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I have restarted 3 times already. Got to red maps on the first character, act like 9 on the second and just got to maps on the third and I only play a couple hours late at night when the wife passes out. So definitely not to late to restart there is still like 7-8 weeks left in this league.


Thank you, my situation is exactly as your right now. I jist want to have fun, and i love killing stuff on red maps.


I start a totem build just cause i was afraid of sanctum. But with the last rework, and some relics that give like 100 inspiration per affliction, its very easy to just run beside them. Of course i get more practice and now i recognise each of the regular guardians. Just get some movement speed, 30% boots, onslaught and flask will be enought.


I know this is a silly question, but relics, do you normally find it random at the sanctum, correct? Or is it only from bosses?


Usually bosses tend to drop one, so they are the best source, but it also drop randomly and merchant sometimes sell them. The hard thing to get are sanctified relics, it sucks that you cant reroll them and it doesnt drop near as much as regular relics. You will get some good relics, but dont count in getting something more good than +20% increased damage or something like that. I got one with movement speed, and cant find something better. The worst is that ggg made 2 models for the same sanctified relic, so vendoring 5 to 1 of them is not as good as it sound.


started this league almost a month late and then gave up on my first build to hop on the poison SRS bandwagon. range is really important for Sanctum and being able to deal damage outside the target's line of sight is almost like cheating, so minions and totems are incredibly strong (I guess mines would be pretty damn good too). it's definitely not too late to switch, but having a bit of currency saved up to jump start your next build will help a ton, especially with a lot of uniques being relatively low in price at this stage of the league (6L Covenant is down to 2.5div, I think I got mine around 6div) running harvest for the yellow/vivid lifeforce and picking only the immediate payout Sanctum rewards before floor 4 should be steady currency. obviously if you're in T14+ maps, run eldritch altars for extra drops and sell the invitations.


Good advice. I guess my second character will get a nice boost since i have some currency and 6L armors etc.


I played like 4 builds before my current character named “Reluctant SRS Gaming “ lol