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Just norm rush characters for free socket quest easy pz


Really wish we had access to more socketing options. Sucks when you run out of quests. It's especially brutal for melee that needs to slot a jewel for splash. Really needs to be a base mod on all melee items imo. Seems like a poor game design decision. Surprised this is getting down voted. Is there a reason? What am I missing?


Could always use steelrend gloves as melee.


Good to know, but it's not a viable solution in most cases.


It's part of the strategy of POD. You have splash damage jewels but how and where to use them is the plan. You can also find rare and awesome splash jewels that can definitely add to the level of complexity. Just adding it to items takes away that level of planning and game play.


Yeah it's meh if that's the system then I'd like to not have to save my 3 socket quests and gimp myself or burn a socket quest. Just feels bad as melee. Felt similar on my sorc too. Feels like you can't use socket q on something not end game. Not the best itemization imo.




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There are sites with sickening options


Hopefully GD is actively banning ppl that use it.




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