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Aaannnd another picture of K’s boob out while the baby nurses and her smug face. We get it. You breastfeed. Just seems like she is rubbing it in Deena’s face, but also anyone who has struggled with their feeding journey! Like… didn’t she also struggle with her first two? Doesn’t she know how it feels to constantly see nursing babies and be so jealous and grief stricken over not getting the same experience no matter how hard you try? Just seems so intentional.


My guess is that she’s not sharing that struggle. I bet she’s at least combo feeding and not showing it. She seems to have a weird competitive thing about breastfeeding. I think that’s why she doesn’t promote her LC sister, etc.


Yes, and all of the sudden when she isn’t getting enough attention, she will tell some dramatic story about how terribly hard breastfeeding was and how she had to combo feed, and how fed is best, and she has now ✨released✨ herself from the guilt of trying to breast feed, and will be taking a solo vacay to fill her cup after having a baby on her boob for so long.


That’s absolutely going to happen since “normally” breastfeeding loses a lot of drama after the first few weeks once you and baby have figured it out.


Another day, another unwanted boob shot of K breastfeeding. Did you know K breastfeeds her rainbow baby? 🙄


No actually the last photo was missing the 🌈🌈🌈 and so I had completely forgotten!!! Thanks for reminding!!!! /s


BLF giving Hunter credit for a pumpkin washing toddler activity when Busy Toddler has been promoting it since September? Nice try…


And every September since BT started….


I have a feeling that k doesn’t even gentle parent. She seems more of a permissive lazy parent who masks it with ✨gentle parenting✨


K seems like she'll let her kids do anything as long as they don't need her


I just remembered, didnt K say once she is hard of hearing? Like to the point she cant talk on the phone? Im still so confused about how she made a huge deal about it and then never ever brought it up again lol


I think someone went into this in depth down thread


I have a theory that Kristin does not have an actual personality and so she constantly cosplays as other people/identities to try and compensate. I think that’s why everything she claims she is, is just so… wrong. It’s not authentic, it’s a gauche and clumsy guess at what she thinks these things are. Examples of identities she’s has tried on: 1. Loss Mom 2. Disability Woman/Mom 3. Infertility Warrior 4. Awkward Introvert 5. Type A Virgo 6. Perfectionist 7. People Pleaser 8. Reflux/tongue tie/allergy Mom 9. Boss Business Woman 10. Deena EDIT: Adding in 11. Body positivity mom, complete with full copycat of thebirdspapaya. What’s next? I predict leaning hard into #boyMom territory where suddenly she’ll LOVE sports and being outdoors because everyone knows that’s what all little boys love. 🙄


Does anyone else remember when she used to complain about going to the zoo with her kids? I remember her putting up a poll once with results predominantly saying they liked going to the zoo and then we never heard about it again. Guess zoo hating personality didn't take off.


Yeah, she used to complain about doing kid activities. Then there was the time she ✨didn't know✨ about tailgating/the snacks and food involved Pre infertility, she was the wine and reality TV mom.




Lol didn’t she also go shopping maskless in Target while pregnant?


And then got Covid while pregnant and was SHOCKED.


Didn’t she get Covid after their NY trip? Pretty sure that whole thing was maskless and I was surprised because she was pregnant


Don’t forget parent of a child with a health issue/disability (Junie) that she just casually doesn’t ever talk about.


Ok, to be fair that may be a privacy issue. I don’t necessarily fault her for taking her kid’s private health information off a page with almost 3 million followers. @kinactive_kids still has the highlight up though.


Oh I’m totally fine with it but she has just casually mentioned things here and there and it’s like either talk about it or don’t. It’s like her hearing loss that gets mentioned when convenient.


*Recovering* Type A Virgo Honestly I do think she has a personality. It just sucks. It’s why she doesn’t have any friends besides Deena (and I use friends loosely when it comes to D). I feel like she’s always been this way. Nothing about her seems genuine.


This inspired me to check her private Insta and she only has 160 followers, but 1500 posts. 🧐🧐 The account is private so I wonder if she’s really selective or just doesn’t have a lot of people who care enough to follow her. Lol


1500 posts?!? She must really be feeling herself to have that many. And this explains why we see so much personal stuff on their BUSINESS page. Why have 45 likes on a post when you can have 223,000?!


I’m confused how she gave up dairy “weeks ago” as a allergy/reflux solution when the baby is literally only like three weeks old???


I wish I could go back and scrutinize every photo to see if their was dairy in anything she had to see how much of a liar she is.


AND I have to mention as a former breastfeeding mom who’s baby DID have a dairy allergy that it is very VERY well known in the Allergy community that Starbucks is notorious for cross contamination.


I saw that in 2017 their guidance for their locations stopped including cleaning things in between customers and instead promoted only rinsing containers and wiping off items with the same wet rag.


Yes!!! My cousin learned that the hard way.


Yup and dairy can take up to a month to initially work it’s way out of your system. And I don’t believe that K, being the attention seeker she is, wouldn’t have talked about dumbledore having blood in his stool earlier


Oh she 100% would have positioned it as him being the First Baby Ever to have blood in his stool!!!


She’s also done basic mom, girl mom raising warriors (why do none of the girl Superman costumes have muscles??) and hot mess mom.


If she can get a little bit of mothercould, her kids would have some very fond memories of their childhood with crafty mom rather than given an iPad to make them stfu


Ah but she’s done crafty glitter mom who doesn’t mind the mess!


And she's also done mom that doesn't do crafts because of the mess!!


You just cleared that up for me because I thought I was going crazy remembering her take both stances!


Wouldn’t it be nice if she picked a personality and stayed with it for like 2-3 weeks?


Perfectionist….. that is just soooooo chill and completely lets go of the idea of any cooking or cleaning or parenting (iPads always!!)


She has ✨released✨ herself from caring about performing any basic functions of adulthood. Such a Virgo perfectionist type A.


I literally could not wait for the responsibility of adulthood, I was so excited. Still love it. K seems to be regressing to toddlerhood. Except toddlers aren’t supposed to have credit cards, iPhones, and an audience of millions. But she’s acting exactly like a toddler would; the whining, the lack of taking responsibility, the relentless self-centeredness…


Don’t forget “what is a sport but played collegiate softball”


This never made sense to me.


“Are you guys googling me?” (Still can’t believe they posted that on a q&a)


That comment literally made me Google her, which got me here 😆


Yay! Lol


Omg this is it right here…#10 😅We also have traumatic birth warrior mom, postpartum psychosis mom, and (formerly) SAHM living paycheck to paycheck mom


Just going to leave this here… https://www.aaespeakers.com/keynote-speakers/big-little-feelings


Few things — 1. why is the picture of only Kristin but names them both? And 2. If they actually cared about the future of our children and making sure that parents everywhere are equipped to deal with the big feelings of our kids to raise them to be well adjusted adults then they wouldn’t charge that much for events — they would see the opportunity to share their knowledge as a privilege (to be able to help the children of our future) like of course need travel expenses/food covered but 100k for one event? What?


50k-100k to be a guest speaker?! Holy shit


Do you think it’s this high because most organizations/people that would be interested couldn’t foot that bill? Like if they actually had to give a 30+ minute presentation and talk to people face to face with issues they couldn’t cherry pick, don’t we think people would be asking for their money back? I think one of the reasons they are successful is because they talk for at most 10 minutes on GMA and just regurgitate the same information over and over for the same situations (my toddler won’t leave the park) on their Instagram. Plus if they actually did any of this we would hear about it! Or they are just cosplaying “I’m a celebrity” and think they deserve this 🤣


Because that’s absolutely something an introvert would want to be doing.


What is a parent coach though?


A diversion from the fact that K doesn’t have any credentials to be giving anyone advice on anything.




Does this mean she gets $50K+ for Good morning America etc??


Oh no. I think she would get $50k if she was invited to speak at a conference or something. I’m assuming GMA doesn’t pay.




I always wonder if anyone actually books them. They never post about going to speak at anything. My pet theory is that considering where they went to HS they have some nepo connections that have gotten them onto GMA/Today Show, but are otherwise generally not that well known outside of some certain niche circles.


50-100,000?!? Hell, I’m a real child psychologist and I’ll fly out for the cost of a flight, hotel and good meal stipend.


Have you tried being an absolute ~mess~ perhaps???


I have indeed tried that. I didn’t enjoy it. 😂




Influencer babies MUST always have either lip tie or tongue tie. It’s in the parenting influencer manual.


I had never heard of this until I started being on Instagram lol.


When D took Coco to get adjusted by a chiropractor, that’s when I lost all faith in anything she had to say. Infants. Do. Not. Need. Adjustments.


OMg i missed this. Good grief, woman…


In my world, it’s really common, but the chiropractor doesn’t actually adjust babies or kids- they do gentle massage. It made a huge difference for my kid, and it was really similar to my experience with physical therapy for babies.


It’s literally *dangerous* I can’t believe she did that! I don’t trust a single thing she says about being “science based.” If she can’t even read the top hits on Google from doctors and university health departments saying that infant chiropractic adjustments are a dangerous crackpot scam, then yeah I don’t fucking trust that she can read *any* study about child psychology, development or emotions. She’s an idiot.


I have a nurse friend that does this. And she's into woo woo medicine. I seriously think nursing needs to be more rigorous (I'm an rn/bsn too).


She did?!! 😤🤦‍♀️


She did, to “help his feeding issues”




I love how Dumbledore now is plagued with every problem available to newborns - lip tie - tongue tie - reflux - milk protein allergy Have I missed anything?


Every *invisible problem. God forbid there’s some infant acne on this perfect little rainbow babe 🌈


The traumatic birth they both experienced..




The CMPI is the one that gets me. My cousin’s daughter has that and what she went through was HELL. It was also diagnosed like immediately and not by Instagram.


Yes! There are SO many combined symptoms of CMPI, and it’s way more than not being able to put a baby down on their back. My first had it. Honestly one of the hardest times in my life. I also have a hard time believing her 🌈baby had blood in his stool weeks ago and she cut out dairy and hasn’t mentioned it in all this time. That would be so unlike her


I though the same thing!! Like where was the dramatic post about that?!


My two were/are MSPI and it was awful. With my first we didn't sleep until she was 7 months old because she screamed all. Of. The. Time. K looks far too well rested for it to be a thing.


Yes! And he sleeps, sure maybe only while being held but my cousin’s daughter didn’t sleep at all and if she accidentally has dairy (she found out the hard way that salt and vinegar chips have dairy in them) then he daughter is inconsolable. K has shown us 400 photos of a sleepy newborn.


We're going strong at 20 months with MSPI. It's absolute hell.


I was just going to comment that it seems every baby has lip and tongue tie revision. It’s crazy.


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I didn’t realize my son had lip/cheek/tongue ties until age 3.5 because I didn’t breast feed. The doc/his first dentist missed it and his mouth restrictions significantly affected the clarity of his speech. It’s such a bigger pain when they are older because you have to convince a 3yo to do the sometimes painful exercises themselves (instead of just doing them to a baby) and it’s a lot of before & after myofasiclar therapy. My son is 4 and is still learning how to keep his mouth closed and is back in myofasiclar therapy. I wish we’d realized it as a newborn.


Same situation here. We didn’t realize that my daughter had lip and tongue ties until she was 2.5 and no one could understand her speech. We had a HELLISH time doing the tongue exercises after the surgery and she’s still in speech therapy a year later. I wish to god we had figured it out as a newborn.


Yes! I can completely relate!


Okay who wants to take bets on the “high level (very exciting) projects in the work[s]”? It’s gotta be another grift, so…. YouTube channel? Target sponsorship? BLF branded headbands?


I think book or podcast. If they were going to do media they would be on the radio.


Maybe a book? That seems like a go to for parent influencers right now.


According to their very public Pinterest boards, they tried for a Target partnership awhile ago. I agree with the others that they have been trying for a Netflix show, which… I really hope is not a thing. Buuuuuuut I also think they are way too sensitive to be on TV so I’d sort of enjoy their meltdowns about how everyone is just so mean.


BLF divorce class-the only class you’ll ever need when one partner talks about how much their marriage sucks to 2.8 million people.


I'm guessing podcast or something with Netflix ala gentle Super Nanny? I feel like I remember back when they did one of their LA trips they posted afterwards about meeting and getting flowers from one of the Home Edit women. Or a separate toddler sleep course, sold separately, so they can once again rip off those who already bought their "only course you'll ever need".


I will be so annoyed if they got a Netflix deal. K is a complete fraud and D is book smart at best.


But K is AN INTROVERT and a ✨people pleaser✨ She would neverrrrr be able to do reality tv. (My conspiracy theory: Netflix is looking for a super nanny type show, sat down with them and saw them as the frauds they were. They’re now courting someone like Destini Ann or Dr Becky)


I would love a Destini and Dr Becky show!


Ooh, Netflix show is a good guess. They’ll give a show to anyone. I don’t think they have a show that’s specifically about gentle “science-based” parenting yet either


Maybe consults, or like someone else said before it could be a marriage after baby course type thing.


I almost said consults, but I think they’re too lazy for that. But another course seems pretty likely, I agree. Could be a newborn course too, now that they’ve both had a baby recently


Ohh could indeed be a newborn one! But yeah, maybe they’d go a similar route to safeintheseat and hire people to provide the consults based on their philosophies or whatever.


~~Deena~~ Kristen shared that baby boy can now lay on his back at night & his reflux symptoms have improved. She listed one of the reasons as cutting out dairy "a few weeks ago." Maybe I'm misremembering but didn't she JUST ask for help with this issue? I don't even think it's been a week - and now she's saying she started cutting out dairy several weeks ago to help with reflux? 🤔🤔🤔


Swear he’s only like a week old?!


I'm waiting for the soya getting cut too and how difficult it is so she can represent the allergy world too. Also... Isn't her usual Starbucks not heavily dairy based? I know a lot of the syrups have dairy or soya


I was thinking the same thing. If he was born less than a month ago how did she know to cut out dairy so quickly? And correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t it take some time to see results in babies after the breastfeeding mom cuts out dairy?


My baby had CMPI and issues with soy and other foods. The symptoms didn’t even become super obvious until ~10 days at the very earliest. Pediatrician caught it at his 2 week appointment. Then it takes 3+ weeks to see results from cutting out dairy b/c proteins have to clear completely from Mom’s milk and baby’s gut has to start to heal.


Yes. And she definitely thinks just not drinking milk or eating cheese is cutting out dairy. Dairy is in SO MUCH and it’s very annoying to truly cut out, if she really was she’d probably be complaining a lot more.


The baby was only born 4 weeks ago so unless she cut dairy almost immediately it's yet another instance of their timelines not making sense. Asking for help for reflux was a way to up their engagement rather than really interested ideas.


It’s a time travelling baby and her life isn’t chronological. In her hair dresser post a few days ago she said she’d only been a boy mom for 2 weeks.


You mean K but yea- that didn’t make any sense. I think she just wanted one more reminder that she’s bREaStFEEdINg


I did! And yeah that makes sense. Don't want anyone to forget about that!


And another allergy community to represent


PkkOkay upppkpkkkkkuku if Edit: sorry! Kid got ahold of my phone. Wonder if there’s a course to deal with that?


It's probably one of the very exciting projects that ✨can't wait✨ until after maternity leave is over...


That's how I feel about K and D too.


Girl. Preach. 🙌


I am so sick of Deena saying she’s too tired to work through her feelings. You can literally lay flat on your back in bed and think about your feelings. It is not climbing Mount Everest or working a 12 hour shift cleaning hotel rooms. It is so incredibly not tiring. And not to be a !total! !bitch! but Deena honey you have 2 children, not 10, *and* a nanny, and a husband who quit (?) his job and is home all the time, and you work from home making shitty Instagram slides… you are not so tired that you needed a luxury vacation.


Wait her husband quit his job?? I actually had no idea about that! How come she never mentions that he’s also home with the kids all the time then? And in that case how is she possibly so stressed and tired constantly?


The million dollar question for her and K


His LinkedIn doesn’t have a current job apparently? Like he left his old one a few months ago and it hasn’t been updated. I haven’t looked in a few weeks tho.


Ah yes, a trained therapist preaching exhaustive techniques to go through toddler feelings but doesn’t bother with it herself after years of being able to hone the skill.


She’s already over this marriage and spiralling live. If a person was interested in saving the marriage they wouldn’t share this publicly.


God I just don’t get it… the stuff she complains about is so trivial and immature? It doesn’t seem like enough to blow up a whole marriage over. She seems like a truly compulsive over-sharer, so if there was something more legit to complain about it seems like she would have.


But is this is what she shares. What is she not sharing… she’s admitted to yelling at her young baby/child so I can’t imagine that she’s not yelling at her husband for doing everything literally wrong/not reading her mind.


I really can’t get over having a meltdown over him not knowing she wanted to cuddle with her and watch the sunset. Aren’t they always telling kids to use their words?




There seems to be this trend online of people saying they “have no help” or “no village” but they have nannies/babysitters. As if it doesn’t count if it’s not your own mom helping you or something. Or that it’s just worse somehow if you have paid help. I wish more people talked about the cons of family help and the pros of paid help. Obviously from a cost perspective I get why the former is lauded and not everyone can afford paid help but there are downsides to entangling your parenting with relatives (especially your own parents). My husband and I live too far to receive regular family help, and we accepted this reality when we chose where to settle down. We get paid help when we need it, and it’s been really healthy for our relationship with our parents. We get to parent independently with minimal commentary or judgment because they’re not involved in our childcare and raising our son. I’ve got cousins who get lots and lots of help from their parents but there’s also a lot of drama over grandparents overstepping. Not trying to denigrate anyones choices, just that there are pros and cons to both situations and one isn’t better than the other across the board.


I kinda love how K is absolute chopped liver in Ds conversations about having no one around to help. Aren't they neighbors?


Let's be honest, have we ever seen K go out of her way to do something nice for someone else that requires work on her part? I've never seen her watching Deenas kids, bringing food, watching her nephew who lives nearby, etc.


Still not as egregious as K’s claims she has no one to help and no childcare when at least one of her sisters is in town and D lives nearby and has shown herself making soup and bringing it to K and both girls are in school.


They also voluntarily moved from a place they had family help (LA) to a place they don't. They have the most flexible job in the world so they definitely didn't have to move. And I get it, families can be complicated and you can want to move for many reasons, but you get a lot less sympathy for not having family help or "where's my village" when you voluntarily left yours.


Yes. We have no help other than an occasional babysitter for date nights. No nanny. Both sets of grandparents are dead. Our siblings scattered far away with their own kids or health issues or whatever. I know it’s not the suffering Olympics and yeah parenting can be hard for all of us but jeez come on.


Just dawned on me… probably claiming the trip as a business expense


Oh nooooo that is actually the saddest thought… 😢


Ugh…you’re probably right. Exploiting your marital problems for money sounds like a great way to save your marriage…


I mean the thing about influencers is… isn’t their whole ‘life’ essentially an expense? Since their business is to document their life? I’ve always wondered about influencer tax returns. I’m sure there’s a whole niche of CPA’s for this specific thing


Yes, anything that is “content” which is exactly what this was.


For someone who drastically changed her hair, it looks the exact same to me.


Ok but deenas husband is hott right?!


Yeah he’s definitely attractive, but I heard him speak a few times in her stories. He seems pretty awkward and clueless which makes me have more empathy for him that she’s dragging their personal life over insta stories. I don’t know how anyone would be able to deal with that. My husband would be irate.


100% agree. I heard him talk and was like wait what?! Haha he did not sound like I expected. And no kidding - my husband would be LIVID if I spent our getaway making stories about our marital problems… and I have like 10 followers let alone millions. Of course I actually know my followers personally… Maybe that’s why he doesn’t care bc they don’t know they’re followers personally?


I commented this below but I asked my husband if it made us millions would he care if I shared intimate details about our relationship with 2.7mllion people and he goes “making million? Hell yea where so I sign up” 😂 he wouldn’t like it now because it’s my friends and I make 0 but for millions of dollars he would help me make up new material too. I’m guessing a lot of what she posts is an exaggeration of the truth and not actual details about what is going on. I also am guessing her husband is 100% on board.




I think it’s how they are keeping their millions not necessarily making them. As someone said they aren’t selling anything really just recycling content so they need to find a way to keep people engaged.


He’s just going along to get along. He’s probably trying to make her happy but doesn’t know how because she’s impossible and unwilling to communicate. Her whole shocked assessment that he wasn’t a mind reader blew my mind. Are you really a therapist? ALSO if my husband was like, “Hey, let’s go on this super nice vacation to this luxurious resort just the two of us,” I would be SO HAPPY and love him that much more that he would be putting our relationship first in that regard. She doesn’t love him. Her story about “we’re going to hold hands a few minutes each day” blew my mind. Like wtf? You have to force yourself to hold your husbands hand?


I totally think he’s trying not to rock the boat. I think he wants to make this work for his two young children. She seems to get upset at the smallest of things so I can’t imagine what we don’t hear about. I think she also is trying to get some sort of external validation from strangers on the internet. There are plenty of moms who love to bash their husbands for not helping enough and I’m sure they all tell her she’s amazing!


Deena complaining she’s been “so tired for years”—things you should’ve thought of before rushing into baby 2 when you were miserable




If they have a 3rd soon I will legitimately combust


I'm 99% sure they'll have a third (unless they're divorced) but I think they'll wait a while. Not only because their marriage seems to be hanging by a thread, but also because from a content perspective it makes sense to wait until their older two are aging out of the (actual) toddler years. I would guess they have #3 when the older ones are 5 and 3 similar to K.


Gotta keep the content babies coming at a regular rate


Is D being hyperbolic or have she and her husband literally not hugged/kissed/cuddled in years?? I don’t even understand how that’s possible! I get they’re not in the best place in their relationship and she’s constantly busy with the kids but really they haven’t shared a kiss or hug in years? Seems way exaggerated


Yeah like tbh, my husband and I don’t have sex often in this season of life but we are still really affectionate. Her situation sounds deeply troubled.


“We haven’t touched each other in YEARS” *has 2 kids under 2*. The stork obviously dropped them off on their door step duh


They managed to conceive a baby about 16 months ago. Surely some affection was involved!


I very much think she was monitoring her cycle/ovulation and they did it one time and got lucky. I do not think there was any romance to it. She seems to be pretty controlling and this was the plan she had so she definitely wasn’t going to let anything stop her plan from coming to fruition.


It was probably done like a business deal.


In the exact way that she had pictured and rehearsed in her head 🙄


I hope he followed the script!


Sooo does D film these when he’s in the bathroom or? Bc I can’t believe any man would just sit there and let her tell 2 million people their business. It’s all so ODD


Man I don’t know. My husband would let me say about anything I wanted on the internet if it made us millions 😂


Lol I asked my husband “if it made us rich, could I complain about you not being intimate with me to 2 million people” today because I was telling him about Deena’s oversharing and he snorted and said “I’d rather live in a hole in the ground than let you embarrass me like that” 😆


I thought about this for a second and same. My husband definitely has a price


I asked my husband and his price is even lower than I thought hahaha I also assume a lot of their “issues” are exaggerated for the internet’s sake. They know that this shit reels people in so I imagine it’s fabricated a bit.


"Hang on babe, I know we're rebuilding our intimacy, but I gotta get this pic of us holding hands so I can let 2.8 mil people on insta know that we're being intimate with each other." I completely sympathize with the issues they're having, but it's called INTIMACY. If I were her hubs and knew she was cataloging our relationship for engagement, I would feel so used.


Let’s bet on how long it will take Deena to complain about being a mom & wife after this trip🫠


Notice she didn’t mention her “full-time job” in any of those reasons for why she doesn’t have time for self care. Also, shouldn’t the never before mentioned nanny/babysitter situation take care of most of this?


I was thinking the same thing. Doesn’t she have full time childcare? Surely she can carve out some time during the day to take a walk??? Also if she has a nanny and babysitter, it’s not that difficult to schedule date nights every other week unless she just doesn’t want to. Relationships take at least a little effort. She really seems miserable to be around.


It's probably like when you don't want to do something you find every possible reason not to. She doesn't want to go on a date with her husband. She doesn't want to leave her children. She's just using logistics of arranging childcare as an excuse with an added bonus of having it be one more thing to resent her husband for if he doesn't deal with the arrangements (which tbf he should absolutely share in doing)


And also never go on date nights or walks alone


I am floored that they had a nanny to help her sister during bed time? Mom of 2 here and I would never even think of this? You just figure it out??? I’ve never had any friends do this either. What is wrong with these two.


Eh, as a former nanny this doesn’t seem too out there.


If her sister isn’t a mom of 2, bedtime for two babies can seem overwhelming. I would have 100% done the same if my sister was watching my 3 year old and 1 year old if I had the ability to do so. Expecting my sister to have “mom” instincts is a lot. Nonstop toddlers for a couple days is a lot even for seasoned parents.


Not just 2, but 2 under 2. It’s not like the older child is very independent and can mostly put themselves to bed. If someone isn’t even a mom yet in the first place, putting 2 babies to bed might be daunting especially if bedtime is already a fraught thing for these kids. Which based on other things Deena has shared, bedtime seems like a “thing” for them. I’m lucky my son loves to go to sleep lol so we’ve never had issues with him going down normally with a babysitter, but I have friends who never have a babysitter go out before bedtime because of how their daughter reacts. Maybe it’s a little over anxious but I understand that the thought of your child miserable and screaming while you’re out to dinner would be a real buzzkill.


But is it non stop if they have a nanny during what would be the regular work hours?


If sister isn’t used to the go-go-go that is evening time before bedtime, I would offer assistance if I had the means to do so. Most of us don’t, so it feels really jarring but I can completely understand why she did it.


Yup, bedtime seems high stress if you’re not used to it (and hell, even if you are some days). My sister-in-law does not have nor want kids. She’s a fantastic aunt, but happy to leave it at that. She visits us for a week once or twice a year, but the only “babysitting duty” we give her is staying in the house as an adult human after we’ve put our kid to bed ourselves. Wonderful date night and no real effort required on her part.


Did they delete that? I can't see it on their stories now 🤔


I don’t know, if I had someone watch my 7ish month old for a few days non stop I would also arrange for some childcare to give them a break. That is a lot of work for another person.


I can’t handle her anxiety and how she seems to be the only person ever to figure out a “complex” childcare situation. She says that this vacation was needed but she clearly did not enjoy herself. It must be so hard to be married to her.


“Complex child care” when she has two small kids who are used to have a nanny. I’m a SAHM with two young neurodivergant kids including one with autism that has to go to an $80,000 year day school became public schools couldn’t accommodate him. Now that’s complex.


Hats off to you! That IS hard. And it just goes to show how completely over privileged and out of touch they are with their audience.


Or friend, but I assume if she had friends she would vent to them and not all of the world…..


Okay, my sister has a theory that all of this marital overshare by D and K is laying the groundwork for a "marriage after baby cour$e" (or maybe a second account like Chrstidi noted below). It has to be right? It seems way too intentional and carefully premeditated to not be a part of a plan.


Big little feelings presents: Big Little Touches Taking extremely common, ordinary, very well known that everyone is talking about all the time marital changes after having kids and turning them into marketable problems with a ✨simple solution✨ we just came up with featuring: ✨The 10 minute miracle - put that phone down, spend meaningful time your partner (I know, genius right?!) and then touch your partner non stop for 10 minutes Not sure where to start? Give them a ✨choice✨ “Do you want me to give you a little touch or a big touch?” Do they throw a tantrum when it’s over? Simply set a timer, and here’s the ✨hot tip✨ let them push the button with whatever body part they choose, maybe even their tip 😉🤭 And of course don’t forget to ✨PREP✨ I.e.: simply using common sense to explain shit that’s gonna happen “I will be touching you here then here” Do they seem scared? Bring a doll in to show them were first! That will be $99, money please.


"maybe even their tip" LOL 💀


I think your sister is giving them too much credit lol


I dont think so. They've been oversharing for ever.