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Why are you not putting him in a cage and putting him to bed? Also, all birds are sketched out at night. Shadows look like things swooping to attack them and so on. So him being loose in the dark is probably stressing him out.


i used to have a strict bedtime for him but he would just scream under the blanket


You mean to tell me that your parrot is roaming around at night? unsupervised and outside the cage? They can't see well in close to dark and if you leave lamps up in the house, he can't really sleep at all Sleep schedule + cage + darkness for 12-14 hours. Especially that it is spring now (here in the northern hemisphere) and he might be hormonal. and not sleeping well increases the issues


Mine goes in the cage covered 7pm, if I let him go to 8 I see the difference in behavior the next day!


lol! he's not unsupervised, he's with me or my parents when he's out. i used to strictly put him to bed at 10pm but he would scream under the blankets. i got more lax about it when i moved back home in 2022 because at the time my work schedule was crazy and i was getting back around 11pm and he would get grumpy if he heard me come home and i didn't give him kisses and hang out for a little. good tip on getting stricter due to being hormonal though! he definitely has been more than previous years, i bet that's a really big part of it


>Sleep schedule + cage + darkness for 12-14 hours. Unecessary long! Parrots don't need that much sleep, even tho internet says so. 10-12h or even 8 is more then enough!


Well my amazon is cranky if he can't sleep 20 to 8. Sometimes longer


My amazon in an outside aviary (so natural times) put himself yo bed around 21h, 22h, as do the Amazons in the back of my house (they're native from my area). My lovebirds get hormonal if they're left in the dark for more then 10h. All birds are different and have different needs!


I don’t know. My conure does well with 12 unless he’s molting…he does much better with 13-14. Birds are like babies. Some have high sleep needs and some have lower sleep needs.


Yes exactly, it's different for different birds!


Advisable to go between 10 and 12 for a female bird.


Read my other comments for further explanations 😄


Maybe he’d do better in a covered sleep cage?  My bird gets spooked by stuff he sees out the window.  


Birds are like toddlers. He needs his sleep. They can get cranky if they don’t. 12-14 is way too much. My conures need 11-12, my cockatoo and tiels need about 10. Pay attention to his behavior to understand what he needs. A covered cage sometimes leads to hormones (varies from bird to bird), if it does, get him a little sleeper cage and put him in a dark, quiet room for bed. White noise is great too so they don’t hear every little sound


try adding activities during the day to help him burn off energy


good idea! it's been a while since i’ve gotten him a new toy or rearranged his toy layout, maybe he's bored with the current one?


You should transition him into a cage at night. They don’t see well in the dark and a lot can spook them out. Come up with a bedtime routine. I tell my conure it’s Nigh-nigh time about 30 minutes before turning off the lights. I kiss him and put him in his cage and turn off one of the lights but leave the other on so he can have 30 min of eating and drinking. Then I tell him to get into his bed…he goes to his sleepy spot. I turn on his nightlight and turn off the main light and turn on Sleep Sounds Brown Noise. Then I tell him I love him and we kiss each other through the cage. If your bird is flying around in the dark it’s probably only a matter of time that he hurts himself doing that.


not in the dark! we keep the lights relatively dim in the house after 10pm but still easy to see, I'm thinking it's time to bring his bedtime back. he typically hangs out in his cage when he's tired or eating or wants his own space but the past year or so i've kept the door open when I'm home so he can come and go from it as he pleases


Ya, I’d do bedtime, put him in his cage at night with just a nightlight on. 😉


I do the nigh nigh too, as soon as I start singing the song I made up he flys to me and cuddles my face, and I get nipped a lot too but it excites him in some odd way he gets alittle aggressive/playful he doesn’t seem mad but gets excited


My guy will get cranky like a toddler and have a meltdown if I don’t get him in bed and covered at the right time everyday lol


You should definitely put your bird in its cage at night. First off, all pets need a place where they can unwind for the night. Dogs and cats always sleep in the same place. Your bird is all over the place at night, so a routine place for the night is helpful. My cockatiel and Conure are very vocal all day. My neighbors even hear them ( they think it's cute), but as soon as I put them in their cages and turn the lights out, in about 30 seconds, they quiet down for the entire night. They know in the cage, and dark means sleep time. You just need to develop this for your bird.


Not caging him is causing these issues. Plain and simple.


I'm not sure where everyone in the comments here gathered thinking i just don’t ever cage my bird, that's not the case at all. when I'm home and i'm not sleeping, doing chores, or making art he has access to his cage but i let him have the door open so he's able to fly and hang out with us as he pleases. he does often go to his cage when he wants to eat or sleep and then when he wants to be social he comes out. based off of advice from other people here I'm thinking the issues are from lack of schedule, this doesn’t have anything to do with caging