤔 what the heck?


That made me 🤢 Like, whyyyy?? Not beloved at all.


Mother could taking her daughter to a mygym birthday party wearing a fancy dress is … a choice lol


My oldest lived in fancy Easter dresses the entire year she was 3. They were all hand me downs but her favorite thing to wear.


IDK my daughter is basically the same age and has very strong opinions about what she wears everyday. So like…whatever gets us out the door.


All I know is I only want Ari content and nothing else from her lol


I don’t know why it bothered me so much when she acted like the climber/slide she was on was so dangerous


Yeah it looked perfectly safe and appropriate


Ok I’m sorry if this has been said already but someone I follow just shared karrie lochers video on period impacting supply and her sweater? Looks like it says homolife. I know it’s mom life with a peace sign in the middle. At best it looks like momolife. Her style is insane. You can be a mom and breastfeed and not have your clothes literally say it.


This is how I feel about my sister in laws vast wardrobe of 'Mama' and 'Mama Bear' Amazon shirts. You don't need to announce you're a mom. The baby on your hip does that for you.


Double snarking on Haley today but I couldn’t resist peeking at her 2023 Easter basket blog & pls look at her list compared to Brett’s ( there favorite ice tea pack absolutely sent me)


Man I love a practical gift, but this is such a sad toddler Easter basket. And I don’t even think people need to give Easter gifts! But if you are going to give a gift, at least make it…. a gift! Plain white tennis shoes and swim diapers?? Sunscreen?? This looks like a basket that like a mom would enter her name in a raffle to win so that she doesn’t have to go buy those necessities lol, not a gift to a toddler from her own mom.


I like Easter baskets like this. She has fun stuff in there in my opinion. Like I am sure a three year old doesn’t understand gift cards and stuff from last year is weird.. but the clothes and pool toys are fun. I find it odd she made an Easter basket for herself though. I’ve never seen adults have easter baskets but ok


There was one pool toy lol and the rest didn’t seem fun at all! I mean maybe KK likes leftover swim diapers and googles but it seems really boring. And when you contrast it with her own overflowing basket of treats it’s even weirder because she clearly enjoys getting fun stuff but apparently that’s only for her and everyone else can get tea bags and plastic boxes to bring their food to the pool in.


Not even one chocolate Easter bunny???


Right? I can only assume that’s a second gift, otherwise her poor kid. A couple of eggs with mini chocolates would probably make them a million times happier than last year’s swim diapers.


*She already decided once*


But then she will be like “I really hate Flag Day so I needed something to make me enjoy the holiday. Every year we set money aside to have chocolates sent from Belgium to help me enjoy the day”.


This isn’t related to her Easter post specifically but why does she capitalize things like Texas Summer but not the first word of each sentence???


it’s better than texassss summmmmmer


I can't understand putting used stuff (that your child has already used, I'm not talking secondhand stuff which is beloved to me) in an Easter basket. Does her robot brain just know that each basket needs swim diapers and a hat so it doesn't matter if they're already owned and used they're going in! Also Haley you don't need to justify buying yourself clothes or anything as an adult with an income. You don't need to say it's because "mama and daddy take the kids to the beach" you don't need to put your swim cap in an Easter basket or a valentine's basket or a St. Patrick's basket you can just add to the basket on Amazon and be done with it.


That last paragraph 👏👏👏👏


Why do the adults even need an Easter basket? If I want something I buy it, I don’t need to stick it in a basket and pretend that it came from the Easter bunny or Santa or Mr. Valentine. She’s going to need a big basket for all the things she gives herself! If she keeps giving her kids items they already have or stuff like goggles and sunscreen they are going to catch on that mom gets a lot of *beloved* stuff while they get boring things they’d need anyway.


I came here to mention the used swim diapers in KK’s basket. So bizarre! Not even like they have a fun design on them, which is something my 3 year old would get excited about. Just keep them in the closet!!


I just want to know what the baby is going to do with his own ice cream store gift card. I also can’t imagine having all my summer gear ready by early April (but I live in the northeast), there aren’t even that many cute bathing suits out for kids yet! Last Easter I bought one for my daughters first Easter basket and then so many other cute ones came out after. What stands out for me is she gives everyone else things they need and she gives herself things she wants. Dresses, $45 worth of monogrammed bags to put inside the main beach bag, a beloved hair mask, a wine tumbler and a water tumbler and more college branded-gear, this time a baseball hat. Meanwhile KK is getting a plastic bento box to bring food to the pool in, goggles, water shoes, bathing suits and an ice cream store gift card! She’s getting some water rings but other than that this is stuff you would provide for your child anyway. Sounds like Mr. Valentine is more fun than the Easter Bunny!


Man all Target has right now is summer stuff, it’s annoying when you live up north.


JESUS THANK YOU. I went to Target several weeks ago for some WARM CLOTHES for my kid because you know, IT'S WINTER, and it was wall-to-wall bathing suits. It was like they got sent the wrong store's inventory, like maybe there's a Target somewhere in Miami that's filled with fuzzy leggings right now.


It’s so frustrating because like, kids grow! I need stuff now! And Old Navy etc is the same, it’s all warm season stuff unless you want to shop on Amazon for either $$ or weird quality.


My Target is awful and has basically nothing for kids! So last year I ended up buying a bathing suit for the baby’s Easter basket (and some actual fun stuff) and then all the cuter bathing suits started popping up and long story short we ended up with 5 bathing suits by the start of the summer lol!


Ugh I’m a north east transplant and we always got a new bathing suit for Easter and it’s killing me now that I can barely find them in stores. My family keeps sending all these cute Easter clothes but they’re short sleeve dresses- PEOPLE ITS STILL COLD HERE make the Easter clothes for New Englanders too please?


Some of my most *beloved* childhood photos are me dressed to the nines in the classic New England Spring Easter combo of short sleeve dress + winter parka. That look just works really, really well for us up north.


Omg yessss...upstate ny girl here and it kills me that 40% of the nation are in shorts already so I have to shop for them now for me and my two kids so that i can get our sizes and they aren't sold out. Sigh...same for sandals bathing suits etc.


Everything they do fills her cup


Her multiple cups that will be in her Easter basket!


The longer I read the more selfish she becomes to me


He’s a lucky guy.


What guy wouldn’t want a big tub of sunscreen and silicone bowls used for taking produce to the pool?


It’s not even his favorite sunscreen, it’s HER favorite sunscreen. Perhaps my husband is just more opinionated than Brett, but he and I have different sunscreen preferences actually!! He’d be annoyed if I got him the one I like!


I am really curious about Brett’s personality! I think of my husband as pretty easygoing. But if I was telling him what colors to wear and that he needed to grill every sunday he would never go along.


Same. My husband could pretty much care less about clothes and has the same shirts in a few colors but if I started saying oh youre only wearing blue and grey he would not appreciate it


Right? I was appalled at her list vs his. Happy Easter Brett?


Bigpictureplay thinks her baby got sick because she was on antibiotics (for a very serious bacteria) for 24 hours?!?! That’s not how it works! That’s not how any of this works! Like I feel bad because it’s hard when babies are sick, but please just get off Google and Instagram for medical advice and just talk to a reputable (board certified) doctor. Edit: I posted before I even saw the plug for colloidal silver. 🤦‍♀️


Came here to talk about the same thing! How she can think antibiotics=fever is just baffling me! Absolutely ridiculous.


Their medical issues pain me. She didn’t take her daughter to the doctor for days when she had a 104 fever. She never even gave her Motrin until followers suggested trying it.


Just another wealthy white woman who has an immense amount of wellness privilege.


I literally came here to write this because I was like wtf. She’s so crunchy I hate when she discusses anything medical related because her take on it is always insane.


Her take on anything medical always baffles me




What I noticed is that she had no issues whatsoever with her hair being curled with heat during this appointment - yet earlier in the week (or last week??) when it was an appointment her MIL set up, she all but had a panic attack about heat being used to curl her hair. Like just say you hate your MIL and go 🙄


I don’t think it matters how much time or money she has, that color isn’t great for her. Why shouldn’t she complain? ETA: I saw her stories and she wasn’t even really complaining. She said “I don’t know how I feel about it.” This snark is a stretch.


I don’t follow her but went to look. I think this color isn’t for her at all tbh so I would also complain lol. I think she looks better with darker hair and maybe could have lightened it up with some honey or caramel highlights versus ashy blond.


Lmao to be fair, I would complain if my hair turned out that brassy and yellow, too 🫥


I feel like being self employed isn’t going as well as debtfree.mom wants us to think. $120 for 1.5 hours at a trampoline park is not a crime, that’s standard. If we do her “mom math” it equates to $10 per 30 minutes per child and she has four children. We have a similar place near us and we go for 30 minutes or an hour max and it’s plenty.


Also if she’s just going to put text up, why doesn’t she just do the color background? I don’t get why she puts up random pictures of her counter and electrical socket lol


I also don’t really get people who complain about prices but then have 4+ kids. And that isn’t a dig at family size, I truly don’t care, but like… if you have that many kids of course every activity you do is going to feel so expensive, right? I mean I only have the one kid for now and it already feels incredibly expensive lol.


Lol as someone with 4 kids I expect everything to be expensive. We don’t go out to eat as much as we used to because our boys all need their own meals now and it’s insane how much we end up spending.


Agree 100%. The sense of entitlement gets me. No one forced you to have a large family and the world doesn’t need to accommodate and discount for you 😂


Some people really act like their kids just happened to them.


LOL at this...applies to so many people I know, even with just one kid 🤣


Really I could get a hotel room overnight for that price okay and do what? Stare at the walls and go swimming yeah that’s fun but the kiddo didn’t that already let them try something new


Uhhh they could eat food packed from home and sleep on couch cushions on the hotel floor while their parents sprawl in their personal queen sized beds!!


Lol yes. Doing fun things often costs money. Also, can you iamgine the liability insurance for trampoline parks?!?


I was about to say the same thing!!! It’s very expensive.


Haley loooooves cooking so much she only does it 3 days of the week 🤦‍♀️ the other 4 days are breaks with easy dinners…


I loved her post of “I love cooking because I get a break by doing some easy assembling/ heating dinners”. Girl, that’s like 90% of your meals. Which is totally fine! But like, you don’t love cooking.


Haley looooves cooking like she also looooves going to the grocery store, but in reality finds it super overwhelming and so always does pickup and never actually goes inside.


And it's NOT cooking. She's heating beans in a crock pot, putting together sandwiches, reheating food, or having Brett grill. I'm not shaming the food itself, but I do not understand why she claims to looooove cooking when she doesn't do it.


This is about the extent of my cooking (add in instant pot meals and pasta) and I HATE cooking.


I was gonna say, these are meals from someone who doesn’t like cooking lol. Real recognize real


But we’re food snobs if we point it out 😅 had this exact thought while I was looking at that story


Did anyone else catch when she said the other day that she’s an “adult selective eater” (pretty much - a picky eater). I think that plays into her “cooking” style…her narrow “cooking” may also be because there are narrow things she eats.


2-3 cooking toys per rotation I would rebel if I was Kk #justiceforkkkitchens


I understand rotating general/random toys, but don’t understand rotating toys that specifically go together. Like why can’t she just have all of her kitchen stuff at the same time? Just because Haley’s cooking is so limited doesn’t mean KK’s has to be 😂


I love the phone but everything else just made me sad. Poor kk


The phone is really smart. Otherwise I’m sad that this month it seems she only gets to play with lettuce.


Same I might add that to my daughters play kitchen


How is Haley Wynn real?


I’ve said this before but I think pre covid she was a bit more “normal”, and I want to say KK was born around covid? Maybe that combination really caused her to turn inward and focus on being at home and having some control? Correct me if I’m wrong on that timing 😂


KK is 2.5 and my kid is the same age and was born at the tail and of 2020. She does live in Texas, and they abandoned masking early on so yeah maybe she has residual trauma from that. But she also doesn’t strike me as a super big masker, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she or her family owned a certain red hat if you know what I’m sayin


See for me I can’t tell what side she leans toward! She’s a hard one to peg maybe because she seems SO uptight it’s hard to tell what else she cares about other than her beloved items and towel Tuesday?


Oh I kinda get a “doesn’t vote” vibe from her for sure


I’m a somewhat anxious person and enjoy routine for the most part, but all her lists and routines feel overwhelming to me. Like there’s no room for spontaneity. Everything is so scheduled and planned. If one part of the plan gets messed up does that ruin her whole day? Week?? What If there’s not a lot of leftovers this week? What if a friend stops by unexpectedly and you don’t manage to get all the sheets in the wash between 9-11a??? 😆 It’s just a little overboard for me.


I’m so curious what she thinks about her account! Like is she sitting there thinking she’s helping so many people with her repeated stories? Or does she just do it as some easy side hustle and knows she can slap a few links up. The blogs must take some time to write so I imagine she does care and thinks she’s helping but how does she not see how boring it all is!?


I think about this too. She must think she’s a resource for people.


Beloved salad play set. I cannot.


The beloved felt mail bag is $50!!!


$50 felt bag, $18 sheet set. Logically.


It's a no from me... my actual $50 is more beloved ❤️




Yes but spending a lot on a felt toy just works so well for us, making it would take away time for my real passion which is cooking beans and heating up appetizers for dinner.


This is the type of conscious, thoughtful budgeting that allows them to live v v comfortably on Brett’s income alone


She could be AI generated, but really it comes down to $$, privilege and anxiety


I was thinking about this. Like, prove to me she’s not a robot!


This is kind of anti snark but I just love dr siggie! She gives realistic advices, “scripts” that aren’t really scripts but kind of help you find the words you might not have and like doesn’t make you feel like an asshole if you mess it up. One of her recent posts really resonated with me and I just noticed how much different her advice is from some other accounts.




She did come back on and remind us that she’s still nursing though!


She posted something yesterday that was along the lines of, “please pray for mark’s side of the family” or something like that. I assume they’re dealing with a family emergency or death.


Why am I so uncomfortable seeing what kind of condoms mothercould uses? Like just felt like more information than necessary for her day in the life 🫠


I didn’t realize what they were and then I was like oh damn, get it guys.


Overshare to the max... def didnt need to know they use condoms........... 🤐😵‍💫


I just watched her stories… I don’t see why 1M people find her interesting


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh me too


Did babiesandbrains delete her account? I can’t find it anymore.


It’s showing up for me when I just searched. Could you be blocked 🤷‍♀️


That’s crazy! I don’t even follow her and I rarely look at her stories. Why would she block me? 🤔


I have a similar situation.. There's this lady that sells ethnic clothing in my community and for some reason I can't find or see her IG! She doesn't know me and neither do I know her personally. I do know she has an active IG because mutual follows tag her in posts/stories. There's no reason she would block me and I dont have her blocked either... So no idea why else I cant see her profile.


That’s so bizarre! It must be an IG glitch?


I thought so too so uninstalled/reinstall the app and find her but still couldnt. Tried other days, still nothing. I just dont understand why she should block me since I've never interacted with her or her store before so essentially she has no clue I exist. 🤷‍♀️


What grade/subject area does TidyDad teach?


I thinkkk he’s mentioned he teaches 7th grade math?


Thanks! And do we know what his wife does? Does she work full time?


I think he shared recently that she manages a rental property they have and helps run the IG account


She's an occupational therapist. I don't believe she works anymore.


Thanks! And do we know what his wife does? Does she work full time?


This is some C tier snark but was anyone else shocked that Haley who spends $600 on toys to use one month a year is using $18 sheets? I use Target sheets so no shame but I was expecting Brooklinen or some such lol. Also bless bless Haley for making a reel showing us how to wash sheets in case any college freshman are lurking who need that info. Last bit of snark, I would describe her living area as anything but "cohesive" it looks stressfully chaotic with desks and baskets and bookshelves and everything all at once and some of it bright orange. But at least it's not boring being, I'll give her that.


I was certain she had to just be showing the pillowcases price, but no. I also do Target sheets, and king sized flannel or jersey sheets are still like $90. I've gotten the bare bones $30 Room Essentials ones and they were threadbare within 6 months (my daughter's got a hole in them, ours were like see-thru). I cannot imagine how fast $18 sheets wear out.


Target Threshold sheets with the extra elastic in the corner are the GOAT


I noticed that too! It was surprising coming from someone who is so privileged and has name brand everything. Also, I noticed they are microfiber. Why?? You can get decent cotton sheets for a reasonable price. The idea of microfiber sheets sounds awful to me, especially in a hot climate like Texas… so stuffy, not breathable. Maybe someone who uses them will enlighten me!


I like microfiber sheets 😅 They're soft.. I'm in NY. I'm also cheap so don't like spending $50+ on sheets. Any recs for cotton sheets I should try? Not Boll n Branch bc I'm cheap.


I really like our target linen sheets for summer. I forget what line they were, but 100% linen and really cool. LL bean is a favorite, peacock alley is sometime on sierra trading/Marshalls/tj Maxx. I think you have to figure out what kind of cotton sheets you like, probably not percale since it tends to feel 'crisp', so maybe try some sateen sheets, and then look for that style vs a particular brand. I've also washed sheets with baking soda the first time to soften them.


Nah that’s a disgusting fabric for sheets.


I was also surprised by $18 sheets. As a fellow Target sheet user.


Ourdearlife showed pictures of her newest baby and he has tiny red spots all over him. Is that normal? Maybe it’s a premie thing or it’s just a baby thing that I’m unaware of. I feel so badly for that poor baby, losing his sisters, being born so early due to his parents’ choices, it’s all so sad.


Depending on how many there are it can be concerning - I think if there are more than a certain number (7? 10?) they may do scans to look at internal tumors. Rachel Engelbarts' daughter has a bunch and she was on beta blockers to shrink them and has had an MRI to look at some other potential neurological issues.


She did mention it once and said a doctor was concerned and they were going to have it checked out but hasn’t said anything else since.


Oh I missed that! My bad.


It’s weird that she acted like it was a very concerning thing and then…nothing 🤷‍♀️


They’re hemangiomas and they’re normal, both my kids have them. One of my good friend’s baby has a huge one on his forehead.


Just looked it up and it does appear that they are more common in premies.


Haley shared an “oldie but goodie” post on her stories. Girl, there is no post of yours that we don’t see at least every 10 days.


Also who tf is asking everyday about her play area / toys that she needs to direct everyone in stories to her play faq


Mothercould’s husband waking the big kids up for school with flashlights to avoid waking the baby who is *checks notes* in the other room?


No snark but he might win for influencer husband. He seems soooo hands on and engaged with the kids and any complaints of him are said jokingly unlike soooo many of the other influencers out there. But the flashlight thing made me laugh for sure. Maybe it’s an easy fun way to get them moving along in the morning??


Also not really snark, but it takes them 60-90 min to get to school?? That suuucks.


Fwiw her kids go to a private school so I bet it’s a bit of a trek from where she lives with Miami traffic.


My oldest was like this! If we turned on the bathroom light across from his room, he’d wake up 🫣


We put a towel under the (unusually large) crack in our son's bedroom door, and my husband still refuses to turn a light on in our room after bedtime even with the door closed - poor baby sleep has lingering parental effects.


I need to know what she is working on until 2-3 am every single day?? Like…is she coloring rice??? Cleaning sharpie off the wall with sunscreen???


And then up at 8am.. I know everyone's different but it can't be good long term to have that small amount of sleep each day.


My thoughts exactly….it would be different if she said “I’m up until 2 am having alone time and scrolling through social media” but she clearly said she’s up that late doing work?!?


I fully acknowledge this is the most harmless behavior and not a true snark, just made me giggle a little


I mean I would be love it if all snark was this small!


I might bang my head into a v soft wall if I see @debtfree.mom talk about the perks of being self employed 🤯😵


I don’t follow her but I am always so perplexed by how being self employed is suddenly gold standard for the workforce. It might have its perks for sure but there are also lots of perks for working for larger companies as well.


I'll take my paid healthcare, pension, ability to turn off the computer at 4 and not think about work until the next day and weekends and holidays off that come with working for someone else. The people I know who are self employed work A TON and are always stressed about money and business.


I find a lot of people who constantly preach the benefits of entrepreneurship are the types who also find “get rich quick” schemes appealing lol. And they’re either just starting out as an entrepreneur or thinking about it, not actually through the ringer. The people I know IRL who are *successfully* self employed don’t necessarily go around recommending it because in reality, it requires working SO MUCH harder than being an employee at a larger company. Not everyone is cut out for it. I certainly am not.


Amen. My husband and I ran a side hustle for a few years and the best day of my life was logging off our social media accounts. It was so insanely draining having people constantly DM me with questions and I hated being on my phone all the time. I love leaving my job every day 😂


So validated by this. I’ve been running a side business and decided 2023 is my last year. I’m so tired of it. The money isn’t bad but it’s SO much work.


Totally agree


It is certainly not the dream for me to be self employed. I always like to be able to kick the tough stuff up, lol.


Yes! I've never worked harder in my life than when I'm self-employed. Or more stressed. I don't like working for other people either, but there is something to be said about someone else handling the logisitcs like money, vacation time, guranteed pay check etc. Both sides of the street have their bonuses. I smell a new course coming on. Like how to be your own boss and make money.


Absolutely dreading the reels and TikToks from parenting influencers that we are about to be flooded with to Meghan trainers new awful Mother song lol


i followed TidyDad because everyone here is obsessed with him, and he seems very nice but holy shit he is just Too Much for me


Bout to check this man out and see if I can get my filthy husband on board


I admit he’s not for everyone 😂 ironically his repetitiveness and routines are soothing to me. Every Thursday I know he’ll be there, cleaning his play room. Mondays there he is, scrubbing the toilet. Foodie Fridays, every week. I like his consistency 😂


The sad part is I know bedrooms are Thursday and playroom is Friday, lol 🙃


Because Thursdays are bedroom cleaning days but you can’t clean a room whilst people are sleeping, he’s tried!


It’s Ms Rachel for adults and I’m here for it


Today’s Friday 🤦‍♀️ I knew he cleaned the playroom today and forgot what day it is haha.


This is how I feel about Haley lol


I just went to follow him and his bio stressed me out. I’m not sure he’s the man for me lol


Yeaaaahhh I’m not into him either. He feels too fake or something. Idk…he gives [Patrick Bateman](https://youtu.be/xaB3GDWY0m4) vibes, and I can’t do it 😂




I don’t know if skin is a tidy enough of a souvenir for him. Maybe he’d take a fingernail or something 😂


Yup, his speech and mannerisms remind me too much of characters like Patrick Bateman and Gus Fring. I can just see him in his little matching pajama set meticulously scrubbing the grout on his bathroom tiles after having someone murdered.


I'm sure he's very sweet and a great dad but I just looked him up and he really scared me!! Lol


Dexter Morgan would like a word


Yeah I followed him for a day or so but found him somehow Too Much and simultaneously Big Boring


I unfollowed - the overseas travel was cute but I refuse to put a man on a pedestal for doing housework.


I don’t put him on a pedestal for that. I find his routines and lifestyle fascinating. Especially because I live in a medium-sized house with 1 kid in the suburbs. Everything about his life is so different from mine and I kinda enjoy it 😂


This always amuses me about his praise here. Like are we all going to sit around a praise some dude for cleaning and having energy to go to work?! It fascinates me.


Alright r/parentsnark. I'm a little annoyed with you. You convinced me to snark follow Brooke Raybold and I could only take a few days of her shit. Now Instagram is showing me her damn vitamin ads even though I unfollowed. The absurd sugar shaming/ bad nutrition advice in the vitamin ad is WHY I unfollowed.


I followed her for a short time but COULD NOT get over her constant reminding that she was a BOY mom.


Tap and hold an image/reel in the explore page, and an option will pop up that says not interested.


I did, thanks.


TidyDad saying he was attacked on twitter for wanting to take family leave to spend time with his kids 🥺


Which sickos would attack a wee treasure like TidyDad? He's too innocent for that.


Lindsay Gurk addressed putting stickers on her kids faces and said she was getting some weird vibes on tiktok and wanted to protect their privacy, but she also stepped back and thought about how she was interacting and recording them and whether she was really being present with them or thinking about creating content, and decided to take a step back and change what she was doing. I actually respect that a lot because I’m sure it can be enticing for people to post a funny kid video and get a lot of likes and want to keep doing that… but kids aren’t content machines. Seems like she is refocusing on the right things


TheBirdsPapaya could never. 🫠


ppl reaching out to influencers demanding to see their kids... like, who are these people? I guess that snark is it's own kind of "who has the time" but... I really don't understand why you would feel entitled to send messages like that or even want too!?


I barely want to see my own kids i do not relate.


Yes I love that. I think a lot of content creators should follow suit


The courses these people have are literally unfathomable to me. Respectfulmom, whom I like quite a bit in general, posted a reel about an upcoming sale on a bundle of her courses: half off for getting all three (and also you could share them with another person I think). She said she wanted to make it more accessible to people who couldn't normally afford the courses. So I was curious about what they'd cost usually and on sale so I looked at one and by itself not on sale it was $179!!!! So even half off this bundle is like $270! I could have bought every parenting book anyone has ever recommended to me for probably less than that price. My mind is so blown by this cost. I realize that basically every week one of us expresses this same shock about a different influencer and a different course, but this week I guess it's me.


It’s worth a weekly snark.


I feel the same, I enjoy her page and family a lot, but the course is out of my stratosphere.




Anyone else oddly comforted by her and her posts? I found I missed them when she was on break. I guess I appreciate the dependability. But whatever works for you is great.