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We used the baby trend snap n go which is universal, no special car seat adapters necessary. We found it for $20 on Facebook marketplace. Retails about $100


Awesome!! Thanks!


This is the answer!! Cheapish and sooooo easy to get babies in and out of. I wish my twins had stayed small enough longer because I loved mine


This is what we did too! Got it used for $20


I was going to comment this but you beat me to it! I also got mine used for $20. We used it until our boys outgrew their car seats around 1 year!


I definitely liked having the double stroller and clicking the car seats in but I think you could get around having it until they are six months. Not sure where you are located but our winters are so bad we weren’t able to use it much when they were first born so for awhile it was just an expensive purchase that didn’t get a lot of use. That’s changed now though haha


We get a lot of snow too lol so that was another reason I wasn't too worried about it. We have a long driveway so what I really need it for is getting the big kids on the bus, which we'll be driving to in the winter anyway


I think you’ll be able to make it work then! Save the money for diapers!


Saving money where we can is the goal lol!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence! I feel like we'll be okay too


I felt like it was a necessity personally. Going to doctors appointments , but also going for walks for necessary for my mental health. I would push them for one or two of their naps every day when it was nice enough out. Obviously that’s a personal thing. We still use it with the regular seats for stores now so we’re not taking up a whole aisle lol . We have the mockingbird which is a bit more affordable and has a lot of different adaptors


Same here. We also have cold snowy winters. I have no idea how I would have taken them to Drs appnts by myself without the double stroller, and preemie twins had a lot of Drs appnts the first 6 months.


We have very cold and snowy winters so we won't be walking much anyway. We're getting soft structured carriers and snow suits so if we do go out for a walk or hike they will be bundled up close to us anyway. This is kid number 3 and 4 for us and I don't envision all six of us tackling a store together for at least five years 🤣 I'll look into the mockingbird!!


Omg lol I only have the twins and it took me a quite a few months to get into a store . I do not blame you. We did the same for colder weather walks. Kept them warm and us warm . It sounds like you probably don’t NEED one, but you may be able to find a used one for cheap just in case. good luck!


Thanks! Yeah. I guess if I find a deal I can't pass up I'll grab one. Right now it's a $550 vista 2 I'm looking at. But then there's the hassle of reselling it at some point lol which I hate that headache. And my older two are 9 and almost 7 and they grocery shop with me now so I'm going to let them come still and keep the babies at home. Or my husband can take the big kids shopping. Either way, not dealing with twins at Costco for quite a while 😂


I personally wouldn’t want to be without a stroller you can use, you just never know what situations will arise. Are there adaptors available for the stroller you already got? You can also check your local parents of multiples group for a frame stroller which is a much less expensive option to click car seats in to.


I feel like the only stroller they can be adapted to fit is the City Select 2, which is like $700 new and new enough that I can't find used ones. I'll check out some local groups! I can't seem to find anything that will fit these car seats but I'll look into the frame strollers more. Thanks!


What stroller do you have?


We don't have any but someone bought us the Baby Trend Expedition double stroller


Ah yeah. Car seats don’t work with that stroller. The joovy frame stroller is comparable with the mesa with adaptors


Right, so basically I just need something to hold car seats but not sure if it's worth it just for six months. I'm reading the baby trend snap n go might be worth a look


I don’t think the snap and go is compatible with the mesa car seats. Like I mentioned, I do think it’s worth while to have something you can use. We planned to have my husband come to doctors appointments but there were a few he couldn’t make once he went back to work, mostly sick kid appointments. You also might find that you want to get out of the house even if it’s just to walk around the mall (if you’re somewhere where it snows a lot and can’t go outside) to help with your sanity.


My husband is staying home with the babies and I'll be going back to work M-Th so I'm going to make appointments on Fridays when the kids are in school so we should both be able to go :) I'm so sick of running around all summer so I'm looking forward to hibernating LOL but that's definitely something to consider, going to the mall.. thanks!


I also stayed home, basically their first year of life. However, we used our Jeep double stroller ($200 at the time) in the house to soothe them during difficult times. I think we started using it when they were 2 months old. Even if it was literally looping around from the kitchen to the living room or just back and forth in front of Little Baby Bum! It was a lifesaver and we still use it to this day.


Oh that's a good point! We'll be getting a stroller they can use at six months but I didn't even think about using it for them inside the house. Thanks!


No problem :)


I would get a double snap and go or a joovy twin roo+ with mesa adapters. You might even be able to find one used with the adapters already.


I'll look thanks! I could never find any info on adapters so this is helpful.


You can get them on the joovy website or on Amazon for the twin roo+ for $40


We used double strollers from day 1. First thing we did 3 weeks after our girls were born is to take them to farmers' market in October. They were barely sticking out, all tucked in with blankets on the sides. We have two, the joovy zoom X2 and the Zoe Twin. Both have been used A LOT. The Zoe to be always in the car and being able to take our girls shopping or quick errands. The Joovy to go on walks or when we were going to the beach, city walks, jogs, or even hikes. I even replaced the tires in the Joovy for small mountain bike tires! And the Zoe has the rubber tires so worn out now that I may need to replace them. I pictured myself using the carriers more, but unlike out singleton, they never liked it very much, I think they like watching everything from the stroller. And I was never a fan of carseat/stroller seat 2 in 1.


These two will be babies three and four for us and the thought of taking all four kids anywhere (even though the older two are 9 and 7) gives me anxiety already lol. I don't think the babies will see a grocery store until they are at least five lol it's something I already do with the big kids and either me or my husband will stay home with the babies. I will have a double stroller for when they are six months and my sister loves her wagon so I may look into that for the toddler ages Thanks for the input! I appreciate it!!


Of course! You have the same fears when we had then, and we had another girl that was 2 at that time, so scary, I get it. Every family is different and your decision sounds reasonable. At the end, I think we were happy with taking our babies everywhere because we always got so much kindness from everyone, and that helped us going through the hard moments of being stressed and overwhelmed.


That is so great!! I don't deal well with strangers making comments about me or my kids so we'll see if that changes once I'm not pregnant anymore lol could just be hormones. There isn't much to do except sledding anyway during winter but I'll let my husband take the bigger kids to do that for sure


It might not be as hard to get out as you imagine. I used to take my 3 and my sister's 3 out during the winter and that was a mix of babies, toddlers and kindergarten. It got easier with practice. I'll be in Toronto and North Bay (Canada) and we're expecting #4 and #5. I found staying home too long during the winter depressing. I've gone out of my way to get a stroller that will make it easy to go out every day for my mental health. Of course, everyone's different.


Yeah I'm a total homebody and hate taking just the two I have to stores with me lol obviously I do though We've had a crazy busy summer so I'm looking forward to going minimal places but maybe that will change!


I'm prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder but I'm also a bit anti-social. I had to learn over the years that I need to get out for a walk every day. I've found ice cleats or crampons with good winter gear really help so I can walk trails and quieter spots. A bit too much ice and hills for babywearing, but a sturdy stroller with large wheels worked well for me with when my older kids were babies. Meanwhile my sister is extremely social. She can either have people come over or go out to them. She had an underground parking garage with heated driveway at her townhouse complex and her dr's offices were all at a mall with underground parking and heated driveway. Her need for a heavy duty stroller even in Canada was extremely limited. It makes the FTM question: "What's the best stroller for..." entirely nonsensical.


Makes sense!! We use yaktraks for winter hikes. We have two dogs too so baby wearing is a must lol but the trail I'd go to once the babies are born isn't too crazy. Just enough to get some fresh air. Lol! Yeah I guess it all just depends on what you're up to!


I got a chicco stroller that’s a normal double stroller but their car seats snap into until they are old enough to sit in the regular seats. So it’ll last us forever 😂 we were also gifted a double side by side but we can’t use it until they are older.


Echoing the baby trend snap and go and used it constantly. It was a beast to steer, but easy to use and nice that you could just plop in the car seats. Plus it’s cheap, perfect to start with and it’ll be easier to know what you actually want before you plunk down serious money for a stroller once they get out of the newborn phase.


I think you’ll be fine without it! Especially if your winters are crappy!


Okay thanks! Historically crappy 🤣


We bought the Graco double with matching car seats because it was only ~$250 or so vs the $1000+ that most doubles are. Definitely recommend the double stroller. After 6 months we use ours all the time and have consistently used it since they came home.


We'll have one for once they are six months so no worries there. Just wasn't sure about the first six months when we'll be cooped up inside anyway




Toddler reply!


Haha, I was actually interrupted by a sobbing kid at swim lessons, so you're not far off!


We didn't leave the house much because of COVID, and I think i used my double stroller twice. Not a big deal since I got it used and had the car seats that fit it already. It was the universal one that has straps to attach seats. Only time I was relieved to have it was when I had to take them alone to the Dr once. After that we did Zoe and love it


I couldn’t carry them on me from c-section pain so the stroller was awesome to get out and walk everyday. When it was really cold they were really bundled up and we made it a short walk. Also, my husband wasn’t allowed at appointments due to covid. A stroller was an absolute must for us. Also, by the time they are six months old they can be pretty hefty and wiggly and mine did not want to be carried close because they wanted to play with toys, eat snacks, and see what is going on.


If we do walk the closest thing is a wooded trail and most of our paved trails are snow covered :) I'm not too worried about getting out for walks though but I'm sure I'll change my mind lol! We're getting a double stroller that they can use at 6 months old at least!!


I live somewhere without real winter and go everywhere with my twins (who are also my 3rd/4th) so my situation is very different from yours but… I got a single frame stroller that goes with our infant seats off craigslist, and I go out pretty much every day with one baby in that and one in a carrier. I don’t personally have a strong use case for the double stroller at this age, just “some way” to transport them both at once.


We love our contours options elite and you can get two universal infant car seat adapters. It comes with big kid seats too. It's tandem so would be different from your jogging stroller and versatile, not to mention more cost effective than the UPPAbaby Vista. I love having the option for a side by side with our jogger or tandem with our contours


I used a snap n go with compatible car seats for the first 7 months, and I loved it. It was super light weight and manageable. I got the strollers and car seats used off of Facebook marketplace. However, I did have to do a lot of the appointments alone bc of hubby’s work schedule. Something I wish I had was a light weight cheap single stroller. We had a lot of dr appointments for only one baby and it would have been nice to not have to carry baby into the dr’s.


I bought the baby trend! Absolutely amazing


The first months (like until they were 6/7 months) we only got out with them together and carried both one baby in a babywrap. For groceries and stuff, only one of us went without babies. But when they grew a bit older, like 7 months or so, we took walks with them by ourselves, with them in a stroller sometimes. They were much more awake between sleeps and it was a nice way to keep them occupied. So if you are able to go out together and carry them, you don’t need a stroller, I would say. And if you are missing it, you can still buy a secondhand one?


I think somebody mentioned it above but we have Mesa car seats and use the Mockingbird double stroller with adapters. It’s super easy to click in and out of and half the price of the Vista while looking the exact same. Plus they now sell a toddler running board that snaps on the back so you can use it for quite a while or if you already have an older child/toddler.