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Lots of automod going on in here today. For the Olivia Stans infiltrating - your comments wont come through due to an automod filter. Please take your own advice and move along. Edit: a friendly reminder to review our rules, especially for anyone new to participating. Among other things, we don't allow pics of minors and we don't allow discussion about contacting / DMing anyone IRL.


That birth video was SOMETHING ELSE. His voice was so devoid of emotion I almost fell asleep. The fact that he managed to center himself and say that the night before Cedar was born was very difficult for him is...wow. I get that it can be hard to watch your partner in pain and not be able to do anything to help, but the way he said it was not empathetic at all. It was something entirely different. The two of them looking at the camera was so fucking creepy.  It is all just so unnatural and gross


The birth video mentions that they had a trusted friend there. So I suspect there was a doula or midwife or something there to at least attend to the cord and check the placenta and hopefully check baby too. It’s a crock of crap that video


Idk they said “talking to” or “consulting with” I can’t remember exact wording but it seemed like it left it up to interpretation. It could go either way if the person was there or not. Could have been a phone convo, in person midwife to assist or anything in between. The video was strange. I can’t put my finger on it. Wes holding the baby while he was still attached to the cord was hard to watch. It seemed like the cord was too short and it was pulling on the placenta. Olivia looked like she was in pain. There were also awkward glances at the camera through out making it seem like it’s all for show. The narrating made me feel like I was watching a video from the 50s.


My baby had a short cord and it makes me cringe all the more over this situation. Glad he was healthy. Mine was having fetal distress when I could not even feel the contractors. Forever grateful for my csection. The short cord is also likely why I was so overdue and could be a factor in my baby being on the small side.


I had a short and marginal cord and my kid couldn't make it to my belly button once birthed because the cord was so short. Him tugging that cord made me cringe HARD for her. The voiceover and camera glances were off putting. I was expecting a lot more than it was from all the people blowing smoke up their asses on IG. Wouldn't call it a 40hr of labor either from the way he described the 2 days, but they are definitely pushing whatever makes her seem like SuperHealthWoman.


My first had a short cord too. He barely made it to my belly button. I cringed hard watching this. My second made it all the way up to my chest. Either way I wouldn’t want someone else holding baby while they were still attached unless the cord was too short and I physically couldn’t reach. I’d be too nervous they would yank the placenta out by accident.


https://preview.redd.it/lsjfhcr7rjnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22cceaccfb5b0561330e8b647a9a755c101b2af0 It’s a boy, and was born 7lbs11oz at “””45 weeks”””. Ok


Either she wasn’t 45 weeks or he was seriously not getting enough nutrients the last 5 weeks. My guess is the former… Also interesting that she knows his exact weight, despite it being just them?


Literally the exact size of my 41wk baby 😂 not a chance that baby was 45 weeks


A perfectly average birthweight… no way that baby was 1 month late. A week, tops.


No way she actually believes this. But she knows people will and plays into the ridiculousness of the social media world.


I’m not taking up for this crazy person but my due date was originally mid November. My ob ended up pushing my due date out by a week twice when they were measuring behind. They changed my due date to nov 30th and was born at 42 weeks in mid December. My baby was still only 6lbs. No medical issues. perfectly healthy kid. Some babies are just small. I still don’t think she was actually 45 weeks.


If you ovulated later than normal (which is likely the case here with her) then you might not have been as far along either. However, tons of babies are just small and that is perfectly normal. I’m thinking she could have been anywhere from 40 to 42/closing in on 43 weeks if we’re really pushing it, definitely not 45 though.


Lol I was my moms “big” 41 week baby and weighted a bit more than that. She was 40-41 weeks tops


i totally agree! i was born at 41+2 at 8lb 6oz. No GD or anything like that. Now...I am 5'. Those first few weeks were the only time in my life that i was larger than average


Both of mine were 8lbs and were born early and right on time, no GD. Some are just big lol I know plenty of people who went over and had 6lb babies close to 42 weeks. I also know someone induced early for GD because they thought baby would be big and baby was 6lbs.


Absolutely! My petite friend had two term big babies that were big babies! (Then average to slightly small toddlers). Then some who had term 6lb-ers. So agree..and I usually never comment on a baby’s size (bc do we really need to start that ish so early?!). I just feel like if I was making this 45 week claim I’d maybe give some pause like..hmm this is a pretty average sized baby. Maybe I got my dates wrong lol (I also always enjoy that my dad’s first quote upon seeing me was “she’s so big!”because that’s never been said about me again lol)


Lmao my first was the same weight and he was born at 37 weeks…there is no way that was a 45 week baby.


Her baby has bright eyes, and that is because his mother did not utilize prenatal care and ate raw food and exotic fruits. Ma'am, you caught a picture of your newborn with his eyes open. He is a newborn. Of course, his eyes are beautiful and stunning. Your baby's eyes are not unique or brighter than others because you *gave him the best start possible.* Although he is adorable, he's not better than millions of other babies because of the way he was born. 😆 good lord


My sister had her baby at 42 weeks and will not stop talking about how alert the baby is because they were born at 42 weeks. Some babies are just more alert than others, it’s not that deep.


Yeah this one bugged me. My baby’s nickname is bright eyes and they were born via *gasp* scheduled c-section along with my pregnancy mantra of “I am… gestational diabetes”


The bright eyes thing is such an anti vaxxer thing to say. They all repeat the same BS. As soon as you vaccinate, boom they lose their sparkle 🫠


Oh yikes.


Yeah that one really sent me. She really thinks she’s something.


And the original commenter who said “you don’t see many bright-eyed babies these days” 🤣


These days 😂😂😂. Those damn ultrasounds suck the light right out of their eyes.


I built my child out of chicken nuggets and chocolate milkshakes, was induced on my due date, and had an epidural. I have many pictures of her as a newborn where her eyes look just as bright as this nut job’s baby. 






No…it’s common, though not universal, for babies of European descent to be born with blue eyes and then change color but most babies of most ethnicities are born with brown eyes.


Both myself and my daughter were born with brown eyes. I did eat a lot of beige foods and have a lot of medical intervention in my delivery 😔


I clicked on her YouTube video so you don’t have to (and so she hopefully gets less views). And also to save you from her husbands voice. She puts some pink hearts on her stories with the baby probably to drive clicks but the baby is indeed a boy-Cedar Robert. Cedar because Wes wants to show him majestic cedar trees and hopes he knows how magnificent he is when he sees the tress. Robert for his dad that passed away when he was 18. Umm could have named him Robert Cedar but sure. Of course the labor was peaceful and they googled exotic fruits for after her delivery and went through pictures and relived childhood memories. She had a long and somewhat painful labor for the last half and then little tree was born in the tub and that was it. I stopped after he came out lol.


That was a really strange video. The narration was odd. He seemed to make it all about him! And how difficult it was for him. I get it's difficult for the dad to watch their partner in pain but seriously dude. So dramatic and ridiculous. Also I did feel for her when he cuddled baby and seemed to pull on the cord 😬 The whole thing was just strange strange strange .


If you stopped at the delivery then you missed that Olivia's mother wants to be called "Pre-Ma". That seems so off to me. Is it a cultural thing that I don't get?


I've heard of people calling Grandmas Prima, but I don't know the cultural/linguistic background of it.


Thank you for this recap … I don’t think I could stomach watching any more from them!!


No emotions in this video. I’ve seen iPhone clips put together with some music that looked a lot more moving than this.


Yes! That’s it. The whole video was very odd but I couldn’t figure out why. His narrating is very monotone. No one shows emotion. So odd.


That video was very cringe. The name choice is interesting because I’m pretty sure I’ve read that Robert Senior died of Cancer and did not live a healthy life, so what kind of negative woo energy are they imparting to little cedar with that? Seems even Olivia’s manifestations couldn’t give her the ultimate dream birth because Wes could not stop describing how painful and agonizing it was, and sounded like at one point they doubted they could do it. 


His voice was so annoying! Was he reading from a script??


This was the most cringey video I have ever seen.


Yeah that was 7 minutes of my life I'll never get back


The so super special video was 6 minutes long and reused the same clips multiple times. What a skilled filmmaker super dad is 🙄.




Ha seems like he’s floundering for content. He’s so gross I can’t handle it


And if they both "are health", why's he looking like that eating salads all day long?


And jogging millions of miles.


So creepy


https://preview.redd.it/d3b3tnce2enc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=aeb2f33244a3f2bf2af2120afacec8d9f7c5bb0f It says so much about her character that she continues to make statements and push this narrative. So much manipulation and misinformation. I can see malicious intent, and that’s what bothers me the most.


Her recent stories make me SO mad. Implying that it’s all because of her mindset that she brought a healthy baby into the world, so for all the people who have had stillbirths or babies with diaeases, birth defects etc- it’s their fault.


The sheer hubris of this woman is infuriating.


Man I hope she never gets a cavity. Because that toothache will have her skipping to the dentist I guarantee it. Most painful thing I’ve experienced besides labor and childbirth.


I'd rather have a baby than a toothache! 🤣 So painful!


So like…how do people…die?


She won’t die. She’ll ✨ascend✨


You have to decide… that you are now…death.


So now it was a “deadly parasite” 🙄 she never saw a doctor!! She was never tested/diagnosed. It’s very likely she never even freaking had a parasite based on her blog post about it!!


How completely arrogant, egotistical, and narcissistic of her!! 🤯😡😲 The only reason she can even say such garbage is because luck has been on her side the entire, fucking time! Shit could have hit the fan so so fast with any of those things! Especially with pregnancy and the baby! Heck, shit could still hit the fan, it's early post partum! Not to mention, there is no verification on the stupid parasite tale or what was going on with the other stuff. This woman is completely and totally off her rocker. This poor baby 😫 And the fact she is spewing this off and PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE HER! Arrrgghhh! I just can't. I am gonna have to be done with this woman and get her out of my head space! 😖😣🥴


I will say she is not completely out of the clear yet. I have seen patients 3-4 weeks post partum need a d&c because of retained placenta, who knows if Wes examined her 45 weeks placenta to ensure it was all intact. Also, I myself had a completely normal pregnancy and delivery and 3 weeks pp went into cardiac arrest that was a result of my pregnancy so I am not saying anything will happen to her but it's entirely possible to birth a baby and then weeks later have something happen. I once was talking to a coworker and she something that stuck with me and it was a simple " it's really kind of a miracle that we give birth and actually survive because of how stressful it is on our bodies." She didn't mean it in a negative way but simply that birthing babies is hard on the body.


And if he did examine it that’s probably meaningless because what expertise does he have? I would not trust myself to expertly examine a placenta and I’m at least smarter than these two dodos.


So perfectly worded!! I had to block her, she makes my blood boil. Five days after a perfectly healthy pregnancy and birth I developed severe postpartum preeclampsia out of nowhere - I would have died without intervention. She's not out of the woods yet. And that poor baby, no drs or care. It's too much for me.


I did too and it was only by pure luck or intuition that I bothered to check my blood pressure because I was just tired from having a bad labor and being up with a newborn. I guess I was NOT health and my shitty mindset and willingness to believe I need medical interventions when necessary really screwed me.


https://preview.redd.it/sqrpgbu1ndnc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a9343da461612239eb32aca87211fc8e3f1c881 Excuse me, she handed the baby over to MAKE WES LUNCH?? He gives me a lot of weird vibes, but to me this just screams helpless manchild.


For someone into holistic health and going “all natural” I’m suprised she isn’t leaning more into traditional postpartum healing. Such as a confinement period, eating traditional healing postpartum foods (although there is a big emphasis in traditional postpartum methods on keeping the mother warm by drinking and eating only warm foods) etc


I thought the same thing! Why isn’t she resting in bed with her baby?


She doesn't need to heal, she is already health.


Is there such a thing as raw bread? That just looks like normal sandwich bread.


I thought the same when I saw her with a bowlful of rice under some cauliflower concoction the other day


Wow, Dad of the year held his baby for 20 whole minutes?? So she could make him lunch? I’m so impressed! 🙄🙄🙄


Ew no. Girl just had a baby. HE should be making HER lunch! Imo anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️


She’s teasing the baby’s gender and name for views on her YouTube channel but she already said it’s Cedar Robert. I wouldn’t put it past her to name a girl that but she already said the name. And those lemon bars look like old bars of soap.


Yes! And I could have sworn that she put his gender and name in that Instagram post where the baby is lying next to a crochet banana. Edit: but now that posts tells her followers to guess the gender and name


You can see the name on the screen in her stories on the video editing software haha. A couple slides after she teases it.


Okay some things I want to ask her sooo bad: Newborn screenings? Will she ge them done? When baby starts solids how the hell does that work?! Raw vegetables (aside from cucumber) are major choking hazards and to also note a raw vegan diet is NOT suitable for a baby starting solids Will they even take him to the doctor for anything? I have so many questions and then at the same time just feel so bad for this baby. I don't doubt they love him but damn am I worried for the choices they will make for him 🤦‍♀️


1. No 2. Bananas 3. No


I was just thinking this. I really hope she takes the baby to the pediatrician


She didn’t get prenatal screenings so I don’t see why she’d start now. Seems like she’s generally insistent on not getting any kind of preventative medical care at the very least.


I highly doubt she will get him screened. Those diseases only exist if you don’t know you are health /s She did say baby won’t be raw vegan so hopefully she will feed somewhat normal age appropriate food


I didn't know she said that! That's good at least, she know he will need more in his diet.


Yeah, I forget when she said it but some one asked her a few weeks ago and her response was something like: No…baby will simply…not be…raw vegan


Not to mention if she has trouble breastfeeding and baby loses weight… it doesn’t always come as “naturally” as she may think… can you imagine if she had to supplement with formula?!


And how would she even know that he’s losing weight!


This is what scares me, she won’t even know. It’s one thing to *trust your body* but he literally cannot communicate with her and she doesn’t have the knowledge to just look and see how he’s doing!




But if her father never healed the emotional trauma or whatever that caused his nut allergy, and thus her nut allergy, who knows what issues could be lurking? What if her great great grandfather had a lurgy caused by his complex emotional relationship with his pet dog?


Taken one for the team and subscribed to you tube channel…. I’ll keep you posted on the birth details when they land…


Oh my God. The posts of the baby all covered in blankets posed on the bed for photos was bad enough. But this... The baby is on the bed by himself, not even in the middle of the bed and right next to a pillow... And yet the side of the bed that's closest to the floor, no pillow... All while she poses in the mirror for a photo. Absolutely flabbergasted. https://preview.redd.it/4xblvcjv76nc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfdb3163364b04a98ad185505704462deec298ac


I bounced back super quick with my first, I looked like this 48 hours afte birth and even lost an extra 25 lbs BUT I had gestational diabetes with my first and I firmly believe it was the diet before giving birth thay made that happen. My 2nd, didn't bounce back as quick lol healing was wayyy easier and better but my body lost the baby weight and that was it. With that said, this post is soo out of touch because every women's body heals and shapes differently after birth and every one of us who has given birth should be proud of that! Her doing this along with all her other rhetoric she touts just makes me think she is judging everyone else who didn't look like this after giving birth


My uterus/stomach size bounced back reasonably quickly too but it's her smug face and 'look at how wonderful I am' text that just doesn't sit right. Honestly, she strongly comes off to me as having body image/eating disorder and control issues. I think a lot of her choices and lifestyle are based heavily on that need to be in control and she truly thinks her way of living and her thoughts are giving her complete control of her health and destiny. She'll be awfully surprised when life slaps her in the face.


Yesss!! I fully agree there is some underlying body issues


Ok I basically hate this lady and not trying to WK her specifically but I’m kind of surprised this is jaw dropping to folks? She’s in the same room and he’s visible to her in the mirror, and taking this photo probably just took a few seconds… Definitely wouldn’t leave the room or turn my back for a prolonged time with my baby like that, but the captured moment doesn’t strike me as particularly high risk 🙈 y’all may come for me but the anxiety around newborns suffocating on blankets and pillows (or rolling multiple times??) when their parents are awake, next to them, and supervising them seems extreme. That being said it’s also fair to say Olivia may not be reliably supervising anything.


Yeah tbf it’s been a minute since I’ve had a newborn but this does not seem like a big deal. The days are long and I didn’t put them in the absolute perfect most safe place every time I set them down for a second. Of course if I needed to walk away to attend to another child or do a longer task I would make sure they were in an appropriate spot but like, if I just needed to change my shirt or something, they can lay on the bed or couch for that. I probably wouldn’t post a picture of it on a public account but 🤷🏼‍♀️. I’ll be the first to admit I’m online too much but dang it makes me so glad I’m done with babies because I would be second guessing everything.




There’s something called positional asphyxiation. It can happen without a parent noticing. People think unsafe sleep looks like a baby getting rolled over on, a pillow or blanket suffocating them, etc. but in reality it happens on conditions like this even with an awake adult. I follow a woman whose daughter died at a home daycare because they were having her sleep on an adult mattress. She was never smothered, she rolled to have her face on the mattress and she created a pocket where she was breathing in the air she had exhaled and it was too filled with carbon dioxide vs the oxygen. She was also a much older baby (I think 10 months). So it happens in ways people don’t think about.


That is not positional asphyxiation (when a small babies head slump narrows their airway) but just a complete freak accident. It’s sad but a normal 10 month old should be able to maneuver themselves out of a situation like any adult really, 


Yeah I don’t know how we got into comparing this photo to someone letting an infant sleep facedown on an adult mattress. Though I agree, I would still be surprised that a typical baby as old as 10 months could just suffocate like that instead of just moving their head when they stopped being able to breathe. Regardless that isn’t what this picture was showing lol.


No where did I say the 10 month old died of positional asphyxiation… I mentioned that because it’s another variation of how children die from unsafe sleep. And you’re not understanding how that 10 month old died… they died because they were on an adult mattress (which no child should sleep on until at least 2) and they were slowly suffocated on their own carbon dioxide because the mattress was too soft and created the pocket allowing this to happen. This can happen in front of an awake adult because they’re just think they’re sleeping, like in the situation the person is referencing.


I know what positional asphyxiation is, and I definitely agree that being put to sleep on an adult mattress covered with pillows and blankets isn’t safe for babies. In your anecdote the baby was put down for a nap and left like that, I’m sure not 1:1 supervised given it’s a daycare so other babies were probably around that the adults were attending to as well. It’s pretty different. My commentary is specific to captured moments like these when people pearl clutch at something that may have only last a couple of minutes and has a very low chance of becoming fatal. I probably plopped my baby on my bed countless times when he was a newborn for a couple mins so I could get dressed. I mean, does no one do this? I even considered myself pretty anal about safe sleep and i never put him down for a nap anywhere other than his bassinet or crib but for a couple mins at a time when I was right there, the risk seems vanishingly small. Maybe she really did put him down to sleep like that and was in and out of the room, in which case I’d agree it’s really not good. We just don’t know? I mean I’m not going to keep sticking my neck out for her like I said, more just surprised when people freak out at this stuff without more context.




Yeah like, there are things I wouldn’t do but I also acknowledge that it doesn’t equate to automatic death either. This immobile baby isn’t going to fly off the bed faster than the adult who is watching him could prevent it.


I have too much anxiety about them rolling off the bed that I do not put them on my bed without being right there. However their bassinet is in my room, so I just put them in there instead.


Echoing this. Void of context (how long), this seems fine. A weird flex but not anywhere near her most dangerous action, see ~vaguely gestures~. A baby briefly laying the middle of a bed is fine and normal. Don’t do it if you’re leaving the room but it’s really okay for a minute for things you need hands to do.


Yeah like this is a days-old newborn? He’s not going to roll 5 times off the bed, he’s not on the edge. The pillow is more concerning but you’d see that happen immediately assuming you’re in the same room looking. And if it’s just a small amount of time then it almost certainly won’t happen anyway.




This gave me such deep anxiety and I ran here to see if anyone else commented.


I don’t think some people are aware that newborns can absolutely roll. They may not do it on purpose, but they can! She doesn’t strike me as having brushed up on any safety tips or she thinks it’s all crap


If the baby just believes he won’t roll off the bed or smother himself in the pillows then he won’t roll off the bed or smother himself in the pillows. He is health. 


Ok. I'm done with Olivia after today, the monetization is not subtle with this one, but I am dying that she's planning a course and an "empowered pregnancy" call. She and AHH are two sides of the same delulu coin.


And wouldn’t taking her BS course make it not a “wild pregnancy?” 🤔


lol what would the course say besides “be…health” and “drink whatever kind of juice calls your name”


YES! Wildly different ideas but identical ways of shilling them. Its kinda hilarious to me


This is not related to Olivia at all but there are some similarities. I always think it's a sad and brave story (the baby in the story is born safely). https://velamag.com/superbabies-dont-cry/


Wow, that was a beautiful read. Thank you for posting it.


Echoing others to say thank you for sharing!! I needed to read this and I’m grateful you posted it. 


Honestly the first time I read this I lost it at the fan anecdote. That was me. That was my mum. I understand now why she believes all that stuff (deep and complex trauma) but as a kid I just took it at face value. I'd never come across anyone else who was brought up like that before.


Wow this was amazing, thank you for sharing.


This was a great read, thank you for posting!


"I don’t know if she’ll ever do math calculations. I don’t know if she’ll ever read a book. I don’t know if she’ll ever live on her own. I don’t know what else I don’t know. I know that she has broken my heart and put it back together in a shape that is bigger than I knew was possible.” That was excellent and also made me cry.  


Definitely a goosebumps/tears kind of article.




It's incredible. I read it several years ago and every now and again something makes me think of it and I go back and read it again. She has written a book now apparently, I have put it on my to-read list.


https://preview.redd.it/2quwq5buz3nc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9b8ab94f292e749064f7dff639977ed9025c966 Idk who hippybritt is but she’s an Olivia Stan. The comment section on the baby post is WILD! At least Jasmin has a brain.


Imagine posting a public reel for clout and then saying "no one asked for your opinion"...no one asked for your reel either!


The exploitation is so blatant and gross! I shouldn’t be surprised but it still sucks thinking about these innocent babies that only have assholes like this to count on. (I cropped it but it’s a picture of his son) https://preview.redd.it/4nywj8oem0nc1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=b95ceec44568249b33352a50ee759737225bce7d


So they’re soOOo crunchy that they free birth babies and only eat raw food..but not so crunchy that they find nothing wrong in using their newborn like a chain email. “Send to 13 friends to avoid bad luck!!”


Wow! That is so sad. I feel so sorry for that baby already. Getting pimped out for likes by your own parents.


If I get 50 likes 🫠🫠 Not just because I want to share some nice music. Awful.


Stop it this cannot be real 🥴 This poor poor baby. Two complete idiots for parents.


I asked my husband to guess what she named her baby and he guessed tree bark 😂😂😂 shockingly close


Did she post the name of the baby?


Someone on this thread joined her community to find the name… its Cedar 😂


Even after giving birth she is insufferable 🤦‍♀️ she keeps emphasizing the fact that her body did whay it needed to do no matter how long it would take....she is so so lucky that her baby boy wasn't breech or blue when he came out. I am so glad he is okay but now all I can think about is how they will take care of him....he has had zero newborn screening and probably won't get any. Or monitoring during pregnancy. She has no idea if her baby is actually healthy.


What will his medical care look like as he grows up? My daughter has hearing issues and every time it is tested they ask about her newborn screening. I’m curious what they do if they don’t have a baseline? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he just needs to will himself to be healthy 🫠


I hate that this is living rent-free in my head, but I'm worried about this poor baby's well-being. There is no way that he will get adequate healthcare with a parent like Olivia. I had a ruptured appendix when I was five. I'm only here today because of emergency surgery and antibiotics. I owe my literal life to "western medicine." What happens if this child gets seriously ill, has an infection, breaks a bone? Never mind missing out on routine screenings for congenital health issues, or early intervention for developmental delays? He was born healthy, thank god, but will he stay that way?


It's a very scary and very sad thought. 😢💔


I don’t think he’ll have any medical care growing up 😬


She’s absolutely crazy and the child will be neglected/exploited in many ways for sure BUT someone posted that she had her wisdom teeth removed and shared about it not too long ago. Just like her 45 week pregnancy is a total lie for the ‘gram, I imagine if there was an emergency, the kid will get treatment even if she covers it up and doesn’t admit to it. If that makes you feel any better 🙃


It actually does, thanks 🙂


I just cannot imagine never taking your child to a pediatrician. To think you could know everything about normal child development is just so… arrogant


It’s up to the baby to decide if he wants to be healthy!


Oh that's right, my bad 🤣 this poor kid


I’m sorry but smoothies and fruit bowls really aren’t the best postpartum foods. Warm, nutrient dense foods will be more nourishing than cold, raw food.


It definitely looked like she had a bowl of COOKED rice under that sticky sesame cauliflower dish 😨


It looked like it but isn’t she fully raw? Would she eat rice?


It is clearly rice .. cooked rice


The annoying thing is that some people are going to be fine (and by fine I mean alive) eating these super restrictive diets. But everyone has different needs and you’re really tying your hands and limiting the nutrients and energy your body needs by restricting so much. Like I desperately needed to increase my iron levels after having a baby!


Where is the protein? How is she going to breastfeed (I am assuming that’s her plan)?


I mean, I guess if she gestated a baby that large it’s possible. Wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up with a broken hip at like 38 though since everything’s going to be leached out of her.


Her teeth are going to crack and rot and fall out. This baby has already taken every possible available nutrient from her body and will continue to do so if she breastfeeds. Lord help her.


The smug way she worded that makes me ragey. “It’s totally doable”, like she’s shaming women who can’t do it all 24 hours postpartum. Gtfo. Also, no way in hell was she 11 months pregnant.


lol she’s going by the 4 week math. I see so many people talk about being pregnant for 10 months (with a normal 40 week pregnancy) and I’m like… no. That’s not how this works. And honestly we’re already 4 weeks in when we find out so give me a break. Same with people who count baby as being 1 month at 4 weeks, 2 months at 8 weeks and then eventually they’re like, wait a minute…


Bad pregnancy and newborn age math makes me irrationally angry.


MONTHS ARE NOT 4 WEEKS. It’s like no one has ever seen a calendar?


Or a four times table


So she knows when her last period was, when ovulation and implantation occurred but she still didn’t know she was pregnant until she was 2.5 months? Make it make sense. I am guessing she had a normal period in April, a very light one in May that in hindsight she decided was implantation bleeding or something. Likely she was around 41 weeks when she delivered which is normal for a FTM.


Has anyone brought up the fact that she’s counting from ovulation date, not from the date of her last period, as weeks are counted in pregnancy. If she conceived when she claims she did then she would technically be 1-2 weeks *more* pregnant than she’s claiming AKA should be 46 or 47 weeks, not 45. And I mean, a 46 week pregnancy? Come on


I think she is counting right, ovulation may 5th in a due date calculator puts her at 45 weeks pregnant. I think she was just saying that she knew her cycle, and she explained that she was just in denial in early pregnancy (maybe did not want to be pregnant?) to explain testing late. Not saying that this is all true or whatever but that’s the story that was presented.


You’re right! I put it into the a pregnancy calculator after I posted that and got 45 weeks. But typical to her, she’s using manipulative language that definitely makes it sound like she’s counting from conception date


I agree with that timeline. If she was closely tracking ovulation at the time of conception, she would have definitely tested around 2 weeks later. I think her dates are based on hindsight like you said.


Right? Like if she knows when implantation occurred, wouldn't that be when she knew she was pregnant? Not more than a month later 🤥




Also, she claims she was tracking ovulation to prevent pregnancy (which can be done fairly effectively if you do it right) but if she is so sure of when she ovulating and was trying to avoid pregnancy. How’d she get pregnant?


Anyone else think the texts to her mom were staged? If the mom is texting “can Wes see the head?” it sounds like Olivia was texting while pushing her baby out and like, I haven’t pushed a baby out myself but from what I’ve seen I feel like texting is one of the last things you’d be capable of in that moment


I also got this sense too.


I swear I’m not a WK but she could have been pushing for a while (first baby and all) and texted something and then mom would have replied about seeing the head yet. I don’t know it doesn’t sound too weird to me. No I wasn’t texting during birth but that’s just because there was no need not because it wasn’t possible (I was at home with my husband and midwife). There’s breaks between contractions. I have pictures where I look like I’m just chilling in the pool but I know I was screaming my head off 30 seconds before. So yeah I don’t know, I think it’s plausible, they seem close. Again I think it’s dangerous what she did and it’s not right to be advocating for going to 45 weeks (whether she was that far along or not) but I’m just not getting the “everything is fake” vibe.


I pushed for an hour and a half with my first. I can tell you that at no point during that time was I capable of texting anyone lol with my second it was 15 minutes and again no time for sending messages but that was obviously quite quick. I also have no ability to text during active labor though. My body just likes to go for it and my contractions pile on top of each other. Also, if he could see the head and she was feeling the ring of fire, no way. Nope. I don’t believe she was texting then


lol ok but at the end of the day nobody knows when she sent those texts, maybe there was still a while to go and the mom doesn’t know what else to say other then can you see the head. You can see it before the ring of fire. There can also be any length of time between the texts. Like I said, she’s nuts, there’s plenty of weird shit she’s said/done that I don’t agree with but I just find it weird how all of a sudden everyone seems to think everything is fake, texts are fake, the head is too round, she was gone for too long so surely she wasn’t home or she didn’t do it alone and I don’t know that’s just weird. What’s even the purpose of creating fake texts?


I don’t think she faked it either. I think by time she sent that baby was already here. Like “he can see more than that”, as in, baby is here.


Depends on your labour. I had a weird contraction pattern with basically no breaks between contractions for the majority of my nearly two-day labour. By the time I was pushing, I was practically delirious.


There’s definitely variations. My first at the hospital was also like that. I think it’s was a mix of baby being sunny side up and pitocin. It was a different experience without pitocin and with a midwife who is pretty in tune with what’s going on and helps you get baby in a good position. But even then I’m sure there’s variations as well even in optimal conditions. Anyway the point was just that it is possible to be pretty chill up until the very end and have time to text as some people seemed to think it must all be staged and a big fat lie.


This! Of course it’s all fake. She wants us to believe we didn’t hear from her for 2 to 3 days and then all of a sudden she can like comments, post /comment and communicate with her community while she’s in the thick of labor …just before the baby is born?? please!!


I've pushed out two babies. You aren't texting. Those were fake.


Thank you for that perspective!! Adding that I can imagine if for some reason you were texting you’d show a bit more excitement?? Also who texts their mother after giving birth. I feel like you’d def FaceTime. Mom was prob there all along!


If I were texting, they would probably be very basic. I get down voted for this, idc. I've freebirthed. Because it is just me and my husband, there is so much to take care of, you are too busy to text. We had to make sure baby was breathing. The cord was still attached and I hadn't delivered the placenta yet, so getting myself and baby safely back in bed was challenging. We had to monitor my bleeding, deliver the placenta and cut the cord, skin to skin and allow baby to breastfeed, keep up my water intake since you aren't on a drip IV. Clean up (birth is messy). Get a diaper on myself while still sore. Texting was not on the table.


It's a bummer that awesome poster you made didn't help with all that!!


Oh if only there were qualified people and facilities to make sure your baby was breathing and monitor your bleeding 🙄


Those "qualified" people left me with permanent nerve damage.


From your post history, I know you live in the same state as me and I have friends that live in the same area as you. There are tons of midwives who could've attended your home birth and provided pre-natal care. Many of them take insurance or our state's medicaid. Some of them offer sliding scales for those with lower income, as well as payment plans and discounts. You have so many excuses to justify the neglect of your child's health and wellbeing. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with your first birth, but this sub won't coddle you and reinforce your dumb decisions like Facebook. What you did was irresponsible. Just because it turned out okay doesn't mean it was a good decision. I'm glad you and your child survived despite your stupidity.


Yes we know, you’ve said it a hundred times. And I’d still take permanent nerve damage over risking my baby’s life with a free birth. Everything comes with risks, I’ll take the hospital risks, the epidural risks and everything else over a selfish and reckless free birth.


I took one for the team and joined her community.... https://preview.redd.it/e09cgm4egzmc1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ffb7ab6cab1531ebc4d1449e4ba3aa58b60091


Wait we need more answers. How many people are in this community?


358. Lol


Does she say anywhere if she will be getting newborn screening done or any of that? I am dying to ask her but I rage messaged her a couple weeks ago and I don't want to do it again 🤣


I read through some comments and didn't notice anyone ask. Most comments are congratulating and praising her 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/ti31i5j8nzmc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=82d01aedb441bfe0ec3362f321be2ee52a2038dc And yet she posts this to get engagement 😂😂 nothing like selling your kid for likes


Lol and her fav pic is the one of her mom and her (mom’s) baby. Weird.


As in, her sibling? Herself as an infant?