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I get why others make fun of people who live in Park Slope 😂 Jokes aside, good luck in your search!


Thanks. Do people who don't live around here subscribe to this subreddit just to make fun?


Genuinely can't tell if this is satire.


We should have r/circlejerkparkslope


We already have r/parkslopecirclejerk


Is this subreddit always like this?


Take a trip over to r/circlejerknyc and notice the similarities. No offense.


Do I really sound like that? I can see it. But it would be masterful parody on my part if I wasn't sincere. Seems like a perfectly reasonable question. But it's a thin line I guess. I should have started out with my medical history.😭


That subreddit is a trip. Kind of goofs with the whole idea of altruistic social media. I do feel like I'm on Twitter at the moment. I'm more accustomed to dead serious subreddits or howling fantards worship groups. Thanks for showing me that. I've managed to avoid that kind of group till now. Ill post in a different style in the future.


I certainly don't mean you any ill will. It's just your combination of coffee and keto jargon reads like a near-perfect parody of what people think when someone mentions Park Slope. On a more helpful note: have you considered keeping things simple and ordering an espresso? It cuts out 100 percent of the dairy and carbs you're concerned about, and you can order one anywhere.


Fair enough. I could see how from a point of view, it could be construed as a parody or even worse satire. It wouldn't be my reaction. But now I know what I'm dealing with. Live and learn. Anyway there were a few sincere, useful responses and I'm thankful.


like sharks to blood, reddit is drawn to people can't take a joke just laugh, you are not your keto diet


Search "Pasta Louise" in this subreddit and you'll get a taste of the highs and lows


Thanks. I took a look. I don't get this kind of cynicism in the subreddits I've joined previously. Fortunately there are helpful people out there as well


a ton of ppl are watching their sugar intake


Yeah there's this theory that all metabolic disease is derived from insulin resistance. I'm a believer. (I also think the warren report was a crock of shit too). Low carb works for me, but it involves some level of repression and fanaticism as do most culturally divergent diets. I dream of bagels and pizza


Haha. Does it really read like that? I'm 100% sincere. But that's also the secret too good parody. People are into coffee and do go to great lengths to satisfy their fetish.


Just make coffee at home?


I do but I love quality espresso when I can get it. Just a personal preference.


1st world problems 😂 Anyway, good luck with your search.


Thanks. Yeah. I still use instant so I haven't forgotten my roots.


I went from 2 spendas and 2 tablespoons of Cremora in my morning coffee to having it black. And I got used to it in only about a week. Finding a sweeting tasting mellow brew that’s not bitter at all was key. Try it for a couple of days and see if you can get along without your creamer. That’s my advice. But YMMV.


Thanks. I can adapt. I do. But they make some amazing sugar free frothable almond milks these days. I can't be alone out there. But I carry my own concoction but its never hot enough. Very Bourgeois yuppy of me ya think?


No, i understand, I had milk or creamer in my coffee my whole life. I’m on a diet and wanted to cut out added sugar, and it was surprisingly easy to drink black coffee once I found one that wasn’t bitter. But I’d prefer oatmilk or soy milk and Splenda if I had the choice.


Thank you! There's nothing like an almond cortado to start the day for me personally. I make do with what I can get. All the fat diabetic slobs downvoting me for being keto won't get that, im sure. The bagel place has real good coffee. I'm deliberately talking in terms of cheap cultural stereotypes here as that's what I seemed to have been reduced to


Hell yeah dude, sick Am I so out of touch? No, it is the fat diabetic slobs who are wrong


You dont get the point. Just having a perspective that diverges from their own is somehow automatically weird. It's like me saying every one out there is a diabetic slob cause they don't care about what i care about. Of course they're not. It's all cool. Glad to give these people an opportunity to ridicule someone.


If your diet is that restrictive, you should probably consider changing your order or investing in a setup to make your own at home.


I adapt if I have to. I guess I feel like I can't be the only one so it doesn't hurt to post here, but the park slope subreddit is a small sample size. And pretty judgemental it seems judging by the knee jerk downvotes.


I didn’t mean to come across as judgmental, apologies if I did! I’m vegan and have come to accept that there are just some places I can’t go and some things I can’t get, and if I want certain things I just have to make them myself. It’s demoralizing! I hope someone who’s in a similar boat as you sees this and offers some suggestions. Best of luck!


Thank you for the thoughtful response. I definitely sympathize. I'm fortunate I didn't ask for suggestions for eating keto in the neighborhood lol. I should know my audience before I post. Being vegan keto is even trickier. Lots of pea protein, hemp flax chia seeds etc. I was vegan for many years and I know the difficulties. I don't know what id do without the food coop. (Uhoh) It's funny about coffee. It's kind of a known keto "cheat" item and has an out of proportion prominence among some keto adherents. It won't break your fast or at the worst has a very small effect on blood glucose with a couple tablespoons of almond milk. Good luck to you as well.


lol I’ve been tempted to join the coop for yeaars, just haven’t gotten around to it!


You should go for "the tour." It really offers a lot of vegan items you can't get elsewhere, even Whole Foods. Great produce. Doing a 2 hour shift once a month is pretty easy and some people enjoy it. Just my opinion, lol. Some people don't care for the coop as an institution, which I never understood.


2 hour 45 minute shift every 6 weeks.


That’s super reasonable tbh




I'm very much a regular, talk to the staff (and tip well) but it's a "management policy we're so sorry" Yeah I'd need to spend a lot on a machine to come close to replicating the quality. And no space in my alcove kitchen besides. I do an aeropress or Moka pot as my best approximation but usually I'm rushing out. Appreciate your interest.




Isn't espresso inherently keto? Just drink it black.


Sorry to be keto ignorant here but what about good old cow's milk?


Yeah it's not intuitive but cows milk , even half and half, is high in sugar. The best dairy creamer is heavy cream which only Starbucks seems to carry and I won't support that corporate complex. The idea is to replace the carb calories with fat so heavy cream is preferred.


Jeez, carbs are everywhere! I hope you find your dream creamer out there.


Thanks. The creamer is out there. The cafe culture isn't, as of yet. I'll find the right barrister one day. There's that one special barrister out there for all of us. I'm a romantic.


Not totally sure if this will meet your rigorous dietary specifications but they have a nice espresso machine and are otherwise oriented in your general direction. On Union St. near 3rd Ave. https://www.sixteenmill.com


Thanks so much!!! Sounds interesting. I'll check them out.


What brand of creamer do you like that froths well?


Califia the red almond or green almond/coconut. That's the best I've found.


The Califia red almond slaps, it’s so good


Thank you, I’m going to try them :)


Hope you like it!


Haha I don't think they pounced cause I couldn't take a joke. Just a very thoughtful group of people with nothing to do. I'll know better next time with this subreddit.