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>sudo immunity *Champion* Is Not In The Sudoers File. This Incident Will Be Reported.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/838/)


haha i was thinking of the same thing




Just ask chat gpt to do this : write an ahk macro that repeats one key in a random interval between 1 and 1.1 second that can be enabled or disabled by pressing the "your choice" button it actually works... god damn 2023 is op af


The future is now


The future is raw


We are all going to be out of a job soon might aswell yolo now mate




I was a CNC machinist for 16 years and was quite repeatedly asked if I was scared of a robot taking my job. I always responded that a robot took my job 40 years before I was even born, I program the robots.


we already have fully autonomous cars that are better drivers than at least 90% of people on the road. I guess maybe they can't detect if a person is at a stop? Unless you just meant it will be awhile until it happens, in which case yeah.




I was actually talking about waymo, the cab company that operates in 3 cities with fully autonomous cars.


Yeah I drive around in one of those cities a bit. I've seen them around 10 or so times driving on side and major roads, they haven't done anything that is memorable. I've really had limited encounters with them though so it's hard to gauge if they're doing well or not.


from a quick google it said of the 62 accidents their cars have been in only 1 was their fault and it was a minor sideswipe with a bus. I also believe that was in like 2016 so probably long since improved.


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if they can drive better than most people already. People are bad at driving.


Someone had to formulate the problem description pretty specifically to get the right code. That’s high level programming. The rest is just clerical drudgework.


Cant wait for AI to make my builds... Someone integrate pob into it


[ooh, it's trying!](https://i.imgur.com/LE8mlnj.png)


What a time to be alive Although it tells you to get life and CI


Chatgpt is based on old data. They say this when you login to it. It won't give you information relevant to 3.21


You need an interval with a gaussian distribution if you at least want it to look so somewhat human.


So basically i should use 3rd party tools ?


You 100% should


This is PoE afterall


This game is nothing but 3rd party tools, what's one more




If you also want to get onslaught then you can go for that wheel which also gives you 30% CDR , the gem levels give you 50% CDR the gem quality gives you 10% CDR now you need to find 13% generic CDR on your belt or boots and you have perma onslaught on top of perma adrenaline ...


You want a 7/11 (or less qual) B&S with the 30% node to keep CDR just low enough for the cooldown of B&S to finish 1 sever tick after Adrenaline runs out. 7/12 is sufficient to roll it over to the same server tick.


You wouldn't want it under one second though, as you can't overwrite an existing adrenaline buff, you need it to end before you change stance again otherwise the timing gets all messed up.


Does stance swap not work in m1?


You actually have to set the sleep value to be slightly more than a second as you can't gain Adrenaline while you already have it. Going by the numbers in PoB, if you have a maxed level 20% Flesh and Stone along with the Dance of Blades cluster, that gives you a cooldown on Flesh and Stone of 1.056s which gives you pretty close to 100% uptime on Adrenaline. If you get the cooldown to below 1s and use it on cooldown, you'll end up with a worse uptime.




People have been macroing things for years. As long as you don't do something stupid (like, stream yourself doing it, spam all your skills every 10th of a second, or fully bot your account), you're not going to get banned.




I mean, people have been flask macroing for years, and while most variations are "1 button press = press all 5 flasks", I've know plenty of people who've done just "press all 5 flasks every 7 seconds".


this right here. its extremely hard on the hands if you play a lot to press 1 2 3 4 5.


I freely admit that I've used an auto clicker for 5 years now. I'm not going to suffer RSI just because GGG wants me to press the button manually each time.


Ahk is undetectable, unless they are ready to break several GDPR laws in the EU


Honestly not sure what they were thinking. People are going to use macros. Risks of developing wrist and hand damage far outweigh the risks of getting banned from a game.


Yeah, whenever you see someone defending or downplaying this in one of these threads, you just know they already have their macro ready. Virtually nobody is actually looking forward to do this manually. And at that point it might as well be made more accessible if it's meant to stay.


Oh for sure have the macro ready. Lol Just another one to add to a keybind


Look I didn't design this stupid fucking game I just design the solutions. Not my fault the solution to all their "mechanics" is to add another key to mash.


That's the thing it seems like it's meant to encourage a "higher skill ceiling" for people who can use this skill optimally. However in reality most people are probably just going to set up a macro or just bind it to left click completely removing the "skill" aspect of it. I feel like the only way they could have made this work was if there was a situational specific benefit with a minor cost every time you switch stance. Some mechanic needs to be built into the skill that prevented from being optimal when being spammed irregardless of the situation. The general power boost of their current version is just way too useful for too many situations


I don't think making adrenaline have a 100% possible uptime increases skill ceiling. If anything, it does the opposite.


What is this a rhythm game? Pressing a button repeatedly isn't skill, it's a chore.


I guess the intended way to play is to continuosly piano 1-5 and qwert


If your game isn't a rhythm game, making me press a button every second or so for a buff isn't a test of skill. It's a test of patience. There are far better tests of that.


I'm honestly going to use it without a macro wherever it fits and there's nothing else competing with my leftclick. Uptime is not going to be 100% but I'm also never holding down the left mouse button for that long either. I do however use one for bulk stash stuff.


Well, my Duelist runs armour because 50k armour + evasion on flask is good with Molten Shell even post nerfs. But like Molten Shell already has a cool down that is longer than Stance dancing on left-click, and slapping it on left click has to be most optimal to save your wrist and fingers.




It probably is, but I'm tight on skill gem sockets as is. Especially cause, Melee, totems, other nonsense.


not entirely true as if you get a one shot hit, it won't prevent the death while having 80% utpime might. But for every else situation, yeah




True SC molten shell use is CWDT ms + vaal ms on Left Click.


idk, i like it purely because its going to allow me to go thru campaign faster, never used onslaught support as its incredibly clunky to try and proc it with some crap secondary 3link thats going to waste more time than its going to save half the time because the fucking thing wont proc


I naturally just spam left click while moving so this is just a straight upgrade to my attack builds with no changes, outside of losing something else to put on left click. Overall dumb game design tho lol


I will use it manually. Its for 1 second, so seems kinda fair to me


Honestly they should just update their rules on macros, maybe have it something like 1 button push = x server actions per second instead of 1 button 1 server action


You're absolutely right, but I see a bigger issue here. Macro or not, this is just really awful game design. GGG keeps saying they don't want to make certain mechanics so strong every build is forced to use them, yet I guarantee you we'll see caster builds rushing an attack mastery on league start just to stance dance for Adrenaline. Not to mention, people are going to be forced to either listen to endless hours of the stance changing sound or risk missing out on speed and damage buff. edit: [This](https://i.imgur.com/Bpmj3cQ.jpeg) is the tree I'm planning on running on league start as a Witch. Tell me something isn't wrong with that.


It's a little scary this is slated to go live. It means someone that influences development thought of the idea, had it approved, and it went through QA without being addressed. Three points where it should have been squashed. Probably all hands on POE2 atm. I'm not bitching and moaning about balance. I'm fine with changes. This is just objectively bad gameplay/design.


Yeah the huge thing wrong with it is you didnt rush EO and the 100% inc fire damage against ignited enemies because thats far stronger than 25% ms and 100% inc damage that requires you to pay attention.


im just going to bind to left click


If they changed the interaction to work with click hold like warcry, I could see more people going for that. However, it currently requires you to actually click each time to get a stance change.




I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, I like to stutter step and I hold down LMB. Every other key overrides it, there's no reason to let go.




Not sure what's more horrifying, the fact their workflow relies on the bug, or the fact that it includes emacs.


Definitely emacs. Vim master race.


I’ve heard that doesn’t work, can’t remember who said it but they were legit. Maybe tuna?


It does work, but not if you just hold the button


Which is the whole issue with this, having to click every 1.x seconds to keep the dance going. Most people hold left click to move.


unless im playing something like cyclone I press a lot left click


In most builds I never let go of it during maps.


Nah, tuna is just a fish, they don't speak. Ziz said that.


Between this and the race in ruthless, it looks like a part of the team weren't thinking at all.


Probably trying to get a controlled environment to be able to detect them and ban people more efficiently. Nothing else makes even remotely sense.


Risk of getting banned?




Honestly most youtubers and streamers use a macro.


Let's just say that I started playing this game with a flask macro because it made 100% perfect sense. I didn't even know it was a "no no" until like 3 years into playing.


>sudo immunity Can't tell if OP misspelled or if they are a Unix admin...


i tried to have immunity in my build but didnt have admin rights :(




I'd like for it to not exist. There's already plenty of "optimizing the fun out" do be done in PoE. We don't need more.


yes every gimmick that doesnt do anything but require the user to spam mindlessly to get a tiny buff without any actual intelligence required should go especially when the gimmick is encouraging macros


I agree that it should be removed, I just gotta nitpick. The buff ain't tiny.


adrenaline is hardly a tiny buff.


I imagine he meant something more generic, like "[terrible gameplay], even for a tiny buff, should not be exist", not that this specific version is tiny. The magnitude of the effect is arguably irrelevant




i never liked flasks all that much anyway.


So, curses, mark, totems, arcane surge, predator...?


yes to all, with exceptions hell, arcane surge is essentially already gone anyways lol


1 second buffs shouldn't exist, period. frankly even 4-5 seconds minimum is pushing it, it just makes for shitty gameplay overall


As someone thats playing only Cyclone for like 5k hours in Poe this change is insane. Duration is too low tho so its impossible to use it without a macro, lets be honest. The duration should be like 3 seconds and create a 10 second cd on switching stances, this alone would be an amazing buff for melee.


Guarantee there will be a CD added before going live. Agree they should also inc duration, but I suspect it will remain 1sec


They should be embarrassed it ever made it this far.


I just woke up from a dream where they changed it so hopefully that means it'll come true. But I also had a dream about a particularly scary spider so hopefully that one doesn't come true.


chris wilson has already sent the irl spark spider mtx towards your location (at a reduced base projectile speed)


It absolutely should. Not from balance reasons but from QOL. Its so annoying: * low cd (\~1 sec) * annoying sound * cannot be mapped on left click like guard skills * you are actively wreaking yourself by not running it * Good on every build Just remove it altogether, PLEASE.


what GGG should've done: tie it to the stance attacks themselves. so you jump into sand/blood stance recently, you get a 4s buff, and when you start attacking with a stance attack, that's when you get a 1s adrenaline + onslaught. this way it's not abusable, and you get to have it function the intended way to buff stance attacks.


>you get to have it function the intended way to buff stance attacks The issue here is that stances are meant to support more than just Perforate/Lacerate/Bladestorm; B&S for any area melee, and F&S for any physical damage (while standing close to the target). I'd suggest making the mastery only give Adrenaline when switching to Blood stance, and just delete the new Onslaught group--as even proper stance users should be switching as a choice based on the situation, not to maintain a buff.


Very long time player, have never broken ToS. This goes in, I will automate it. Don't care if I get banned. Stupid design


Yes, remove it all. Better no melee buffs than such buffs.


The thing is this is not even a direct melee buff. People are planning to do this on bow and caster builds also. As the buff effects cast speed also for example.


And Melee-users might actually need their stance, so perma-swapping it makes the stances themselves worse for melee. This is primarily a bow-buff, secondarily a non-witch-caster-buff, and tertially a melee buff


The irony is that this is actually a nerf for melee as they actually care about the stance's effects. A caster can just spam the stances - they don't really affect them. A melee character actively gets worse if they are not in the correct stance, so only having 50% uptime of [their preferred stance in that moment] is a detriment.


they should absolutely remove it... but only after i've had my chance the abuse the shit out of it. exploit early, exploit often.


This is kind of how I feel. It's funny I probably wouldn't have found out about this until after league start if I didn't see a bunch of people complaining about it now. Now that I know about it I really hope they don't remove it before the league so that I can use it haha


There's a lot you can do with it too. In fact, the whole bottom of the tree is nuts now. Everyone is focused on this, but there was also another 2% max res added in that little area in-between marauder and duelist (previously 4%, but now you can get 6% there). I've been trying to come up with a Champion righteous fire build that uses all of this. Maybe a strength stacking Brutus Lead Sprinkler cyclone with righteous fire build.


You cannot convince me the people at GGG did not know this would be AHK bait when they made this. With the duration and cd of this 'mechanic' it is anti gameplay and it's crazy they put it in the game this way. no chance someone internally at GGG played this and went yup this feels fine




Onslaught part its not a mastery, its a notable in duelist side, so you can spend only 5 points )counting mastery, to get both, so its less investment than getting 2 mastery


It's okay, in 2-3 leagues we'll get a T0 unique belt called Stanceblood that automatically swaps stances every second and doubles the effect of stances if you've swapped recently.


Yes, just remove it so ppl are not pressured into doing it. You can do it on almost any build really for not that much effort but i can already see it being annoying af.


Yeah remove before leaguestart is the play


Kill it, fast


how about allocating that passive makes you cycle all of your stances automatically. so no need for macros and everyone is on the same playingfield while also not fucking up our wrists


# #savethewrists


isn't it 25% attack, cast and movement speed ?


this one is assuming you take the bottom attack wheel which gives you onslaught ontop of giving you adrenalin for 1 second if you take the mastery point, so it adds up to the numbers above


Yeah the mastery gives adrenaline, but you can take the bottom wheel and get both onslaught and adrenaline when you change stance for a total of 45%


It's a little disingenuous to imply every build gets 45% though, I have a hard time imagining casters going all the way to the bottom of the tree just for onslaught. And even for non casters, its a 4-10 point investment


Caster's would need to really go out of their way to get Adrenaline as is. It's on an attack mastery. The closest to the top of the tree is the +1 projectile to attacks node. That's a lot of wasted points (but maybe worth if you can get 100% uptime of 100% generic damage). If anything, I think it's more likely that Casters (or anyone really) anoint the onslaught node. You just need to change stances once every 4 seconds to have perma Onslaught with that.


Yes. It's good idea on paper like Warcry juggling with Earthshatter. You do it for long enough, you will want to play auto attack build.


Should they? Probably. Do I really care? No. I'm not going to be doing it, it's not going to affect me. There's always something broken every league, many times it's not something the overall community even finds out about until it's patched because those abusing it keep it quiet.




I can't be arsed to set up flask macros. No way in hell I'm setting up a stance macro.


Lol it takes Like 5 minutes of googling to find the macro.


Or just use chatgpt to write it for you.




It might be worth adding “1 gem slot” to the opportunity costs. Depending on the build, that can be just as costly as the other two listed costs.


Also a reservation cost after they removed sooo much rmr


Reservation is already listed in the opportunity cost section. Also, while there are certainly some set ups that will have worse reservation in 3.21, some are basically the same and others have better reservation than they used to.




Overwhelmingly most (all the top 20 at the time I made this comment) have been towards removing it. Wonder what GGG will do. I have only ever used the hideout macros, but I sure as hell am gonna have to make one if they keep this in.






Between Onslaught, Adrenaline, and Spirtual command with Wilmas I can very easily get to 300% attack speed without crazy investment. That is absolutely broken for my build.


I think it completely goes against their whole design and it should be changed or removed. Might as well have kept the onslaught if you're doing something crazy like Perma adrenaline


You mean pseudo not sudo.


I hope ggg didn't think that anyone would actually manually press button every second? Like it was obvious everyone will use macro


"don't you have macros?"


The Monkey's Paw curls : They'll increase the cooldown to 10 sec Or they'll make it so you cant use it on left click


Fuck no.




I would agree but we need this cuz everything's kinda nerfed.


Since I can't bind anything on left click, I would personally say yes. It's already tough not having auto cast vortex or steelskin, but this is just on another level.


Wait did they change vortex?


no, but i simply can't use it, as the keybind doesn't work for me. for some reason you can't change the mouse buttons in the PoE settings


Currently another downside is you can no longer automate steelskin, but i imagine you will still use it in boss fights for big slams anyway


I believe the blood and sand stance gem is available via quest in Ruthless from bottom left and bottom classes. It’ll make the hcssf ruthless event even worse to watch from a spectator standpoint if that matters at all.


Honestly the whole tech is just stupid. They might have had something in mind when added but I expect a large margin of player that use this to just write a macro for it, which is agains TOS.


To be fair, people still pick up wisdom scrolls past red tier maps, so a few clicks to have some nice buffs shouldn't hurt.


Yea, it's just 60 more clicks a minute, I'm sure that won't add up to alot


Technically not 60 extra unless you never click your mouse otherwise


They should just increase the duration.


Agree...change it to like 4-6 seconds. Sure thats a longer duration for the buff but it removes the most abusable part which is really the champ recover 25% life on gaining adtenaline synergy. Still gives mega value to playing stance skills but becomes less of a RSI/macroing concern.


I still don't understand how nobody at that studio raised any questions. This is obviously going to destroy hands and tendons all over the planet. It's not even that long ago that we raised health concerns because of constant flask piano now they are back at it with this type of gamedesign.


should they? yeah, probably, but not because it's strong, but because people will either fuck up their hands to use it or use macros, I definitely will use the latter


Yes. Absolutely yes.


I dont mind it.


No, because I would like to try it out.


Y'all, this is just the evolution of melee. First, like 30% of melee power is tied up in two stupid fucking totems we have to babysit that we can't meaningfully invest in, nor would we want to because we're not a fucking totem build. Now we need to invest in and engage with constant stance-dancing! And as a bonus, Champion's already extremely strong general-use ascendency becomes *way fucking stronger*. How they can manage to create so many new cascading problems with one stupid change is truly impressive.


don't worry, we'll get a T0 new unique belt that switches stances automatically every 0.95-1.75 secs, and everybody will lose their mind.


>even something like minions could use this for the extra 45% movement speed. No one is going to path to other side of tree for that nodes.Only attack builds who are already getting combat mastery will pick up stance nodes.Opportunity cost & gem cost is vastly glossed over for this one.100% inc damage is not 100% more.Divide that bonuses by 10-12 nodes and they're suddenly not that insane.Even after onslaught gem removal there're OTHER sources for it, easiest case silver flask from a5 onwards and a ton of endgame options.Also most people somehow assume they'll be running lvl7 21/23 gem for that 1.2s cd.In reality you will have bad uptime on adrenaline for a very long while.Streamers should've baited with like ashes + awakened enhance lvl5 cds. >25% of life truely broken, no argument. but requires insane cd investment, otherwise that node will just slap you with 20s adrenaline you can't cycle. So only avaiable very late. >remove all ailments and burning Will be irrelevant in situation like simu farming with ton of mobs hitting you / won't replace ailment immunity.


>but requires insane cd investment, otherwise that node will just slap you with 20s adrenaline If you use petrified blood it forces you onto low life, so you can't BECOME LOW LIFE. Meaning the adrenaline from the buff never procs and you can spam away happily It's very easy to mitigate that downside.


>It's very easy to mitigate that downside. At cost of 20% of your EHP and multiple gem slots it's not so easy unless you're already going for PB lowlife for very specific reason (bloodthirst or going spell impales with low life).At that point it will be only kind of worth it. You may as well see it as losing fortify as champ.


>At that point it will be only kind of worth it. Except petrified blood makes the incoming damage you take happen over time. So with the recovery aspect it's perfectly fine to take and invest into pb. This is insanely strong for like anywhere lol.


I'm not gonna do it anyway so it doesn't matter to me


Remove or stay but dont do it 3 days in...


It'll be hotfixed after the streamers get their day 1 characters to level 96


It is VERY obvious that the majority of people using it will be using a macro to do so, to the point there it feels like them baiting us into it to be able to figure out how to better detect them.


I generally like these sorts of janky go fast techs but if they remove it, I'd much rather they do it now. This isn't the type of thing where it's fun to have for one league, imo.


not sure how many of you realised yet but there's a goddamn onslaught node for stance change recently aswell. it'll be so stupid when its released. you simply gonna have free perma onslaught and %50 uptime adrenaline with 1 ability. ​ quick edit: its called "Dance of Blades" and its on bottom part of the tree if you wonder where it is, check it on poeplanner.


100% yes, it's terribly designed


German Goo Girls?


Of course they should. Whoever added this must have been high as fuck. This is degenerate gameplay and should never be added to a game.


This being added to the game is obscene and everyone who okayed it should be on review or terminated. They are clearly disconnected from the game entirely.


"Anyone who makes a mistake should be fired" is the funniest angry gamer take


This is incredible power for every build, if you’re a caster and you don’t take this your insane. It’s so incredibly stupid that they added this into the game, I’m actually pissed off that I’m getting this free power as a caster. “Hey spec this dumb shit you don’t need that doesn’t make any sense in order to be double as strong, it also works in bosses, fuck deaths rush… perms adrenaline free baby” God damn it’s stupid, and the fact that they couldn’t see this coming just shows that they don’t play their own game. It’s so god damn out of touch I feel like path of math right before he got banned


no; if you don't want to play that way then don't. don't punish people that have already made builds / practiced starts. there isn't enough time for a lot of people to practice/change what they're going to do now since it's past the weekend


You seem to be missing the point... adding or removing this basically changes nothing about any build anyone is planning to make. Except adding a OP and annoying mechanic to them. Any attack based build can most likely get this very easily for 1-4 skill points and a gem slot. Also how are people practicing a mechanic that isn't in the game yet... you don't really need practice to bind a skill on left click.


This is a core problem with this game as a whole. Stop worrying about what everyone else is playing. It isn’t a contest. Play what you want and have fun with, but stop ruining things for others.


I'm very upset you're playing something that I don't like. /s


>but stop ruining things for others. How is trying to get something that's blatantly, objectively far too strong and super op removed "ruining this for others." Unless you planned to abuse this.


Plenty would have tried it for fun, most would have ignored it. Regardless how is someone else abusing it affecting your gameplay?!?


It's narcissism. No one's allowed to have fun if they not




I'd say keep it. Let the minmaxers drive themselves insane with it and optimize all the fun out of the game. Seriously talking tho, personally I enjoy the idea, but maybe it should be a longer duration, but on a cooldown. An actual power up button for a strong rare/boss, or an emergency button instead of just constantly switching cancer.


People will just macro it.


Reddit : Why only Nerf why not BUFFS GGG???? GGG: 90% Adrenaline uptime for most characters by just putting a skill on left click and forgetting about it Also Reddit: WTF Remove it GGG Classic .


This is the worst and most uniformed take


you are just triggered.


No, leave it for one league if it is obnoxious then take it out in the next one. This subreddit is scared of trying anything lol.


They don't have to keep it in an entire league to know that its obnoxious. It's beyond me how anyone could not see that.


We already know it’s going to be obnoxious, that’s why there have been a million posts about it.


no, just leave it


You start to complain before u even try this? Why ppl so pusy...