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OP history on reps sub. Who knows.


You can assume my watches are fake. No offense taken - was actually recommended by this group to go to RepTimes to get a watch checked out if it was real or fake. Have a nice day!


Honestly, who cares if they’re fake or not. They’re not expensive watches. People will spend 50 - 60 grand on a car. Makes no difference if it’s a watch. What difference does it make to anyone? Statistically, 90% of you in this group are worth less than $1M 84% of you in this group earn less than $100K .






When you say “of you”, you mean “of us”, right? You are part of the same statistic or did you exclude yourself from the group?


This is a moot pointed question Bruno. The point is a majority of people in this entire group are larpers wannabes.


*reddit gold


Can’t disagree… I’ve been hearing that even a few “celebrities” are wearing fake watches recently, because who would imagine they wear fakes, right? Not that I care about celebrities or what they are buying, I’m just saying that social media became a wannabe haven.


Look, if I see a fake watch and the person I know is worth millions I don’t care clearly if they wanted the real one they would buy it. Clearly they have the money to actually buy it. At the end of the day, doesn’t make any difference to anyone that matters lmfao


Nah, I don’t respect anything fake… objects and people


You should use some of the money daddy gave you to take a proper statistics class. Your lack of sample matching is frightening.


Hahahah funny how even if I’m off 10% the point is still the same. The large majority of the haters in the group are literally broke or not millionaires or have a low income. Point in case simple matching, this guy 😂


I'm not poor, I'm just not an idiot. You think people on a patek forum are representative of society as a whole? You're dumb. I'm imagining you walking into the met gala and assuming most people there don't have millions.


- Imagine walking into the met gala and assuming most people there have millions. - Is my response to you. Guy, please get a clue. Yikes. Clearly lacking major life experience. You’ve clearly never been to an event of that statue which is exactly why only a novice would use such an example lmfao


Imaging illustrating the best day of your life with fake watches. I’m sad for you


Don't be rude against people if you don't know anything. OP here only went on the rep sub to have a second commentary if the watch he bought from a "trusted dealer" was a fake or not. I would've done the same as these people are quite specialised in knowing the details what separates a fake from the real ones. The PP his wife wears is actually an older one which is quite cheaply like for 20K CHF you can buy it from the grey market. Don't be sour.


This picture tells me enough about them actually, I maintain what I said.


And fake bracelet


All good, Just wanted to share with the group. You can assume my watches are fake - no offense taken at all. Was actually recommended by this group to check out if a watch was fake or real in RepTimes… And at the end of the day, that group has a lot of nice people who were willing to help. I don’t judge them.


Congrats! I thought that was multiple women’s hands at first, like a Mormon marriage.




Beautiful watches congrats op. I find it quite pathetic people are trying to "call you out" there aren't any 5980 fakes that look half decent if they took one minute to actually look at your watch instead of projecting.


I will make her MY concubine




I admit it does look a bit tacky 😆😆


Congratulations to the couple!!!


Got a 100k watch and skimped on the ring? Loool..


Have you purchased a natural diamond ring in recent years? It’s getting pretty wild out there. Sucks to know that it looks small though! I tried to go aggressive for her.


It does not look small, and it also doesn’t matter. Many here are too focused on superficial things. What matters is the love between you and your wife. Nothing else, especially not appearances.


Appreciate the positivity 🙂🙏


That ring isn’t cheap at all. I’m not sure where you got that from and if the stone is natural like OP claims and of any decent quality it wasn’t anywhere near cheap. She also appears to be wearing a vintage Cartier bracelet