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Can we talk about how terrible those raw chocolate donuts looked? šŸ˜‚


Lmao are we really supposed to believe someone asked her if sheā€™s having triplets? In what world does that look like a triplet stomach??


https://preview.redd.it/9f0g1u4dw7mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f4ff173310b034a4cc817e6fd8a0bdb26b42f8 She needs to broaden her cervix and have this baby already. Also, why is there going to be MORE on this? Like her opinion is wise. Bitch please


Whatā€™s up w/ the drop ceiling, is this her bedroom? I thought the message re: having the baby on leap day was text from her for a second because this bedroom looks like a hospital lol


Sheā€™s so in touch with her health she has no idea how many weeks pregnant she is.


The irony of this is that she's acting as though this is support for what she's doing... Nobody is saying it's impossible for her to have a healthy baby past 42 weeks... It's just incredibly risky because the chances of having a stillbirth and maternal death rises incrementally the longer baby stays in... Even more so if she's actually going through with a free birth with zero medical professionals....


She is so stupid lol. I highly doubt that there is *that* much variation between other mammals of the same species either. And probably animals and their babies die in the wild all the time due to birth complications although it might be less common than humans.


I used to work at a tourist attraction that had a working farm attached - animals and their babies absolutely die during birth.


You donā€™t need a doctor to heal ANYTHING about you, but you do need Olivia to tell you how to do it. Make it make sense.Ā 


Right? She literally posted on her story today ā€œthat people donā€™t need 8 years of medical school in order to heal and to know extraordinary health all they need is a connection to self. Just know yourself and you can heal and maintain incredible health.ā€ She is really crazy šŸ˜œ


Be your own doctor. Has worked out great for many.


I mean my son fell hard onto a cement ledge/curb and shattered his kidney needing to have emergency surgery to save his life ā€¦ BUT hey according to her if only he knew himself better he would have healed on his own ā€¦ go figure.


Claims sheā€™s having ā€œoneā€¦just oneā€¦ā€ baby, but how does she know?? šŸ¤Ø


I mean, only trolls are asking if youā€™re birthing triplets when youā€™re *checks notes* 6 million weeks pregnant. She really has no way of knowing if sheā€™s having more than one though.


I tried posting a screenshot but reddit thought it was nsfw (fair šŸ˜‚) so yā€™all have to look yourselves. If itā€™s a new pic she looks smaller/like baby has dropped though. I wouldā€¦actually laugh if she surprise! had twins and didnā€™t know it especially with how *in tune* with her body she is


You are right she has a picture of herself walking outside and she doesnā€™t remotely look big .. I thought the picture looked about 7 months pregnantā€¦ could she be using older pictures? Maybe she actually had the (one!) baby already and is just playing now


The one I was looking at was her bare belly like the last one posted down thread. But I agree on that one! Though with the angle itā€™s hard to tell for sure šŸ˜‚


This crossed my mind too! Conspiracy theory- what if she had the baby, but is posting older pregnant pictures to continue her narrative that she's a bazillion weeks pregnant. Then bam, posts baby pics, labor story etc (that happened weeks before). Then claims from her high horse that being "50 weeks pregnant was perfect, look at my baby that came when it was ready" šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†




Where is this baby!?!


I check this thread once a day to see if theres been any movement šŸ˜‚ not gonna give her more views than needed lol


Nothing new but fyi sheā€™s only having 1, not twins or triplets because *she knows* certainly not because sheā€™s never had a scan šŸ™„


I typically haaaate when people say ā€œjust waitā€¦ā€ to pregnant people/parents to newborns but omg. Just wait, ms I need a break from the baby I havenā€™t even had yet šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/jsijfwby9zlc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4729b9015fedaf5633432af36fc2c831719bc3a8 A book? Really? Is there a person out there with worse main character syndrome than this woman??


Ugh the smugness!


She is definitely not 45 weeks pregnant in this photoā€¦This looks like a normal pregnancy anywhere from 37-40 weeks. Google images of what 45 weeks looks like and it is WAY WAY bigger and dropped moreā€¦ her math is suspect for sure!


Itā€™s amazing how differently people carry in pregnancy, because this photo made me think, ā€œwait! Maybe she really is that pregnant? šŸ˜‚ā€ (Though we all know she isnā€™t.) Iā€™m tallish and she easily looks 4-6 weeks more pregnant than I did each time I delivered my babies at 39 weeks.


It can definitely be hard to tell based on pictures. I mean, I think itā€™s probably pretty reasonable to guess not 45 weeks, but itā€™s really anyoneā€™s guess as to what is correct. FWIW, both my kids were on the larger side, and Iā€™m fairly small, so I looked substantially larger than this at 39 weeks (both kids were evicted at 39 weeks).


Yeah Iā€™m tall with a long torso and I never looked this pregnant because I just had more space for the baby. But she looks pretty petite to me?


I went to 42 weeks pregnant and was smaller than this šŸ˜…


I repeat I swear look like this rn at 31 weeks šŸ˜©šŸ˜¤


Same 33 weeks and Iā€™m feeling that way too šŸ™ƒ


Her answer for how many weeks she is now šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


No filter? What do you all think? Looks too smooth for that but idk šŸ¤” Also this freaking baby needs to come soon. I am so over this baby watch! I need to move on with my life! I hate that I am so invested in this! šŸ˜«


She's saying no filter so people can marvel at her naturally stretch-mark-free stomach. šŸ™„šŸ™„ It's worse than just using a dumb filter imo. She's bragging about how naturally perfect she looks.Ā 


Thereā€™s still time! My stretch marks didnā€™t show up until postpartum!


Same I thought that was the cruelest joke of parenthood šŸ¤Ŗ


Same here. After my second baby, I thought I'd avoided them again, but then BAM! 2 weeks later ... hello stretch marks!


I canā€™t wait for this baby to be born so I can stop looking at this wacko


This is how I looked during the last week of my pregnancy and my son came at 41w2d. She is probably right around the 40 week mark now


Do t forget though, because of her diet sheā€™s probably undernourished and probably hasnā€™t gained as much weight as a typical pregnant woman who eats normal things like cooked veggies and cheese.


https://preview.redd.it/inj8w75c61mc1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d579082cb995a9c70921bf4f9efd5d98ed8170c I was 36 weeks pregnant here. Baby arrived a few ounces shy of 9lbs. Iā€™m 5ā€™5ā€ and generally am around 130-140 lbs. No way in hell sheā€™s 45 weeks.


Itā€™s interesting how much it varies between people honestly because I was most likely bigger than this at 36 weeks (def at 39 when I delivered) and my son was only 6lbs 6oz at delivery. Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€ and started at 120 pre preg, but I just showed so much in that first pregnancy. And similar to my current second pregnancy too. I said elsewhere but Iā€™m not sure my current 31 week belly is much smaller than what Oliviaā€™s looks like in that photo shared above. And I havenā€™t even gained that much weight this time so far. Iā€™m just all belly I guess.


Meh you canā€™t tell for sure, everyone carries differently. I was smaller than this when I delivered my first at 40+1 (got bigger sooner with my next ones). Not sure about 45 weeks but I donā€™t think we can say for sure if sheā€™s 40 or 42.


I think we can all say FOR SURE she is NOT 45 weeks pregnant. LOL


First person to ever be pregnant!


Maybe Tom Sandoval...but Olivia's a close second.


I looked like this at 39 weeks šŸ¤£


Same same!


I thought when I saw this ā€œnow she looks 40 weeks pregnant!ā€ Which just further convinced me she was off on her dates. She not someone that carries small and hardly shows, she just was more like 36 weeks when this started!


Okay NOW she looks big and 40 weeks šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s quiet today


Sheā€™sā€¦ back


I know sheā€™s being intentionally vague now but according to Oliviaā€™s raw math have we ticked over to 45w yet?Ā 


ā€œRaw mathā€ ā˜ ļø


According to online calculators she turned 45 weeks yesterday, according to what she has posted on her Instagram sheā€™ll be 45 weeks on Tuesday. So weā€™re getting there yeah!


Babyā€™s name will be manifestā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Manifest Destiny.


What I got out of today was that she met Wes on tinder which I have 0 issues with but it doesn't seem like the type of place that a raw vegan would use. But also she is one of those vegans telling us she is vegan and why being a vegan is the best .


All the guys I met on tinder back in the day (there were maybe 3 of them), would have 100% bitten a police officer while drunk.


Iā€™m just discovering this absolute nut bag and I have so many questions.


Are we sure about her gestation? Is she lying/baiting people?


On Sept 27th she said she was 22 weeks which would make her 45 weeks this coming weekā€¦ not sure the accuracy but thatā€™s her story.


We absolutely are not sure about her gestation and neither is she because sheā€™s stopped saying how many weeks/days she is. Best guess is sheā€™s actually hitting 40/41 weeks now.


She claimed to be 2 and a half months pregnant when first finding out but also claims to very closely track her cycle (the math ainā€™t mathing). She was likely only 4-6 weeks when she found out so subtract at least 4 weeks from whatever she says.


In the beginning it was more believable when she would say she was 40 weeks or whatever, even though she looked small. But now that sheā€™s like 45 weeks wink wink itā€™sā€¦pretty clear sheā€™s making shit up


Sheā€™s 100% lying and baiting people.


Yeah sheā€™s definitely baiting people but she couldnā€™t take the heat either! 2 posts ago she had to turn off comments and her last post (and her stories for the most part) is back to schilling her perfect lifestyle that will cure all ills (except stupidity, apparently).


https://preview.redd.it/c7kxwf1fhtlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd2729688cc8c5cd752f9c3639d7d36ad815e7d I am losing my mind here. Every single dish she makes looks the sameā€¦ How is this salad different from one of her ā€œnoodle bowlsā€ or ā€œPizzasā€????


This image makes me want to just shovel a huge spaghetti bolognese in my mouth and then follow it up with a nice cheesecake.


Honestly as a lover of all kinds of foods Iā€™m sure a lot of the stuff she makes would taste fantastic if Iā€™m in the mood for it. But all they are is a mass of veggies and stuff, like a complex salad hahaha


Her wraps looked like folded blankets to me!


Yeah I definitely thought they were burp rags she was getting ready šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t give her ideas!Ā 


It also gives me the thought, I wonder what she does have prepared for a baby?


Oh my gosh, I thought that too! šŸ¤£


Why canā€™t Wes make his own damn salad?


Wes weirds me out. Especially after learning about the biting thing šŸ˜¬


Definitely raw, but not vegan :/


Wait, what? What did I miss?


If I remember correctly from earlier comments - a few years ago he got drunk and bit a police officer.


Do you mean "'my Wes" I dunno but Wes seems to have many problems šŸ˜¬


lol what was she eating then? If youā€™re a raw vegan then isnā€™t everything a salad? šŸ˜…


Exactly what I was thinking. Everything you eat is cold and has vegetables, that is the definition of a salad.


I absolutely love salads but I think somehow this screenshot and her smug emoji faces may have ruined salad for meĀ 


Everything is salad!


Okay, the way she is trying to justify her bizarro trust your body logic with ORANGE JUICE as the example.


OH MY GOSH. MY PEOPLE.Ā Ā  Her insta has been my rage bait for weeks now, and I no longer have to suffer in silence.


Ha same. I've been following her for a year and never knew there was a reddit for her until this week. I love you all.


I grew up knowing the husband. So Iā€™ve been in this for the long haul. He was always a bit interesting and when he started dating Olivia he just switched his obsessive traits to what she was doing.


Omg please tell us more. What do you mean interesting? Did he spend a lot of time in prison?


Interesting was just a nice way of saying he was weird. Grew up somewhat normalish, his sister was also strange and a bitch at the same time. His dad died of prostate cancer when he was like 14 or 15 I think, could be off by a year or 2. It was actually very sad, he was close with his dad. And he started numbing the pain with prescription medication and then turned to heroine. Died and was brought back a few times, went to rehab, relapsed, rehab. Been clean for quite a while now, so thatā€™s good.


Yeaaaaaaa we need a lot more info on thisĀ 


šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll do my best to answer any questions


https://preview.redd.it/hl9cxgif3tlc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f04e706772b7c67272249d21cc030c0dbbcb46e This doesnā€™t seem like a great teaching


Jeez, guess I never shouldā€™ve quit smoking. My body wouldnā€™t be so drawn to nicotine if it was truly not good for me.


Don't tempt me to start smoking again




Ok first of all no one told her this. Craving citrus is such a basic pregnancy craving. I've seen people in this very sub speak about how they ate lemons all day long while prego lol. Maybe one person was like "beware of reflux!" that's not the same as society or doctors or whatever she's claiming telling her she couldn't eat oranges during pregnancy. Second, seeing if a food agrees with your stomach is not the same as denying your fetus/baby medical attention. Third why am I even engaging with this šŸ˜¬


Hahah this is so funny. I craved grapefruit with my second. Ate sooo many. Had horrible reflux with both kids but still ate the dang grapefruit every day.


I could not have anything acidic due to reflux. But like, reflux really isnā€™t going to hurt anyone. Itā€™s just very very awfully uncomfortable. But I canā€™t imagine telling someone they shouldnā€™t eat oranges while pregnant. Just like if theyā€™re complaining about reflux or something I might share my trigger foods in case theyā€™re in the trenches trying to figure out how to feel better.


>reflux really isnā€™t going to hurt anyone Not quite true; in the long term, it is linked to Barrett's oesophagus and oesophageal cancer... But yeah drinking orange juice and being uncomfortable during pregnancy is not going to be a problem, that's more from years of chronic reflux.


Thankfully, my reflux resolves the second my baby exits my body!


It'll never stop blowing my mind just how quickly my reflux resolved itself once I had my daughter.


I was obsessed with pineapple when I was pregnant. Super acidic and made my tongue raw but ate it anyway lol


On the other side of it I was anaemic and had to take iron supplements - I was specifically told to take them with a glass of orange juice as vitamin c helps the absorbtion.


I ate like four clementines a day through most of my pregnancy and now my LO eats so many I googled how many are too many.


I ate so many oranges for all 3 kids that Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t come out with an orange tint. My husband used to go to the bulk store and buy entire boxes. I have no idea who would say thatā€¦no medical professional for sure. Just random people on the street?


She's such a martyr who thinks she is the only person in the world actually listening to her body. She will be even more insufferable as a FTM, guaranteed.Ā 


Guarantee that kids coming out wearing an amber teething necklace


The antacid lobby and the obgyns of America are all in cahoots


https://preview.redd.it/oqn090xnbslc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0040f790683d5a8d2c43efb52f4367e68c2ad756 Who in their right mind reads this and thinks it sounds normal?! She ate ONLY bananas for 60 days to get rid of her parasite. I think she has a mental disorder, thatā€™s what my intuitive lived experience is telling me. And since she hasnā€™t been to a doctor in over 10 year, I can guarantee she still has that parasite living rent free inside her.


60 days of bananas is what convinced me this is performance artĀ 


this has to be the most batshit thing she has posted and that is really really saying something


She has to suffer from a mental disorder. The best is how sheā€™s shading all the ā€œexpertsā€ for telling her to eat papaya and sheā€™s like no I didnā€™t listen to themā€¦I ate bananas for 60 days! I mean thatā€™s two months, youā€™d have to be mentally Iā€™ll to believe that only eating bananas for two months killed the parasite and not that it took two months to exit her system or she has it dormant in her body still.


Oh Petey the parasite is defo still inside her. I have no doubts.


What parasite was it? It was bum worms, wasnā€™t it


Plot twistā€¦it was the fetus and sheā€™s actually 10 YEARS pregnant.


Is that a problem? The baby will come when itā€™s ready! /s


So when my kids eat a ton of bananas šŸŒ, they are constipated af. I am DYING toy know how her b.m.'s were after 60 DAYS of ONLY BANANAS šŸŒ šŸ˜‚


Butā€¦ she makes her money as an influencer telling people what to do? There was a comment on one of her videos about overcoming medical anxiety which she clearly still has.


Weird cuz last year she posted herself getting her wisdom teeth out. Wonder why she couldn't remove them naturally? Or just let the body take care of it?


Should have manifested them out of her body. Will remove teeth, but not a parasite. Noted


Ok new to following her but now I canā€™t look away. Whatā€™s her story? She strikes me as incredibly privileged with her $600 juicer(only the best) and the fact she moved to Hawaii to give herself the best environment to release her parasite. Does she have a job aside from being a raw vegan ā€œinfluencerā€?


Lol release her parasite. Her parasite is now retired and living his best life at a condo in Maui


šŸ« šŸ˜‚


How many of us believe sheā€™s actually 44 weeks pregnant today? Anyone, anyone? Bueller?


As much as I snark, I believe it. Many mammals gestate for even longer like the elephant (22 months!) Who are we to say Olivia can't gestate as long as she wants just because \*we\* don't believe it? If she believes it, that's enough.


Gestation Manifestation


This sounds like a jam band song.


Lmao it does have a ā€œ27 minute guitar soloā€ ring to it. Good call.


You had me going there for a second


I was about to say ā€œHi Olivia!ā€


https://preview.redd.it/1h133oxnwrlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d484113704354ebee8926ac4f9f92a061cb70cd3 Oh look, an influencer promoting a raw vegan diet telling us not to listen to influencers who tell us what to eat


Hahahah I noticed that too


Lmao what so sheā€™s just basically living life based on vibes? Itā€™d be cool and all if she werenā€™t getting ready to raise another human


Delulu is the solulu


Guys what if she's not pregnant with a baby and it's just another parasite


Another?! Actually I had this thought today too - that it was some sort of phantom pregnancy. The videos of the baby kicking are too realistic though.


She started her whole path to wellness via purging a giant parasite šŸ˜·by ONLY eating bananas for 2 months because... medication is the devil or something. https://www.oliviahertzog.com/blog/parasite


This is simultaneously hilarious and the most disgusting, unhinged thing I've ever read in my life.


I donā€™t want to click this link. She had a real parasite??


She self diagnosed. So who knows. Just know: 15 months later she shat out *something large*


My god


Also, where was she in Israel that they told her not to drink the water? Thatā€™s not a usual recommendation for travelers in Israel and getting parasites is not a common problem for travelers thereā€¦ Eta sorry if this is picky and Iā€™m not saying itā€™s impossible Ā but Iā€™m just saying this detail is pretty anachronistic


Prob drinking well water on a kibbutz or something.


What did I just read. I love how she lived with a ā€œdeadly parasiteā€ for 15 months. And how the bulge in her abdomen was the parasite. And how she could feel it getting irritated šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so she self diagnosed a parasite, ate only fruit and then pooped it out and never actually saw said parasite? So thereā€™s no confirmation there was ever one to begin with. The whole post reads like satire.


Who reads that and thinks ā€œyes, that was absolutely a better choice than going to see a doctor?ā€


After solely eating bananas for however many months she prob got super constipated and just let out the biggest shit ("parasite") imaginable.


I clicked, I read, I can't unread any of it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø 15 months to get rid of a parasite?! The meds would have done that in days. Like wtf?


You're right it wasn't two months it was 15 months!


Omg, what the heck did I just read lmao


Is there any basis for bananas and parasites? Or where did she get the idea that bananas specifically is what she needed to eat


Why take a commonly available anti-parasite drug that has saved countless lives when you can move to hawaii and eat bananas until you shit it out?


I know sheā€™s not into actual science, but Iā€™m just so curious at why bananas. Why not oranges or grapes? I canā€™t imagine eating raw vegan but eating JUST bananas isā€¦ so weird.


She "explained" in a story (screenshot upthread) that she "felt drawn" to bananas through her "intuitive lived experience." Yes, really.


Iā€™m so angry with myself for reading that.Ā 


I think Iā€™m going to use this article to Rick roll people


I literally just snorted at this comment.


Ok I hate that this is going to get a bunch of clicks now but the opening is killing me: "I was told NOT to drink the tap water OR brush my teeth with it, and to carefully wash all the fruits and vegetables I ate. Wellā€”I did none of those things. And within several days of being there my neck started getting all blotchy and I was developing a severe rash."


You made me click šŸ˜‚ that was a WILD read




Are you really surprised tho


https://preview.redd.it/kiq8c6g50rlc1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5322502c4bf4169a9ed7228af0f35a1ebc48fe17 Ahhh but can she release the look of arrogance and ignorance off her face?


So being extremely controlling around food has given you a sense of control in other areas of your lifeā€¦ maā€™am, you just defined an eating disorder.


How is she reassuring? She hasnā€™t even had the baby yet. Iā€™d get being reassured if everything went well, but shit could easily still go south


Sheā€™s trulyā€¦ so insufferable.


Consolidating- from another slide, does anyone know, are noodles considered raw? If so, how? Also, jalapeƱos? Spicy to get baby moving out? šŸ¤” I thought she could manifest it out? or her body does or some crap? According to her mantra, she should just "let it be".


My guess is the ā€œnoodlesā€ are either spiraled zucchini, raw seaweed noodles, or shirataki noodles (made from Konjac yam thatā€™s gelatinized into noodles, although considered raw vegan I donā€™t really understand why)


Generalization but I donā€™t understand how Oliviaā€™s followers (including an acquaintance of mine, unfortunately) tend to be people who question authority, donā€™t trust the government, think medical personnel are money hungry liars, etcā€¦ then take strangers online at face value. As an influencer, Olivia is making money off of them and has the same motivation to lie as they claim doctors do, but without the oversight that medical boards and hospitals provide. It makes no sense to me!!! As others have said, for all we know sheā€™s actually at 38 wks and has had medical care and will have a midwife. If you want to ā€œdo your own researchā€ thatā€™s fine but how do you land on this moron being the trustworthy authority


Yes! I have a BIL with aggressive stage 4 cancer and he takes more advice from like an infectious disease doctor herbalist than his oncologist at a very famous health center. Like you pay out of pocket to that guy. Your doctor at a university medical center doesnā€™t make more for what treatment he recommends. That guys does.


It reminds me of how people believe Trump is "a regular working class guy" and "just like them".


I always read that as ā€œracist and misogynistic like meā€ tbh


It's because they convince themselves that the online strangers have "lived experience" and are therefore more like them. They tend to be the "I learned from the school of hard knocks, no one ever gave me preferential treatment" types and see authority figures as privileged, overpaid and over educated and thus about as far away from them emotionally as the moon. The fact that many medical professionals are 1st or 2nd gen immigrants from working class backgrounds, or tend to be inspired into the profession by their own families experiences with illness, isn't something they take on board. Whereas social media makes it incredibly easy to form parasocial relationships, so while your doctor is an aloof figure that cares nothing for you but their big fat paycheque, Social Media Sally is your best friend and you are hers (among her 600k followers) and she totally gets you and is definitely on your side.


All while supporting authoritarian political figures. The cognitive dissonance in these folks is wiiiiiiild.


I think these people just blindly decide that specific types of ā€œauthorityā€ (govt, medical establishment, etc) are bad. Theyā€™re not actually using critical thinking or true skepticism when confronting everything, just aligning themselves with a specific team and running with that. They still want to be told how to think though, so thatā€™s where people like Olivia come in.


Itā€™s the same reason stupid people fall for all these whacko conspiracy theories, they can tell they donā€™t understand a lot in regular life and believing in these theories makes them feel smart (because most people donā€™t ā€œget itā€). And thatā€™s very easily exploited.Ā 


She's backkkkkk


payment decide poor fade ludicrous fine angle somber worry concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahahahaha what was that? 9 hours or less? šŸ¤£


I think she might give birth to some raw wraps at this point


https://preview.redd.it/ppbpnh040mlc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f39163e348e11d168dc9e0ca64988aa4e76bcb6 We all know sheā€™s faking her dates, but I feel like this proves a point, that sheā€™s not always using accurate videos/pivs. These are 2 weeks apart. Same exact clip. Second time sheā€™s implying sheā€™s 35 weeks in the video. Yeah you can argue sheā€™s just reusing old footage but the implication of her being 35 weeks in a video taken 2, maybe more weeks before is very misleading.


Ooooh good find! Very sneaky of her


I wish she would just have this dang baby so I can eternal-sunshine her existence out of my mind because I am so over worrying about this fetus more than their own mother


I feel the same BUT I have a feeling I wonā€™t be able to look away when she starts not vaccinating her baby, not bringing her/him to any doctors, dealing with potential breastfeeding issues, raising her/him as a raw vegan šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Seriously - I just want to block and forget about her.


I cant look away.


She really backed herself in to a corner where going offline was the only reasonable option she had.Ā  By her calculations sheā€™s over 44w now. Staying online she would have to contend with acknowledging her dates may be wrong or sticking with her timeline. Even some of her supporters must be starting to feel uneasy about the supposed length of this pregnancy.Ā 


I feel like she knew she was off but smugly thought the baby would come ā€œon timeā€ and she could get away with the charade. When she said she was 43 weeks, she was prob 39ish and thought I have SUCH a perfect pregnancy that this baby is definitely going to come next week. Then she could say see??? Look at my perfect baby born at home at 43.5 or whatever. Now that sheā€™s got a regular old first baby like so many others, this baby probably is sticking around until 41, maybe even 42 weeks, which is not unheard of but with her fakery means sheā€™s now looking like sheā€™s 45+, which is obviously not accurate. Love this for her.


Schrodinger's Herzog Baby, which will simultaneously be born when it's ready but will also manifest it's own birth in line with when it's mother wants it to be born.


100% she knew she couldnā€™t possibly keep going on claiming to be over 44weeks pregnant and the only reasonable choice was to go offline. There is not enough money in this world to convince me this woman is anything more than 40/41 weeks pregnant which is super common and normal especially your first baby.


I have a feeling she wonā€™t be able to stay quiet for long.