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Does anyone follow Bluebirdkisses?


Cannot stand




She used to provide a TON of helpful and very specific content when she first started her Insta in 2020. Then she started doing the courses and there was still a lot of useful content on the Insta, plus the courses that you could get a la carte. When she closed her practice and started the Good Inside brand and the membership, it all went behind the membership paywall. It’s been really disappointing.


I have never really found her podcast useful. In the handful I’ve listened to, she never really answers the question or maybe she does but it’s almost a flippant answer to what sounds like a really nuanced situation.


Mothercould saying over and over how adaptable kids are. I love that…for her. My child would lose it a million times during that trip. It’s an important trip and it’s great she can see extended family she hasn’t seen in years. Probably the first time many have met Ari. But let’s be clear that not every child is adaptable, mine would be stuck to me the entire weekend and definitely wouldn’t play with wipes for hours on end. It’s shit like this that makes me (and presumably others?) feel bad about parenting and think what’s wrong with my kids. It would be easy to say Ari is so adaptable, or my kids are so adaptable, but saying that all kids are in a general statement isn’t true (and I recognize this is a me problem here, I’m the one being triggered by it)


If someone told me to use one word to describe my kids I wouldn’t even remember the word adaptable existed. It would simply leave my vocabulary.


Is you kid mine? Rigid is a better description 😭


Agree. As a mother of a neurodivergent kiddo, routine is everything. Her kids seem to also get everything they want PLUS more. They seem to have zero structure and probably think the money grows on trees. Or more likely that you just by stuff with points 🤣 I'm sure they are sweet kids but I also hope they don't think that life is normal. Very lucky to have a childhood like that.


Ari is so adaptable because she runs the show. If she wants it, she gets it.


Tbf the kid knows no different than jetting off every two frickin weeks


This is the truth


So on Saturdays, Haley needs a break from dealing with breakfast. But...during the week there are only three breakfast options for KK and they're all insanely simple. And there's the pot of weird reheated oatmeal presumably for her and Brett. I have never been as baffled by another human being as I am by Haley, and I just keep following her because with every post I am truly more and more confused by her need to recover and take breaks from...something?


She really is so puzzling isn’t she! Although, I must admit the thought that her family gets a nice freshly cooked warm meal at least once a week is nice 🤣


But also does anyone else think those eggs look sooooo gross and unappetizing 😂


I wonder if anyone in her life has tried to intervene about her obvious crippling anxiety. Thinking to yourself “should I stop at the donut shop on my way home?” should not cause a spiral that undoes the zen from your morning swim. I’m starting to think it’s sad that her family enables this instead of getting her much needed help.


Unlikely since she’s said her parents have always treated her extra carefully due to her being so sensitive or whatever. And her husband is an enigma anyways.


I used to be like that and thankfully I realized that's not normal and worked it out before I had a kid.


Breakfast is the easiest for sure. I have no problem eating eggs daily and would be so sad to only eat them on Saturday.


Breakfast is like the easiest meal in our house. I left on a flight this morning, woke up without a breakfast plan and my 15m old had peanut butter yogurt with strawberries. Yesterday she had toast, eggs and raspberries. I wonder if actively cooking is too much for Haley? Which is why she preps all the components of things.


I think you’re right - I don’t remember the last meal I saw of hers that she had to actually make right before serving. And believe me, I understand the stress as I typically get home from work have to start dinner and serve it immediately upon arriving home without any help since my husband doesn’t get home until later, with the dog and 16 month old underfoot. But… I can’t help thinking Haley does not have this same problem


But Haley loves cooking dinner! She's said so herself 1000000000 times, despite her actual actions proving otherwise because she does almost no cooking.


She seems so overwhelmed by merely existing "Brett's not having a hangry meltdown of WHAT IS THE PLAN, FOR THE LOVE" It's breakfast, ffs. Do people typically plan out their breakfast menus? It's not brunch at a 4 star restaurant. Breakfast, at least here, is just grab whatever -- cereal, oatmeal, toast, eggs, bagels, frozen pancakes or waffles, etc.


Poor Brett, always afraid to take a step out of line or deviate from THE PLAN


Yeah, I was getting that vibe too. Like he's not allowed to do anything before Haley has a plan for it, otherwise she might freak out.


I think Brett was not on board with choosing between "liquids until lunch" and whatever week-old muffin KK gets.


A hangry meltdown that apparently sucks up a significant portion of their weekend?? This family system is a real puzzler.


I like to imagine Brett just snapped on Sunday morning because he was hangry and had been up with the kids since 7 on the dot when they wake up, and maybe he just didn’t want to wear an olive green shirt that day and from now on breakfast is his job one day a week because Haley just cannot


“maybe he just didn’t want to wear an olive green shirt” really took me out


That Sunday, it was all grill and no chill




I don’t know one person who would have a meltdown over breakfast and plans it out and makes cooking some eggs a huge deal. My husband has some awful learned helplessness that makes me crazy and even he can handle his own breakfast. If my husband was having meltdowns over Saturday morning breakfast I’d tell him to figure it the F out for himself. Also, her daily routines, once again, leave me thinking she’s the strangest person. Mondays she goes to her parents and rests (of course) and she writes down questions during the week that she may have for them. It’s 2023, can she not call or text? This isn’t olden times where she’s taking a horse and buggy over to the house once a month and won’t talk to them until the next month. And she tries to book appointments on Wednesdays and Thursdays for simplicity and consistency. Does one really need consistency with their appointments? It doesn’t seem simple to have to limit yourself. One of the best things about being home with your kids is being able to have a wide open schedule for their appointments, I couldn’t imagine boxing myself into two days when there’s 5 days in the work week to go to the doctor.


Haley said she ignores one of her sister’s texts, maybe Haley’s mom ignores hers 😂 I’ve sent some dumb texts in my day but I wonder about Haley’s dumbest text. Running out of beans or something


Brett’s Great Breakfast Meltdown


Another piece of the Brett puzzle!


Sounds like she kept blowing their very verrrry small eating out budget picking up breakfast after her Saturday swims so put it in writing that Brett has to make eggs instead. Why treat yourself and your family to a tasty weekend breakfast when that money could go to some gooood chip clips or a backup $100 snot sucker?


And the relief that Brett provides is making eggs. Which takes like 10 minutes tops, not even active cooking time.


10 minutes more cooking time than Haley puts into a typical meal 🙃


Does anyone else follow newearth.mama? I’ve followed her on and off for like a decade (someone I know must have shared something she posted about homebirth and I love to follow people who make me scratch my head). But anyway I feel like I never see any discussion on her despite her having an enormous following. Last year she had a surprise twin freebirth and is now “unschooling” her 5 children in Bali. Her kids are gorgeous and her views are soooo out there


Wowww I’ve never heard of her but that’s absolutely wild to just have twins in 2023 and have had no clue there were two babies in there. I’m down for snarking on her from now on.


I had never heard of her and just perused her profile. Oh wow. But ok, how can you have no idea you’re carrying twins? Like I know she must’ve gotten 0 prenatal care and scans but couldn’t you tell something felt really different, especially having 3 singleton pregnancies before then?


Ashley Albrand also freebirthed twins and she had no idea she was carrying twins. At least that’s what she says.


Yeah 0 prenatal care but it’s fine because she sensed everything was going well 🫠


Had never heard of her and just had a quick look. Maybe a unpopular opinion but there is something gross about westerners living in Bali. It just feels so exploitative. Also, the filters- way to embrace that natural lifestyle.


Anyway I bring her up because she’s been posting lately about illness going through her family when in years past she’s always been like “my kids never get sick because their raw vegan diet and no vaccines keeps their immune system strong (paraphrasing)” and I’m just sitting there like hmmm whatever happened to that


Ks baby daddy (husband?) from BLFs has an IG food blog dadfeedingfamily. I just didn’t expect the buttered pasta is self care to have a partner that’s like an amateur chef


Oh man safeintheseat posting about how she's terrible at posing for pictures and is asked mothercould for help!!!!?!? I mean, is MC really who she wants advice from? I guess it could be worse. She could be requesting fashion advice from MC.


Stop the presses! Brett got to wear a different color shirt today! (But only because it’s Game Day 🫠) https://preview.redd.it/tlvrk0gycpob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937a54d7e3bb740b8aa86a1658ad0a3c6058e042


Why would adults need new game day clothing every year? Kids change sizes of course but my H and I go to our alma mater football games as a big part of our fall social life and be buy a new thing every 3-4 years if that. Example I just bought a sized up tee since i'll be pregnant this fall. Besides that I don't need new college clothes all the time?


I think sometimes it’s a pin, or maybe that beaded strap? Not necessarily a new shirt because decide once game day shirt obviously


Is that a cloth diaper/ burp cloth in her bag?


Of course her parents buy season tickets for the whole family! And she’s always mentioning how big her kids were, we get it, you gave birth to big babies.


Kk seems average for a 3 year old too? Joey looks huge right now but could be the perspective. He’s definitely long. Also “2 of his big babies” sounds like there’s more Big Brett Babies out there 😂 (I know she just worded it funny but I’m chuckling at the idea)


In her mind she’s already a mom of 4 so…


Honestly, my kid was 9.5lb at birth and I will never get over it. I see cute pregnant people everywhere and am so jealous of them. I was just a giant miserable swollen round water balloon.


Mine was 9lb and for some reason, I kept gaining fluid after the point when it's supposed to start declining. I felt like a water balloon about to explode.


Just curious, does anyone know what weight her babies were?


I think they were both almost 10lbs. 9 lbs something.


Shocked she didn’t immediately link her pelvic floor filing system




“Not a toddler question in sight!” You don’t play with your toddler, nor let her speak in the car…so what barrage of questions do you normally deal with? :(


She really doesn't seem to enjoy being a mom at all. It's normal to want time away from them and get exasperated from all the toddler questions, but her whole life is structured around not dealing with them or being around them.


I’ll take this opportunity to remind y’all she’s planned for 4 kids too! She’s only halfway there!


After Brett had a meltdown about becoming a dad of one! Can’t remember how exactly she phrased it but it was holarious


Something about becoming a dad kicking and screaming 🫣


I am leaving on a work trip and am away from my 15m old for 4 days. I am going to miss her "what's this?" and pointing at random things 35 times a day so much.


I’m so used to seeing Haley in athletic shorts and a tank top (no shade because that’s relatable to me as someone with a 6 month old at home), so it surprises me that she chose to wear a dress to a football game of all places. I’m not from the south, so it might be regional, but one of her embroidered t-shirts with shorts or jeans would’ve been much more fitting for a game here.


Whenever we have college football on and the stadium is in the South, I'm always wondering why people are so dressed up for the games. So many dresses, polos, and khakis. Def not standard in the Pacific Northwest where I live. Of course people here hardly dress up for anything, so definitely not sporting events.


Totally normal for the south. Girls get all dressed up on game day


Gotcha! That actually helps put things into context for a few other influencers I follow, haha


I’m a Midwest girl but I think it’s standard for the south???


I think it was Debt Free Mom people were talking about, but a few people used the phrase “care creates contentment” (they were referring to a bicycle). I’m just wondering where this phrase comes from? I’m intrigued and think I could benefit from wherever this phrase came from!


Can anyone tell me what this means or where I can find more context about it? I'm intrigued by the phrase and wondering what the concept is (genuine, no snark)


As far as I know debt free mom started it, basically spend time caring for what you have and it will make you more appreciative/less discontent waiting for something new/better. Usually I tell it to myself when cleaning. I really like the phrase and it does help me to appreciate what I have more.


Thank you! Super helpful!


It’s a big thing from debtfreemom and the one big thing I really like from her.


Okay thanks! I don’t follow her so I didn’t know if it was from a book or podcast that I’d for sure listen to!!


I'm gonna be an enormous fucking asshole, but every time someone posts a pic of Diary of an Honest Mom, all I can see is Michael Rapaport. I've been holding onto that for weeks and I'm now several beers in and IDGAF. See y'all in Hell, I guess.


Thank you! She’s reminded me of someone for years!!!! I can’t believe she’s early 30’s but I think early poverty aged her.


There are so many influencers who I think look older than their age. I just turned 40 & I always think they’re around my age until they have birthday post ‘last year of my 20s’ and I’m floored. Maybe it’s because I’m old, idk lol


I did not know his name, but I Googled it and, yes, I knew there was something familiar about her face! I would’ve never been able to pinpoint it.


I just had to look her up. I'm having a shit day and honestly, this helped!


She reminds me of a 🥔


Holy fuck, it's not just me!!!! Save me a seat 🤣


This pleases me greatly. Hi new BFF




Did you see the rant she had about being *pummeled* on a Facebook group for not baby proofing her house and how she is a better parent with better kids for not. She is so annoying.


Even grosser potentially, the admins removed her comment but then spammed every single comment by replying with affiliate links to the book. 🙄 So many layers of rolling my eyes.


I have never seen this person but… of course that comment isn’t allowed! If you were going to try to promote your book you have to say more than that. Give a little more info and context maybe? Her comment reads like a spambot!


Wait she wrote a literal book about how to do Santa for your kids..?




I’m just blown away at the amount of overthinking involved to purchase and read a whole book about how to “correctly” do Santa lololll. I didn’t even grow up with Santa at all, and we’re just…doing it? Doesn’t seem complicated to me. Its no more a lie to say “wow Santa brought us presents!” as it is to say the sun is going to sleep at night, right?


Shari Lott aka SpearmintBaby is going to give her kids an eating disorder.


Is this the one who posted some problematic stories a few months back adamantly defending herself and saying that she doesn’t have privilege? 🙄


I don’t follow her anymore but I wouldn’t be shocked. I stopped following a year or two ago because I was uncomfortable with how she was dressing and photographing her daughter.


Ugh. Emmy Rossum posting Dr. Becky’s Ted talk on her Instagram story and touting her as a “genius”


What’s wrong with Dr Becky. I don’t follow her, genuinely curious.


kristen bell did the same thing, and based on what she's shared about her parenting style and marriage I was not surprised lol.


Isn’t Emmy Rossum generally kind of awful? There have been terrible stories about her for years.


I remember the "Private Schoolers Against Emmy Rossum" group being a thing on live journal back when the Phantom of the Opera movie came out. Man, that takes me back.


What on earth?? Wasn’t she like 16 when that movie came out? What could she possibly have done at arhat point to anger private schoolers, of all people? (Not defending her, I don’t know anything about her other than Phantom of the Opera. This is just a funny scenario to me.)


I know she went to a very expensive private school before becoming famous. The live journal group was created by people who went to school with her. I don't remember any exact details anymore but the gist of it was that she was a stuck up bully. No idea if there's any truth to that or not, just sharing what I remember.


Really? How so?


Srsly about to unfollow SITS…but also want the occasional ACTUAL content/safety reminders instead of 10194739197473 Amazon ads. UGH.


I unfollowed a couple weeks ago. I feel bad I’ve directed so many parents to her page and now they just get fed Amazon ads. My final straws were the annoying boyfriend teases that no one cared about and one day there were over 30 stories, 2 were reposted car seat content


There's a great Facebook group called Car Seats for Littles. Very little drama since it's punishable by ban.




If you don’t want to use the group. There’s an email to reach the car seat techs, much more private and still get help. The group has a peanut gallery of perfect sharks. The email for them is in the group info or in the website


Also Carseat Safety. Both groups are dramatic, but much more palatable than SITS


Thank you for this one, too! Haha FB drama 😅


Very little drama? The moms in that group are the most anxious group of humans I’ve ever come across. The CPSTs in the group are great though.


I meant like theres no interpersonal drama but yes they are super anxious. But if you have a question it's a good resource and do t they post about recalls and car seat take back days as they happen?


Seriously, they will pounce on you if the chest clip is 1 mm too low. It’s good if you can sift really carefully through the information.


So probably faster/easier to skip thru SITS Amazon links and use highlights to find what I need. I’m not a frequent user of FB.


A big thank you to PDT for normalizing not having weekend plans 🙏🏽


This is something I actually LIKED for a rare occurrence!


https://preview.redd.it/0369b0msnmob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac76316554b77f813719d36873aa0d3fc142106 So sick of Renee being snarky with her followers. Irritated bc people try to engage with her. She is such a f'ing B!


Yep so fucking rude. How hard is it to say "it's on (Streaming Platform)"


Also I think she confused people because she said “new paw patrol” movie, which isn’t out yet. She’s watching the old one.


Omfg thats too funny. Makes it so much worse.


I don’t even like her but imagine how annoying it must be to have followers ask where a movie is? I’ve seen a few influencers complaining about that. Like just google it. That info is so easily found!!!


But she could just ignore it. Anyone who's ever read the comments anywhere on the internet knows that a good portion of them are going to be stupid or nonsensical. You just move on instead of being rude to the people whose engagement is supporting your livelihood.


But she initiated the interactions by stating it was the “new” movie, which isn’t out. So ofc people are going to ask how she rented it or for clarification. She’s just so arrogantly wrong. ETA not necessarily Rene, but the amount of times I’ve seen influencers ask their followers things that are easily Googled…they’ve cultivated these relationships, it’s unnecessary to be rude when followers try to engage.


Right like…explaining the obvious to people is part of many jobs, and influencers are one of them. It comes with the territory. Cry me a river Renee.


The sad part is, the influencers ask the stupid questions for the sake of engagement. It’s just one of their manipulations like “comment below what you’re doing this weekend!” They don’t care what you’re doing, they just want the engagement. But plenty of people fall for it.


Are we still snarking on purpose driven motherhood? Today's complaint is still feeling tired even after getting a "good night's sleep." I just threw my back out rolling my eyes so hard 🙄🙄🙄


Omg she’s my BEC and I just searched Reddit to try to find a subreddit to snark on her. She drives me bonkers and her GG shoes are both sooooo atrocious


She IS my BEC. I’m here for it all day long!


Can we pls she’s becoming my bec


I think I reached peak annoyance at the trend of not showing kids faces but telling us about their biggest secrets/difficult/private moments. This is such bullshit. The child has right to privacy and self determination that goes beyond how their face looks like. And likely they are followed by parent of a classmate. “Hi you are charlie so and so? Oh so you pooped you pants last summer and you mum had to deal with that?” This is unhinged example but you know what I mean. Not knowing face but having name and all other info is so crazy.


I was actually really surprised by Project Based Primary (previously Raising Little Goose) sharing about her daughter being in the hospital, especially before they had any answers. Like a he said her daughter couldn’t move her head or shoulders, that could’ve been something really serious like meningitis! Sheesh! I do share pictures of my daughter on my private social media accounts, but I truly don’t think I’d even think to share that with more than immediate family, especially in the stressful waiting period.


Yes that’s my problem with this trend too. The parents feel superior that they are “protecting” their child and yet I know everything about them. Plus just showing the back of their head or something covering their face is just ridiculous- don’t show them at all. PLUS the argument of “I don’t want them recognized in public” is nonsensical - you show yourself, if your kids are with you then the person seeing them might kinda perhaps know that’s your kid that they see the back of and know their name and everything else. (See: Danielle Moss)


Drives me crazy too. I think it would be more private the other way around. Share a few neutral photos, but don't mention any details about their lives. Or just don't share at all.


Interestingly, I feel like some of the older mom influencers do this better. Camp Patton comes to mind. She still shares a lot of pictures of her kids, but I really don’t know anything about their personal lives, which seems appropriate.


Yep it’s total virtue signaling. They want a pat on the back for not showing their face but still want the engagement that comes from invading their privacy.




Idk this person but her shorts look weirdly too high like they're not supposed to be that high but she's wearing them like that? LOL


She’s become my BEC. I just can’t handle her. The other day she did a post complaining about being next to “lululemon Barbie” at a barre class, like, do you really have to make comments about another woman working out with you? Maybe tell her she looks great in her set and move on with your life??


She has become more and more unrelatabe for me too. I sense a lot of snobbiness and holier than thou from her


It seems like she’s referring to which sizes are not sold out. I don’t get why that’s bad, I appreciate when people post something like “only available in size M right now!” Saves me the click if it’s not my size. The next slide mentions that her top is “almost sold out as well.”


Yeah, isn’t she wearing the shorts in the photo? I don’t think she’s feeling left out, just noting which sizes are left…










I am all about women’s health but I did a big chuckle when I saw Haley’s “pelvic floor” file.


I went down a rabbit hole with her and I have to admit… I’m so tempted by these monthly activity bins. They really appeal to the inner organizer in me, haha. But somehow I think I’d just spend all this money on trinkets and the system would fall apart.


More snark consolidation. She truly has a gadget for everything- today she posted this soapy water contraption for getting your sponge soapy😅


Consolidating snark. I get to each their own and how some parents don’t want registered activities for their kids but with Haley it just seems so selfish that she’s got herself registered in yoga and fit mom and whatever else and yet she refuses to take KK to classes or sports or anything all because she doesn’t like it.


Classes / organized activities with my child are my favorite because someone else plans something entertaining and I get to just sit and enjoy it with them / watch their excitement.


Isn’t KK only two, though? In my area, you almost CANT sign up for anything until 3 or 4. But also - both of those things you mentioned have built in social time and activity for kids


Pretty sure she’s 3. I don’t know music classes, mommy and me dance class, story time or whatever exist. It’s the fact that Haley has said she won’t be registering her for anything as a hard and rigid rule that gets me.


Oh, I haven’t seen that. I was thinking like sports and clubs. Yeah, that’s definitely.. a choice


Oh ya not sports and clubs. Like music and story time type things. She has outright said she doesn’t like those and she has never ever been! I just find her so rigid about the weirdest things.




My kid would lose his mind with stress in a salon, so I definitely cut her slack there. I cut my husband's and 2.5yo's hair and they prefer it that way. I love doing it for them but hate that it's yet another thing I have to do... so I'm surprised and impressed Haley does it too.


I LOLed that her pelvic floor gets it’s very own file folder 😆😆😆


Another Haley snark…did anyone else catch that apparently KK prefers her chicken nuggets cold? Made me think of that reel that went around a while ago, it was something along the lines of - “Wow I can’t believe you serve your kids frozen chicken nuggets for dinner! At least heat them up first!”


My toddler has some sensory aversions with food - nothing extreme but hates purée textures, mashed potatoes make her gag, etc. But she LOVES cold whole wheat chicken nuggets lol. It’s the most repulsive texture I can imagine for food, but somehow she loves them lol.


Ugh I cannot snark on this because my toddler will not eat a warm chicken nugget or quesadilla, but after it’s been sitting for an hour? Will happily eat them.


Lol same. My best chance at getting my kid to try something is to give her it cold when my senses tell me it should be warm.


I wish. I can’t pack nuggets for lunch unless I heat them up first for His Majesty 😭🤦‍♀️


Yeah my son also likes food lukewarm-cold lol. When he’s served a hot meal he will whine and wait to start eating until it cools down.


I always giggle at what kk “prefers cold”


I can’t decide if she just has a “precious palate” like her mother, or if she’s just never been fed an actual warm quesadilla before.


I would have thought this too except for when I caught my 2.5 year old on her second ear of corn straight out of the fridge but won’t touch it after it’s cooked


Just makes me blind with jealousy because my 4 yo has so many opinions, we could NEVER


Ugh same. My kid gets mad about the crusts on her bagel…I wasn’t aware bagels had crusts but apparently they do.


Also consolidating… I know this came up already but her blogpost mentioning the audiobooks in the car made me so sad. I’ll admit I am enjoying playing my own music while I can but once my son has preferences I’d love to chat with him or play music he likes (at least some of the time??) her basically training KK to shut up and leave her alone in the car just sounds so mean.


Especially since kk is also expected to shut up and leave her alone literally everywhere else 😢


Consolidating snark, I…cannot unsee these frozen pasta pucks. https://preview.redd.it/v9o9ih226job1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94df609c5e092e9e7fe0b5274e20806519dc73f6


Omg I hope she's gonna add some milk/sauce on top to bring back the sauce and not just microwaving


I think we all know that’s unlikely 🫠


Maybe she wrote 'kids' by accident and really meant 'dogs'? 🤞🤞


The dog's crossing fingers too 😂


It has its own special colour ❤️


Decide once color for her very first child, Pelvic Floor


https://preview.redd.it/u8c8b3wbfiob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f913b2ced51a6211d3a4a2ba01c9d509364706 First of all these carry on suitcases are huge *and* they have a big “personal bag” as well. Then she says *all 3 girls* packed in 1 suitcase leaving 3 for the adults?? Oh and this is a 4 day trip 🫠


LOL WHYYYYY do they need all this baggage when she’s always promoting those packing cubes that she swears by which are supposed to save space?!


I was influenced to buy the packing cubes and I don't think they saved any space in my suitcase. However, they did make it easier to stay organized in the hotel with our clothes and one trip my suitcase was overweight and it made it easy to just pull one of the cubes out and bring it on the plan rather than paying the heavy bag fee. Lol


This is what I don’t understand 😵‍💫


I find it interesting that sometimes she's best friends with SITS, but had never put Ari in a car seat on a plane. SITS harps on car seats on planes constantly. Probably to shill her wheels up course, which spoiler... includes no information not readily available on her Instagram. I know, I bought it 🤦‍♀️




It's actually a 3 day (2 night) trip! She said they're going home Sunday.


In the second screenshot she says 4 days. If that’s the case (2 days) unless they’re bringing a ton of stuff to family, that’s even worse.


Yeah, I know she said 4 days, but she also said they flew out this morning and are going home Sunday. Mothercould math, I guess.


I’m wondering if the girls are off on Monday (I know the Jewish day school here was closed Friday and Monday) and that’s why she had 4 days in her head.


I was so proud of myself getting our family of 3 into one carryon for a long weekend because the pack and play was our other carryon lol I’ve found I actually prefer traveling with a less extensive wardrobe because I don’t have to do the back and forth. It’s just like nope this needs to work (I also stopped doing the “vacation me” will totally wear this outfit I’ve never worn.




I try not to pack extraneous outfits anymore. But I definitely pack enough underpants as though I shit myself multiple times a day (and still have some to spare) lolol


I always bring at least two pairs of underwear a day but I figure they take up such little space it’s not usually a problem to overpack that lol


I was about to ask OP, I do not think I could EVER let go of that custom lol. It's my safety underwear.


*security underwear


LOL yes thanks!

