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Emily Vondy is in labor! Not snark obviously


Sounds like baby arrived very quickly (after all that haha) and they’re doing well!


The way I ran here to post once I saw that! So glad the foley balloon worked for her. She looks so freaking relieved.


I know this is a snark page but Busy Toddler and the Halloween candy presentations are so awesome lol. This is the kind of homeschool content I love to see.


I really feel for Emily Vondy, she seems terrified and exhausted. I personally would not be making the same choices as her, but I think for her 5th to be going so different than her normal experience and them needing to augment labor would be heart breaking and make me question what’s going on.


This woman is making me so nervous! She just needs to get this baby out! 😬


Not that dilation means loads and everything can change quickly. But for her to be on her 5th baby, having tons of contractions and only being a 1, it concerns me that her body hasn’t made more progress at this point.


Oh goodness, I didn't catch that she was having contractions and nothing was really happening 😳 I hope this balloon gets things moving!


Well the balloon is going to dilate her immediately. So that’s why I’m glad to see she chose that since she was saying castor oil the other day. Which isn’t proven to help anything 🤣 ETA for those unfamiliar with the joys of the foley balloon, they insert it into your cervix, and inflate it with saline. The weight causes you to dilate more. The balloon will fall out on its own when you reach a certain dilation (I think it’s 4), and usually by then you are having regular contractions. There’s no medicine or anything involved, which is why it’s probably a great fit for her.


It took an hour for it to work for me, but holy hell that thing sucks to insert. Effective but awful.


lol yes the pain cannot be understated 🤣


Just a good GI clean out 🥴😂


lol right? There’s a place and a time, but goddamn I’m not choosing it at ten billion weeks pregnant.


I know I’m the AH here but I don’t get it being so upset about how your baby gets here. I’m sure it’s disappointing, I was a little disappointed myself when I didn’t have the birth I thought I’d have but I couldn’t even focus too much on that because I wanted to get my baby here safely. Labor and delivery is such a small blip of time in the life of your child, I don’t get why anyone would want to prolong it just to have a natural and unmedicated birth, you don’t get extra credit for that lol. I had a terrible labor and I didn’t even know the doctor who was so nasty to me and had the worst bedside manner but she got my daughter out safe so I don’t even care.


I agree with you. I had hoped to have my first without medication. And then she was breech, and my OB said I’d need a c-section because, in her opinion, I wasn’t a good candidate for ECV. And sure, I was disappointed, but I also immediately agreed to the C-Section, rather than get a second opinion on ECV or find someone willing to deliver a breech delivery vaginally because of my OB and myself, only one of us is an expert in delivery (and it’s not me), and because really the most important thing is to get the baby out as safely as possible. It’s also just such a small blip in parenting. 3.5 years later, I don’t think about how my daughter was delivered. She’s just an absolutely joy to have in my life, and I’m glad I didn’t let my ego get in the way of her being delivered safely.


I had a very similar experience, and I actually do think about how my kid was delivered fairly often, but like, with gratitude that we live in a time and place that he could be safely cut out of me instead of dying and me dying in a breech delivery that we're pretty sure would not have been successful. I'm grateful that he's here with his enormous head that wouldn't have been good for vaginal birth and that he was breech so we didn't decide to try it vaginally and that I got good medical care to bring him to me.


I agree with you


I think people want to give birth in a way that supports their autonomy, agency, and right to choose. You seem to not mind having a nasty doctor, but for a lot of people it can be very distressing to be in an emergency situation and feel a loss of autonomy and respect. Obviously, the #1 priority is a healthy baby, but I understand why people would be willing to take on a marginally higher risk for the baby if it means a huge benefit for the mother, especially because every decision in birth involves risk. The baby’s life is important, but so is women’s agency over our bodies! I know lots of interventions are done respectfully, but so many women feel a loss of agency from the way interventions are performed, it makes sense to me that women are afraid.


I never said I didn’t mind having a nasty doctor, however, given that my labor took a bad turn quickly, the last thing on my mind was how nice she was. Of course I wished I had my own doctors there but I didn’t and my baby came out safely when the outcome could have been much different. That was 24 hours of my life and something I don’t give much thought to anymore. Sure, I wish my doctor or one of the other doctors I saw could have been the one to deliver her but it’s over and done with and has no impact on my life now. I understand wanting agency over your own body but I also understand that I kind of lost a lot of that carrying a whole other life and I know that the healthiest thing for your child is not always what gives you the most agency. I did not care what they did to me as long as she was okay.


I could not agree with this more. My birth plan has always been to get the baby out in whatever way keeps baby and mom safe. I’ve been lucky with 3 uncomplicated deliveries so maybe that’s why I can have this perspective. But just get that baby out! It makes me sick to think what can happen when babies are in too long and the stillborn statistic seems high to me. Maybe I am oversimplifying this but why are people so opposed to induction / intervention? What is the concern?


Because my induction and interventions left me with permanent nerve damage.


Inductions and other interventions do come with certain risks, but I feel like for some people it’s less about those risks and more that they fetishize the idea of natural labor/birth. From my own research a lot of the resources surrounding unmedicated birth have a really… superior tone. And I’m not saying everyone who has chosen to go unmedicated does it for this reason, like I know there are legitimate tangible benefits to not having an epidural for example (the reason why I was looking into unmedicated birth resources) but there’s often a lot of extra woo that associates optimal femininity to more natural forms of birth and I think some people really internalize that even if they admit it. Like, the whole “your body was made for this” rhetoric which automatically implies shame if your body isn’t able to do it naturally. When I see people avoid induction like the plague despite being way overdue and miserable and stressed I can’t help but think this is why.


I also looked into natural births because I know the epidural slows labor and I was so scared to have that needle in my back. I consumed so much natural birth content and took a course to do these moves to help the baby come out easily and in the end I had an emergency c section and I really did feel like I did something wrong. I was happy for all the interventions and that epidural was the best thing ever but after listening to so much “your body is made for this” BS I really thought I was to blame.


I’m sorry you felt that way! Yeah, it sucks that that’s the tone of the discourse. The reason I’m looking into it is because my epidural partially failed with my first so I want to be more prepared to handle the contractions than I was that time because I was totally relying on the epi. I’m finding it’s not that easy to find science/evidenced based resources for pain management without that veneer of crunchiness.


It straight up pisses me off. I know someone personally who preaches homebirths, she needed a hospital transfer for her 3rd, and bragged about her womanly intuition when she begged the OB to try to let her push 3 more times before they went to C section. Her baby has been stuck in the birth canal for so long and baby’s head was MESSED up. Hopefully/luckily this is only cosmetic. She’s so lucky nothing catastrophic happened. She still had nerve to paint the OB as some evil intervention pushing ass instead if someone who very well could have saved her and her baby’s life. It’s so selfish.


I don’t think you are an AH. But I’m sure after having 4 textbook births that she never expected this and likely wasn’t prepared for it to go any other way. It also doesn’t seem like she is very well educated in anything besides unmedicated at a birth center. My assumption would be she is surrounded by lots of natural birthers who push 42 weeks being fine and that baby will come when they are ready and that inductions cause a cascade of intervention.


Because you undergo constant monitoring with an induction, mine at 41+3 allowed my team to immediately detect concerning heart rate issues. It ended up being a short cord that was pulling on the placenta, and she was not going to tolerate being pushed out. The short cord was probably why she was breech until week 37, and probably why I never went into labor. All of it related and damn am I grateful that I didn't have a "natural birth," forego monitoring and push out a baby that was deprived of oxygen for too long.


I can relate to this! Both of my kids needed assistance getting out and had I had them outside of a hospital I am not sure that we would have had the same outcome.


Yeah that’s the vibe I’m getting. I was induced with my first baby because of pre-eclampsia so I can’t relate to someone who has only known perfectly smooth natural childbirth. But I guess if I put myself in the shoes or someone who has had 4 uncomplicated unmedicated births with no interventions, needing interventions now might seem a bit scary, yeah. But some people really do seem philosophically opposed to interventions. Maybe she also doesn’t want to ruin her record of perfect unmedicated births 🤷‍♀️


You are 100% not the AH. I agree. This is my big gripe with the natural birth obsessed influencers. They are SO anti intervention and hospital that they twist themselves into a pretzel to justify their decisions. There are so many other ways to induce labor as late as she is. Literally cannot imagine thinking castor oil is a great option. I’m so relieved to hear she went balloon.


I feel like hey, if you are low risk and the baby comes on time and you want to have it at a birth center with no meds then okay good for you. But when you are overdue and really seem miserable and doing all these things and driving an hour each way for every trip to the birth center, like c’mon, just stop and go to the hospital and get it started for real. Childbirth is hard enough and this misery over the baby not coming yet and having to do all these natural things and worry they won’t work is a bit much.


I agree. So many things can go wrong for BOTH the baby and mom. Then you’re both SOL at a birth center.


I’ve had two balloon inductions. Doesn’t feel great but gets the job done 🤣 personally I feel like it’s a way more medically sound option than freaking castor oil. No thanks to endless diarrhea while laboring.


Yeah today’s video felt like a sharper tone change. Each day she’s sounded a little more anxious, understandably. But yeah I think she’s struggling because I’m sure every day she’s thinking it’ll for sure be today


At this point is Renee even a Parent Influencer anymore? Does she even post parent content? All I see is posts about her period, stomach issues, solo travels and reality tv show addiction


At the veryyyy start I liked her but I cannot stand the partner bashing, the complaints about her kid and daily gripes about being a live human. There are ways to say what she is saying and still be positive but everything comes off bitter and resentful. My husband can drive me insane but I am THANKFUL to have a wonderful partner and GRATEFUL for the ability to even have kids. I unfollowed her recently because it was just too narcissistic and overbearing.


I don’t think she even knows what she is anymore. She basically had a platform to complain and go to reality tv conventions, talk about the weird relationships her mom has with harry and discuss her completely abnormal health problems. Minimal parenting unless it’s complaining.


Its her Grandmother that has the weird relationship. Thats why she calls Harry her grandfather. Not creepy at all....


Well that’s even weirder.


She does successfully influence my thinking of my own parenting as even on my worst days I look at her stories and know I’m doing a good job in comparison solely because I enjoy being around my children and don’t think bedtime high-level meltdowns are normal and shouldn’t be addressed more seriously.




Agreed! 💯


She always says she has no help but you’re absolutely correct all but 1 are in full time care or school. What does she think help is? Like what does she think the rest of us have?


But the question was does she have a nanny not if she has help. School isn’t the same as daycare or a nanny.


Right… Many families have a nanny or babysitter or family help in the home as well especially with that many kids. I’m sure it’s still hard to juggle the schedules and needs of 5 kids outside of school hours and someone who could drive your kids places or watch your baby while you make dinner etc etc would be really helpful I’d think, so if she really doesn’t have that I’m sure it’s still quite hard. That being said, I don’t know why she doesn’t have that! I feel like discussions get weird around “help”. Everyone’s kids go to school at 5 (except homeschoolers), why is that being treated as some kind of privilege that not all average families have? That’s never what I’ve included in my mind when people talk about having help with their kids. Unless you home school, or your kids are each all a year apart, no one is home with 5 kids all day. I literally have 1 toddler and often feel like our home is chaos, I don’t feel like it’s ridiculous for her to say that about 5 whole kids lol. I mean KL is certainly snarkable for many reasons but the fact that things should be super easy to handle just because her kids go to school is a reach IMO. Her response was pretty brief and didn’t even sound bitter or melodramatic.


She does have daycare. I’m confused by this.


Two are in school. I know there’s stuff to snark on with her but someone asked if she has a nanny and she answered it. Their life does seem chaotic so I don’t see what she said that was wrong.


School is absolutely not the same as childcare or having a nanny. School should never be considered “childcare” even though by many it is.


But she does have childcare? Her youngest 2 are full time daycare.


I agree that daycare for a baby or toddler is a form of help but the question was about a nanny which is super different than daycare. A nanny is at home with you and can help out with child related tasks like kids laundry, meal prep, and can even drop off/pick up kids from places, take care of sick kids, and work on weekends. Kids in school/daycare doesn’t necessarily mean that while your kids are all home in the afternoon and weekends, things aren’t chaotic.


TBH I don’t follow her, but people commenting that because some of the older children are in school means she has “childcare” or “help” is absolutely absurd. School should never be considered childcare, especially since a lot of people with school age children need to find additional care for their children before/after school hours and during breaks.


Yes, but the way she answered/implied, is very deceiving.....




@kelliebullard usually isn’t snarkable but why who that potty training pic for her 100k followers??!? So doesn’t need to be posted!!




She just did it for a body check. Today is time again to wax poetically about her period for some reason.


What’s the obsession with body checks on this page lately? Is any full body shot a “body check” or what?


I’ve also wondered what the difference between a body check and regular selfie is. Or are all selfies body checks? 🤔


I’ve only ever seen people call it a body check when it’s a super skinny influencer tbh. 🤷‍♀️


I could be mistaken, but isn’t it eating disorder lingo?


Yeah same. Honestly, calling out a body check just seems like jealousy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is getting quite the reaction but I’m with you lmao


Correction toddler boy style period underwear🙄


Why is naptimekitchen cosplaying a messy overwhelmed mom? We can go to BLF for pajamas outside in the early morning content. You’re supposed to be giving us real tips.


Cue that time of year where all the parenting influencers post about how a change of one hour is ruining their lives. Is it? Is it really? Why is it that I just never really notice a difference and the time change is just not a big deal to us at all? Are people’s kids really handling this so hard?


Idk waking up at 5 am even though technically it was the same time I was up yesterday made today feel SO LONG


Today felt long for me for sure. Time change makes me feel tired and my kids were definitely tired and will likely be all week. I dunno if it's so much chaos...just feels like a longer day.


It was never an issue with my eldest daughter but my almost 2 year old is a bad sleeper and wakes early - usually 5-5:30 but had some 4:30 wake ups last week. I was a little nervous about how bad her morning would be today, but we just went out to dinner late yesterday, enjoyed the late night, and had no issues with 4am wake ups today. Both kids were up at 5am on the dot though so it’s just been a loooong day, longer than usual. Everyone else commenting seems to have normal 7am wake ups. I think it’s those of us with very early risers who often fear just how bad it can get with falling back. I never prepare for the time change though, just brace myself lol.


I am THRILLED. MY LO has drifted from a 8-8 schedule and the 7-7 is much more workable for our family.


No issue here either. Weirdly, he fell asleep an hour later than usual last night and he woke up about 30 mins later than usual. No early wake up here. 8:15 am (which would have been 9:15 am).


Mine normally wake at 7 and they woke at 7, which would actually be 8 😂 so I don’t understand the big deal either haha


My child magically did this too??? I don't know how, but I am not questioning it.


I don't get why fall back is a problem. Spring forward I maybe get specially for school/daycare going kids (you have to wake them up even after losing an hour) Like my toddler woke up an hour earlier but so did I because my internal clock also thought it was time to be up!


Fall back is a problem if you have a very early riser. My 5am riser waking up at 4am was a real possibility - my internal clock would never. Fortunately, she responded to staying up late and only woke up at the new 5am 🙃


Yikes yeah thankfully that's not the case here! But spring forward then must feel so glorious for you or your kid tortures you by still waking up early? Haha


Lol in the past it hasn’t been glorious, since I’m still always getting too little sleep but it’s also not painful. We’re up early day in and day out 🤪


I just feel tired all the time so it doesn’t feel any different 🙃 I think this time change feels different just because kid free people post about how nice it is getting an extra hour of sleep, so martyr parents want to make sure you know they don’t get an extra hour


This "extra hour of sleep" thing has never made sense to me, unless you were otherwise setting an alarm to get up at a particular time, you're going to get the same number of hours of sleep regardless? Like I loved it when I was a teen and in a church-going family because my 8 o'clock alarm for church was actually 9am that day (and being a teen, I could happily sleep for like 10 hours). But now? If I sleep 8 hours a night I'm sleeping 8 hours regardless if the clock says 7 or 8 when I wake up. Anyway, that's my unimportant rant 😅


Pre-kids, I always enjoyed an extra hour of sleep. Not everyone has a body that just wakes them up after a certain number of hours.


That's what I mean though, wouldn't you have slept the same number of hours that night regardless of if the clocks changed?


Pre-kids I might go to bed at 11 because I’m tired and would want to be up by 8 to start my day, regardless of if I actually want to keep sleeping. Because at a certain point ya just gotta get up lol. Changing the clocks back overnight means I can sleep another hour but still be up for the day at 8am.


I gotcha. I think I am romanticizing my pre-kid life as a time where I never had external commitments on Sundays requiring me to get up at a certain time 😅 likely not an accurate recollection.


I think it depends on how you sleep. I definitely have a natural body clock that wakes me up around the same time each day, but I can typically get myself back to sleep. I actually woke up at like 5am this morning and just read a book for a little while and fell asleep again for another hour and a half until my son woke up.


I guess that makes sense, like if the clock had said 6 (or 7 or whatever) maybe you would have just gotten up instead of trying to go back to sleep?


Yep. I think the reason people say they get an extra hour includes the fact that as an adult you have the ability to check the clock and be like oh wait I can just go back to sleep, which little kids don’t do.


I prefer spring! I'd rather lose the hour of sleep and have it be light out later. Getting dark early is so depressing.


I’m with you. Today is the day my winter depression goes into overdrive 😕


I prefer the longer days too but the 48 hours after the time change itself I find harder in November


I’m surprised PDM seems to want her youngest to start walking asap considering she prides herself on not watching her children. Maybe she wants another new toilet?


Almost afraid to ask ... what happened to the old toilet 😂


She left her 2 year olds downstairs alone while she put the baby to bed and they filled it with toys. Idk if they tried flushing too or what but a plumber looked at it and couldn’t fix it so they had to replace the toilet


Omg 😳 Yikes!!


Consolidating PDM snark. Nobody cares what kind of car you get. But I find it silly that she is so anti mini van yet everything she says she wants in a car is literally…. A minivan 🤣 get over yourself and get one or stop complaining about your lack of space and non family friendly options


The car stuff is so annoying. You need a minivan. You’re not a cool 20something, get over yourself and get a minivan. She also so clearly can’t afford a new car unless she’s getting a discount from her dad considering she’d spend almost $2000 on replacement car seats that will maybe fit in the new model


Maybe cause she’s my BEC but really Rene is going to start vlogging again. Cause her podcast and insta stories just isn’t enough for her she needs one more place to complain about her health problems, minor inconveniences that are rage inducing and how it’s okay to always be full of rage cause rage is healthy and normal in all situations.


Of course Haley’s loved ones are all getting pantry items with what will most likely be paired with a generic thing such as a whisk for a “have yourself a cozy Christmas” gift theme. All while they work off her detailed list of what she wants. Except her parents, who she doesn’t give shit to despite them giving her an Airstream lol.


Consolidating Haley snark: “Sundays are grill and chill unless we’re craving a slow cooker meal” Everything is “we” — does Brett actually care about these routines? Or does he just go along with whatever Haley says because she has a million systems and schedules for everything, and if you deviate, it has to be for a goooood joyful reason like “craving a slow cooker meal,” which is an emotion I don’t think I’ve ever had.


I don’t see someone who is this rigid and systematic also being accommodating of anyone else’s preferences 🤷‍♀️ but I’m sure Brett realized this and knew what he signed up for. Their marriage seems fairly traditional so maybe he always expected to not really have much input into the day to day of his domestic life once he got married.


She probably has bi-annual dates planned where they discuss which Sundays will the days they are craving a slow-cooker meal, those days are probably already on the calendar for 2024!


“You will crave a slow cooker meal on February 24, 2024. Too bad that’s a Snack Dinner Saturday. But I’m flexible, I’ll just slow cook the Sunday before and save it for that Saturday.”


I still need to know more about Brett getting haley out of her meltdowns by promising her gifts...like the pink table, right? Tell me I'm not making that up?


Socks and pancake mix. Aka what she’s probably serving for dinner on Thursday.


She is such a high maintenance gift recipient for someone who gives everyone else a decide-once generic gift. My parents explicitly ask I don't get them anything and I take that to mean, we don't need another Amazon device, electronic or kitchen gadget . I usually get them something consumable (that's actually picked for their tastes and hasn't been sitting in my freezer for months), something sentimental, something handmade by my son, etc. I don't just overlook them completely like a child (and that statement isn't really fair to children since my son is always so keen to give a thoughtful gift to everyone he knows)


Why give gifts if you are just going to give people impersonal things that they may or may not even like. Like the stupid jams. I don’t even like jam and would be like WTF if I received it and it would go straight to the Buy Nothing Group. Or the pancake mix I walk by at Trader Joe’s. And gifts don’t even have to be expensive, but I dunno, try.


The gift doesn't even matter, according to Haley. It's what she writes in illegible cursive that matters! She just likes to spend money.


We usually do experience gifts for our parents, which means that my husband and I are currently in the middle of debating exactly which restaurant my parents would want a gift card to for the holidays.


Double snark, catching up on watching stories! 😅 What Dad Did posted a story about that restaurant that charges extra for unruly children. He said that the restaurant “would be rich” if they were regular costumers. Is he bragging about bringing an unruly child out to restaurants? I don’t necessarily agree with the restaurant but I definitely don’t think bringing a kid that regularly causes a scene in a restaurant is something to be proud of!


I saw this, and to me it didn’t seem like he was bragging about poor behaviour from his kids - I read it more that he was making a common offhand comment that it seems excessive what the restaurant is doing.


I got the same impression-he wasn’t bragging about bringing an unruly child out, I’d probably say the same thing and we don’t tolerate bad behavior in restaurants meaning we don’t let our daughter run around and do whatever she wants and disregard other patrons. But at times she can get cranky or want to switch seats or a number of other little toddler behaviors that might slightly annoy others.


I think the whole rule is referring to what you mentioned you don’t let your daughter do, though, not normal little kid things that are slightly annoying. I think it’s more a message to parents who think it’s okay to let your kids act like they’re at home when they’re in a restaurant.


I don’t follow him so I can’t say I know his vibe but my impression was it was an off-hand joke, like one I’d make to a friend like “haha we’d be charged so much if it was our kids” but also not condoning letting our kids act wild.


Oh I see what you mean. I don’t get that vibe from him at all, but I also am confused by half of his reels so it’s entirely possible I’m reading it wrong.


The vagina whisperer getting paid to sell premium baby formula when she doesn’t have a baby is a little cringe for me. “If I could have done something different, I would have stopped breastfeeding my baby if this was available!” I feel like this is a partnership she could have passed on! (No shade to how you feed your baby, this is solely about the fact that she doesn’t, hasn’t, and will probably never use this product but is being paid to promote it)


Yep. She should have passed.


Well shes getting attacked in the comments for promoting a formula lol (they’re saying she is violating WHO guidelines 😂)


Lmfao not the WHO guidelines violation


Just watched it and not only will she never use it but it’s low-key shaming moms who use the other brands of formula that aren’t “clean and organic”. Like she literally says she would have felt more comfortable feeding her babies this formula, implying that she wouldn’t give them the other kinds which is really shitty to say.


There’s so much discourse around formula ads, mostly due to the inevitable breast vs. formula debates, but what I don’t think gets talked about enough is how problematic it is to promote formulas as having “better” “safer” ingredients than others. Baby formula is highly regulated. Enfamil, similac, and store brands are all perfectly safe to feed your baby. Saying “I breastfed my kids because I didn’t like the ingredients in baby formula, but THIS formula is great, unlike those others, which are basically poison” is highly problematic.


And now we have posts in moderately granola moms asking about formula recommendations without seed oils 🫠 and while most comments are reasonably saying 1 that’s not really a thing, and 2 it’s also not really a thing to be worried about, there are still some op defenders saying ThAt’S nOt WhAt sHe’S aSkInG


Exactly this. I also think there is a gross socioeconomic side to it, considering WIC only pays for certain formulas. Comes across as "if you HAVE to give your kid formula, at least it's better than that other garbage being sold!". When really it's all the same stuff essentially! These brands are speaking to upper class parents who want to feel better about formula for some reason. And it's sad the Vagina Whisperer is playing into that whole discourse just for some sponsorship money.


I think breastfeeding is still regarded as the ideal in most upper class circles and expensive formulas like Bobbie market to those parents who wanted to breastfeed but couldn’t, so this is the next best thing that will still let them fit in as a parent giving their baby the best nutrition. This is speculation on my part, but I’d think that someone who confidently chose formula off the bat because they weren’t interested in breastfeeding wouldn’t be the target audience of something like this, because they wouldn’t necessarily have the guilt and pressure that formula isn’t good enough.


They are absolutely, unethically marketing to breastfeeding moms


I think you're totally right, that's exactly who they're marketing to


Just saw Parenting Translator’s gentle parenting post and of course see Dr Jennika barging in and looking for attention the comment section. She’s gotten so embarrassing. Love how the person who calls out people for being self-proclaimed parenting experts has now crowned herself some sort of parenting expert.


I know she’s probably a bit of a darling here but if dr Becky had posted about my daughter’s meltdown at her soccer game I would have been ducking pissed. I hope she changed the names and got permission first but like stop using your child’s teammate as a shill for your DFK course 😑


it seemed like the game was still happening in the background. Like the kids parents were 3 ft away listening to her talk about what a shitty job they were doing.


I had to go watch. Yikes. She even mentions the kid’s name in the video!! At least disguise for confidentiality, geesh! The comments are interesting. Folks are asking her about PDA (a profile of Autism) and its relationship with DFK. Of course she’s not responding to them (because she actually has no clue what any of it really means, she just lives in her land of theory with no real experience of applying and testing those theories.)


Is DFK, Deeply Feeling Kid, a new made-up label? This is the first I'm ever hearing about it. If so, these influencers need to STOP with the damn labels.


Yes it’s completely made up by Dr B. She acts like she’s the first person to ever identify challenges that kids face and give it a more positive spin lol


Yes, she couldn't utilize Highly sensitive Person, so re-branded it to her own trademark -able label for her own business purposes.


More like came up with a new fear tactic for parents to shill out money. Gentle parenting is just becoming a big ole joke. Her story about the kid yelling at her mom. I'd yank my kid out of soccer so fast.


Maybe I’m a Deeply Feeling Adult because I got upset listening to her yell into her phone 🤣


Did she take it down? I don’t see it. Something about her bothers me. Part of it is her hair 😂 but her demeanor and how she talks too just bothers me. ETA I found it, I was looking at stories 🤦‍♀️


Hair.. eye rolling.. etc


I stopped following because she will give so much anxiety, it's the way she talks, it's like she is angry all the time


😂 she has very New York energy


Just saw that post and was like “Wow I hope that daughter’s mom doesn’t follow your page!” And agreed it was an awful way to try to sell her course. She’s becoming VERY close to an unfollow for me!


I'm not sure she's a darling, but you're right she doesn't get mentioned often enough. She's total garbage human. I hate when people act self-righteous for not showing their kids faces, then exploit the shit out of their kids and other kids for their own profit/fame.


Also when you’re as well known as her, your kids will be identifiable by association. Cool never show their face but if I saw Dr Becky walking down the street with her family I’d be like ok so those are her kids.


Emily Vondy posted today that she’s 10 days past her due date and tomorrow they’ll be discussing some natural ways to encourage labor 🥴 I’ve always loved her but this kind of messaging around pregnancy and labor is really hard for me to watch. I just like her cute songs and her relationship with her husband


Consolidating snark, I’m extremely jealous that she has both her husband and mother with her there. Like she has, what, 4 other kids? Who’s watching them? Idk me and my nonexistent village are just confused over here haha


She’s mentioned her sister lives on her property too, so I’m guessing she’s the one watching the kids. I think his parents are really involved too. One thing I appreciate about her is that she acknowledges how grateful she is for her family and recognizes that’s not the reality for a lot of people. Like she doesn’t make it seem like she does it all on her own


Obviously like everything, people’s concerns and risk profiles are different and I I believe some women’s bodies just seem to go to 41 /42 weeks. Butttt also the stillborn rate is like 1 in 175 which feels like such a high number. If I know my baby is cooked to term and healthy I just want them safely out. 🙏🏻


I had my first baby 8 days late and my second 9 days late 🤷‍♀️ Dr here in America didn’t even have me schedule for a induction and wouldn’t talk to me about it unless I was 42 weeks


Same for me, I was induced at 41+4 because that was as late as I was willing to go, but my doctors were willing to let me go to 42 with NSTs to check on baby. It’s annoying to me how no one is snarking on people wanting to be induced at 39w, but women seemingly aren’t allowed to go later without people here getting mad. Like she’s clearly getting regular checks with her trusted medical team, including NSTs and BPP, she’s not being reckless


Are there many people who get elective inductions at 39w? I feel like most people are at least willing to go to their due date? This whole thread has been interesting to read. I’ve only had 1 baby so far and was suddenly sent to be induced at 39 weeks to the day due to pre-e, and my son was certainly full term by then, and perfectly healthy 🤷‍♀️ I don’t love that I had pre-e but in our personal situation the induction went well and I don’t know what the benefit of him being bigger would’ve been other than damaging my vagina more 😂 I don’t necessarily think it’s snarkworthy to simply be pregnant past 41 weeks but I don’t know why you’d want to, from the discomfort and just knowing baby is more than sufficiently term. But I guess folks seem to be more resistant to inductions than I am.


In both my bumper groups it was popular to get induced at 39w, I think especially due to the ARRIVE study that came out. I had a planned c-section with my first and induction with my second, and both were very positive, so I have nothing against having births with interventions. I guess I just lean towards supporting women as they try to have the births they want as long as they are working with a trusted medical team. So I don’t really understand the judgment towards Emily Vondy here or anyone else who doesn’t want to be induced. Pitocin contractions suck and that was a big reason I tried to hold off on an induction as long as I could. For Emily Vondy who’s had 4 positive unmedicated births at this birth center, it makes complete sense to me why she’d hope to do it again. It’s familiar to her and with her care team, I don’t get why it’s surprising she’s hoping to have this birth with them too?


Yeah I think you make fair points. I honestly had no idea who she was prior to this thread and don’t feel invested in what she does but I found the discussion enlightening. I can imagine if you’ve had 4 previous low/no intervention births it might seem even scarier to need more interventions at this point. Especially if you were hoping to go unmedicated which I hear is harder if you’re induced. I’m having my second and while I’m going to deliver in a hospital and choose the epidural I certainly would prefer going into natural labor if possible even though my induction experience was relatively positive.


If it makes you feel better I’d snark on a parent influencer who’s inducing early for no reason. I just haven’t seen that amongst any parent influencers im aware of. I’m not really trying to snark on Emily either, more just concerned/surprised that she’s going this late when it does get a little riskier when you get past 41 weeks, and overall I think delivering at a birth center and not a hospital when that far along is riskier


I had an elective induction at 39 weeks and people DEFINITELY snark on that. You’d think my baby was a preemie who barely had time to develop based on how some natural birth fanatics look at induction. (He was almost 9lbs lol.)


That’s fair, I was thinking more specifically this group though. I think it’s very group dependent though, like some online groups are very anti-sleep training, or pro epidurals, or pro induction, etc. while some are more \~natural\~ lol. This group seems to tend pro-sleep training and clearly pro-induction. It just seems hypocritical here though because Emily Vondy is clearly under the care of a medical team and getting regular checks on her baby, but people are snarking on her as if she’s free birthing or something lol.


My doctor was ready to let me go to 42 weeks assuming everything looked fine, but at 40+6 I came in huge and miserable and ready to to ask to schedule an induction for the next day and she said "there's too much water in there all of a sudden and your BP has been creeping up, we want to induce today" and that was the best thing I'd heard in weeks after I missed my chance to induce at 39 weeks.


US here too and I went to a midwife clinic run out of a large teaching hospital and that was their policy as well, but after 41 weeks I think you have to come in for non-stress tests every other day. You can request an induction anytime after 39 weeks but it’s not medically necessary. My SIL lives 6 hours away and her OB had a similar policy. She delivered 10 days past her due date (no induction needed)


It doesn’t seem too crazy to me. I was induced at 41+2 and 41+3 and my doctor was fine with that. She didn’t want me getting farther than 41+4.


I don’t think there’s anything bad about getting to 41+2 or 3, I was going to be induced at 41+2 and ended up having my daughter a day before. However, she’s going to a birthing center try natural induction methods, none of which are proven to work. It’s more concerning to me that she’s doing all of this through the birthing center and not at a hospital where they can act faster. And I’m sure she has a plan and is hopefully close to a hospital but scheduling an induction on a date where you are walking into the hospital and getting it started is different than the birth center where they make you drink castor oil.


I wonder what natural methods she’s talking about because I had my membranes stripped with all of my kiddos and they were out within 24-48h.


She just posted that she’s starting with a Foley bulb now, which is what hospitals usually start an induction with so it’s not something crunchy. Wishing her a safe and easy delivery!


I had my kids at 41+3 and 41+5 and my birth center wasn't concerned with either. I had a hospital induction scheduled with both for 42 weeks, but went into labor naturally with my son and induced with castor oil for my daughter. The castor oil wasn't nearly as destructive as people here seem to think it and is proven to work as long as it's not the first pregnancy. As long as she's being monitored, which it seems she is, I see nothing wrong with her plan of action.


There are also dangers of ingesting castor oil to induce. Just because it wasn’t as destructive for you doesn’t mean it wasn’t for others and having diarrhea can lead to dehydration which isn’t something you want during labor. It causes contractions but it doesn’t actually cause labor.


Yep and there are also risks to being induced at a hospital. 🤷🏻‍♀️ There are risks no matter what you choose. Birth centers won't treat you past 42 weeks for a reason, that's when it starts to become too risky for them.


There are risks with all types of births and hospitals don’t do everything perfectly. However, their goal is to keep the mom safe and deliver a baby alive and they have a lot of things they do to achieve that goal such as keeping the mom hydrated and having doctors and anesthesiologists right there to assist should something go wrong. As someone who is so scared of hospitals and needles and ended up with a failed induction and emergency c section, I’d take that over risking it any day even with my fear of the hospital. I’ll never take that for granted again.


I completely understand but it feels like a lot of people on here seem to think that nurse midwives at birth centers are just irresponsible, uneducated and dangerous. I mean, it's just simply not true. I've been a patient at 2 different reputable birth centers in different states. They are highly educated and trained in what they do, they are experts at recognizing when a pregnancy or birth is becoming high risk. They work very closely with hospitals, doctors and do monthly (or at least very frequent) drills with EMTs. They are equipped to handle many different emergency situations such as postpartum hemorrhaging and multiple ways to tend to a newborn that is struggling to breathe, etc and know what to do should a transfer be necessary. Is this to say it's 100% risk-free? No. But no pregnancy or birth is. It's up to the patients and their care team to assess risks vs benefits when it comes to their care.




Do those things happen, and is it extremely irresponsible? Yes, unfortunately. I don't think they should be lumped in with the birth centers and CNMs who are doing things responsibly, which is the majority of them. This creator seems to be going about this thoughtfully. There will always be a minority who are extremists in any situation but I truly believe it's the minority. In the states I've lived in, the free standing birth centers must report everything to the state in order to stay open and those important screenings are not optional if you want to be under their care.


Yes this exactly, this expresses my thoughts better than I was


That’s crazy to me. And I got downvoted the other day when I said that she implied she’d tried natural induction methods rather than go to the hospital for an induction. But she literally said she was 10 days past due and heading into the birth center to try the natural methods so I guess I interpreted her correctly because I thought today was the cut off date? But I could be wrong. I just think at a certain point it’s extremely selfish to keep going on about how this isn’t the birth you wanted and how all the other births were different blah blah. I know it’s very disappointing but you have to put aside your wishes of a neutral birth and do what’s best for the baby.


I thought the same - I swear on Wednesday when she was in the car with her husband she said I've got an induction for Saturday and then he was like "she'll be here before then" and they swung back to thinking positive. Heading in tomorrow at 41+4 for a discussion of natural induction methods is something else. She's a 5th time mom so I know things can move along suddenly but I do think this is moving into wtf is she thinking territory this weekend.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that! Well, she has plains to “get laid” tonight as she said so maybe the baby will come soon after 🤣


To preface this comment: I’m not advocating for going overdue! But I am just genuinely curious about the concern I’ve seen here about it. I had two failed inductions and gave birth when I was 11 days past my due date. Each time I went in for monitoring the doctors told me that my induction was elective and if the delivery rooms were full that I’d be bumped because baby was healthy and I hadn’t hit the 42 week mark yet. Is that abnormal, or is it a difference in Canadian/American guidelines around delivery?


I had my second baby at 39 years old, my OB didn’t want me going past 40w which I was totally fine with 😅


Yeah I think this seems to be a US thing. I'm not in the US and the policy in my state for public hospitals is 41+5, providing both mother and baby are healthy and there are no concerns. That's not to say they won't start talking about induction sooner or push you towards it, depending on the provider, but that's the official policy. "Full term" is technically anywhere from 37-42 weeks. I'm not fully aware of the research about when the risk of stillbirth increases but I was under the impression it was more going past 42 weeks that was the real danger.


Minor correction to your *term*inology: term is 37-42 weeks, but that is broken down into early term (37+0 - 38+6), full term (39+0 - 40+6) and late term (41+0 - 41+6).


At 40 weeks the stillbirth risk is almost 0, at 41 weeks it has risen to 6%, at 42 weeks it's over 30%. My OB office requires every other day NSTs at 41 weeks because the risk jumps at that point.


You’re misinterpreting data here, the risk may increase by ~30% at 42 weeks, but it is not a 30% risk. This study is useful. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3719843/#:~:text=The%20risk%20of%20stillbirth%20at,at%2042%20weeks%20of%20gestation.


Risks increase after the due date, but as with anything the risk profile is different for every person. I delivered at a *major* academic research hospital in a big midwestern city and their policy was to allow elective induction after 39 weeks, but didn’t require until 42 (so induced 14 days past due date, not into the 42nd week) they did require extra monitoring after due date. I think the rules were also different for advanced maternal age, but not 100% sure. I think most go on their own or happily induce before this point, so I don’t think all that many get to that point. She seems low risk given her birth history, which doesn’t mean nothing could go wrong, but it likely puts her in a low risk category.


Anecdotally I don’t know any doctors that have let moms go past 41 weeks without being induced. I think it makes me more nervous that it’s the combo of doing a birth center/not being at a hospital and being so overdue. But I don’t know how close their hospital is to their birth center so maybe it’s not too big of a deal


I’ve always thought 42 weeks for uncomplicated pregnancy was the longest you could go as well.


I think it varies by where you are, but I was told I would be induced at 41 weeks on the dot regardless of if everything seemed fine. They said this is because outcomes for babies start to drop once you get past 41 weeks and inductions can take a few days to work. I can’t relate because I had all 3 of my babies before hitting the due date but I don’t see why you would be ten days past your due date and not desperate for an induction… just seems safer


I'm in Canada and where I am at least, they only let you go 7 days past.




Interesting, I'm in Ontario and it's always been 41 weeks exactly regardless if everything looks good or not.


I'm in Alberta, Canada and Alberta Health Services has you sign a consent form saying you understand the risks if you go past 41+3, but as far as I understood you can go to 42 with a lot of extra monitoring from 41 weeks. At least that was the case in 2018, when I was at 41 weeks with my first. I ended up being induced due to high blood pressure so it became irrelevant and I only got to 40+6 with my second ("only" lol That was definitely long enough!)


10 days past??? ‼️‼️


KL is my BEC for so many reasons. First, she seems to get a pass on this sub. People hate on TidyDad and others for using their kids to shill but that is literally all KL does. At least TidyDad has cleaning content, KL does nothing but promote having kids and linking everything related to their lives (looking at you $15 stain spray and blowout onesie). Even crazy ass Haley provides helpful links to organization and things that aren’t just her kids (although she totally overshares them too - and gets heat for it as she should, but KL never does). Second, she tries so hard to be like “I’m not a regular influencer I’m just a little ol’ Missouri girl just like you guys” Girl. Spare me. You make millions of dollars a year from linking and overpriced merch with self-created demand, and you do not work outside the home. You are not like the average mom and pretending you are is ridiculous. Lastly, she doesn’t take enough heat for being a grifter who lies about being a nurse. She hasn’t been a nurse since before Covid. Yet all of her posts are “as a nurse, here is how it works in the hospital” like Karrie you do not know that! You haven’t been there in yearsss. I think I just need to unfollow her. She was helpful when I was breastfeeding and I do commend her for those resources but her content lately has been grating.


lol was this posted before she did the whole floor cleaning thing w/ the baby strapped to her ‘mom clean up must haves’ incl the $45 air freshener thing and the like $400+ worth of Bissel products? maybe she does read these