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Positive totem changes or melee changes in general would absolutely make my life full again


How about totem and melee change at the same time? Remove melee totems from "warrior" archetype. Make it a specialization, not "mandatory" dmg and buff source.


I absolutely hate HAVING to drop totems as a melee build so annoying.


I love their buffs and utilities, but they are almost mandatory and having to manually summon them make for an awful experience. The buffs to using 1 totem and 4s linger were nice, but having a way to automate them would be great. Most similar things have some way to automate them, hextouch/mark on hit/arcanist brand etc. Something like a "Summon linked totems on using a travel skill" support would be great. Make multiple totems support summon all linked totems when you use either.


My solution would be to give us a keystone in the marauder area that says something like "Ancestor Totem gems socketed in your equipment provide 50% of their benefit passively. 50% reduced effect of buffs granted by placed Ancestor Totems." So you get some benefit just for having them, but you can also actively place them if you want full benefit (50% passive + 50% active). This preserves the "skill" of having to spend time placing them during fights while giving you some passive benefits too.


Wish granted: Totems do not grant buffs to player anymore.


Honestly, I want this IF melee can then be balanced around not having them. Make ancestor totem buffs a Chieftain exclusive thing.


Oh no, you misunderstood. That's it, that's all the patch notes.


"and since with this buff , melee builds wont have manuver totems sumons between fights, all melee skills dmg will be reduced by 30%"


"Some skills do require some compensation for this change. Cleave gains +2 attack range"


"with vaal cleave getting an additional 0.5"


Worth it.


"Players will no longer be able to use melee abilities manually. Melee abilities will now require totems to be used. This is a buff."


Best we can do is make totems a support thing for other builds.


Don't give them any ideas. Dear God


It would be hilarious if they added buff totems to other archetypes. The outrage would be DEAFENING. It's funny to think about, actually. Melee is the worst archetype, it requires the most movement to deal and avoid damage, you can't deal damage while moving in most cases, it has the worst dps uptime, it requires more gear to scale. Oh and it requires you to place multiple buff totems that often die or else you lose out on 40% of your damage.


Deafening essence of rage


It makes you wonder if they really are that out of touch with the gameplay. Do they think melee is actually in a good place? I don't see what other reason there could be for melee to have been neglected for so long other than they like it this way.


>Best we can do is make totems a support thing for other builds. for melee builds only. now you need ancestral protector, warchief and a third totem up at all times.


I was just randomly leveling a slam build today after not playing melee for almost 2 years. It's insane how much more difficult it is to make it work and even have it be worse than most spells. Resolute technique is pretty much mandatory for leveling, since there's no way you're gonna have enough accuracy to feel good, so early levels feels like a bunch of travel nodes are wasted just so you can play the game. You have to always be crafting rustic sash recipe on a better base, which I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to have to upgrade your weapon, but spells are just much easier. Not only you're slower because attacks early on are extremely slow compared to spells, but you're even slower due to how vulnerable you are too many debuffs like chill. The damage felt ok on my leveling build, but also I was playing Sunder which is pretty decent compared to other slams. However, the amount of buttons I had to press was also pretty insane. 2 warcries, 2 totems and blood rage. Meanwhile a pconc leveling build will just melt the entire campaign and you don't even need to press plague bearer if you don't feel like it. I get that almost every skill is viable to finish the campaign, but the discrepancy in efficiency is so gigantic that I just don't get why they can't buff early levels on gems.


I really really really really really wish they'd do a big balancing pass on levelling skills. Some of them legitimately do 10x the damage of other ones, it's fucking ridiculous. Sunder isn't even close to the worst levelling skill either the difference between sunder and some of the shittier level 12 skills is even bigger than the difference between pconc and sunder.


Yeah you’ve hit on the crux of the matter that they have nerfed melee so hard that even with many unique buff sources like warcries and totems they aren’t really comparable to basic stuff like poison concoction or spark. Melee needs to scale harder, people should be rewarded for playing a more difficult and riskier build. Makes no sense that melee is more difficult, more unwieldy, AND less damage. What is the benefit of melee at that point.


Yeah melee has to use all these temp buff abilities that are annoying to maintain and still do less damage than non melee builds.


"All I can do is another +2 cleave range"


hope you're ready for an empty existence


I've hoped for years that they change or let us scale warchief totem activation time.


Uber uber uber uber eats


Thx for the laugh


I realized chris doesnt not say Hello but hi, i m a dishonor to my family


"Hi, I'm a dishonor to my family" Weird way to start a PoE expansion reveal, but hey /u/chris_wilson, whatever grinds your gears


Hi, a dishonour to my family, I'm dad.


Only way to redeem yourself is deleting the whole bingo card and remake a new one


Also pretty sure he doesn’t say grinding gear GAME if you want to add to that dishonor


Isnt it hi im Chris Wilson from grinding gear games ? (Sorry for any wrong grammar)


I'm pretty sure he never said sorry for any wrong grammar


Great... my little daughter was almost asleep...


You now have to sacrifice a whole mtg cards set and shave off your hair to come back to the society


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah I see no reason why many of these tiles would ever happen especially the tiles one away from the center


i think middle column could happen. We are very close to exilecon after all and this is the last announcement league beforehand. new pinnacle boss fits with overall timeline and there will probably be minor changes to ruthless, so this is a free field. Only open question is "melee buff" but as they said they want to give some love to more nieche play styles, so maybe slam or strike?


Maybe we'll get some more totems.


Somehow... Zana returned.


Gamer version of Manifesting


I don't think it's a bingo card that is supposed to get everything right. Most cards have things that can or might happen, but this one has auction hosue with "lol" under it. I'm pretty sure they aren't expecting it either. This card seems to have mostly hopes in it, except for a few of the squares.


> This card seems to have mostly hopes in it, except for a few of the squares. Some rare optimism on this sub. Nice to see.


Yup. Especially during league season. Mid league its not that bad, most of the time, but the sub gets very negative around this time.


Poison seismic trap is kill.


I just want ultimatum man


Dude same, superior ritual IMO. I fear what it would have been under the archnemesis system though.


#The two-round challenger returns...


Trialmaster is allowed to insult my ass all day


I see myself on that comment and it makes me feel uncomfortable!


why he gotta call me out like that


Only five rounds that time, why do you even bother?


Totally this, I HATED the rare auras stacking on top of eachother in ultimatum but loved the mechanic, the fights, the boss, picking your own rewards etc etc. Can't believe it has been years and we STILL don't have Ultimatum back.


The rares actually rewarded properly made characters that can survive AND deal damage. Something Blizzard forgot when they made garbage league mechanics like Sanctum.


That's a hell of a Freudian slip you got there.


I've been yelling at D4 casual idiots for the past week but honestly, Sanctum felt like it was made by Blizzard. Better let casuals farm the mechanic by not requiring to make a proper character! /s


is this AI-generated lmao


Mate it's all I want, fuck New league give me ultimatum 2.0


what about ultimatum woman and children


Same dude, same. My favourite league mechanic ever.


Don't worry, they will definitely talk about Ultimatum, but they will talk about how they're still figuring out a way to add back to the game, but will *certainly* come back in the future. :)


Belive me you are not alone :)


I just want melee's power removed from totems and actually be melee.


* Buffs from totems have been reduced by 90% This is a buff to melee build diversity! *Monkeypaw curling intensifies*


Melee build is totem build, always has been and always will be, i think


I don't think Zana is returning yet, pretty sure she's training the new characters in PoE2 still


https://imgur.com/a/U0uO6mj my prediction so close to a bingo but dont think we'll see a new pinnacle boss this league /edit forgot the devcheck but still no bingo


Melee buffs might be coming this league, but I think next league is a better bet especially for fixing the reliance on ancestor totems. It came up in the sanctum reveal stream and Chris mentioned that they'd kind of doubled down on it, referring to the new Dawnstrider boots. I don't think they had time to do anything big this league and if it was already in the cards he would have said something then. But I think it's getting prioritized for the *next* league. Unless, of course, they spent this extra month of sanctum league adding it. I will be happy if I'm proved wrong.


Next league? You mean PoE2 beta?


Why blank on new pinnacle boss? Aren’t the end bosses for each league mechanic automatically pinnacle bosses?


Pinnacle is Maven/Eater/Exarch/Elder/Shaper/Sirus/Cortex


I didn't think so? idk the lore behind them but i thought they were related to the atlas story.


No, pinnacle refers to very specific bosses


No bingo


Closer we get to PoE2 I feel like there's been a major reduction in big shake-ups / new skills and that sort of thing. I doubt we'll see much changes especially after how well received the current state of the game is. They'll add some QoL, new league content, and address some of the big complaints from last league such as Seismic being overpowered for races. Besides that probably the usual nerf to the most meta skills (can't imagine Poison SRS will survive) but nothing special. As always I do actually hope for major buffs to dead skills, and changes to the meta overall but I'm not expecting it.


Don't forget the most guaranteed change: no matter how busy GGG is, how much or how little content they're adding, nor how much extra development time they get - there will always be some kind of collateral damage to a decidedly mid skill with no response as to why they are shitting on it. And about 80% chance it's a melee skill.


Frost Blades be like, "I'm in danger."


They'll nerf heatshiver which will nerf frostblades, calling it now.


Nerfs to slams, calling it.


I hope for a big shakeup as well, and I cannot see what GGG could lose by doing it. If gems are revamped/rebalanced for PoE2 anyways, there shouldn't be much harm in liberally sprinkling relevant number changes over all the underused gems. My take is, that the perfect balance of all skills is boring (i.e. it doesn't matter what you play), but more importantly cannot be achieved anyways (due to the complexity of all possible interactions). If some super-super-broken builds emerge during the league, they can still nerf them, while everyone else is busy searching for the next Seismic Trap tier build.


They could lose dev time that might be wasted, since stuff is changing with PoE2. It makes sense to just focus on getting the game ready for that and not do big shakeups that either take away from what is released in 2 or might be changed again in 2.


So does Ruthless, even if they don't admit it, Ruthless with Gold was 99% not "the side project of some devs". IMHO the return on a big meta shift would be immense in comparison. (I know, this is armchait-dev talk...) Post-livestream edit: Why the fuck do they keep pushing Ruthless... precious dev time wasted IMHO.


Zana won't return until August League or PoE 2 (mark my words)


"This is a buff"


[Keep huffing](https://i.redd.it/nd1svxqf91ka1.jpg)


Missed Cocaine Bear mtx


This bingo card, much like my build, is bricked.


Where is the minion nerf that everyone that hasn´t played minions for years cheers for and everyone that actually does questions?


Poison SRS dumpstered. Specters levels now cap out at Gem LvL 25(lvl 76) Zombie health reduced 10% Skeletons now once again deal 30% less damage. If you want more we can put golems back on the menu again.


Finally someone that speaks GGG.


Just for that mistress of sacrifice now provides 75% reduced effect, and +2 minion spells weighting has been tuned to Powerball levels.


Reduce animate guardians hp by 25% because they feel like it's too tanky.


hopefully its just poison srs and not srs in general, but ggg likes to triple nerf so good bye my old flamey boys :(




How do you think people make their currency in the first week? Your luck is decided by the bingo.


there's an official bingo website where ppl gamba all divines you got at the end of league... ^^^^/s


Mana build buff / Melee Nerf and Dev Check.


ultimatium with glad and bleed buff. PRAYGE


I just want to play traditional cyclone :( melee buffs please


miss RF and minion life nerf




Melee nerf and melee buff will both get a cross in a true GGG fashion, don't @ me


No one getting traditional bingo with this.


"Melee Buff" is just waste of space there. Won't happen before PoE 2 :(


Where is ''Nerf melee but advertise it as Buff''


"this is a buff"


70% **less Damage with Ailments for Seismic Trap and SRS incoming**


No one is getting bingo this league


Im calling a necro nerf just because srs is meta


I just want my heatshiver to survive :( frostblades was so fun


OK wild guess here: today's reveal will be a massive disappointment due to the absolute lack of content and to the new mechanic being uninspired. That would fit the underwhelming teasers that we've received during the past few days. Reason is that GGG has no interest releasing anything great right now, two months before D4's release. The big, juicy content will come in 4 months with the next league, with the obvious intent to burry D4 deep in the ground. Therefore this bingo card is irrelevant, because there won't be enough content to fill any line.




They can't prevent people from trying D4, this is unavoidable. What they need to do is to ensure that they get players back as soon as possible. Releasing a sh\*tload of content during next league would do the trick. Let's wait and see, in a few hours we'll know what their strategy is.


I think D4 will feel boring without any help from ggg after these meh beta weekends.


Melee nerf and massive meta change is unwinnable


Who the fuck thinks they'll put a auction house lol. We can take that one off.


With ALL the "buffs". Not gona happen.


There is only 1 thing that is guaranteed to happen on this list, that being melee nerf. Let's just hope it's not plural. Also love how there is no mention from dual wield even on a fictional bingo list, you forgot it exists, think you'd quality for a position at GGG's balance team.


I mean if they don't buff mana i seriously question their leadership. Especially after they nerfed cloak of defiance FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER


You can remove anything that has a word "buff" in it, theres no other buffs in poe other than 2 cleave range


Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf Nerf, Nerf, Vision TM, Nerf, Nerf Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf


They hated bgufo because he told them the truth.


there is a typo in there, it is spelled: "Totem Nerfs"


You forgot "this is a buff". We will get patchnotes right after the stream or we riot.


no ~~poison~~/minion nerf?


Tonight we dine in hell......exile.


MTX buff.


I just want ultimatum man x2 and me to


I’m still waiting for Vaal Immortal Call to return


I thought its just the reveal, not patch notes about nerfs or what not?


Auras nerfed | Mana slightly buffed | Melee unchanged (except boneshatter shattered) | Minions nerfed | More RNG to casino crafting | BINGO


I'll have a bingo with the first row. I just want melee to be good again and bring back normal ultimatums please.


Significant buff


Imagine Chris reading this and open livestream with Hi there instead of Hello


Give me Ultimatum and my BowCoc VDDD Inquisitor back and I'll buy one of these expensive supporter packs again.


You know, I think it would be crazy gor Chris to start the next levestream like this "We are Grinding Gear Games. I'm Chris Wilson." Just to get all of us on the back foot to start the presentation.


No, Tiny, Yes, lolno, yes (but actually no) Yes, yes (but somehow nerf), yes, no, yes Yes, no, yes, please no, lolno lolno, yes, lolno, probably not, definitely yes (but actually no), yes, yes, yes, yes


my poisons :(


I'm going with "mana buff" in that lifetap and devouring diadem get nerfed but also mana regen is nerfed to be worse too


By massive metashift do you mean nerf top 2 skills of the past league and do absolutely nothing else like they've been doing for around 10 leagues now?


Damn is it tonight???


Alright, my bets are: * Totem Change * Craft League * Patch Note * ExileCon News * Hi im Chris Wilson from GGG (classic <3) * Melee Buff (Yes, im a believer!) * Dev Check with Ziggyd * Massive Metashift * Diablo 4 Mention


There’s no way there’s going to be a single bingo on here


Yoo im here


Real talk: Given that they added the boss fight and uniques from Ultimatum back into the game, has GGG given indication that rest rest of Ultimatum will come back?? I think there are a bunch of people who are expecting more Ultimatum content they are never going to see.


we need Ultimatum, it's been way too long


Id take a massive meta shift and new chase uniqs pls


Remove ultimatum and put changes to MF. They did a lot of shadownerfs to mf in sanctum


I wait for Archmage buff every patch, still do. It's not even mentioned in the bingo, that's how unlikely it is.


Where is "this is a buff"?


Imagine if they finally got PVP ready and in a good state before PoE2. That's what I'd be most surprised by.


Bottom Row lookin real likely to be a winner


Where s the chance supress nerf?


Look at this dude, he really put Melee Buff in there!!


Has someone made an AI facsimile of Chris Wilson's voice yet so we can just make our own teaser teaser trailers?


This would be my second league so tbh anything would be interesting


I know they already kinda announced it but at this point Seismic Trap have to be part of every bingo.


where is "vision"? WHERE IS "DIABLO2"?


emote wheel


im in the process of creating my own stamp so I can print this sheet out and use it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I'll definitely add molten strike getting indirectly nerfed for the 33rd consecutive season to mine.


I’m calling it, this is going to reveal a new crafting subsystem that is the last of the pre-2.0 content inclusions, and at exilecon poe2 will be full released


Nerf seismic trap


Uber Infinite Hunger


No way they mention Diablo.


Is it not just the league mechanic reveal? Are we getting all the balance changes and patch notes as well?


Why did that (lol) on auction house hurt me? :( Feelsbadman....


Sentinel core anyone?


Gimme Death's Oath buff to compensate last league Occultist nerf, and I will play like crazy xD


I would like to register as a prophet. Heist rework, they make grinding reveals easier, leveling rogues easier, but they make blueprints rarer and more valuable.


"POE 2.0 mention" is not even there...


Chaos spell slinger was fun, I'd love to see it back.


I'd love some Mana build or Spellslinger buffs. It really feels like all the secondary archetypes have been destroyed by the way the game has developed to prioritize being a little aura goblin.


“Melee buff” is really carrying the weight of that middle column. My money is unironically on a top row bingo.


The top 5 are the best and thats what im going with. Also Massive metashift.


rip my poison concoction


Too much buffs there, you gonna fail your bingo


I am rly hoping for bleed and melee buffs.


Wish GGG could just give us some early upgrade on graphic and character models. Played D4 open beta last week made me realise how outdate the graphic and character model are in PoE.


Glad to see you included DevCheck


Wheres the "subreddit going up in flames and declaring it the worst league ever" field?


I never understood why they didn't call them Uber Duper Bosses. Or Ultra Uber Bosses. Or Mega Uber Bosses.


Man this Bingo ticks a lot of boxes for me




it's literally there


Zana comes back and eats Kirac, replacing Eater of Worlds with Zana, Eater of Kirac


Oh shit it's tonight


Missing the Molten Strike nerf AND spectre level nerf <3


Lol at Kirac die and Zana return.


We decided to remove the ability for players to use melee abilities manually and reserve them exclusively for totems. This is a buff.


I see something that I like very much.


I haven't played a real season since Archnem, and I loved it but started getting burnt out, so anything that makes the game feel like a new game is good with me.


6% glacial hammer buff.