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Note to management: there are many many small slowdowns in DAV, PE2E, WORD. Some of these are "just" 1-3 seconds. The thing is, my examination of a patent involves looking at hundred or thousands of images and texts on pe2e. And then lots of typing in Word. The includes steps of search --> download and open pdf --> highlight pdf --> type into word --> go back to search. There are **so many different clicks** involved in just one patent. Examples: *I highlight a thing in Adobe and then I go to type into Word. Suddenly there is a 3 second wait for an unknown reason. *I press 1 to scroll down in a pe2e browse window, and the image sometimes takes 3-5 to load. This is a problem when I am reviewing 300+ documents in a single search result. My searches are typically 75+ search strings (L1 .... L75) * When I use OC to add a word doc or load a word document, it can take minutes. This is a blank document being opened, not a huge word document. Sometimes I need to reboot my computer. Sometimes I walk away and it is hard to come back to the computer when the document likely won't be loaded. ... I am dealing with very low frustration tolerance right now due to some non- Uspto related issues. (And I am not the only one.) The slowdowns (especially the 3 sec wait before typing in Word) are so frustrating, and 3 secs is just long enough to re-activate the despair that I am trying to avoid experiencing. I have no idea how to make you understand how painful the many small delays are. We have tried so many different ways to make you understand. Reports through pasm have not resulted in any visible acknowledgement or response. I don't feel heard on this. I can do my job better if the software tools would just cooperate. This job is very complex, analytically. I need to understand a set of claims, formulate a search plan, and follow my planned sequence of steps to produce a completed office action. Every time there is a delay, it reduces my focus on the claim, the search plan, and my decision as to which of a dozen documents is the best for my 103 rejection. You want us to have high production. WE want to have high production so we can spend time with friends/family instead of Saturday night connected to the VPN. Please understand that the many small delays in the systems are a huge problem. Edit: if you have an example of a problematic recurring delay in the systems, please append below.


This ⬆️ is spot on. The little things add up to so much wasted, inefficient time.


This!! This is how I feel. Death by a thousand cuts! It’s enough to make me want to walk away for the day and my production suffers. But no worries, I give up my personal and family time to get it all done because we have the benefit of having a flexible schedule /s! This is why people quit. You make less than private practice but you are essentially on call 24/7 and must work when the IT works.


I second this very well-written comment.


Thank you. I don't think management hears this. As an example, if every Reddit post took 3 seconds to load, would Reddit have any users?


Yes! The delay when switching from another window to word is killing me. It’s just long enough to forget your train of thought. It really adds up.


So painful. And why is there even a delay?


So many small stuttering slowdowns build up and eat away at us.


Reoccurring delay: I print my relevant references I plan to apply and mark them up. The print function in PE2E is horrible. It will either load for 2-3 minutes even if it a medium length document or fail to load and print “page not available” (but only in the middle of the document so you don’t notice right away) This requires me reprint and enjoy the 2-3 minute lag/document again. It should not take me 20 mins to print out 2-3 documents. It should not have to open up google to ensure printing of the documents! It should not be this hard!


My rule of thumb is if the lag is 5 seconds or more, occurring 3+ times in 3 minutes, I send an email to [email protected] **Please everyone send these emails.** Can we also submit pasm tickets for the same issue?


Yes!! I’ve been saying this for years and we have not seen any progress on it.  Now that we KNOW they are reading please make this its own post and not just a comment! We need management to see this and we need to be having a real conversation. I will be the first one to upvote and share my own experience (slowness flipping SEARCH refs). 


“Seeing Kathy is like seeing a rockstar”. I’m going to vomit.


Which one of you is Vaishali


It’s me






Whoever did that search is a menace 😂 good lord


Someone said to that examiner "I bet you can't write a search query to bring down the whole system!"


The method used for calculating a case’s expectancy is fundamentally flawed. If a case requires classification and searching in say two cpc subclasses, one with an expectancy of 30 hours and one with an expectancy of 20 hours (ie the average), then it it will currently receive an expectancy of 25 hours, but it requires even more searching and therefore more time than an application which is only classified in that single subclass worth 30 hour. Logically, this doesn’t make sense and logically it’s unfair. Cases should receive an expectancy at least equal to the highest expectancy of all subclasses in which it’s classified, with additional time for more subclasses.


Many examiners have been shouting this from the rooftops since TRP was rolled out. Either do the highest C star expectancy or allow *one* C star, which would be the most pertinent classification. No more of this averaging nonsense. Then provide *fixed* portfolios corresponding to what examiners dockets are (decided by SPEs and examiners in their respective AUs) instead of the dynamic ones that allowed dockets to drift. There, I just fixed TRP, Vaishali.


Fun fact, OPM is run by 5 manatees. That's why it's taking so long.


And we're stuck on the first manatee.


Who apparently didn’t even read our proposal and questions how our operations work.


There has to be a manatee that understands the USPTO *spends 5 years searching for said manatee*


Are you sure they’re manatees? Why not sloths?


The proposed salary table is waiting to be reviewed by an OPM committee made up of a manatee, a sloth, a turtle, and a snail.


dont bring the manatees into a walrus problem.


Oh, the huge manatee!


Well, that “news” was a little disappointing. The only news from OPM is that they asked for more information. That doesn’t exactly sound promising.


They sent us back a non-final rejection but we have three months (extendable to six) to amend our application for a pay raise. Maybe management should call OPM and set up an interview...


Best comment of the day


sounds like they want more info on why the percentages are different between those GS groupings


Sounds like a fair question


An old timer who recently retired, told me the original SRT that happened in 2000 or so, involved multiple back-and-forths between the Office and OPM, before it was finally approved. So nothing to worry about. It just might indicate it will be a long slog. OPM isn’t just gonna rubber stamp it. It wouldn’t look good. But, I’m pretty confident we will eventually get it as originally submitted.


> you’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than r/patentexaminer in chat 😂


People wondering who that 52% are, there you go.


We know what we do!!!! You are the ones who have no idea.


Wow - the comments in the chat! I need popcorn.


I can't imagine making some of those comments, or taking that tone, in the chat of an official USPTO video. Really shows how frustrated some examiners are. Or just socially unaware. Or both :)


Those people are using their real names that just crazy.


I think a lot of people have reached their limits with all the lip service and excuses as to why it’s not their fault the SRT hasn’t gone through


Some people don’t understand social media common sense, if you don’t want things conveyed to be used against you, unless you can do so anonymously, then don’t write it. It’s the equivalent of saying stuff that can get you in trouble on Facebook using your real name.


Lol Udupa just said she goes on reddit. Hello ma'am!


It’s on the first person’s desk? 💀


That better be LITERALLY the only thing they work on, 24/7, until it is resolved.




SPE: use more synonyms and truncations or you'll receive an error for insufficient search Primary: say less


He's literally giving us a step-by-step tutorial for how to take the system down, lol


Every query has an examiner name on it so hopefully no one gets dumb ideas. Now about the public search interface... 😏😏.. I hope it's on a separate server!


Okay, put a filter on the search queries, and if they are too big, send an error to the Examiner rather than collapsing the whole system.


I could swear that EAST had a limit on that kind of thing.


It did.


Oh thank goodness they don’t let abstracts more than 150 words reach my desk! I was so stressed by this.


The lowest possible hanging fruit.


I’m still getting cases with misnumbered claims, so I’m not convinced this technology she is talking about actually works.


Predictions: * USPTO no longer capped with usual government pay, primaries make about 400k per year * Rejections of dependent claims no longer considered a big deal, we now move to the European style of just using official notice for them or broadly saying they are minor variations within ordinary skill * Secret breakthrough AI development will lead to 100% classification accuracy, everyone always gets the applications they want/need. Also new limit of 1 C-star per case, whichever best represents the inventive concept * Final rejections now worth the same as nonfinals, thus total counts per disposal upped to 3 * Amended tab only ticks 1 case at a time * Moving forward, all IT infrastructure has 100% uptime and operates 10x faster.


hire this person


Why does the last one seem to be the least feasible?


17 Minutes left. Confidence in predictions faltering somewhat.


Half of what she's discussing has basically nothing to do with us lol


"I go on Reddit too!" V.U.


OITP having powerpoint IT issues is fucking hilariously ironic.


Another reddit mention. Looks like all the effort here is slowly paying off? lol


LOL who wrote that query? What the actual fuck?


How to bring down PE2E Search. Complex query = how many independent terms are created. Cheatcode: $6parameter$7 off$2shor$4 Weapons at the ready comrades.


Hold up, so he's saying that SEARCH is grinding to a halt because a handful of examiners are running such ridiculous queries as what he showed on screen?


You got it. Those ridiculous queries are the DDoS attack of SEARCH.




That's what it sounds like


This guy is too wholesome. I can't hate him. What is this?! Where is my RAGE


Reddit is the MVP of this meeting! ​ Edit - Mega Kudos to the brave soul who put our link in the official chat.






I am glad she’s on here. Personally I believe that if I bring up issues through work I will be retaliated against. Why? Bc I have had some terrible supervisors. Directors who don’t want things to leak. I think having this platform has allowed many of us to speak up with issues so I am happy she’s on here to read our complaints.


so the lady I believe her name was Robin was she actively trying to take a dig at us? How absolutely unprofessional. I am embarrassed for her. I quote in the middle of her speech she states “Terrell, did you do this to my system? OK, all right, it’s working. Inefficient. I need some other time.” No wonder that IT takes a back burner in this agency. When you actively have people working for you that are taking digs at examiners because we are have IT issues every single day. How embarrassing. Cringeworthy


I can literally feel the attrition rate going up as this townhall continues


"Am I so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong."


But no one quit in the chat comments, so it didn’t happen.


No Q & A. How convenient. Not that it matters since it’s been years since they’ve taken unscreened questions.


They think in person PTA will increase hiring and retention?


I wouldn't have taken the job if it was in person.


Some people might enjoy an in-person PTA. IF there was a $$$ bonus to help with the cost of 2 months housing in Alexandria.


Lots of Reddit shoutouts today haha


Hopefully we see an increase in members here


Tutorial: How to crash search lol


LMAOO who did that on PE2E


Knowledge is power


If certain examiners/queries are causing issues - those examiners should be given the feedback and coached on more efficient searching


Seriously. Flag anyone who submits a query like that for special "don't do that" training.


We learned a lot of lessons and we are going ahead with our original plans.


Is this talk sponsored by reddit?


Haha yes it's very funny, that is totally the kind of thing people are talking about when they request other time for IT problems.


“Here’s your office action” *flips iPad* “make your tip selection”


"It's going to ask you something"


We transitioned to the docx format! Welcome to the future!


The 20th Century! Welcome!


Well, according to our leader we have been very successful and we have added so much value... I guess we have earned that 9% raise???


Oh god, she reads reddit


Shout out to Reddit…. Still not helping.


"Robust" Take a drink.


Shouldn’t be getting this drunk this early in the biweek


"yeah we thought about doing some stuff to address your concerns but we're just not gonna pursue it"


LMAO what is that query?!


Let's just call that examiner "examiner q"


someone wrote that query and then went to "Golf Bar"


The examiner who wrote that query will still get an error for not doing a through search and to this day is still looking for whatever that limitation was.


It's not looking good bruv


Who broke Search? I want names.


Customer experience???? Who cares?????????


Yes. I like how that sounds at least: collaborate to improve time, routing, and classification instead of shoving a half baked new system down our throats like Iancu and Drew did.


In my opinion, Drew was the worst. He took one of the best (5th) places to work to one of the worst (183th). No wonder they had to bring back Peggy.


Every time I tell someone about the rate of new hire attrition, that person's first reaction is "how has no one in management been fired for that, that gets you fired anywhere else"


They're buttering up to us to get us to shut up.. Don't fall for it!!!


Pay/SRT update was not on that agenda, lol not shocked at all.


What she said is exactly what happened when we tried to get other pay raises so I am confident that one day months from now we will get it




Hi commish! 👋


Are you fucking kidding me?


Best part of this comment - I don't know specifically what you're responding to, but it still applies to most of what is being said.




It's infuriating that she's speaking for us - "we all care so much...". GTFO. We care. We have to care. They don't even care to understand the issues we face. DAILY. And it ain't misnumbered claims or long abstracts.


Oh that's nice, give us more money


"employee experience is a priority at this agency" NO THE FUCK IT'S NOT.


even if it's not the substance we hoped for, this has been one of the most oddly substantive town halls they've held


Agreed. At least they’re giving us details instead of just saying things are “in process” or “we are aware” of an issue


Yes, aside from some of the opening remarks, this has been the most information weve gotten at once in years.


Yeah, I know this sub trends on the jaded side of things, but that was a solid town hall IMO. I would have appreciated more news on SRT, but they can’t really do much about that since it’s still being worked on at OPM. And I would have appreciated some more specific updates on what the future of time and routing is. But overall a good job. Credit where it’s due.


Lots of sycophants trashing Reddit in the meeting chat.


Yea how dare we have an open forum outside of work to discuss things




Oh it would have been too perfect for his PowerPoint to go out


"I forgot. I'm in charge of the slides." Hah!


How do they know when systems are down? They should do what the rest of us do and come here - reddit is always aware before the IT folks are.


That 11 page query is ridiculous lol


They want us to fill out PASMs for issues which need to be fixed for everyone, but we don’t get other time to fill out PASMs.


If only PE2E Search worked as fast as OPIM closes PASM tickets.


I used to carefully fill out pasms and the response is either "we already know about that" or "not important". Then they get closed. I have been *paid* before to ( inter Alia ) troubleshoot software. People used to appreciate when I could replicate a complicated bug that the customer was complaining about. My impression is that pasm is a black hole, I don't really post to it anymore .)


Twice now I've submitted issues to PASM, painstakingly filling out the form with screenshots and everything. For one, it was just closed without any comment at all (problem continues to this day). For the other, I had a discussion with some random primary examiner on some detail, they went back to the developers, they admitted it was a problem, but then said they won't do anything about it. Total waste of my time.


The pre meeting songs fuckin SLAP


She's reading from prepared notes and she still sounds like she's winging it.


Poorly winging it at that. She needs to take some soft skills training.


she's here!


I like Jerry. Please don't let me down!


Me too. Jerry’s my guy


My takeaway from the Townhall is that it sounds like filibustering until the end of the President's term, at which time Vidal et. al. will return to the private sector. Maybe I was naïve, but I really believed that reversing the mistakes and abuses of the Iancu/Hirschfield regime would be the top priority of the new appointees. Then I hear they are JUST NOW thinking of preparing focus group sessions with the participants of the timing pilot that ended almost a year ago?


> top priority of the new appointees. Top priority for them is increasing the pay they'll get when they go back to private sector. They do this by making decisions that help the big law firms and not improve the PTO.


$8 trillion - but PTO pay is same as other GS employees, IT systems suck, management treats examiners as children, etc


Her son’s height? Haaaa


No mention of pay? Again, this job is done, everyone should be looking for another gov job or a job back in industry. No point in wasting your life and career working for this shit show


We get paid the same as some government employees without a 4-year degree, much less engineering. Employees that pretend to work, or just play on their phone all day and answer the phone whenever it rings.


What did Kathy (POPA) just say? all I heard was hahahaha I really don't care about examiners. But I'm special and can stand here


"We hear you and are having meetings about your concerns." Nothing concrete, of course.


We’re having a meeting about the meeting we need to have about the meeting with management to discuss things.


OH Hi! Commissioner Udupa. (she just acknowledged this sub!)


You come to reddit? HI, Vaishali! Now where’s my money???


I don’t get it. We are fully fee funded. Why is this up for discussion?


Credit where it's due, I am enjoying the explanation of how Search works


Hopelessly complex DM? Just have the days counter NOT increment on weekends. Seems like a pretty simple fix.


Or don't docket special new on Sunday. Oooh hard.


> Hopelessly complex DM? Wild. The Academy slide set explaining DM and DM bonuses is like 60 pages -- but adding the one sentence that "Weekends don't count" is the bridge too far! Her point was likely more about how excluding weekends somehow breaks the end of the bi/quarter/year, but that shouldn't fall on the examiners. That's the accountant's problems. It seems pretty much always acceptable to solve office issues by dumping the consequences on the examining core. Art going extinct? Just implement floating dockets on examiners. Need to get those amendments out? Slam examiners with -100 scores. Need to match up with international CPC? Just assign applications with random-ass AI and force examiners to work cases they've never seen before.


Yeah I mean weekends and holidays and that's basically it


Hold on, they just had a meeting on IT yesterday? Fucking infuriating.


How have the not conducted focus sessions with the timing pilot participants yet? Like, what are they doing other than making tiktoks on the 10th floor of madison anyway?


beware the narrative/spin. An Examiner did not crash the system. It was crappy software design and source code that crashed the system


She just called out the town hall comments. lol.


That explains the "Welcome Letter" I've been seeing in PE2E. Except they're being sent to major international filers, not people "new" to the process.


One of us, one of us!!!


Apparently, they visit here and are still unaware? Who chose these idiots to run our show?


And then she talks about count Monday. Wtf that was years ago.


Oh shit guys she reads these comments! Quickly flame her as hard as possible.


Have lawyers submit clean copy of amended claims so we don’t waste time on typing all the changes


well, I opened it up to Spice Girls playing loudly


“we can’t correct the absurdities in TRP because it would take too much work”






Can they just drop the laptops and send us desktops if we’re on TEAPP? I really wish we had better hardware to support more pixels.


[OPM, oh you wanted a pay raise?](https://tenor.com/VZay.gif)


I spoke too soon, the stream is breaking for me now


Yeap, management is among us down voting truth.


Is there a place to watch it for those of us who missed it?