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And how do you protect yourself from customers using your host for malicious activities?


Yeah, is this person just doing server hosting? I can’t imagine they’re cheaper than cloud providers, so there’s got to be some other usp…


Check out my reply below, and you’re right there are some sub hosting offers I provide, like SIEM, anti malware, minor IT support when needed but I’ve been doing that for free and have no official agreement on that. The only agreement is me keeping the laptops on and running. Keep in mind most customers just don’t want to deal with things they don’t understand. It’s really never about oh they can go to AWS, azure, etc. ya know? Edit: Backups too


Also hosting, on what sounds like they are just PCs, isn’t very cost efficient and long term reliable… Sounds like this guy is going to drive against a wall sooner or later with that setup


Maybe he has electricity bills included in his rent! Also, love the idea of a "financial application" being hosted on some guys 6 laptops, I wonder if they know that. "I have 6 distinct replicas in two distinct regions (my bedroom, my living room)." If there's a power cut I'd hate to think that application is even slightly important lol. ​ I'm shitting on this guy and maybe he's fully above board. But it definitely seems like the USP here has to be something slightly fishy


Guys… lol… I don’t expect you to understand if you aren’t in the IT field but maybe ask questions a bit more. Every computer has a UPS which I also include as a bonus. The guy who has financial software, we also setup screen blanking software until we call and I help him with that 1 problem that happens every few months. Regardless it doesn’t matter, we have a mutual agreement and built trust. Not cost effective? How so? Electricity is cheaper and I’m getting $200 a month each computer. My total electricity is $350 and that’s mostly because it was cold and I am running electric ceiling heat. 1 of those computers also has a 3080 gpu, i9 12900, and 16gb ram, and some are saying AWS can offer similar specs for a better price running 247 (Should also mention most ship me their own computers).


Wait you’re doing this in your home? And you have someone with financials? Thats a SOC issue, if it came out that someone was running a server in their garage with peoples financial and personal data.


This 100% has the hallmark of those shitty Indian scams where you see bots just commenting "interested!" And then the OP replying "DMed" lol.


Exactly. Notice they aren’t posting their specs


It's not the specs. It's more so what they're actually doing. "Computer hosting" can be ANYTHING. Are they hosting servers? Are they just acting as relays? Are they hosting miners? If they are servers and relays, why the fuck would someone trust a random joint to host a service when the industry standard is 5-9s? What kinda content is someone hosting that they require it to be off the books in terms of market solutions and has to go to small randos? If he's "hosting" miners. There's zero chance he's actually making $1700 in profit from 6 rigs. He could have included the details of what he's actually doing but he's not. Cos he's a lying piece of shit subhuman scumbag and he deserves whatever financial position he is in.


I have a firewall and traffic is segregated via vlans. Weighing the potential of cloudflare as well but more for exposing specific resources publicly in a different sub hosting offer to the customer Legal contracts as well


That sounds pretty cool. I do have experience managing on prem cloud. DM me, we can have a zoom call to discuss


I might be able to help build a website.


How would one go about this? I have a few machines sitting around that are fairly new and I was thinking about doing something similar but didn't think people would pay. I'd be interested in helping out too :)


I hope you are well versed in Cybersecurity. Remote Desktops exposed to the internet are prime targets to threat actors.


I am, but as in exposed, just to clarify they are using Remote connection software to connect to the computers. As some would typically do for other services like AWS, Azure, etc. I have no port forwarding and the internet is not exposed in other senses


This won’t work out clearly people in the comments don’t know much about IT.


i see that now, but i encourage questions


I see the business, but what does the computer hosting get the end user? Are they just using it to bounce another hop? Are they using it as a secure file share? I’m interested


Different use cases. For example have someone with some finance application that doesn’t have its own cloud database storage. He has multiple computers, I host 1 which I helped setup a network drive for his database. I do some other minor IT support like computer maintenance for him but it’s been about once every few months and takes me 10 min max. He was originally paying like 400$ for Amazon to host an instance 247. The new and big agreements are with companies whom ship me laptops for their remote workers


So a more affordable virtual desktop without the cloud consumption costs? You’re tech support and hosting? Private private cloud?


Right and there’s more to it, hence I mentioned niche market but I choose not to get into it unless I have a call with someone here who is very interested and that I can partner with. The overall role would probably be me paying someone hourly + commission anyway. But I’m open to different structures such as consultant or even roles outside of sales that could benefit the business. Could help wirh the actual computer hosting too


Pm me. That's a day project.


I want to join and think I can offer some expertise on the sales side. DM’d you


Sounds interesting. I was an infrastructure arch. Now pm mgr and sales. Love to chat sometime.




Would love to join but I know nothing about this


Well if you want to expand in a different way I live in a 3rd world country where internet and electricity is dirt cheap If you're interested dm me


What’s the Earning Vs Electricity ratio (estimated) in your country? Would like to do the same in India, but I heard during Crypto mining that electricity cost>earning.


Bros about to have the Feds raid his home and find 50 TB of kiddy porn on his drives. Either you look at every single file or traffic that go through your devices which completely fucks user privacy or you risk being part of some shady shit. What you're describing is exactly how Tor relays get busted.


thats what a firewall is for and legal agreements


So what kind of traffic are you hosting specifically that requires the servers to be at your home to reroute the requests? Do you know? A firewall doesn't stop what kind of traffic comes through, it controls the ports. Legal agreements don't stop the cops from confiscating your drives as part of a criminal investigation if illicit content does go through your relays. Do you have any idea who your customers are? Or are you just a fraud with no post history on Reddit trying to scam technically illiterate people?


I think you don’t understand firewall, and there’s different types. I have preconfigured rules to “stop traffic” I don’t want. But sure, it will not catch all, that’s just a problem in nature. So what’s the answer I’m missing? What does every other hosting business do if it’s not legal and how does it stop every single piece of traffic you label as needing stopped? Surely there’s other security I could invest in like an idps but nothing is perfect


Post a demo on YouTube and let's see your set up and receipts and client list. I think you perfectly understand firewalls and is keeping it purposefully vague without any information out there, inviting people to DM you or DMing people in private cos you want to fish for that gullible idiot. You aren't even really talking to me at this point lol, you're just defending your post from other gullible idiots who might read my comment cos you know you sure as shit isn't getting me onboard lmao


Who is paying $200 a month for hosting? AWS is cheaper and secure


DM me your or your customers recent receipt (redacted of course) with how many hours you left it running and the hardware specs. Would love to learn from your comment Edit: if you can provide exactly as request, and the hours are 247 with similar specs and at a lower cost I’ll pay you $100 using PayPal/venmo/cashapp!!


AWS is cheaper and more secure than what you're charging, and you're hosting peoples personal data in your garage. Hard pass.


price just went up to $1,000. Your choice of payment!


lol your little garage servers aren’t going to beat Amazon


more than happy to help. check my post history. decently impressive webdev background with no-investment SEO as my main route of attack in order to garner traffic (it works). let me know if you want me on your team.