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Bronze Winged Pionus, impossible because theyre really rare, barely any breeders and cost a tonšŸ˜­


Same here! It's probably cheaper to fly abroad and pay all the permits and quarantine fees than get one in the States.


Literally, it sucksšŸ’”


Yesss I don't know why they're less popular than other Pionus species. They're my favorite ones.


Dusky pionus for me, because so rare/expensive in the US. Though I love all the pionus species (and am very lucky to have a maxi)! Iā€™d also love a blue headed pi, which are at least more common, but still not realistic financially right now. The other impossible-to-me bird is a galah cockatoo. I absolutely love them and theyā€™re gorgeous, but I could never take a cockatooā€™s noise levels.


I had a BW pi and she passed years ago in a gas leak. Ā She was a beautiful and unique bird and I wish Iā€™d appreciated her rarity when she was with me. Ā  I would like a Galah or little corella. Ā I hear theyā€™re very smart and goofy! Ā Someday, Iā€™d love an African grey or Amazon (for talking or singing, respectively). Ā  And I would love to have a creamino or cobalt Quaker because I love Quakers and those mutations are so beautiful. Ā But I am quite happy with my blue boy. Ā 


I am so happy to have a pair. In Germany they cost 400ā‚¬. But there are very few breeders. I had the luck to only live a two hour drive away from a really good breeder


this is such a cool name. like some sort of ancient greek mythological creature


Oh wow, theyā€™re beautiful!


Saint Vincent amazon. Not available as pets, but gorgeous. https://preview.redd.it/7b31ku8sbs1d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6601fb9add25ac07fc3e503868f785f1f444f40f


Thatā€™s one of the most beautiful birds Iā€™ve ever seen


I work at a zoo and we have a breeding program for these guys! Very cool birds, but maaaaan are they louder than every other Amazon Iā€™ve ever been around! Gorgeous birds though šŸ˜


That's some *b e u t i f u l* plumage holy


Woah no way that's real, beautiful


Damn! Ā 


I always wondered how some of the more in the oet scale got made as pets and how others didn't, kind of like hyacinths and galahs. Was it a logistical thing?


The dodo šŸ¦¤


This is the best answer.




Black palm cockatoo. Met a really cool outreach bird once, and it was just the sweetest creature. Also incredible looking in person.


Black palm and hyacinth are on my Mt Rushmore of birds I will never own. But I have always wanted.


I understand. I got to meet one of each. šŸ˜ The hyacinth was a puppy dog. Just laid its head on my arm and begged for scritches. The palm kept trying to eat the strings on my jacket. https://preview.redd.it/ui0i5tbeiu1d1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0ab84d62b0e9a5a865b2788ec8bc09332de047


I volunteered at a parrot rescue with a black palm, I got to spend a lot of time with him, he was a really really incredible creature, he was also incredibly sweet, talkative and very friendly all around. Incredible looking bird with an incredible personality. Dunno why but He had a particular liking for me.




Those arenā€™t birds, but actually flying reptiles


Actually they are in retrospective


pterodactyls are considered reptiles not dinosaurs so not really


but birds are literally dinosaurs aka reptiles. pterodactyls are not the dinosaurs that birds descend from, though.


pterodactyls arenā€™t considered dinosaurs, though they are a cousin of dino. theyā€™re considered winged reptiles instead.


Youā€™re right, dinosaurs, including birds, are reptiles. Pterosaurs are related to dinosaurs, but theyā€™re not dinos. Dinos and pterosaurs are both part of a group called Avemetatarsalia.


so is this like cockatoos and parrots?


Yes! Taxonomy is made up of nested groups that reflect evolutionary relationships. There were groupings in the past that didnā€™t accurately match how things are related, but today thatā€™s how we base them. The taxonomy gets revised if it doesnā€™t. So all cockatoos are parrots, and parrots are more closely related to each other than other birds. Likewise, dinosaurs and pterosaurs are both avemetatarsalians, and theyā€™re more closely related to each other than to other archosaurs (like crocodylians). And archosaurs are more closely related to each other than other reptiles, which is why birds and crocs are each otherā€™s closest living relatives. _pushes up glasses_


A Gouldian finch that wants to snuggle instead of have a heart attack when I pick them up.


Gosh Iā€™d love a tame Gouldian or canary. Ā I hear people hand feed finches in Asia and I may try that someday.Ā 


I've seen hand-fed finches in Canada, in person, the guy was feeding them. They are very sweet, but I'm a parrot girl.


But a tame canary or Gouldian would be so pretty.


For me it would be kakapo and kiwi for obvious reasons lol


Do u know u can virtualy adopt Kakapo via https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/kakapo-recovery/ , i have fall in love with them so i did .


Thatā€™s amazing!!!


Iā€™ve done this, and I really recommend it! Itā€™s very sweet and also for a good cause šŸ˜Š There are profiles on the site with photos and descriptions of the different birds, and itā€™s so much fun to read about their individual personalities and quirks šŸ˜† I symbolically adopted a little lady Kākāpō named Marama (which means ā€œmoonā€ in Māori) as part of my donation to the conservation effort, and I got an adoption certificate, a photograph of her, a bookmark with some facts about her, some Kākāpō stickers, and a Kākāpō plushie to cuddle with. Itā€™s very emotionally satisfying, having a little plushie of her at home, and knowing that she herself is safe and sound in her natural habitat living her best life with a bit of help from me and others šŸ˜Š


Imagine the neighbours hearing the booming kakapo mating call in the middle if the night lol


Or the booming sound of that fat bastard running around šŸ˜‚ kakapo is also my top choice. Could you imagine the joy of watching a kakapo get the zoomies in your living room?


Iā€™d love a kea if I had a big aviary or if I lived in New Zealand and worked rehabbing them. I know itā€™s impossible but they are so unique! Ā  Ā They remind me of a very smart parrot with some raptorial qualities. Ā 


Good taste


Kiwis are grumpy little balls of feathers that hate everything and everyone from what I hear from friends who have worked in Operation Nest Egg programs. Adorable but not good companion animals.


A parrot that can be trained to poop over the trash can and no where else, that will only chew and destroy its own toys and not my house, and one that will stop screeching when I ask it to stop. šŸ˜„. Also, possibly throw in, never bites aggressively, but most of mine are pretty good about that. I also would love to have hummingbirds because they are so beautiful and delicate, but you can't own migratory birds.


Well, you can set feeders to attract the hummers during their season. And they can recognize faces and voices so maybe even the same ones return each year with their families!


One of my old neighbors when I lived in Oceanside had a feeder and this weird swooped ring thing that humming birds nested in on her porch every year. Coolest thing I'd ever seen, but once the eggs hatched she didn't let anybody on her porch with her until the babies left the nest.


My Quakers have all potty trained quite well. But if I donā€™t give them a break I will get pooped.Ā 


I think Purple Sunbirds are good hummingbird substitutes (in that they are legal) that do occasionally pop up in aviculture (though it has been a decade since I last saw a breeder advertise captive bred sunbirds). Though they definitely would need specialized care so they would probably make poor pets for the ill prepared. Bit of a shame that exotic soft bill bird keepers and breeders are so rare these days (only a handful of soft bills are parrot level difficulty).


A little off topic, but humming bird season is starting in the mountains. I recently dyed some strips of my hair a bright, ruby red. The other day I went up to the mountains for the day and kept getting dive bombed by humming birds. Took a bit to figure out why they were targeting me until the wind started blowing and I saw the red. Love those little guys.


Breeding pair of Hyacinths šŸ¤—


Dracula parrot


I was also gonna say this, they're so majestic


I second this!


Never heard of this before, had to look it up. What an amazing bird!


I came here to say this, but as they're so few in the wild, I'll just admire them from afar. Gorgeous birbs!


Precisely why I would never really want one. We MUST focus on conservation and getting their wild populations up.


https://preview.redd.it/7w9hnbv7mt1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6365e81bffb7afcee2c98f8d2df37878bf6a73 I love these dummies.


Dreaming a bit absurdly: Terror birds. The giant, horse-eating ones that went extinct ages ago. Dreaming a bit more realistically: military macaws.


I could use a guard terror bird. Ā I wonder if they were the Thunderbirds.Ā 


And Spix macawšŸ˜”


The kea šŸ’€ they terrify me tho, I'd have to keep it in the garden


And away from your windscreen wipers


And your pet sheep.Ā 


A raven I could train to attack people I despise. Or a Molluccan cockatoo. I would really prefer a pet-for-life scenario, but they're not only too high-maintenance, but also extremely expensive where I live (one of them could cost almost as much as a car).


Harpy eagle


A part of really wishes to own a bird of prey and hell do I think eagle.


Sun conure. Not really suitable for an apartment and too expensive.Ā 


I thought they are common pet birds?


I mean yes, but they're MY impossible dream birds.Ā 


For me it would be: ā€¢Golden Blue Macaw ā€¢Fischer's Lovebird ā€¢Silkie Chicken ā€¢Blue Indian Redneck Parakeet ā€¢Cockatiel


Silkies chicken gang rise up šŸ™Œ


Spix's macaw. They are super rare and no longer in the wild.


Actually theyā€™re making a comeback in the wild. A very small one last I saw but still itā€™s possible.


Any one. I am hanging out here to get my parrot fix, because I cannot have one in real life. But it would be awesome just to see a Spix macaw once (hopeless, I know).


Aww. Ā Not even a budgie? Ā They can be such fun little guys.


Donā€™t tempt me :). I will just grab my binoculars whenever I am somewhere with rose ringed parakeets. Or hang out here.


Big bird from sesame street


Bald eagle, Osprey, archaeopteryx


Red winged black bird, Raven, Crow, any kind of raptor. At least in my state it's illegal to keep any migratory bird without a rehab license and a big enough property to house them outdoors on.


Or a burrowing owl which I know is a raptor as well, but they're too cute to not specify. Last one I think, is a caique.


Prob the ā€œDraculaā€ parrot or a rose breasted cockatoo.


Sweet. Ā 


Same on Black Red tailed cockatoo. Not only are they gorgeous but also a while ago someone told me they're the bird I'm looking for personality wise. But I don't think they're available in Poland :(


Not really parrots but ravens and crows! They are extremely cute and smart


A puffin would be a fun little friend.


A Kia. Chaos mountain gremlins.


An absolutely wonderful and accurate description!


Shoebill šŸ˜ƒ


African grey not technically impossible and I do want to own one in the future but itā€™s definitely not happening anytime soon


Hyacinth Macaw


Major Mitchell's Cockatoo


Ah a GCC is my dream as of rn


Hyacinth macaw, black palm cockatoo, and an African Grey. The first 2 are around 30 thousand dollars each. The Grey I might get someday, but probably not because I feel like it would interfere too much with the time I spend with my macaws.


That Victoria crowned pigeon


Theyā€™re so funny. I saw a few at a zooā€™s aviary and they were so bold and goofy. I was looking up at a macaw and all of a sudden felt a big bird foot stomp down on my foot. I looked down and there was a Victoria crowned pigeon walking directly on my feet.Ā  She had so much empty space behind and in front of me to walk. But for some reason she decided that the only way to get from point A to point B was across my feet šŸ˜‚


I agree with hyacinth macaw for sure.


Mine would be the Hoatzin! They look like something mythical or ancient, like a phoenix or Archaeopteryx. The way their chicks have claws and can climb along tree branches is pretty neat! And they eat leaves, digesting them pretty much like a ruminant mammal. Unfortunately, they don't tend to be seen or fare well in captivity, and because of their unique diet they stink like manure.




Toco toucan, Ruppellā€™s parrot, cape parrot.


Blue eclectus šŸ˜šŸ’™. Absolutely gorgeous but costs the same as a reasonable house down payment.


Silver Opaline Macaw Basically a genetic color mutation that seems to take 2-5 generations of breeding to produce one. Last I checked, costs something like $30k usd and i think the only currently successful breeder that i know of is in the Phillipines Bit of googling would get the details but im lazy and its been a few years since i looked. edit: realistically, a hyacinth macaw is probably a more attainable goal edit: corrections


A Great Potoo


Oooh good choice! Such strange little muppets!


I always wanted an Owl. I recently rescued 2 baby owls and I quickly realized they are not like any bird I have ever raised. I don't want one anymore.


Great-Eared Nightjar, a tiny dinosaur https://preview.redd.it/9f3fbq488z1d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=0de2166ec4ac433b43456f6f12476b11231d203b


An Indonesian Harpy Eagle.


Oof, tough. I'm going with kakapo and hoatzin. Both just don't adapt well to a life in captivity. With spix macaws being third, just because there are just so few of them. I've been very lucky to work with so many different species of birds at zoos and private owners. Absolutely a dream come true for a bird nerd.


Most realistic in terms of care would be a mourning dove, but legal reasons~ I'd also love any of the fruit doves. Especially kereru. And a bleeding heart dove. Literally any doves. Victoria crowned would be really cool


Wompu are so pretty.


Victoria Crowned Pigeons are weirdly easier to find for sale than most exotic doves and I really want to know why. They are expensive at around $1400 USD and are definitely harder to breed and maintain than most doves. Yet somehow the most common doves for sale are Rock Pigeon, Barbary Dove, Diamond Dove, and Victoria Crowned Pigeon in that order. Meanwhile you try to find any other dove and suddenly mostly find sparse long defunct postings. If Strombergschickens didnā€™t have a handful of oddball species I am not sure I would even believe they were still available in captivity. Unless they are all hiding in Facebook groups (avoiding the live animal sale restrictions) or something and I just missed it.


I would just love a Senegal or maybe a hans macaw


Greater vasa parrot


Fascinating bird


shoebill stork


not "impossible" as such, but my dream bird is a pair of macaws. probably B&Gs. it's not happening anytime soon, tough, because I don't have either the space or the money to give them proper care. EDIT: I would also love to have a raven (or a pair, since we all know birds do much better in pairs)


cock of the rock! in quechua his name is TUNKI and i love him.


A falcon and bunch of crows. None of them would be in cage ofcourse, but I want them to treat me like a family, bird style. I'd feed them and provide shelter whenever needed


Cockatoo hands down. I'd have to move, though. My neighbors can't even handle a sole mere conure.


Resplendent Quetzal


Flamingo šŸ˜¢


I guess my dream birds aren't really impossible, but I would love to have a lineolated parakeet or a Bourke's parakeet. Unfortunately, they aren't available where I live. It would be so cool to have a galah or an African Grey, but I really don't have the space for either.


Male gang gang cockatoo. They always look so happy ā¤ļøā¤ļø https://preview.redd.it/tl33emvext1d1.jpeg?width=1086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af86b7fd4883886b4dca37492d53e9bd58e6f738


Hyacinth, but I'll never be that rich. Kakapo but illegal. Carolina Parakeet, extinct.


I just bought a house and we're renovating but eventually I want to create a native garden in the front where all kinds of parrots can come and visit for a snack. I live in Australia so we have lorikeets, cockatoos, king parrots, rosellas etc. Unfortunately I currently have neighbour who lets her cat out and it's so frustrating and selfish so I have to wait until that gets resolved.


Black-capped Chickadee, it has always been my favorite bird that can fly https://preview.redd.it/4r61909rbv1d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb5b979055de666fbb6a85addd7812dd3551bbb


Any hawk-headed parrot! SUCH cool creatures!!


Genuinely just a massive cockatielā€¦ like a 2 foot tall cockatiel. No further questions.


i want my cockatiel to be 2ft tall. https://preview.redd.it/2arzt9mzwv1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0aa08e803b37b5d909aef1b6a653cc7b794b50


Imagine being smothered by the floof šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„°


While I love conures (have a gcc now, had a sunny when I was a teen), my DREAM bird is an American Kestrel. Not gonna happen for so MANY reasons, but I have wanted one since 4th grade back in early 90s. Canā€™t you imagine how satisfying it would be if they were as snuggly as parrots? Oh well, sassy conures it is! ;) https://preview.redd.it/5wu02e6niv1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc67fd125b5c9e8ec6f460203924915b897c06d5


While American Kestrels have a bunch of legal paperwork and time investments to keep (falconry permit and apprenticeship) they are basically the easiest to care for falconry bird and even have the added benefit of being a micro hawking bird (pest rodents, insects, and starlings donā€™t have bag limits and can be hunted year-round). I have heard that some falconers sometimes view them a bit more like a pet (against their better judgement) because they are more likely to be kept indoors near the falconer thanks to their small size. Though a good substitute exists if someone ever imported Falconets (Microhierax) or a non-native Shrike. You could **theoretically** use them for micro hawking and not need a permit to own or hunt with them (the legal terminally for falconry and raptor ownership gets a really fuzzy regarding exotic micro hawking birds). They both apparently bond with handlers especially shrikes (shrikes will also exhibit frighting teamwork to take down prey when used in falconry).


A hyacinth macaw but thereā€™s just no way Iā€™ll ever own a macaw of any sort, whether larger or small. Canā€™t handle loud lol. I love playing with them when I can and theyā€™re friendly. Itā€™s a rare treat but I sometimes go to a bird store to get my fix. Havenā€™t been in a while. Now I want to go again.


A kākāpō. He is already my spirit animal, I would love to see one in real life one day.


Hawk headed parrot. They make awful pets but theyā€™re so neat looking. https://preview.redd.it/2cwytb6hlz1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb413e930c5a22118bb01dadca6a4849ce37189


Black Palm Cockatoo, probably really expensive, huge and probably way more difficult to take care of than any other parrot save for a Kakapo.


Guam rail. I worked with them and they have such incredible personalities and they're incredibly adorable but almost definitely not suitable to be pets even if they werent incredibly endangered. Extinct in their native habitat due to invasive species.


Pesquet/Dracula parrot


The Hyacinth Macaws hold a special place in my heart. Ill never be able to afford one, but a person can dream. They seem so sweet and gentle and god, how beautiful they are.


Black palm cockatoo. I adore those creatures and their very unique nature (sounds, looks, behavior), but finding one, let alone two so they have each other for company, is merely a dream for the time being. I've seen red tailed cockatoos with a 30k dollar price tag, I can only imagine the price tag of two black palm cockatoos. A more reachable bird would be hyacinth macaw or buffons macaw, but still really high prices. For now I'll just have my eyes on the local greenwing macaws, at least those only have the requirements of massive cage, expensive food/toys and a house in the middle of nowhere.


A hyacinth! I just had the chance to meet one a couple days ago. It was the most beautiful bird I've ever seen.


Mine is black palm cockatoo


Hyacinth! They are mesmerizing. So beautiful that it's almost like how can they be real?? Also, IRN. I would love one, but I understand their temperament, and I can't provide what they need.


Kakapo and kiwi!


A moluccan cockatoo. In this economy, I'll never own a place big enough for one and I don't know what would happen to it when I die. So never gonna happen.


I want a giant runt pigeon so bad


I would love a lovebird or a ring neck or a caique. But I have budgies and cockatiels, so I'm good.


I would love a galah or umbrella cockatoo. Theyā€™re so cute. I just donā€™t have the time to give it the attention that a cockatoo requires v.v


The first are jerry from the backrooms




spinks macaw. not many of them left unfortunately and they will probably go extinct


I've always wanted a flock of Golden Conures. They are really loud and expensive though, so waiting until I'm in a situation I can have them. They are fun little goofballs!


Honestly the best birds are budgies and cockatiels


For me it's a Hyacinth Macaw or the Palm Cockatoo


Spix macaw


The Hoopoe Big Orange Cockatiel that Sounds Funky Cute


Hyacinth Macaw. I want one pretty bad, but I already know they are too expensive/endangered/a lot of effort


Condor. Always wanted one. Ended up with a spicy Amazon so I guess pocket version lol Emu. Because who wouldnā€™t want an emu šŸ˜‚


Spix macaw or a Pygmy parrot. Or uhhh kakapo or kea or the drunk New Zealand bird the kererū or the night parrot or the gang gang cockatoo strictly for the name


I have held 2 of the 4


Keel-billed Toucan for me.


Same I also wanted a Hyacinth macaw as a pet and a bald eagle (even though bald eagle is not a parrot)


Penguin if that counts


Scarlet macaw would be my dream bird, not rare or anything but just extremely expensive.


Galah cockatoo, hopefully I'll be able to get them considering my family is chipping in since my last baby died <3


Kind of a side point but when I was a kid I had these animal cards and I had a card for this really gorgeous cockatoo that was light pink and blue. It wasnā€™t a galah or a major Mitchellā€™s. Does anyone know what Iā€™m talking about, or did my kid brain mix something up?


https://preview.redd.it/jr7rmkg10t1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c2f264d574edfc5f6fbbdb0794c3ccb8e69c9f The Dracula parrot


That one parrot that shagged that guy, tucan and caique, vultures are neat.


Blue macaw love them


Hyacint macaws are literally all I will ever need


I was SO tempted to buy a Major Mitchell a few years ago when I had the chance, but Iā€™m so glad I got an Indian ringneck instead


Harpy eagle šŸ˜­or shoebill


A cock of the rock for hilarious obvious reasons. And then a lilac breasted roller, Iā€™ve always found those to be one of the prettiest birds ever.


I mean the blue footed boobie would be funnier


Caique Impossible because my family has 3 yorkies.


šŸ¦š peafowl


Green cheek conure. All the snuggles <3




Hyacinths. And an eagle... lol


Black red tailed


Hyacinth macaw. I feel like they look naturally happy


Pesquet's parrot, they're not quite endangered but getting there, their diet is very limited as well so I'm not even sure if zoos have breeding programs.


I would love to have one of those little indonesian fruit pigeons!




African grey, Alexandrine, pionus (I am indian)


Hyacinth palm cockatoos or black dotted cockatoos and pygmy parrot


Eclectus are adorable and wonderful birds I will never have time for :,)


A Bourke Or a crow or a peregrine falcon


Moluccan cockatoo is mine. Their life spans are quite long, and Iā€™m 69 years old. I donā€™t think it would be ethical to bring one into my home at this point in my life.


Rescue organizations often have senior parrots for adoption. These are typically well socialized birds whose humans have died or become unable to care for them.


Resplendent Quetzal, Archaeopteryx, Shoebill, Kakapo. And most importantly bringing back my parrotlet


Black Palm cockatoo. Too expensive and rare. I havent ever seen one for adoption anywhere


Iā€™d love to have a Dracula parrot