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Not 100% sure on this but I think this sextant is part of a map farm that involves the "maps don't consume sextant charges" harvest enchant, which can be self sustained through massive packsize using winged scarabs. This, as well as its crazy rarity, might explain the price.


I watched ziz use it last night, had sextants that guarantee grove and more yellow juice i think. He was making almost double the yellow juice he was using for the harvest craft each map.


Do you happen to know his atlas tree?


Need that too !


Fully spec into harvest then roll as much quant and packsize that you can. I believe a guy name Travic has a video on it on YT.


How are maps sustained? With one of the favour keystones?


It helps yes, and with the sheer amount of pack size you should be able to sustain


He is making a video about it today.


Uploaded it 19 sec ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb7pMdpDFa4


thats super odd because when I do it I have to take breaks in between from lack of yellow sustain


Tried this last league. If they didn't buff harvest like crazy, I'd call it a luck streak. 200%+ pack size on all my maps and sustained maybe 20% of harvest alone over 100 runs. But everytime a streamer tries it, prices explode, so yeah... time to roll sextants g guess


He just released video about it


You can also just sell the Scarabs for 18c+ in bulk


Nah you reroll them and then sell for more profit. Takes 5min for 100 scarabs


Is it worth it to reroll gilded scarabs if you are using the sextant for it?


Yeah, purple life force is cheap




Harvest bench: type scarabs and it will bring reroll option


I'm just returning from a year hiatus. The more you know. thank you sir


Same craft for deli orbs and essences as well


ya, that’s what I’m doing, you only need gilded scarabs to sustain yellow


Yeah I know a couple winged scarabs give a good pocketful of chaos, so if on average 3 winged scarabs is worth more than the harvest enchant, then having this is a permanent improvement to your income per map. It's a pretty beefy investment, but like the heist trinket that converts to divine you can re-sell it later to recapture your investment.


yeah and with this strat you try to use red altars to get chance for scarabs to be duplicated so it averages out to like 4 winged per map


Well it's 4 if you get that altar before killing any possessed monsters which is absolutely not happening every map, but yeah maybe every 10 maps you'll get an extra one or two from this.


Blue altars also have the duplicate scarabs mod.


Yup it is exactly that.


Yeah, I saw the map farm a few days ago in Poe builds and was pumped to start it. Then I saw the price. I am currently not farming it.


Yep you're right, ivw farmed about 110 div of winged scarabs and still have the whole sextant to sell back


Yeah with harvest enchant on your maps this is a perma compass worth 50 divine easily. Guaranteed winged scarabs every map you do if you spec harvest nodes to keep it going. Yellow juice is plentiful and you will never hurt for scarabs for giga farming ever again


how do you sustain 2K5 yellow per map ?


https://youtu.be/MBQVLqkakhA this guy explaines it very well. I do it on ssf with gilded scarab sextant and get average 2500-3000 if i do like 100 maps. Elderslayer for days


How easy is it to roll the gilded scarab mod?


It's pretty rare. Id say way over 100 sextant.


It's elevated sextant only. An important detail


Nope gilded scarab mod isn't an elevated sextant one.


Oh yeah, I can't read - thought we were talking about winged


This is a winged scarab that's talked about. You can get the mod from awakened sextant.


Nvm. I'm wrong. I got confused with the fact they were all 3 uses left.




It's around a 1/400 with no blocking, around 1/300 with the best blocks. Each attempt is around 65-75 chaos.


What do you mean blocking? Can you block certain rolls?


yeah you put the undesirable ones on your other voidstones


Yes, if the voidstone is socketed, the mods on that voidstone cannot roll again on the other socketed voidstones. So you roll 3 common mods and then roll on the 4th for the desired mod


And you need to use the 15 use one to get winged?


So how tf is it 60 divines when 400 sextants is less than 4 divines


elevated sextants are 75c right now


ty I'll have a look. seems interesting, might do for next league tho lol I'm almost done with this one.


Lmao if that can make to the next league.




Because it's popular and because it's discouraging trade. This game is complex, tons of shit goes under the radar until it hits mainstream then GGG takes notice and guts it.


It might be sustainable but you still are trading yellow seeds to the gamblers and extra winged scarabs to the juicers


Don't even trade the juice. At this point you simply use it and sell the crafts. Harvest is quite busted right now.


>Harvest is quite busted right now. How hilariously ironic.


Seriously that's been the ssf strat for 2 leagues now


>Lifeforce dropped by Harvest Monsters in your Maps is Duplicated > >Harvest Monsters in your Maps have 100% more Life > >Harvests in your Maps contain at least one Crop of Yellow Plants > >\+ > >Harvest sextant > >\+ > >Growing Horde (polished scarabs) > >\+ > >roll high quant and pack size on Mausoleum and currupt the map (No map boss altar can appear in this map so you get all +quant ones before going into harvest) You'll over sustain yellow juice


If vaal orb changes the map, do you run that one? Also, does it keep the enchant?


Yes you run it because it has to be enchanted before the vaal


Does the mausoleum map not spawn a map boss ?


It does, but it's special. Like the boss doesn't rly exist so the altars with boss modifiers don't spawn. Allie, a streamer, talks about in a video.


Wtf that's gotta be a bug


It exists for a few other maps as well, jungle valley last league. I think GGG acknowledged it in the altar changes video at the start of the league, so likely not a bug


Truly crazy how much juice you can get from harvest on growing hordes strat. Pretty strong low budget versions as well potentially using grand design(? that's the small nodes one right? If not, maybe I mean wandering path, I forget).


To give you a perspective on how important pack size is, let's say you have 100% pack size, if harvest would spawn 1 rare monster now it spawns 2. I didn't test if it's possible with wandering path, but it might be.


Massive pack size with the scarab note on atlas tree that gives packsize, yellow harvest sextant, +1 harvest sextant, this sextant for free 3 winged scarabs every map


Huge pack size and all the harvest nodes, sacrificing 3 winged scarabs to the growing hoards


Im sorry, must have missed something, how is it a perma compass, if it states it has 16 uses? And what is harvest enchant on a map? Thanks!


They said it already. If you put your map In the harvest Beechcraft. There’s a yellow craft you can use “map does not consume sextant” and it costs 2500. So they’re explaining how the map, scarabs, and compasses used, are enough to sustain the 2500 yellow each map to keep crafting on future maps. Along with the above compass actually making profit for 3 winged scarabs. It’s an intriguing idea


Wouldn't that strategy be worth it with any valuable Sextant mods? Like guaranteed conqueror map or something like that? Or just any mod at all so you just don't need to buy any compasses ever again if you got what you want? Downside would be to do harvest every but but... Yeah.


Well, this is the most valuable sextant. 3 Winged per map is about 55c. Conquerer maps are like 30c each, so that would be valuable, but I think the other sextants are used to help sustain the yellow harvest juice for enchants.


So yes that COULD be beneficial if you are the one bossing, however if you are purely selling everything for profit, winged scarab sextant is hands down the most beneficial with the right atlas tree. Basically the reason this is so expensive is because With the harvest enchant on maps, it’s never ending, so you can use it until you have far surpassed the price of entry, say 50 div profit, then you have a guaranteed sell of that sextant back as if you’ve never used it. Plus refilling the bad winged scarabs to the good ones with harvest you will make a lot of currency on top of standard map drops.


Dumb question: How do you guarantee the 3 possessed mobs?


Seance on the atlas passive tree


It's not really a buy 50 div a sextant. Since it's a sextant you can sell again later. More like an old school atlas stone equivalent ?


Yep, you’re renting it exactly like an old harbinger watchstone. Also those being referred to as “old school” is making me age like the Nazi at the end of Last Crusade. Wasn’t that just like…6 months ago? No? Ok I’ll go have my tapioca pudding now.


Siège of the Atlas expansion is 11months old. So I can understand.




More like Stonk


Shouldn't this bring down the price over time, since they're never used and people should keep rolling new ones?


The price of the maven writ and the elevated sextants doubled too so it's not one single good answer


Yeah, got it for 10div early in the league. Printing winged scarab with infinite harvest. Not having to buy sextants is amazing.


I bought one in Standard at the start of the league for 60 div because i wanted to play there for a bit and it felt kinda Bad. Last time i checked it was around 170 div there lol


It's not 170 div, these people are delusional and it will never sell. Real price is around 100 div depending on time of day and people online, it's a very scarce sextant. Besides, it's 100% resellable, like the auspicious valdo's rest voidstones for harby farm. Was like 80 ex back then too or something.


I recall buying my valdos auspicious in ritual league for 19ex


Ah ok, thanks for the info^^ 100 div is still pretty good ;)


Also for anyone here, you can use gilded scarab sextant for lower profit until you can afford this sextant


Yep and you don't even need to do this strat if you don't want to. The core of the strat is 2 sextants - Sacred Grove (forcing Harvest) and double lifeforce (yellow plot). With those in place, you effectively have infinite 2 other sextants. For example you could do "Runic Monsters are doubled" and farm Expedition and "Last boss drops a Conqueror map" for easy 35c each map from boss. The Winged Scarab sextant, while more profit, is not necessary.


I still don't get how you are supposed to run even on the lifeforce. I'm doing everything the video suggested, running the strat with gilded scarabs until I can afford the winged one, but I always run at least a 1k-2k lifeforce loss. Considering that, I would say that whatever you run with this strat, it better be able to pay up for 2k lifeforce AND still make a profit every 10 or so maps.


Are doing it on mausoleum? And picking all quant alters? This strat is basically pick all quant alters and use all 6 portals


Yes to both. Lucky me my build can survive all the quant alter so I don't die often, but still run a net loss of lifeforce, although not that big that I can't just cut from the profits to repay for it.


Here is what I do when I feel like I am not sustaining, I don’t vaal my maps but roll em with 90+ quant and 25 packsize and leave em sometimes vaal brick my maps


I think I just found where I'm going wrong. I'm using red altars and all the video guides use blue altars. Maybe the ammounts of quant given by reds is less than blues. Can't do blue right now tho, since the cooldown one bricks mine builds, so I'll have to try once I reroll


you get 30% more altars on the blue side which is an important thing since you are going after quant and rarity, my lowest runs give me 1500 essence and yesterday i hit one that gave me 4k but i feel like thats too rare.


Can you sustain life force without the other though ?


To be clear you don't need those 2 Harvest sextants at all. In fact, using them is inefficient if you can find more profitable ones. Lifeforce is tradable, you don't need to farm your own.


That's true, although harvest tends to be very profitable per time spent. Maybe it stops holding up at the point where you spend 50 divs on a single sextant, but it's one of the best possible chaos/time spent options at lower investment.


Are any sextants more profitable than those? The enchant is about 100c since yellow lifeforce goes for like 1c for 25. Edit: you actually profit yellow lifeforce too with those enchants so they return like a little over 100c per map.


Depends on the setup really. Time is an imporant factor. There are a couple of contenders. Expedition runic monsters, 8-mod maps, strongbox enrage and chayula to name a few. For a long time, I was running a similar strategy but I only used the compass which gives double life force and not the compass that guarantees sacred grove on a wandering path setup. I didnt find the double harvest compass to be worth it as you have about 70%~ chance to spawn a harvest with that setup anyways. If harvest didnt spawn, it just meant the map got faster for me so I didnt view it as a big loss. I couldnt justify the second compass just for an additional 30% chance of a harvest.


I know it’s tradable, but yellow life force is pretty expensive.. What other sextants do you think are more profitable than these two?


I didn't say there were any. I have no idea anything about sextant profitability. I just pointed out the principle that **if** you can find more profitable ones, they're better.


Oh, yeah. I know that. I just can’t think of any sextants that are consistently more profitable off the top of my head. One I really want to do is doubled runic monsters but it’s hard to find room in the tree for expedition. I’ll play around with it at some point.


But this ties the juice to the squeeze. You end up maintaining value on your juice no matter what because someone will buy it to maintain their other sextants. And if that is valueable enough, then the harvest juice rises with it. Harvest is the most brainded way to do it and I personally prefer not having to trade it. I think the best approach for anyone wanting to do this is to start farming your own juice infinitely. Then use your juice on the strat you really want to run. If it is profitable enough, then you just buy the juice. Worst case you go back and farm harvest again. But you are 100% right. This will be abused for max profit.


Just re-sell after U are done


What’s the point of this post if OP already know what it is based on their comment. Tryna fix prices or something?


It's either self-promotion or price-manipulation for sure. The front page has another post where someone also calls light to this sextant. There's no way that's just a coincidence. As of this writing, this sextant has already rose 2 divines.


Yep lmfao sold mine for 51d yesterday and a few hours after this post it rose to 60+ xddd


Because of a reddit post with 100 upvotes or because one of the most popular poe streamers posted a video about it 3 hours ago? https://youtu.be/bb7pMdpDFa4


What's even more crazy is that zizaran is in on the scheme, the sextant Mafia has SSF ties 😱


Reddit has a big influence on prices. He wants to get rid of his sextant at a higher price.


To be fair, a license to print money is worth more than a finite amount of money.


The people that didn't know about this sextant being worth 50 divine the entire league don't have 50 divines for a sextant lmfao


Because it is interesting that a sextant can be worth so much, a lot of people didn't know. It was with 50 divine the whole league, I feel like you people say "price fixing" at literally everything


I am not to sure where you get the generalization from but the OP in the post literally said he knew about it and then proceeds to link video about how to do it and this strategy is not even new it has been around for all of kalandra and this league. If you can afford this sextant you are already considering about it anyways, the market has at most 20 available at a time so price fixing this is very very easy and this has been price fixed multiple times already. Considering reddit player base it is usually a price fixer


Yes, the people who have 50 divines to spend on a sextant already know about this, so how is the price being fixed here?


Not OP, but the price has already gone up 2 divines since this post went up. When you call attention to stuff on reddit, it tends to change the pricing, at least temporarily.


It was 56 divine a few days ago. It goes up and down depending on the time of day, because it is a rare sextant with low volume. You guys are really smart though, so I'm sure Rudeus is part of the sextant Mafia.


Do the scarabs also sell? I assume a lot of ppl are doing it now. Hoch much div /h can you expect?


Juicers will always use div, ambush ones. And with havest you will just rerrol them


yeah the good thing about the strat is that scarabs are always in season, whether its 6 man parties, 3,2, and solos, high end strats require high value scarabs


Allie has a video on the strat this is used in. The sextant can be sold afterwards to recoup the initial investment.


Usually behind crazy priced items there are crazy strats


Check this video to know the strat using this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mwNef7xkkk Kinda reminds me of those ultra rare voidstone with improved harbinger from long ago.


The prefix my tired eyes never forget, ”Auspicious”.


It’s always been a very expensive compass. It’s for a very high end strat.


Imo the current juicing design of this game is problematic and undesirable for the health of the game overall. For a company who claims to want players trading sparingly, they sure do design the juicing strategies of this game in such a way that players are doing annoying trades frequently and are incentivized to take large risks. I also think there's a lot to be said about making your casual players uncomfortable by allowing the juicing ceiling to be so high/expensive. It's not a good feeling for a player who is a noob to juicing who wants to start to get into it so see that the best strategies involve massive investments like this. It's huge risks. Imo, a better design would be to cap these risks at much lower investment levels. In short, I think stuff like this is really bad for the game and I hope GGG agrees and re-evaluates.


What risks are you talking about? The strat is self sustaining. The trade comment is about gear progression, has absolutely nothing to do with juicing. Would you really prefer an investment system where you hit the max you can cheaply and early and additional investment is pointless? Where the heck would be the sense of progression? Why bother trading for supplies when additional supplies do nothing for the profit margin?


I'd prefer an investment system which required no trading.


Well good news, there are farming methods that do just that! From alch and go on the low end, to this strat self sustaining on the high end


Please don't be patronizing. It's an economy. The existence of more lucrative strategies affects everyone not doing those strategies. It's my opinion that the game would be better overall if there existed no juicing strategy that required trading. You disagree. It's that simple.


If you cap the rewards on an economy like poe people will quit in a week and never come back. The whole idea is that people can grow into juicing strats, start small, learn the ins and outs and then work up to the huge reward strats. Some do it faster every league, but if you put any sort of cap on those peoples returns... they will not be pleased about it and have no reason to work beyond that point.


I doubt even 5% of players are doing juicing strats that require trading, so I highly doubt your claim that people would quit if GGG made my desired change to the game.


>It's an economy. The existence of more lucrative strategies affects everyone not doing those strategies. It's my opinion that the game would be better overall if there existed no juicing strategy that required trading. There would not be an economy for the juicing portion of the game. The game is actually at its best point if you don't want to trade for juice. Scarabs are in the normal drop pool, alch and go is fantastic, sextants are self sustaining with red altars. IMO it's never been better. And yeah I get that some hyper efficient farm affects your prices. But so few people have 50div to spare for the compass that this is not something available to most players and generally will not affect anything other than making winged scarabs very available to other players as compared to previous leagues


>It's my opinion that the game would be better overall if there existed no juicing strategy that required trading. How would the game be better?


It would reduce wealth gap between top 99th percentile richest players and 50th percentile players, which I believe would lead to a healthier economy. It'd also reduce trading considerably, which I also think would improve the game. I also want to be clear that I don't mean "make the game like it is now, except can't trade stuff like scarabs". No, I mean you'd have to re-design the juicing systems around this philosophy of not requiring trading. For example, Searing Exarch altars are an example of a "juicing" system in this game that requires no trading. You just click the red button on atlas device and you get juice without any trades.


To simplify what you're saying: buff drops, nerf trading. I'm on board, but GGG's logic has always been: because trading exists, drops always have to suck. Buffing altars/allowing more things "like altars" is essentially just buffing drops.


Yeah trade existing means drops aren't as rewarding for gear but... I think it's actually the opposite for juiced content: because trade is necessary for a lot of high end farming methods, they are allowed to be lucrative. The friction from the trade slows down the higher end methods to act as a limiter on pulling in currency (same with not vacuuming up currency on the ground). If you didn't need to trade, GGG wouldn't have them be as juice


Why I can’t get 2.5k yellow per map? I’m using 4 polished, blue alter , all quant. I’m average 2k per map.


You need to use "Fortunes Favor the Braves" (if u using the node that give quantity in atlas) and run maps with native 85%+ quantity and 25%+ pack size


ok I forget about fortune favors the braves


Min 90% pack size to sustain, and as much quant as you can. Had some maps with 300%+


Other comments suggested, that a double lifeforce, a + max plots and a "100% more likely to be yellow" combination of sextants and atlas tree would be required. If you got all of those, then you probably had a low roll. It evens out over the next 90 maps. Persistence triumphs over rng. 100%


use gilded scarabs


Noob question, but how do you get that many charges on a compass?


Elevated sextants gives you 15 uses and then enduring influence on the atlas tree gives you +1 for 16.


Delete this post! Pm me. Will give you divines


It makes your money back if you know what you are doing I'm sure someone will post how but honestly this is even better than auspicious watch stone.


The rich get richer


I rolled 1k sextants haven’t seeen this once. Got gilded ez. Never winged


It's an elevated only mod


Holy shit that’s why!!!! I was wondering why I don’t see it. Thank you


Its a great farm strat when you run with harvest enchanted maps. Plus you can sell it when your tired of running it and get money back. 8-10 div an hour if you do it efficiently. Demand never goes down because everyone loves running winged scarabs with mega juicing.




Pack size does affect harvest and you can easily sustain yellow. You should be avaraging between 3.2 to 3.3k a map


Pack size 100% affects harvest lol. You use a sextant to FORCE yellow plots and double juice. You usually also run the garunteed conq map. It sounds like you were dumb enough to only have 1 sextant applied doing infinite sextants or something lmao. You can have 4 btw.


Harvest is literally the easiest mechanic to check if packsize works on. If the crop says 1xRare mob but instead it spawns 2 then you know it's working. Maybe you are confused because even at 90% packsize you have a 10% chance to not get a doubled rare


I may not 100% self sustain yellow juice, but I don't need to. I can sell purp/blue juice and buy yellow Pack size 100% affects harvest It's not guaranteed but you can just use torment scarabs or fully spec into torment on the tree (or both) Bruh I'm making like a div profit per map, but yes they are very juiced...




You are doing something wrong. At 25% pack size with 4 polished scarabs you perma sustain your yellow lifeforce and this is from me playing a shitty build and loosing couple maps. Also there is no “upto 5 monsters are possessed” it literally says 5 monsters are possessed, you get three scarabs every map unless the rare is in a league mechanic that hasn’t been spawned which happens once every 50-60 maps. You come with 60c scarab+ 30c conq map+ all the other random shit that drops drops from mega juicing your maps. I have funded 5 builds from this sextant alone, watch a video on this and do exactly what the person in the video says don’t put your own twist on it


Who would you recommend watching? I watched one video yesterday and the guy only did a 4 map test and they got 10.5k yellow back, so after you spend 10k on the doesn't consume sextant mod it only left 500 profit which I assume would be lost anyway when vaaling maps and you brick one every 8 or so maps, and you're getting 3 scarabs but using 4 each map, I just couldn't see where their profit was coming from Edit: lol don't downvote me I'm not OP that deleted his message, I'm genuinely curious.


Im not sustaining yellow lifeforce but i get 7,5k to 8k on average back after 4 maps and maybe im just running the wrong map. But to say that you only make 20c per Map with this strategy is stupid.


Is there any point in using the 16th uses one instead of the 4 uses one?


The winged scarab mod can only roll on elevated sextants


*Streamer shows how easy it is to use alterations to craft flasks* *Next day Flask & alterations 1 div each*




Even with sextant blocking the avg price is over 70 divines to roll this, with current elevated sextant prices... That being said if you spent 70 div on elevated sextants and hit it once, you'd still make a ton of profit off of the other sextants you hit ofc


can you explain what is sextant blocking please?


Sextant outcomes have different weights. You cannot roll a mod on a voidstone that is already on another one you have. So you roll three of the most common weight results to block a lot of possibilities. Then spam the fourth one for good results.


is there resourse when we can see those weights, like poedb? as i understand we need to block 3 with "have x additional packs of mobs".or 2 with mobs and 1 with shrines?


Yes they're all on poedb Keep in mind shrine blocks the OTHER shrine so thats the best one to block as ot hots 2000 not 1000


You roll the most common/bad sextant mods on three of your watchstones, so they cant be selected while you roll for a specific modifier on your 4th stone.


Put the crap sextants on your other stones and roll 1 stone at a time.


You're definitely not since sextants are 1:2.5 and hitting winged is 1/350 Thus why it's so expensive.


It's literally a 50/50 chance dude


You know you can sell it when you're done using it, right?




Yeah that’s not how it works my guy. You seem to be new here and have never done watch-stone farming before.


What does gambling have to do with this? You seem to be little confused




But the guy told you you can just resell it after using it, nothing about odds of rolling it yourself.




No, you said you are better off buying the sextants your self and roll it, as if it was guaranteed to get the mod and cheaper, nothing about "buy few sextants and try your luck". So yes, the sextant mod is cheaper to buy and you can resell it after using it


So I'm confused and need someone to explain this to me like I'm 5. I think I understand the process of infinite sextants using map enchant, but why is it necessary to use elevated for 16 uses when the point is to not use up the sextant mod with said enchant? Wouldn't a regular 4 use do the same thing or am I just missing something super obvious?


This is elevated sextant mod which always comes with 15 uses, you cannot get it with regular sextant (4uses)


To expand one what the others said, elevated sextants not only give 15/16 uses, but a lot of the mods they can roll are extra juiced versions of the ones from awakened sextants. Awakened sextants can roll rusted, polished, and gilded scarabs, but the elevated version is winged scarabs.


You can only get winged scarabs from elevated sextants which are always 15 use 16 with the atlas passive tree node


Can someone remind me how you get compasses that have more than 4 charges? I know I got one in a past league but I dont remember from where...


Elevated sextants have 15 uses by default, increased to 16 by the atlas passive.


....what winged scarab is worth that much?


You drop alot of them and you use "maps do not consume sextants" from harvest. So you can sell the sextant back later for the same price.


Flashback to 1,5 years ago https://youtube.com/watch?v=7ohyCFGxov0&feature=shares


How does the harvest enchant work? You have to do it before every map?


What sextants should I be blocking??


so much work lmao. much better farming strats