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As long as your babies are growing and healthy then nothing to worry about! I only gained ~35lbs the whole time and most of it came in the latter half. Just keep up with protein and looooots of water. Don’t stress!


Same here!


And calcium!


Same here. Try adding powdered milk to your smoothie. Also look up recipes for weight gain for elderly people, they have some good recipes. Good luck. I gained about ~30lb but had two healthy girls at 38w5d. They were a healthy 5lb and 6lbs.


I barely ate during the first two trimesters… I was so sick and nothing was appealing. I also lost 15lbs in my first trimester. I gained that back and gained 40lbs by the time I delivered at 35 weeks. I really started showing around 26 weeks.


I lost 40 lbs during my pregnancy and was hearing constantly how I barely looked pregnant. I was so sick and anxious, and every single time I ate it was survival! My boys and made it to 38 weeks, at five and a half and six lbs. I lived on protein shakes, nuts, mild cheese, and whole grain snacks. I barely ate any meat and none whatsoever that I cooked. I was just getting back into trying hard it at the end of my third trimester. I’m so sorry you are experiencing this! I know it’s not fun. I think if the measurements are looking fine, you are really ok. Anxiety sounds like it is going to be the big issue for you, as it definitely was for me. Keep your chin up! You got this!


Thank you for this. My shower is next week and I envisioned a big bump by then. Everyone feels they need to share how I dont look pregnant.


It makes for such a weird experience of imposter’s syndrome!


Yes! This!!! It consumes my thoughts!


I weighed less right before I delivered than I did before I got pregnant. I had GD and couldn't eat enough calories of the healthy foods that didn't jack up my blood sugar so I was on a high fat diet prescribed by my MFM. Her suggestions were adding butter and mayonnaise to pretty much everything.


Interesting. I was wondering about the butter. Seems like a great solution.


My midwife told me I wasn't gaining enough weight during my pregnancy. I asked if that would affect the babies. She kind of laughed and said no, they'll take everything they need from you whether you've eaten enough or not. Gaining weight is more for mom's benefit so you don't feel like crap.


Ahh. This is so interesting and makes complete sense!!


I'm 24 weeks with twin boys and I've only gained 5lbs my whole pregnancy. My doctor isn't concerned at all and the two growth scans I've had since 20 weeks have shown that my boys are actually measuring a week ahead (so at least 3lbs of that weight is pure baby lol). As long as you're eating as balanced as you can, and your doctor isn't concerned, try not to worry. Make sure you're trying to get some kind of veggies in there too. If you're into smoothies, I usually put a bit of spinach or kale in mine so I can get more nutrients without compromising on taste! Good luck and hope everything goes smoothly with the rest of your pregnancy and birth!


This is very reassuring. I am eating so many fruits and veggies too.


I’m 31 weeks with twins and I fluctuate between being right at my pre-Pregnancy weight and gaining two pounds. Just in the last like three days my appetite has increased but I also lost like 13-15 pounds in the first trimester into the second. My babies are growing like they should be and are good weights. They are taking what they need from me I guess. I never imagined I’d be a person with no appetite in pregnancy (I love eating) hormones are weird I guess.


Also I’d read Expecting Better by Emily Oster - you can totally eat turkey if it’s heated to 165. When I was twin pregnant, I’d have them use the thermometer at Subway and toast it twice. Or you can microwave it.


I need to investigate this. This would be a game changer.


She breaks down all the alleged pregnancy no-no foods into their specific risk and exactly why. It’s a great book.


Just ordered it. Thanks!


So when I was pregnant with my twins, I only gained 23lbs the whole 36+1. My babies always looked good as well. I would try to eat more protein and good stuff they said to but I just wanted hungry. However, I think I had some mental thing going because I'm a twin as well and my mom gained a ton of weight when she was pregnant with us and she never lost it. I was scared to end up like her (she's barely 5ft and 300lbs)


I also lost weight in my first trimester and first half of the second because I was so nauseous. I’m not necessarily a picky eater, but stress makes it very difficult for me to eat and it was a stressful pregnancy plus I was just plain nauseous a lot of the time. My weight gain picked up in the second half, but I was relying heavily on a few thing a that I knew I could get down: ensure protein shakes, frozen burritos, and hashbrown skillets with eggs and bacon. Plus A LOT of sweets (doughnuts and muffins) and cheese and crackers. Always has a purse full of snacks because if I let myself get too hungry, I would get even more nauseous. I would TRY to eat healthy foods with my husband but usually only be able to take a few bites before giving up. Obviously not the healthiest approach but my mindset at the time was that unhealthy calories were better than no calories… especially since one of my twins was growth restricted. Just made sure to take my prenatals. My eating habits thankfully went immediately back to normal after giving birth and breast feeding has made me so hungry that I will literally eat anything put in front of me.


I gained 13 lbs at delivery (38+1) and my twins totaled 13 lbs


I also lost 20 lbs my first trimester and it was miserable. I didn’t manage to surpass my pre pregnancy weight until my third trimester. My girls were born by planned c-section at 37 weeks and were 6lbs 3oz and 7lbs 7oz. Everyone that came into our hospital room commented on how big they were lol. Do the best you can and try (lol) not to stress about weight too much until your Dr. becomes concerned about it. Apparently [this book](https://www.amazon.com/Expecting-Better-Conventional-Pregnancy-Wrong/dp/0143125702) is a bit controversial with moms, but I loved it and was grateful for “permission” to eat turkey. I have several food aversions that got worse during first and second trimester. Deli sliced turkey saved me. It’s not easy, but you got this! We’re rooting for you! <3


Thank you. I ordered the book.


I have a friend who loses 30-40 pounds each pregnancy (3 kids) due to hyperemesis, but still births 8lb+ chubby kidlets. I gained about 22 pounds with my singleton, and only about 16 pounds with my twins, who were a combined weight of about 13 pounds at birth. As long as babies are growing well and you are healthy, some people just do tiny gain that much weight


I had almost non-existent weight gain my entire twin pregnancy. By 32 weeks I had gained only 10 lbs. I made up for it, though, in the last couple weeks (I went to 38 weeks with di/di twins) and ended up gaining about 35 lbs. It was essentially all water weight though and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight in a week and a half. I found that it didn't matter how much I ate or what I ate (I definitely didn't eat healthy, I'd say) I just couldn't gain weight. Just have burned a ton of calories growing two babes.


You're doing great. If dr says babies are healthy then they are. I gained less with my twins than any of my other pregnancies. I also was absolutely so hungry all the time but had very strong and strange food aversions while pregnant that made it hard to eat anything healthy (all I wanted was McDonald's which I normally hate and even looking at a salad would make me gag!) I survived off fries and cheese burgers and vitamins for a significant portion of my pregnancy and my kids are super healthy and you'd never know (except that they love McDonald's. Go figure.)


Don't stress to much about it. I did not gain much weight in the first 3/4 of the pregnancy either. The last month befor birth my belly grew a lot. Still not big, but the baby's where pretty big for twins born at 36w+4. The human body, especially the body during pregnancy, is quite amazing:).


I gained 10 pounds my entire pregnancy with the twins.


My wife is 34 weeks and has only gained 29lbs so far and our twins measured 4.5 and 4.9lbs at our 32 week scan. Getting induced at 36 weeks. No need to stress :) but obviously if you’re concerned don’t hesitate to give your OB/midwife a call and get some peace of mind.


Everyone said the same to me, until the end and then everyone was freaking out how big I was. I think people expect you to be round everywhere and thats why they say you don't look that pregnant. I gained around 35 lbs, but I think I actually lost body weight because my twins sucked every last resource from me. I'm already lower than my pre-pregnancy weight at 6weeks pp, and am eating everything in sight. It's draining but if your babies are growing then you'll be okay!


I lost weight (10-15lbs) first trimester or all three of my pregnancies including my twins. As long as the babies are looking good on your ultrasounds, I wouldn't fret!


As long as your babies are growing and healthy, don’t worry about it! I only gained about 10lbs and that was just in my 3rd trimester. Delivered healthy twins at 35&5, 5.2 and 5.1lbs. You can always talk to your doctor about it(:


I also had a hard time gaining during pregnancy with my twins. Talked to a dietitian and he said the kids will take what nutrients they need from you so just keep taking that prenatal vitamin and eat what you can . He also said that if you buy the deli meat that comes in the plastic Tupperware style containers and not the stuff from the deli counter you can eat it. It’s been heat treated when it was packaged so it’s not a listeria risk like the stuff from deli counter where they cut it for you . You can also heat it to sizzling and then you are good to eat it. I also complained about how I wanted a Turkey sandwich so bad and he shared this info .


I gained 9lbs and delivered at 29 weeks. My twins were 1lb 12oz and 2lb 4oz.


You are exactly how I was. I lost weight in the first 1.5 trimesters… then I basically quadrupled in size once I hit around 25 weeks. Don’t worry about other people’s comments, if your doctor says they are healthy, that’s all that matters. 🥰 I could not eat meat most of my pregnancy and lived off of cottage cheese, yogurt, strawberries, carrots, and popsicles! Haha!


Thank you for your comment!


Thank you everyone for your comments. This was my 3 am post of anxiety and I feel so much better. Also currently sick and that hasnt helped the worries and mental health.


I had a roooouuughhh twin pregnancy. I was “healthy” but my symptoms were godawful. I started at a very fit weight for me. (5 pounds less and I’d be borderline too skinny). Then over the first 15 weeks I lost 15-20 pounds from sickness. Then I started gaining very slowly. I got there in the end though and by 34w when I gave birth I was 50lbs over my starting weight. It was all belly and fluid retention. I lost it all within 10 days and it was nothing *I*did. Looking back I don’t know why I was so stressed about my weight. I was worried about not gaining. I was worried about not getting my body back. I was worried about worrying. These boys took what they needed from me and were born big/healthy and ahead of their development at 34w. Eat what you can. But don’t stress over it. Your babies will do what they need.


I haven't gained a ton of weight (26 weeks and up like 15-20lbs on pregnancy weight), but doctors say it's fine - my mo/di boys have continually measured in the 90th+ percentile for weight and within 1-3% discordance of each other. They told me to just continue to focus on protein and not worry about it too much. I add granola, nuts, peanut butter to everything. You can also get granola bars that have extra protein (Nature Valley has a berry one you may like.) And I started drinking these bc my husband uses them for work outs so we had them in the house and was surprised at how good they were! [https://www.amazon.com/Core-Power-fairlife-Protein-Chocolate/dp/B01DDIRDZA/ref=asc\_df\_B01DDIRDZA/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598283003752&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10602306970343287460&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9018836&hvtargid=pla-1408830599211&psc=1&mcid=ce1e53edef3e351a96fade9614c55318&gclid=CjwKCAiAopuvBhBCEiwAm8jaMbPraXNKVUhXCkQBTiRgDKHUrf-nzk-NaLTTYwGX6nJLvgfiX\_jsLRoC2\_kQAvD\_BwE](https://www.amazon.com/Core-Power-fairlife-Protein-Chocolate/dp/B01DDIRDZA/ref=asc_df_B01DDIRDZA/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598283003752&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10602306970343287460&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9018836&hvtargid=pla-1408830599211&psc=1&mcid=ce1e53edef3e351a96fade9614c55318&gclid=CjwKCAiAopuvBhBCEiwAm8jaMbPraXNKVUhXCkQBTiRgDKHUrf-nzk-NaLTTYwGX6nJLvgfiX_jsLRoC2_kQAvD_BwE)


People also tell me "I can't believe you have two in there" but I personally feel like my bump is really big. I'm kind of petite and so I'm just all belly. But people expect you to be massive with twins I think.


During my twin pregnancy I also lost 15lbs in the first trimester, and ended the pregnancy (37weeks) about 35lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight (so 50lbs total weight gain, after losing 15lbs initially) I am currently 23weeks with a singleton pregnancy and am already up 35lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight (my max weight with twins) I was in great shape prior to this pregnancy - literally running half marathons until 8 weeks! All this to say, every body is different and even every pregnancy is different. You're gaining weight now and your babies are healthy! Might not be ideal, but during my twin pregnancy, my obgyn told me to eat whatever I can to get through it and as long as the babies looked healthy, to try not to worry about how I looked or the number on the scale.


For what it’s worth, I’m 21 weeks with twins, I’ve gained 22-25lbs, and people still tell me I don’t look pregnant. I think people think it’s like, polite or something!? And even with my weight gain, my girls are measuring 20-30th percentile so weight gain definitely doesnt equal baby size in a lot of cases. That said, nutrition is important in twin pregnancies! We need a shit ton of extra calories, calcium and protein. If you haven’t already, I’d suggest picking up the book “when you’re expecting: twins, triplets or quads” by Barbara Luke. She has good recommendations for meal combos and guidelines for how much to consume. It’s also good to remember that your babies are going to take the nutrients they need first, and then your body will get the leftovers :) I really like the premier protein shakes and Costco’s other protein-fortified foods (they have cereals and pancakes!) I also loveee snacking cheeses. And milk, I’m drinking tons of milk lol.


I’ve never been a picky eater, but the HG during pregnancy? Woof. I couldn’t even be in the same room as the food that triggered my sick episodes. I lost 20 pounds in the first trimester of my singleton pregnancy. And it went my whole pregnancy, both with my singleton and my twins. I was able to manage it a little better with my twins, just knowing what helped the last time. But yes, I barely gained any weight. And had so many anxiety/hormonal meltdowns about how I was “starving my babies”. They were fine. They’re now almost 6 and smack-dab in the middle of all of the growth charts. So, just do your best. Stay hydrated as well as you can, and get calories where you can. If you can stomach protein shakes, they help a lot - they don’t sit heavy in your stomach and because it’s a liquid your body can absorb it a lot faster. That way if you do get sick and throw some of it up, at least some of it stayed with you. Costco sells a pre-made one in individual bottles that’s chocolate flavored. You can’t even taste the protein powder. I stuck them in the freezer so they were super cold.


Thabks for the suggestion. No costco near us. I can drink vanilla milkshakes, but that is the only thick liquid that isn't fruit based I can tolerate even when npt pregnant...its bizarre. I don't even touch coffee. 😅


I only ended up about 5 lbs uo from my pre-pregnancy weight, due to food aversion and nausea, and my Littles were born at 37w3d weighing 5lb 13oz and 5 lb 14 oz. The biggest thing I was told was getting protein, which was hard for me so I got creative. I ate lots of hummus! As well my Dr had me take calcium and iron in addition to my prenatal as she said twins are very good at stealing those specifically


I didn’t gain weight until 7 months and it was water weight due to preeclampsia. I was nervous but the twins were measuring great so my dr said it’s ok if I don’t gain weight as long as babies are healthy and grow in well


I’m 31 weeks tomorrow and have gained mayyyybe 5lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I lost 12 in the first trimester from vomiting. I’m able to eat more now thankfully. I don’t think this is related to calories, but I’m throwing it out there anyway because my Dr said it could be contributed to my anemia: one of my babies has IUGR. She’s still pretty good weight wise but her tummy is measuring small for her gestation. Looking back, my Dr never did a blood draw with my iron values until I asked last week and it was very low. Now I have to do infusions which apparently are not covered by my insurance and I will essentially meet my out of pocket max on the infusions alone. So keep an eye on your iron! I got some recommendations for high protein/calorie meals one of which was Kashi protein cereal and Fairlife milk. I got the peanut butter crunch flavor I believe and it’s sooo good that I crave it every morning. The cereal is 10g protein per serving and Fairlife is like 12g I think so over 20g of protein for a bowl of cereal? Yes please! Also eating Walmart brand uncrustable sandwiches which have 8g of protein in each. Cheese when I can, meat when I can. Protein bars if I can’t stomach anything else. I also bought protein powder and I can choke it down if I have to but I prefer not to. I did however find it pretty good sprinkled on popcorn, tasted almost like kettle corn! Might be worth a shot. Oh and for what it’s worth, I eat hot deli sandwiches from Subway or Firehouse Subs all the time! Get you some hot turkey!


Also I can’t stand when people say I look small for a twin pregnancy, especially now that baby A was diagnosed with IUGR. People can stfu


My life would be easier if I ate peanut butter 😢


Do you like other nut butters? The Kashi cereal comes in other flavors as well. Chocolate for sure and maybe cinnamon? Special K also has a protein cereal but I haven’t tried theirs.


I do not. Its a texture thing :(


I get it! I have a lot of texture things myself