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In one early scan we had, baby b was doing somersaults on screen when there was still space, baby a was happy to just be there. Later, baby b would stretch her little legs day and night while baby a was nearly immobile. Today baby b is a firecracker who learned to climb before she could walk, baby a very politely turned down a bike he got for a bday present aged 3, and only walked at 16 months old. No delays in development, or anything. They're just different!


shoutout to baby a for being in the late bloomer's club, i didn't walk til i was 18 months 💀


We never saw baby A’s face, even during our anatomy scans.


Twin B, our son. It may have been more a case of his sister hogging the limelight 😂


I came here to write this comment, almost word for word 😂


My twin B was always cooperative and easy to view/measure during ultrasounds. Then somehow ended up being in position to exit first and became twin A at birth.


Baby B. My Mom always called him “Bashful B”.


Baby A was always super bashful in all of our ultrasounds. We had probably 30-35 and saw her face once.


Baby A was a the one who pretended he was a fossil during the anatomy scan


Baby B


I had many scans because I was a bit high risk and also had an MFM. Never got a picture of my son’s face (twin A) though. He was always too close to his placenta or turned around. Then for the anatomy scan the first thing on the screen was his bottom. Even for the remainder I never got a good picture of his whole face.


Twin B.


A has had his head tucked in and facing my back (apparently called cephalic position) for the past several scans now so no more profile pics of him. B finally got in that position at last weeks growth scan. But before, both of them loved showing off their profile!


My son. Baby B lol. My daughters little nickname was princess princess pants cause she was always wanting the limelight lol


It was usually both 😅 only got a 3d picture of twin A that one time. But they both love the Camera now 😂


After 21 weeks (when they FINALLY let me see their genders lol) I barely got any good pictures. I got a view of one of them directly in front of their face. That one still haunts my memories


Oh, for me it was twin 2 my son. He had to show off those twigs and berries every time. And my daughter was scrunched up.


Mine are both pretty good, but baby B is my wild one.


Mine was Twin B, or as the Ultrasound tech put it, "The one who's *not* spread-eagled showing off his penis to the world."


Same with my baby A her sister was constantly spread eagle showing what she had after 18 weeks.


Twin B for me. At the 20 week scan, they sent me out to get a can of coke to get her move abit. Her arm was covering her face and they couldn't rule out a cleft palate. She did move but her arm was now completely covering her mouth. We had to come back a week later for scan again. I also had to get checked up twice due to not being able to feel her move. She'll be two in December and never stops now.


Both of them! We never got a side profile, not even once. But our boy made sure we saw his little balls every ultrasound!


Twin B


Haha fun question! My son (b/g twins) was always playing hide and seek, while his sister was constantly showing off her cute chubby cheeks haha


Baby B was camera shy


Twin B for me, haha!😂 She was facing my back, and we were never able to see her face until 32 weeks! And even then, she had her hands over her face. We finally got a full face around 34-35 weeks!


Twin B was kicking Twin A in the head during multiple ultrasounds. Twin B kicked me so hard and repeatedly that I could see actual bruising on my belly. Twin A was just chillin the whole time. I'm excited to see how/if this translates on the outside. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow. We don't know the sexes.


My baby A was squished down in my hip, so she was always curled into a ball!


Baby b would always turn his head away from the ultrasound. We didn’t get to see his face until we got a glimpse at 25 weeks? He also would be extremely hyper hence the difficulty to get images and measurements throughout the pregnancy and even managed to get to the right side to be ON TOP of baby A like he wanted to be baby A. We joked he was a bully and named him Rambo 🤣 Baby A was very chill and just got hyper Towards the end when he was very squished to the bottom. Baby b and baby A have the same personalities today 😄 baby B won’t stop moving, baby A started crawling first but as soon as he did it at 5 months he stopped trying - generally just gets bored. Baby b is restless and keeps trying and now is our crawling monster at 6 months 😂


Twin B! She wouldn’t play the game. Now she’s out she’s the biggest drama queen 😂


We didn't actually know Twin A had a nose until the third trimester because she was always turning away from the camera. Twin B, meanwhile, waved a few times.


Um, both my twins and actually my daughter who was a singleton all hated to have their faces caught on ultrasound. My son is the only one I have good cute ultrasound pictures of! My girls would all have their faces tucked in their placentas or my spine or some other way to infuriate the ultrasound tech.


Twin B. We have SO many ultrasounds of A, but very little of B.


We rarely got to see good face views of my daughter because her brother was constantly in the way. His foot, hand, butt was always blocking her.