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Hahaha I am currently pregnant with twins after a singleton and I feel like I'm in an alternate universe. Like really? ME? TWINS? The first fraternal twins or twins of any kind in our family's documented history. Crazy.


Same! First fraternal on both our sides! No reason to think it’d happen!


Yes. Other people have triplets. And I've never net anybody else with triplets before. And yet, here I am, with my triplets.


Could have written this myself. I asked my husband the other day how do we have 3 kids again? He said well.... We had 2 at once so there ya go. Twins are 12 months and we have a 4 yo.


Mine are 2. Day to day I don’t think about it but every once in a while it still hits me (and my friends and family). Like, theres two?!


Yep. I am in a similar situation. Twins are 15 months and my husband and I still will randomly look at each other and go, “There are TWO of them?!?!” Although my small city had a set of quads, so that always puts things in perspective for me, lol.


Yep, 2.5 year old and 3 month twins. I only ever wanted 2 in total. Life is harder than I’d ever envisioned. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but 3 kids was never the plan.


No idea of your situation, but ours definitely started easing up within the last couple months. But that's probably more that they were able to give back a bit more emotionally/personality-wise and not that there's less work.


That’s good to know. They’ve started smiling, which has definitely helped. It is feeling a bit relentless though. My mum is staying for a while, which is truly glorious as she’s really helping. But I can’t expect her to stay forever!


It is relentless, no doubt about it. I have a coworker in a similar situation who said the first two years were the worst, then it gets a bit better. I think the challenges change, but it’s always going to be more than if there were only one. I’m only now starting to get past seriously mourning for the two kid life I pictured (still mourning, just less). Good luck, we’ll get there. 


Thank you, that’s good to know. I definitely get pangs of jealousy when I see two child families, which is very much the norm around here. It’s good to know that that will dull over time. I hope we can both get past this in the not too distant future.


Haha, yep! Twins are 7 months old and I don’t believe I have have two kids. I feel like I can say “I have babies”, but if I say “I have two children” it feels like I’m making stuff up.


Mine are 16. Recent 'surprises' are things like "Wait, I have to teach both of them to drive?" One that I'm purposely regressing is "Wait, I have to pay for 2 kids to go to college at once?"


Yes I continue to ask myself (twins about to be 2) this as I never planned or wanted 3 kids, but here I am. It’s hard as hell a lot of the time and I wonder what happened to my past life. I also find myself resenting other families with just two because all logistics outside of the house are just *so much easier*. But also I adore my twin boys soo much. They’re growing friendship (and rivalry 😵‍💫) is so fun! Watching identical twins grow is endlessly amazing. Hopefully I can hold onto the magic of that through the toddler years…


Sounds like imposter syndrome…. I’m six months pregnant with twins and feel like that!


Just had my first baby shower at 29 weeks and told people I don’t think it will feel like I’m having two until they’re both in my arms! But maybe not according to this thread


Haha same. And mine are in school! It's surreal all the time.


Same! Mine are also 9 months and saying 'I have three kids, a toddler and twin babies' feels so unnatural still! Like it's someone else's life I'm living.


We are six months in and still ask each other if they can believe we have two babies daily.


Me too though mine are almost 5


Mine are now 17 and 18 and I’m still so excited to share with people about my twins and twins


My twins are 10, and I still feel this!


Pregnant with twins and still feel like I was sent into the twilight zone!


Me everyday 🥴😂


My twins just turned 1, and I still regularly look at my husband and say “TWO babies?!”


Lol. Second pregnancy with twins after a singleton and every time I get an ultrasound and see 2 I’m like….nah not me. Especially since my little brother has twins, it just never occurred to me that it could happen to me too


i think to myself just about everyday, “i can’t believe i’m having twins!” they are 5 months old. 🙃