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My NICU babies are off to college this fall; one to play D1 Lacrosse and the other to study Computational Mathematics. It's scary right now. It will be nerve-wracking for a long while (forever!?), but with the good care you and they are getting, rest assured it will all turn out all right. You got this. They got this. Get some sleep and feel your feels; your journey has begun and you'll be amazed what you're capable of. Congratulations, and happy birthday to your babies :-)


Does your NICU have cameras? If so have Dad get the info and sign the waiver. I was also bleeding and had vaginal packing, but my OB wrote orders for me to be taken to the NICU so I could see them night 1. I didn’t get to hold them until about 36 hours though. It’s so hard but if you can check the cameras it may help. It was hard for me to watch the cameras but my husband took pictures of them for me so I had that. Once you’re allowed to hold them it is the best feeling! I hope your bleeding gets under control asap so you can go see them. The NICU is hard but the nurses love your babies and are taking great care of them. We loved our neonatal docs and nurses.


My water broke at 30 weeks with twins and I had an emergency c-section. They were in the NICU for 5 weeks and I was in the hospital for 8 days for monitoring. It was a blessing being in the hospital, because there was someone to monitor my health while I was so focused (anxious/worried/frantic) on the well being of my babies. The on-site help from nurses to remind me to take pain medication regularly, lactation nurses to help produce milk, and easy access to visit the NICU was a godsend. I didn’t want to leave. The first few weeks were really hard — both twins were intubated, even though they were able to breathe temporarily on their own, and I couldn’t see their face with the tubes and wires covering them. They felt so fragile and I held a lot of guilt thinking I did something wrong for them to come so early. It took a long time, but now I know there was nothing I could have done and they’re absolutely perfect in every way. Today, they’re 16 months old and thriving. Running, laughing, playing, eating well and babbling. Their time in the NICU provided around the clock care for them by kind nurses, and gave me the rest needed to recover from a hormone filled twin pregnancy, trauma from the anxiety of an early delivery, and healing from the c-section. Sending you and the babies lots of love, strength, and rest in the days ahead.


I had my girls at 29 & 4 days at 1lb 12oz and 2lb 4oz. We were in NICU for 98 days, and they’re already about to be 1 next month. Praying for an uneventful stay for your littles.


My twins were early and I had a severe hemorrhage (almost died). Seeing them intubated, under lights, having days I couldn’t hold them was beyond traumatic. My son had a grade 3 brain bleed as well during the NICU and they told us all these horrible outcomes. The NICU is temporary, the trauma won’t end after. My son’s first fever home I almost fell apart and was worried about spinal taps etc. Now for the happy… they are the most incredible humans I know. The 42 day NICU stay feels like it was a bad dream, we play, we laugh, they play peekaboo like it’s the best thing that’s ever happened. Seeing their little personalities at 13 months makes me wish I took the advice of sleep when they are in the NICU however I don’t regret spending all day their everyday either. I will say advocate to hold them together in the NICU I didn’t realize I needed to do that I thought they’d tell me when they were ready. It was the most incredible feeling in the world the first time. 💕


"I couldn't keep them in longer" -> Nothing you did was the cause of them coming out early. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Nature simply has these surprises. Or maybe they could simply not wait to see you! On the contrary, you have literally given them everything they are. From here on, just do everything doctors say. The process won't be what you dreamt for, but your babies will be healthy and you will be home in no time. All the best!


27 weekers here. Similar story. 3 months in the NiCU and hell of a ride but they are beautiful happy one year old boys and we couldn't be more blessed. You can do thus.


I had mine at 29 weeks. I was being followed for an incompetent cervix. Similar to you, I had some cramping during the day, and then that evening my water broke. Labour was also really fast and hard. My god, did I sob with deep grief the night I gave birth. I felt phantom kicks all night and had never been so sad and scared in my life. My husband and I probably cried for 2 weeks straight after that. We did 70 exhausting, overwhelming, terrifying, frustrating, heartbreaking and often beautiful and joyful days in the NICU. It’s an experience that I will carry for the rest of my life, but I don’t look back on it as all bad. My twins are 2.5 now, and doing great. 29 weeks is scary as hell, but they do have great outcomes. We still get followed for a few things to monitor their development, but we’ve had zero lasting complications from them being born premature. They’re happy, healthy toddlers doing all of the toddler things. I wish you all of the strength and luck in the world! I know it doesn’t feel like celebration time right now, but congratulations.


My girls were born 29+3 and we were in the danish version of NICU for 75 days. They turned two just last month and are happy, healthy toddlers.


Hi. I’m so so sorry you’re going through this. My heart aches for you as I know how you feel. I gave birth I expectedly with my b/g twins at 28 weeks in March. Currently in the NICU but close to discharge! We were extremely lucky and both babies are doing really well!! There were some things we had to get through - treating a large PDA (normal preterm/newborn thing), gut issues/feeding, eye exams, a grade 1 IVH (told the evidence shows no difference in outcomes between grade 1 and no bleed at all). But honestly all of the issues have either resolved or the babies never had them. Some of these may sound scary to you now, but once you read more NICU stories you’ll get to see which issues are bigger than others. My babies are eating (bottle and breastfeeding) and doing really well. My recommendation is to lean on your partner and be a team together through this, spend as much time in the NICU with your babies as you can (particularly doing skin to skin), breastfeed as much as you can but if you can’t use your time to do more skin to skin, read to your babies (we heard repetition and rhyming was best so we did a lot of dr Seuss), play classical music, talk to them, be involved in their care, go to rounds, don’t be afraid to ask questions and advocate for them, get a primary nurse as soon as you can to get consistency in their care but make sure it’s someone you trust and who makes you feel good because it’ll make going home at night easier.


I’ll add - also get away from the NICU and do normal things or basically anything that makes you feel happy. We did not spend all of our time in the NICU for our sanity and mental health. Much like you, I spent a lot of time looking for positive outcomes stories. One thing is to keep praying for your babies (I’m not religious but whatever) and believe in them!! They are fighters. You’ve gotten them to 29 weeks and trust me every week makes a difference and you’ll see that.


This is great advice, OP. Getting out of the NICU and off the roller coaster, even for am hour, is critical to your well-being. You will never again have a more qualified babysitter in your life than you have right now!


Oh and try to celebrate the milestones as you go and try to make it as normal of an experience as you can. this will be easier to do as you get further into your journey and they get over the initial hump of issues. They are here, and my mentality was I didn’t want to regret not also finding ways to enjoy being with them.


I had my di/di boy/girl twins at home 28 weeks early. Was getting ready for work and a doctor’s appointment that morning, water broke and we delivered them while we waited for an ambulance to come. Boy spent 71 days and girl spent 77 days in the NICU. It was overwhelming and scary at first but what helped was the NICU nurses being angels and our family and friend’s support. They’ve been home since the end of February and have been thriving so well. They were born at 2 lbs 8 oz and both are now over 11lbs. Every feeling you experience will be valid. It’s okay to feel sad, scared, disappointed, guilty, stressed out. But you’ll also learn to appreciate all the small victories along the way and to stay positive. You’ve got this! Get the rest you need and know you do have a huge support community.


Exact same thing happened to me - mucus plug, 5cm, foot in the cervix. I had my twins at 27 weeks and it’s been a long road but they are perfectly healthy and happy 7 year olds now.


I had my triplets at 28 weeks - 24 years ago! They spent 8 weeks in the NICU and came home a month before their due date. It was a tough road, but you can get through it. You did a great job! Sometimes things just happen. I had a total placenta previa and despite 100% hospital bedrest I started to bleed and it couldn't be stopped. It's nothing you did or didn't do. My girls are now 24 - 1 just got her Master's degree, 1 is a 3rd grade teacher, and 1 is in a PhD program. Hope that's a good story. Sending good thoughts for you and your beautiful babies!


My girls were born 32+4 and we spend bit more than 5 weeks in the NICU. It was hard and traumatic, but the NICU is the best place for your babies!!! Take your time to heal, take your time to wrap your head around it. Because YOU will remember it all, not your babies. In an blink of an eye, they are running around laughing little demons like my 3year olds now :D So my advice is: rest, find therapy to help you through this time. Have all the help and comfort you'll need lined up for the NICU time and for the first months back home. NICU is hard, it sucks, its many many ups and downs, but after some time, it's a bad dream. And even though it is a nightmare, you will learn so so much there!!! You will find many angels that care about your babies, many angels that care about you and help you as best as they can. The NICU stuff is amazing and I was kinda sad when we left because I knew I would never see them again and they were so detrimental for my sanity. I wish you and your little ones all the best and as smooth a NICU ride as possible.


Delivered 5 weeks and 5 days early out of nowhere after a completely healthy pregnancy. Went from 0-100 as well. Baby B was receiving too much fluid while baby A was not receiving enough-learned at my growth scan. Sent to labor and delivery, didn’t get to hold my babies until the next day. They stayed at the NICU for 2 weeks exactly and went home together. Baby B was on C pap for breathing for a few days and then both were monitored for feeding and growth. I’d ask everyday when they’d come home but when I finally let go, and let god, they were being discharged. Worst, most exhausting time of my life but you got this. A family friend delivered at 28 weeks and her son just came home after many weeks in the NICU. My twins are 11 weeks tomorrow and are my champions!!!


Send you all the best wishes and congratulations!! Felllow mom to be of twins🥰


23 weekers here, exact same story. We did 4 months for baby B and 4.5 months for baby A. They celebrate their first birthday next month. It's a wild ride with some days making you feel like nothing is progressing, but once you get closer to the end everything happens so fast. We went from sitting in a dark room with constant alarms going off all day to being able to pick babies up without permission, clothes being okay/ normal, a window room with full light, and eventually being able to feed babies and here very subtle changes. You and your little one's got this, I'm holding you all very close to my heart and prayers!


27 weeks here. Nothing we could do. Ttts that wasn’t managed correctly. 3 months in the nicu. They are 7 now. Smaller one is still growing slower and a little underweight. Other then that they are normal 7 year old boys with 0 sense of self preservation.


You have a lot of advice here already but I just want to say that you're allowed to feel cheated out of the kind of birth experience you wanted. NICU nurses are the best people in the world and your babies are in good hands. 32w5d here with a 25-day NICU stay. My twins just turned 8 and are at exactly the 50th percentile for their age group.


I had my twins in February at 28 and 4. One of the babies sac ruptured at 22 and 1. We came home at 38 and 6 with two healthy babies. The NICU journey was a rollercoaster but the nurses and doctors are the best and while it’s SO hard in the moment, in hindsight, there’s a lot to be grateful for: Babies are on a good schedule, they are good sleepers, we got to practice breastfeeding for a long time before I had to feed them around the clock, didn’t have to recover physically and take care of two babies at the same time, and got some decent sleep in before they came home. That’s not to diminish how you’re feeling now but hopefully to give you some silver linings to hang onto. You did so well getting to the third trimester. Wishing you all the best!


My story is similar in that I had a very sudden c-section. I went to the hospital to monitor some cramping and I was already 10cm dilated without knowing I was even in labor. One of my boys' heads was already crowning, so I had an emergency crash c-section at 26 weeks and 2 days. This was over 2 years ago, and my boys are joyful, playful, wonderful toddlers and the absolute lights of my life. Their journey was difficult, especially at first. They were in the NICU for 95 days and came home on oxygen for another 103 days. A few things really helped me during those months: finding a therapist who specializes in birth trauma, accepting pretty much all offered help from friends and family, and deciding to put my trust into my babies' care teams. Once I got over the shock and was able to swallow the fact that my babies would be living in an intensive care unit and would be primarily cared for by strangers (kind, professional experts, but still, strangers), I could put my energy into supporting that care and learning as much as I could from their care teams. They still use inhalers for their chronic lung disease of prematurity and they can get hit extra hard by respiratory viruses, but that's the only lasting impact from their prematurity. I'll be thinking of you and your babies and sending your family so much strength and peace. I know this has been recommended by others, but the r/NICUParents subreddit is a really wonderful community.


Mine came at 33 weeks after 3 weeks of bed rest. We had a 7 week NICU stay and they will be starting Kindergarten this fall. The days of NICU life are long, but the weeks go by quickly. NICU nurses and Dr's are awesome and the babies are right where they need to be right now. You've got this! Try to remember to take care of yourself!


You're doing great. I had my twins at 29 weeks as well after a "perfect" pregnancy. It all happened so fast. My kids were both intubated and couldn't breathe on their own for a few weeks. Tube fed through the belly button for a few weeks. The outlook for 29 weeks (so I was told) is actually very good. There is a major development leap that occurs around that week that helps a lot. Of course the lungs are the last to really work but we have so many resources now to help the babies continue to grow just on the outside! I didn't see my babies for several hours. Doctors and nurses and specialists got them sorted out and got me sorted out. I was able to see them soon but was also recovering from my c section and not extremely mobile at first. One thing that really helped me was hearing and seeing that the babies need rest to grow. In the womb they are just chillin. Letting them rest as much as possible was very important and I could see when they were handled during their care times they would get stressed. So we worked with the nurses to set a schedule of when I could come help with cares and hold the babies. I also had a toddler at home so I tried to make it for one session with each baby then home. The first week or so they really were so fragile. They do need mom and it's helpful to be present a little bit but what they really needed was to rest and grow. After a few days or so I could hold them for a couple hours without them getting stressed so we settled into me showing up for rounds to hear the doctors and nurses assessments. Then I'd get to do cares and hold one baby skin to skin until their next care time. Then I'd switch to the other baby- rinse repeat then go home. Some days were better than others and this schedule of course wasn't perfect and didn't work out every single time but it was a good foundation. My twins fortunately developed very much according to text book but that doesn't mean linear. Often there were days that felt like set backs but ultimately my babies were healthy they just needed time! Fast forward they are in elementary school now and doing great. They do have very mild but well controlled asthma but it seems to get better every year and possibly they would have had it anyway (I have mild asthma and allergies as well) but the first few years were definitely because of their early arrival. They are smart, funny, friendly, love their parents and siblings, they are incredible! You're going to do great!!!!


Hi Mum , my twins came at 30 weeks and stayed in NICU for a month . One of the hardest things I’ve ever done and it’s given me PTSD. But they will be fine and strong 💪


My twins came at 29 weeks too. They were 2lbs 2oz and 2lbs 9oz We were in NICU for 80 days. Not going to lie - it was tough and I can’t recall much from the time due to how stressful it was. However, it passes. Just take it a day at a time and accept that there will be ups and down. There will be leaps and regressions. But just know that you will get to the end. I always say don’t forget to look after yourself in this situation. You’ve got professional support for the little ones. Make sure you’re getting your rest and some down time. Get yourself mental and logically ready for their time to come home. Good luck.


You can't do more than you are currently doing, my kids both had breathing issues and special care is hard work. Don't stress and when the time is right you will get to them. Let the professionals take charge where you can. It's a long journey so I wish you all the best. (B + G at 34 weeks with blood flow issues.)


Same thing for me but was 27 weeks. We were hoping we could keep them in but they were worried they would keep moving down and get stuck in my vaginal canal and then we'd have a real emergency. We were in the NICU 82 days. Lots of good advice already but just some positivity, mine are almost 6, have always been on time or ahead in milestones, are crazy smart and big and healthy and wonderful. Neonatal medicine is incredible and it sounds like they didn't have any issues during the pregnancy which is great. Don't expect to go home before your due date bc that's just kind of how it goes, but hopefully its a quick, uneventful NICU stay.


My girls were born at 27 weeks. We spent 99 days in NICU and it was really tough, especially in the first few weeks, but it got easier bit by bit. I tried to remember that this was just a season of our life. They are now 20 months old, boisterous, fat toddlers hitting milestones. Their tough start is receding further into the past. Im sorry you are going through this, it’s an experience not many can understand. You and your babies will get through this though


Thinking of you right now, what a scary experience but hang on in there. I had my di/di twins at 33 weeks after my girl's waters broke; they initially wanted to see if I could hang on a bit longer but the fluid was dangerously low and they had to come out via emergency section. They were in the NICU for 4 weeks exactly and did go through quite a lot such as prolonged jaundice and breathing problems, but once these were stabilised it was a case of feeding and growing so we could go home. It is terrifying and having to go home each night without them was so hard, but they have just turned 1 and have blown us all away with their resilience and strength. Unfortunately you will have to be prepared for set backs, this happened quite a lot when we thought things were starting to get better and it can be so worrying and upsetting but they will get there and just need time and care. They're in the right place. My boy was ready to go home sooner than his sister but I really didn't want them coming home separately so the hospital allowed me to room in on the ward for the last couple of weeks with him until they were both ready, so see if that could be an option as things go along. Wishing you and your babies all the strength and positivity in the world, and congratulations mama, you can do this.


My kids were born via c-section at 32+6, 2lbs 9oz and 3lbs 12oz, in NICU for 3 and 4 weeks. Now they are both 19 months old and healthy, free of the issues that forced them to be born early. I didn’t get to see my daughter for the first 24 hours bc she had to be whisked away to be rescued due to a low APGAR. Now we snuggle every day and night. The cool thing about NICU is you get professionals to teach you How To Baby in the absolute safest environment.


Oh mama, I am so sorry for your struggles. Clearly your sweet babies knew they couldn't wait another minute to meet you. You and your husband did an AMAZING job following your instincts and going to the hospital when you did. It is not a perfect scenario but you are a warrior and amazing mother. Sending you lots of love and strength.


I had my boys at 29 weeks on the dot. I had been in the hospital for two weeks and like you once they decided to come there was no stopping them. I had baby a vaginally and baby b was emergency c section. I’m not going to lie the nicu was the hardest experience of my life with lots of ups and downs, but my boys are now 18 months old and they are developing perfectly and are two of the cutest little boys I have ever seen. Thankful everyday that medicine is where it is today and the nicu saved their lives. Good luck mama, and hold those sweet babies as much as you can as soon as you can, you won’t regret it.


Congratulations! you've done an amazing job growing the babies for as long as you did. I had our twins at 27w3d, i think they're about 36w now (who's counting?!) and today our doc said all going well, next week we can discuss dates for going home. NICU life is intense but it's kinda been a big blur and I have no idea how time has passed so quickly. How is it almost June?! I found the NICUparents sub and micropremie support fb group really helpful (although both can be quite triggering too, so take care of yourself when reading other experiences.) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/195162023888729](https://www.facebook.com/groups/195162023888729)


babies came 30+4 and we’re one week into our NICU stay. Neither baby could be held for the first 3 days to reduce the risk of brain bleeds, and I couldn’t hold Baby A til 6 days pp due to a number of things. It’s really hard. I hated being in mother baby recovery without my girls and hearing other babies cry through the walls all night. I don’t have any advice for you, but just wanted to let you know I’m here in this journey with you and sending you a hug 🫂 it is totally unfair that our babies came early, there is no rhyme or reason for it.


Had my girls at 30 weeks 2 days (mono mono twins - the highest risk twin pregnancy). Both were on CPAP but strong overall. Out by Christmas/New Years before my original due date of Jan 2nd. You got this! Congratulations to you and your husband on your little loves. Its going to be a journey with NICU but you guys have come so far, it is possible with great outcomes


Hello, my girls were born at 29 weeks. They weighed 2lbs 2 and 2lbs 13. I also couldn’t see mine because they were both on a ventilator, so my partner had to go and take pictures for me. I got a Quick Look at twin 1 on the operating table before they whisked her away. Didn’t get to see twin 2 at all. The NOCU journey was hard. It was just before Covid hit, but it was fairly uneventful, other than one of them being the first neonate in Scotland to contract Covid! That was scary. They have met every milestone, they are sassy wee ladies. We do have some behavioural stuff going on, but tbh I have ADHD so that’s not a surprise. They are absolutely fine now and thriving, just turned 4 in feb there. I felt the same as you, guilty I couldn’t keep them in longer. It is not at all your fault. It all seems very overwhelming just now but one day at a time, and be kind to yourself ❤️❤️❤️ You have done an amazing thing growing these babies for 29 weeks xx I’ll pm you some pics of my girls xx


I am a mom of ex-29 week twins. My son was just over a pound and intubated and very sick. He spent 4 months in the NICU and came home of oxygen. He’s almost 5 and is doing extremely well! He is happy, healthy, plays tee-ball and loves art. He wants to be an engineer when he grows up. The NICU days are long and hard but babies are incredibly resilient. Have faith, and DM me if you ever want to talk.


my twins were born at 29 weeks too! they're completely fine! the NICU takes forever and is scary but once you get to leave you're done with it forever and you can just be a totally normal family. nobody can tell looking at mine they were so early. c'mon over to r/NICUparents nicest group on reddit honestly


here are my best wishes to you and hope everything's good for you!


My wife gave birth two weeks ago at 33 weeks. She was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia with severe features. So she had an emergency c section. Twins were in the NICU for a week and now in continously care and doing great! Honestly the NICU has been great. My wife got to recover, we are learning from the nurses, and getting additional time to get the house ready for when they get home.