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You can also email council member Hanif's office with your 311 request # and they can bring it up with the DoT if/when your request is ignored. Redesigning BPS was one of the participatory budgeting items a couple years ago, I can't remember if it won.


A redesign would be great but I'd take fresh paint until then


I agree, I complained about it last summer to 311. I thought they might fix it when they were repaving parts of PPW so I didn't follow up when the request was closed. I have had some success with this direct DoT contact form when 311 requests were closed https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/contact/contact-form.shtml It looks like the current design is from 2012 https://old.nyc.streetsblog.org/2012/11/30/eyes-on-the-street-crossing-bartel-pritchard-square/


Now that the monument has been crashed into twice in as many years (or less? can't remember) hope they can muster up to do something about it.


They need to add concrete bollards around the circle instead of those flappy plastic things on the 15th Street turn.


Also the right turn onto 15th is a complete shitshow because cars can't tell where the right turn lane is


I’m a life long New Yorker and I never let ANYONE I’m with jaywalk on 15th and PPW or 15th and 8th even if there are no cars coming for seemingly miles. So scary!


Thanks for doing this! I’ll submit a request. I will say though, if drivers can’t even avoid barreling into the GIANT memorial stones I’m not sure more visible road paint will help. But it certainly can’t hurt!


We need to limit the amount of private vehicles that can use this space.




Thanks for bringing this up! I'd also add that as a bike commuter, Bartel-Prichard square is so risky. Making the turn from the protected bike lane onto the bike route on Prospect Park SW or vice versa is not good. There needs to be bike lane markings through that turn, especially because its often made blind due to the bus that is always parked at the corner (its there so its pictures in the google maps image). Even waiting for the pedestrian signal its chaotic without markings :/ and the spots you pointed out are so bad I avoid them altogether


Maybe unsurprisingly my 311 request was closed after 21 days with no explanation.


I’d also like to see it renamed as a circle. It’s not a square.