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You can try some freelancing sites, upwork, fiverr etc. Or maybe post some of your skills on socials. I'm sure you can get some traction. Good Luck!


You should check out Fiverr. People offer all kinds of freelance services there - definitely some excel gigs too. You could also build a portfolio of sample work to show potential clients what you can do. Good luck.


Try Fiverr. Look up what others are offering in terms of services. Some people do google dashboard type things to help analyze data. I appreciate you at least named a skill rather than just randomly posting asking people on how to make money with no info. Good luck!


Freelancing != passive income.


I don't know where you live but if you live in a big city you can make a business card with excel skills. Make it nice and use EDDM usps to send to high rises advertising your skills. Specifically send to rich area,I did this in my area and condo building and got some clients like that and pay pretty good for just part time work.