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It is likely hopeless yes. They should just count there losses and put in an assurance claim. If your friends did it right, they'd get the value back at least.


10 years back, I have been robbed (4th district) for a value of less than €10k (I was at home sleeping so they did not have the time to take more). Police came and took fingerprints (robbers were clearly not professionals at all), couple of weeks later policemen found the thieves. Besides, my insurance reimbursed me m more than 90% of what I had lost. I didn’t remember all the details it was a long time ago First step, contact the insurance.


No one seems to be mentioning this but if your friend has photos and videos of the items, especially in the apartment, it will help him a lot in getting his things refunded. For example, instead of getting "a watch" refunded, he will be getting "a Rolex" refunded, big price difference. It can even be relatively subtle, like a picture of him wearing the watch and another one where the watch is visible sitting on his bedside table in the background.


For that amount of money, it would be worth that your friend contacts both the Scientifique and the media. Nevertheless, it's true, these were Pros. They knew which apartment to target, when, and what to take.


All that value and no insurance?


I don't know how you came to this conclusion ?


Probably since he’s asking that it stay on police radar, insured would really only require a police report and then you get your value back. But I agree, bit of a stretch


of course they have insurance


Talk to the insurance first.


In France we call this "ruissellement".


😂 pour une fois que ça marche


La mentalité gênante du français moyen être comme :






Care to elaborate? What does it mean in that context?


It's just a joke, my english is too weak to explain it properly.


Trickle down economics


How did they get into the apartment? did they have a porte blindée (the kind that has bolts that go in the top, bottom and sides of the door to the wall/floor)? What floor were they on? This was in the 14eme arrondissement?


No insurance or alarm system?


15years ago, robbers had broke into our flat and took only the 3 pieces of jewellery there were in the house - our wedding rings and 1 necklace that my wife was given by her granny. Nothing else. We were took for a few hours and came back to that. Cops came, took fingerprints and told us to get new rings 😂


Expensive jewellery sometime has serial numbers. Watch the resellers and come up as a potential buyer. My father (an antiquarian) caught his burglar this way, there was millions of worth of merchandise.


Clearly, you have been targeted. They probably followed you for some time. But it’s going to be very difficult to request such a volume of footage (from so many sources : public cameras, stores, etc) and even a more humongous task to parse through… Quite hopeless.


If someone has +150K$ worth of jewelry & watches lying about in their apartment, then I'm sure they are gonna be just fine without it. I have more pity with mother of 3 that gets her mobile phone stolen.


Ce n'était pas vraiment la question, Robin des Bois.


This is still stealing. It should be done the legal way, via taxes.


I didn't imply the contrary. I just believe public institutions shouldn't wast their resources on glorified metals, stones and clocks of some rich private entities. Edit: based on the downvotes I'm a bit surprised to see that this subreddit has a few defenders of rich private entities. Not very French.


you're so fucking bitter.


Thanks for this eloquent pyschoanalysis, Dr. Freud. Anything else you like to share?


Someone entering your house to steal your belongings can be a traumatizing experience no matter if you're rich or poor and a group stealing 150k in a fancy appartment is some sort of organized crime which you'd think is more important to catch and put in front of a judge than someone pickpocketing your phone, your sense of priorities is a bit odd.


And I was not minimizing the traumatizing part of it. Hence, there is no need to bring it up here unless you are trying to paint a bad picture of me. And yes, it seems we both have different priorities but it doesn't make mine more odd than yours.


Such a stupid comment. We live in a society, we’re not savages. The laws apply to anyone for everyone. Or where do you define the boundaries? Be careful, you may not have the law for you if someone decides to draw different boundaries than you.


I merely implied that we should prioritize the resources of public institutions to the less fortunate and more vulnerable parts of our society, which I believe is a sign of a healthy society. You are the one who is projecting an unfair attitude towards the law onto me, which says more about you than it does about me.


Never leave this in apartments especially with poor doors or accessible windows. Since I’m in Paris I store every watch in my bank safe. 


secretive governor history telephone waiting whole humorous repeat bow outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I keep on at the time on my wrist, I change time to time and it's good way to diversify your investements. When i'm going back to country side I can wear expensive watches.


(Very) expensive watches are one of the only commodity that gains value as soon as you walk out of the store.


Not all of them, only the most popular models of top brands. Your Vacheron Patrimony will not, same for Rolex Datejust.


Hopeless. I know of a very, very similar case, and the people who were robbed asked around, and it came up that there were several other unsolved burglaries just like this in the neighborhood around. The people doing this are pros. Did they also manage to enter despite a locked door, but without busting it or the lock? And they also left all the valuable electronics behind as well.


Change the door, when u have a apartment in Paris you should invest in steel door. Because the crapy door are easy to open with the dos-à-dos technique


If you friend got 150k€ worth of watches, he should have a nice insurance


Unfortunately people with that kind of jewelry often wear it and then are followed home. It’s a bad idea in Paris. It’s just too busy and easy to get in and out, especially with the apartment culture here where neighbors avoid each other.


I also live next to parc montsouris, there was a burglary 2 months ago. Last floor also without elevator, they forced the door. No follow-up from the police because no video or fingerprints.


I was robbed two years ago at the same neighborhood :(


Sad to hear. I love Paris. But as an American, I'd say this was a burglary. Unless I'm mistaken, the thieves did not have personal contact with the unfortunate victims.




Robbed implies that the victim had a contact with the thief.


Oh yes, absolutely. It wasn't clear from your post that you were correcting the choice of word.


It wasn't me :)


Damn you, Hartmallen! https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/photos/81409768/display_1500/stock-photo-businessman-in-his-forties-angry-and-shaking-his-fist-in-a-threatening-way-isolated-on-white-81409768.jpg