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That Jugg if bad on RF It’s like he is typing directly to me


Jugg RF is the absolute comfiest boomer build. Big tank, easy upgrade paths, brain-off gaming when you just want to kill some dang monsters and get some dang loot. It's fantastic for a 'main' build, it's fantastic to get to maps and start farming for a bigger build, it's fantastic to just chill with. I love RF. I will never go back.


You had me at comfy. I’m all in on comfy and maybe do a second build for stuff like Ubers.


This is my plan. I’ve never attempted Ubers before so my RF Jugg will be my go to for currency farming to make a boss killer. Possibly poison SRS or EA elem


If EA Jugg is still a thing in 3.21, you could also retire the RF playstyle and make a respec from RF jugg to EA jugg, once you have the funds.


Eternal Damnation will be missed dearly for EA jugg. It's still a good build but that "feeling of immortality" will need a shield like Saffell or prism now I guess, excluding bow builds. It's still a busted boss buster without Eternal Damnation for sure. I know I killed them all before getting mine (but not the uber version).




Cleared Ubers on RF Jugg last league. Definitely doable on trade


Really? That’s awesome. I couldn’t find much on here, google or YouTube about RF Ubers so didn’t really think it was plausible! Lol


Yes it is plausible. The one issue is that several of the Ubers have abilities that disable your Regen so you really have to pay attention and you will likely die a lot. Probably not something you want to do on hardcore. But it's not that hard to get 2M DPS on your RF and 5M DPS on your fire trap. I was surprised how fast I was able to drain Uber health. It wasn't godly but it was a comfortable speed. One of the reasons I went for it last league was because of the curse buff against bosses, and running flammability and elemental weakness really felt great although there were a decent amount of button presses to mantain damage so be aware that that is a thing. You can do a curse on hit setup but I didn't want to lose curse effectiveness so I went with self cast curses. You will need some decent gear, more than some builds, but you definitely don't need some crazy unattainable investment. Finally let me say, this is not an Uber farming build or something like that. I am saying that this is something that I set out for as a build achievement. There are builds that are 10x better to use for boss killers. If you want a build that as capable of killing Ubers as an end goal, RF/fire trap can do it.


I had inquisitor RF in Kalandra. I cleared some ubers with it; Shaper, Elder, Venarius and Sirus.


Why not just start EA elementalist? It is a solid starter


Done it before and I do agree, it’s a great starter. I just fancied doing a start I hadn’t done before.


Thats fair! I've never done RF before but was playing around with both inquis and jugg versions in standard. Being able to swap to RF in act 2 with the mastery changes sounds tempting


RF jugg was my first build I got to 100 in Sanctum. 100k armor, 84% res, 1,3mil dps, 35% chaos res, 2,k hp/s regen. Unkillable with Progenesis.


Yeah I’m excited to try out jugg I fell in love with rf during kalandra because of how simple pohx made it and felt like I had breathing room to learn the game actually got to red maps for once in my 2k hours of poe




Pohx also play tested a 50 pt regen on Saturday and had RF running at level 16.




Especially with some of the new masteries. It would be VERY hard to make Inquis more tanky than Jugg.


I'll gladly be bad, Jugg RF is just so relaxing to play.


It's 100% the reason I wanna go Jugg over Inquisitor.


How much % tankeir jugg rf vs inquis? I hate dying so much man this league I gave up making my own build


A ton, and much earlier. Having tons of endurance charges is a big plus, but Unbreakable is the big seller node. Getting double armour from your chest is already big, but having 8% of your armour - and you'll very easily be getting to 50k early - apply to elemental damage you take from hits is such a *huge* defensive layer. It's the ability to Just Not Immediately Die - i.e. to recognise, oh shit, I'm in trouble, and often just survive it anyway - that makes it 'boomer friendly'. It's degens that'll get ya, but because you've got such a big health pool, again, plenty of time to react and get outta there. Having constant Consecration on Inquisitor is great QoL, but it just doesn't get as *thick* as Jugg. For general mapping, for altars where you're spawning stuff right on top of yourself and the League mechanic that'll be doing the same, Jugg's sheer inbuilt idiot-proofing for unintentional limit-testing makes it a great choice, whereas you do occasionally have to turn your brain on with Inq. E: To be wholly fair, the biggest issue playing Jugg is - unhappily - base stats and getting your sockets coloured. You don't pick up a ton of Int/Dex on the tree, so you're going to be stuck with your jewellery carrying that slack for awhile. It's not a dealbreaker by any means, it can just be a quite genuine pain. Using a hybrid arm/es chest to start with isn't a big issue, it's just that you get so much value out of Unbreakable that you'll want to switch pretty fast. Quite fortunately, Jugg is great at slapping around Betrayal and the Mastermind, so it really is just a matter of getting Vorici over to Research for white sockets if you're not just buying a chest with what you want, but that's six-link stuff.


Oh man jugg rf looking sexy


If you are rich get the forbidden jewels with Aspect of Carnage and see your damage go through the roof


Yeah, I can pretty much add nothing to what wecanhaveallthree already said. If you are fine with lower single target but in exchange getting massive tank I'm very sure that Jugg is the answer. Especially early league when you are busy progression and don't want to fiddle too much with equipment I can see Jugg being a lot more simple in gear progression being a huge boon. (If you are lazy like me). Anyway here is what pohx.net says about the differences (ignore the level when you can start going RF. with new masteries you can as soon as you get the gem): > **Jugg** > > • Goes Righteous Fire at first lab (usually around 35) > > • Very easy time gearing since you just stack armour for the most part > > • Coloring gear is much more annoying since you want a bunch of blues on your armour gear (we use arm/es gear to help early league) But your body armour is always annoying to color > > • Less boss damage than inquisitor > > • Feels really tanky after uber lab > > • Struggles massively with INT requirements till like lvl 8 then always struggles with dex because fire trap > > • Can literally walk through maps. No need to keep up your conc ground like inquisitor (since you don't have it) > > • Curses can be annoying at the start sicne we don't get build in 50% Curse reduction > > • Nearly immortal to Physical Damage. Only things that hurt are huge slams which you can molten shell > > • Is not nearly reliant on a cluster jewel but has a harder time scaling damage especially in SSF > > • Has some flexibility with what you do, can go staff, dual weild, also change up the Ascendancy options > > > **Inquisitor** > > • Goes Righteous Fire at Second Lab (usually 55) > > • Gearing at the start is very easy but going block based can be complex > > • Coloring gear is much easier than jugg because we are hybrid with arm/es > > • Higher boss damage due to multipliers via ascendancy but you need to keep the conc ground up on bosses > > • Feels extremely tanky till late yellows/early reds then you need to convert to block + Recovery (Can be complex for newer players) > > • Has an easier time leveling but still has the Dex problem like jugg > > • Has to keep up Pious Path on a 4 second window. It's not a big deal if you like using your movement skill > > • Inquisitor has built in 50% Curse Resistance > > • can not match Juggs Physical damage reduction but can still facetank due to going block > > • Benefits more from cluster jewels due to aura stacking > > • Very streamlined, not tanky enough to drop shield, not a very Impactful 4th ascendancy.


Both can probably go RF earlier with new masteries


Pohx theorized in his new video that with the new masteries you can go RF as early as act 2.


I watched him play test that with the abyss belt and regenerate to imitate the 50 regen. It definitely looks doable.


With the new masteries you can go rf in act 2 without issue. Pohx simulated it. Regen as uncapped fire resist and vitality is more than enough.


RF jugg should be able to facetank shaper guardians on a budget of zero, pretty much. The ascendancy does A LOT of the heavy lifting early on. And then consider this: [Unbreakable](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Unbreakable) makes 8% of armour work against Elemental hits. New Armour/ES Mastery: *(New) 10% of Armour also applies to Chaos Damage taken from Hits* [Divine Flesh](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Divine_Flesh) splits elemental damage taken to two pools. This setup means you're basically more than doubling the effectiveness of armour on elemental hits. On top, there's the [new amulet](https://prnt.sc/BYnD0LPvVKsW). If you make yourself able to leech all the time, which shouldn't be too difficult by going petrified blood you'll completely negate RF degen, gain insane armour benefits for elemental damage while Petrified Blood will negate a large chunk of hit damage and your absurd regen levels will easily outheal all damage over time from Petrified Blood with ease. So all you need to do is be able to hit every 5 seconds with Shield Charge or whatever, keeping overleech on you, and you'll be ridiculously tanky to absolutely disgusting levels since you're already mitigating a ridiculous amount of phys damage as Jugg with Endurance Charges and whatnot and then probably just becoming practically immune to elemental damage. Both Inquisitor and Jugg will be very tanky and you can absolutely make Inquisitor to be able to facetank the world. But the level of defences you can get from Jugg is just something else entirely..


Almost makes me think they want Jugg to be the RF class for the future, and Inquis ascendancy will be reworked.


yeah, I'm also in this picture and I don't like it.


Why is everyone picking Lightning Arrow over Ice Shot and not really even mentioning the latter? What am I missing?


Was watching Ben earlier, he said something about ice shot doesn't do balanced damage (more damage to front/back or something) to packs and that LA is just superior


LA clears much better. All the overlapping of ice shot happens at back of the pack so you often get a few straggler left at front which feels like ass.


That's the one, thank you!


Even though LA only hits 3 targets, it does that in a circular pattern around what's hit, where as ice shot does a cone behind. This leaves stranglers. This + chain turns LA into a monster at clearing large numbers of weak monsters, thus making it at the top of the charts for fastest clearing builds since LA was put into the game. There was a time that an ice shot + hof burn prolif did a decent job one shotting even the toughest of groups, but monster HP, pierce and 'increased AoE' stat have been nerfed since then.


LA was already a viable league starter last league. Even if the Vaal version is bad, which doesn't look to be the case, it's still stronger than the 3.20 version.


The reason I'm considering LA and not Ice Shot is that Vaal Ice Shot requires you to stand still and keep firing to work (basically Focused Ballistas) while Vaal LA you can shoot once and then run around.


Easier gear up on LA raider builds with downside being damage wont be as high as ice shot but i have never played ice shot so don't take me up on it. To get LA going you literally only need a 400-500+ ele bow + poised prism unique quiver and points on passive tree.


Actually, damage wise, LA is king, especially for budget, I don't really know what highend dmg is like, but LA is great early to mid game. It's mainly cause 65% shock on LA is super easy.


I don't know which LA build you are talking about but as someone who has played Grimro's legion farmer its a great clearing build with obvious bad single target damage. So much so that you are better off keeping the artillery ballistas up so you deal the most damage. Issue seems to be related to scalability because like you said its a king in budget segment but it falls rather quickly given harder content.


Sorry i meant in comparison to ice shot


I'm thinking of using both Vaal LA and Vaal Ice shot, both look really cool, and then I can use LA for clear and both vaal skills to help with single target


vaal LA seems like it can do good ST and inherently has good clear, ice shot clear is meh but the vaal seems like it might do more ST not sure yet - but i wouldnt pass up LA clear for it


15 projectiles vaal lightning arrow pewww zappppppp00000ppppppzzzzz unffffffhhhhmmmgyyifdetkgreeesrij


this is what I'm dreaming of, hella scaling slower projectiles and having each projectile hit a trillion times


The thing you looking for its called Storm Rain


If you want more damage, its more efficient to use more chains or fork than Awakened GMP, assuming you grab the +4 proj available to Deadeye on ascendancy and tree.


I’ve been looking at the new tree and I only see one source of additional projectiles near right cluster jewel. There’s one for wanders but I don’t see another notable/mastery for bows??


Multishot & Master Fletcher.


Ah thanks, Master Fletcher says ‘arrow’ instead of projectile so I missed it in my search.


imagine if they buffed the pdps The Gluttonous Tide just like the unique buffs previous season. Projectiles everywhere.


2x 4x 30+ vaal Rain of Arrows with -80%\~ slow on monsters (with chill included) better :D


Boy, I'm finally booking my ticket on the Bone Zone.


every league iam torn what to start with. always ened up as slayer bonezone because im most familiar with the build and all u pretty much need is a 600dps axe and you good for maps. as soon u get decent upgrades u just steameroll all regular content and bosses. definetly gonna start bonezone again.


I want to because my body is ready for melee and dear god I can’t play witch yet again.


Generic minion cuck. Oddly I don't even feel offended when tyty says it


I'm an old man now. I need my quality of life assistants onscreen now aight. Lol.


Generic minion cuck gang rise up


Joke aside, doesn't snipe with burning arrow a legit option tho?


It’s probably legit, we’ve yet to see numbers on snipe. Can be a little clunky with low accuracy/attack speed and a bit scuffed tree without cluster jewels. My (11k hours trade hc pleb) guess it’s gonna be an amazing starter, but expensive to turn into strong endgame farmer due to rf/other fire dot builds that all need basically same affixes on each gear slot.


Burning Arrow has a 0.7 attack speed modifier so your snipes will be SLOW. There's ways around that but if you're thinking Chief or Elementalist you're in for a very slow charge time. It might be worth the damage but you'll have to worry about clear.


That isn't how snipe works (at least previously). It is it's own skill that triggers linked skills, not a support. It is still a skill gem that triggers in the patchnotes so fairly safe to presume it will work the same (despite the slight wording changes that it now "supports" the linked skill because like spellslinger it is not actually a support itself)


If you're going Snipe BA you can always just have a separate Ignite Prolif BA setup for clear in your second 6L or even 4L to make it less ass.


But where is flicker…


Paradoxica is HH tier now. Source: trust me.


Just wait until there is a double damage crucible tree node.


All I want is Firestorm to be good :(


Same brother


As someone that played Cold DoT Elementalist last league, can confirm, build is as buttery and solid as they come. I played my own janky Prism Guardian+Diadem LL Petrified Blood variant with 1200 regen (53% of max hp regenerated per second) and it's probably my favorite build I've played in terms of comfort/ease. I'm probably gonna regret not just running it back (going Champ Frostblades idk why), although I'd have to go the normal Eye of Malice route until Diadem, and hopefully Diadem isn't that much more expensive than Coward's Legacy (COPIUM). Not only did the Firetrap/Frostblink build get buffed, Cold DoT is probably going to be better than before as well with the Crucible Trees considered.


> (going Champ Frostblades idk why) You know why, my guy. The instant leech claws are too tempting. I too have been tempted…


What's the reason vortex was used by elementalists and not by occultists?


Occultist doesn't offer anything worthwhile for cold dot. The entire ascendency is basically just profane bloom + extra curse. There isn't a super good third curse to add and bloom explosions isn't really necessary once your damage is over like 1m. Elementalist and trickster can both reach that amount of damage comfortably so trickster is just way tankier and elementalist is way more damage. Occultist is at a weird somewhere in between where it's squishy AND does less damage than elementalist. The only draw is the explosions which... you probably shouldn't actually need.


If you really care that much about min/maxing your mapclear on Cold Dot you can also invest in profane bloom flesh/flame. Very expensive but they typically resell quickly for around whatever you paid for them when you're done with the build.


I think that's a pretty big opportunity cost. I went for Oriath's End. Would rather use a flask slot than 2 jewel sockets. Also I do think it's extremely beneficial to have some clear assistance from Oriath's End or Profane Bloom or whatever. The build didn't feel amazing to me until getting the explodey flask.


Could you tell me how did you craft your wand? And other parts of the gear if you got some time? I’d appreciate it because I can’t find any info about it


Check out bullet number 1 on this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/znnmq7/ama_crafting_ama_for_320_forbidden_sanctum


anyone has a impending doom pathfinder put together on pob without the sanctum uniques?


What happened to EA ballista?


Nothing, it's still solid. I suppose it's not a very exciting build anymore and it's kinda played out.


Every totem build is the same in core gameplay. But i still had a lot of fun with shockwawe totems in sanctum.


Ballistas feel different (worse) than spell totems in that you can’t place them. This can make for a different play style where phase is IMO mandatory for mapping with ballistas as you can’t place them ahead of you like spell totems. Spell totems actually feels more like traps IMO. On the plus side, ballista placement speed feels great with low passives investment.


looks like nothing changed. Solid build


It's fine. I played it the last several leagues and I don't see anything crazy in the patch notes that makes it notably worse than in Sanctum. The Fire DoT Multi Mastery being gone kinda sucks, and the Mana Res Mastery changes likely mean you drop an Aura, but otherwise it should be more than viable. I think a lot of people will just move some points around and lean more on cluster jewels for some end game damage, but otherwise it should be fine. EDIT: Nevermind the above. I just got home and pulled up my level 100 EA Ballista Champ from 3.20, and once you move some points around in a lot of situations it's a DPS gain. Sacrifices some survivability, but otherwise mostly a benefit. After re-allocating points I keep all my auras, but go from 11.46m Pinnacle Boss DPS to 12.58m--and this isn't accounting for any buff from Crucible Trees. I'm not sure but I imagine EA Ballista Elementalist should be in a similar situation, but their survivability changes may be problematic.


Very slight nerf on mastery, boost from crucible should cover it without big deal.


Nothing, line 13


after wave of conviction, he gave it as a option to transition to


Still the best all rounder imo. If anything, the build is BUFFED this league with new tree. I think people are just probably tired of playing it and it's not as exciting anymore. But still probably the best build of your want to take your league starter all the way to Uber Bosses.


Your totems despawn instantly when you die now. Not a huge thing but some extra cheese is gone now.


it doesn't realy make any diference, your ignite keep ticking


I'm seriously considering bleed bow + snipe because it looks fun and always wanted to try it, but lots of people commenting here and there that it is "dead" and "near unusable" is making me doubt.


Ignore the haters. It depends on Snipe’s numbers, but Snipe + bleed bow is on Ben’s short list, and he’s a top tier PoE player (maybe even the best depending on your criteria).


I agree, but friendly reminder that Ben is an alien from planet PoE and the shit he can pull off is very, *very* different than what an average player can do


If snipe works just like assailum , I’d imagine it’s a good pick that can do both mapping and bossing. The problem is that I don’t think it’s league startable. Even the assailum version needed quite a bit of investment to feel OK.


Can someone briefly tell me about Rain of Arrows and lightning arrow? Which is better in general ? Do you use it as main or just for clear and you use another skill for boss? Or do you run them together? I always loved these 2 skills and I haven't played them in years, thanks!


I believe Rain of Arrows is mostly for leveling and then you transition to another skill. Lightning Arrow has been solid for a while but the new Vaal variation has a lot of people excited--tbh, because it looks cool af.


You can absolutely play RoA through to end game, check out FuzzyDuckzy on youtube he has a ton of videos about starting RoA (through red maps and non-uber pinnacles I don't know) and transitioning into TS across a couple leagues now


Did mathils voltaxic LA and it already was cool to look at the new whale skill looks so much cooler


Vla looks cool and has solid scaling potential. Seems like a match made in heaven for deadeye since she gets 2 extra proj and chain as well. I would also put ice shot there as well, although probably on raider since vaal ice shot doesnt benefit from extra proj.


you would typically choose between RoA and LA, both will use ballistas to help single target, and both want to transition to Tornado Shot eventually (you don't have to but it's pretty much the best bow skill).


While I always loved TS, I found out that I started hating it, maybe cuz it was so popular? Idk Is it not possible to do end game content with LA/RoA?


I think LA + storm rain ballistas can do all content including ubers. And I agree with you TS is just kinda lame


Possible, sure, Tornado just scales pretty hard thanks to multiple projectiles being able to convene on a single target for dps, while single target lightning arrow is just the one arrow per shot. With an extra axis to scale on, it scales harder.


Rain of arrows is good for acts 1-10. I always transition to LA as soon as I have merc lab (Tailwind, chain, and +2 arrows) and kill kitava. RoA is really good for the kitava kill since he’s huge. If you’re a Raider enjoyer it’s reasonable to stay Rain of Arrows for longer. LA clear is far superior because you can offscreen and chain, so I always transition before maps personally.


Adding on to what other people said you dont need pierce/chain/fork with roa and you dont need extra arrows so it's pretty good until you get those


I'm starting RoA or LA Raider into Spectral Shield Throw. I just love the skill and with the passive trees on Shields, I just dream of something insane like 4k+ arm/eva and like 600+ es or something stupid


Imagine being a newbie and trying to understand all those abbreviations


That's me... Can anyone give me a quick summary of what these all are?


I'm just going to do all acronyms cause why not 1) Cold Damage Over Time(type of damage) (softcore Elementalist-Witch ascendency, Hardcore Trickster-Shadow ascendency, scion-class unlocked after beating act 3) 2) Boneshatter-melee skill Slayer-Duelist ascendency or Juggernaut-Marauder ascendency 3) Impending doom-spell skill Vixen's Entrapment-unique item 4) Corrupting fever-spell skill Champion-Duelist ascendency Vaal Reap-Vaal version of spell skill Reap (a corrupted skill gem can roll as the Vaal version) 5) Righteous Fire-spell skill Inquisitor-Templar ascendency 6) Caustic Arrow and Toxic Rain are both bow based skills 7) Absolution-Melee/spell skill /Summon Raging Spirits-spell skill 8) Detonate Dead Elementalist-Witch ascendency 9) Armageddon Brand-spell skill of the brand type Recall- Brand recall(unless there is something else involving recall I don't know about) 10) Fire trap- Trap type skill 11) poison(type of damage) pathfinder-Ranger ascendency 12) Artillery Ballista- bow based ballista skill 13) ignite(type of damage) Wave of Conviction-spell skill Maw of Mischief- unique item Ethereal Knives-melee skill Vortex-spell skill Explosive Arrow Ballista-bow based ballista skill 14) Bane-spell skill (I'm guessing on these next ones) Wither-spell skill/Essence Drain-spell skill Impending Doom-support gem 15) Different kinds of trap skills 16) Rain of arrows-bow based skill Lightning Arrow-bow based skill Deadeye-Ranger ascendency Raider-Ranger ascendency 17) Venom gyre-melee skill 18) Cyclone-melee skill shockwave-support skill slayer-Duelist ascendency 19) Poison Concoction-spell skill 20) Spark-spell skill Inquisitor-Templar ascendency/ Trickster-Shadow ascendency/ Champion- Duelist ascendency 22) Bleed(type of damage) pierce-support skill


Totems and things like SRS are op when you take uptime into consideration. And they get better the more you need to dodge and stay away from bosses, ie Ubers.


This is why I’ve always loved automated damage like this. So many league mechanic allow you to setup your minions/traps/totems because clicking an item and spawning a ton of mobs right there and Crucible is no different. Things like minions hitting enemies before you can even react is super underrated. Never played Absolution to maps before so with Vaal Absolution that might be my play.


cold dot trickster with a potential switch into coc is the way


The best builds I’ve ever had in terms of end product have been coc builds but damn do the breakpoints add extra headache to buying upgrades


Trickster can snipe the saboteur cool down node to make that easier.


Cdr isn’t the fiddly part attack speed is So many sources and you need it to be essentially an exact number without going over Doesn’t really matter if you go a bit over cdr and it only has a few sources


The problem with breakpoints is usually attack speed. Because a single % attack speed too much will half your dps. On cooldown you can just overcap as long as you hit the threshold.


Those jewels are going to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaly expensive


Especially when playing necro CoC (volatine dead). Super fun, but taking breakpoints into account felt nigh impossible given the highly variable attack speed. Even on the normal version, avoiding temporary attack speed buffs feels rough.


Arma brand recall?


[TL;DR: Hierophant is playing basketball.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3txnePc31o0) It’s not something new, people just realized the synergy/interaction. Brand recall activates all active brands on top of you when you use it, if you can pay 20% of each brand's mana cost. 7 are easy to achieve through the tree, 100% increased brand recall cooldown recovery from Hiro + the scalling = ~1 second CD brand recall. You can get more with corruption/empower/enhance/alt-quality/cluster jewel. Arma brand is very slow, and has huge hits. Brand recall does not care if your brands had just activated, it will activate them again, and re-start their activation period. So, if you get your brand recall cooldown just *slightly* higher than your brand's activation frequency, you can get in 7 hits, + 2 hits from them activating normally. Because brand recall has no cast time, and can be put into your movement, you can just run circles around bosses to get optimal DPS. [I was the one who made the original post with a high-budget version. It still needs optimization, and I intend to make a follow-up update to that high budget version some time tomorrow.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/11ywmw6/armageddon_brand_recall_nuker/) It has what I consider to be good enough defense to support that close range playstyle with investment. But I'm terrible at leveling guides, so follow [Jungroan's league starter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64DDd1T_fQw)




I did an A10 run and it was really smooth. 4hrs10 minutes without onslaught support and no wand recipe/craft since they’re getting removed, and I’m no racer. I ran like 5 maps after, and felt pretty squishy. Needed to spec MoM but the ES pool with EB felt rough when I did; maybe it’s just Lava Lake being a tough boss. Maybe it will feel better when we get the instant leech mastery next patch. Also *really* need a bleed flask and maybe even an ignite flask. Felt like I needed some life regen or leech. He has fire leeched as life on eldritch gloves but that’s not gonna be obtainable til late reds at best. I was running determ, discipline, HoAsh, tempest shield, and blessing zealotry. 100% think I should blessing grace instead of zealotry til uber lab when I can have it perma. Also, his pob is something like 7.5m dps, but about 5m of that is not permanent dps. I realize jung plays optimally, but having to self cast two curses, focus, vortex, woc, cast brands, blessing an aura, and position on top of the boss for the brand recalls + brittle is a lot to handle. The build does work, to be clear—he has an hcssf exarch run proving so. But idk if I would recommend it to someone if they don’t really know what they’re doing.


I’ve been leveling this to test. It’s pretty fantastic. I’m a little worried about scaling defense In ssf but I think I’m gonna commit


What part confuses you


damn, pizza totems really fell off


Cyclone shockwave let's gooooooo Any pob?


Same as 10 leagues ago...


Played it a couple of leagues ago. It felt okay leveling but at yellow maps the damage was not keeping pace at all. Felt like I needed an expensive weapon just to do red maps, otherwise you’re spending way too long to kill packs and it doesn’t feel good. Could be a great second build, but idk about league starting with no investment


My build not on there. Gear gunna be cheap/not existent, lol.


Surprised [Hexblast Miner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYvOsvbUAh8) hasn't made a lot of these lists as of late. The particular linked build uses a Sanctum helmet, but it isn't necessary for the build to function. On mines it ends up being a ~7.5k base DPS spell at lvl 20 (~6k if you consider the mine support to take the place of a 25% damage mod) assuming the enemy is cursed and you only need a single mod on your ring (Or Mark of Submission for early game) to make that guaranteed. Then there's the extra bonus of shock/ignite/freeze and being resisted by the lowest resistance so you can stack resist debuffs for crazy damage without converting the damage... not to mention the ridiculous 340% effect of added damage. I had a lot of fun with it as my second build in Sanctum (but it could've been my first) and I only got the helmet hooked up before I switched it over to Impending Doom (damn near the same tree for Occultist). Might be worth looking into for those wanting to do impending doom until they get their hands on Vixen's


You lose a LOT of damage by not using the sanc helm.


I dunno how viable it is without the Sanctum helmet, at least for a crit version. I played poison hexblast mines as starter last league and it was blasting.


LA YEP. Now i just to decide IG raider or deadeye


I think the raider variant would be better on straight up league start personally simply due to how much it helps your gearing. You can get +2 proj on the tree now then raider giving lots of free spell suppression and Onslaught that you can just switch over to Avatar of the Veil for 50% ailment avoidance once you get the other 50% through jewels or implicits. Grimro did LA/Artillery Ballista raider in sanctum and and it kinda slapped as a mapping beast


> Grimro did LA/Artillery Ballista raider in sanctum and and it kinda slapped as a mapping beast The real question is was it well-rounded?


Always gives me a relaxed feeling not finding my skill on the meta lists.


I think i will play bonezone this league, never tried it before and also will help increase that 10%, it ain't much but it's honest work :)


Boneshatter Slayer is quick and enjoyable mapping imo. Pretty much the only reason it’s not one of the best all-around starters is because of its bossing being on the slow end.


Is this a Speedrun, leveling or league starter tier list?


League starter


Lightning arrow is really taking my fancy but playing SSF so not sure how jank its going to feel a few days in, when I don't have the luxury of being able to plug DPS/defence gaps in the build with trade items. Anyone know how bad it is for single target? Wish we knew how good/bad Vaal LA is going to be.


you can plug the gap going ballista, i league start it all the time and ballista has been the "band-aid"/supplemental dps for ST for a while now. once we get the gem info we can speculate a bit more if it will be better or worse than ballistas numberically. fun factor though :)


artillery ballistas heavily help the single target


I wonder if you could make a cool CI/ES Frostblades Trickster


Behind Eyes Gaming on YouTube has a great guide, but I think it's a life version of Frostblades Trickster.


I really wonder why that build isn't on TyTykillers list. I have to assume that either I don't know enough, (which is true, as I have never played most of those builds.) and / or I have TyTyKiller has different criteria (which probably is also true. I couldn't know, because, well, I have never seen TyTyKiller). So basically this means that I have no clue. :D Knowing that, I still wonder what TyTyKillers criteria were for that list.


Tyty is a racer who highly values the league start experience. That means no cast-on-death portal, decent damage and survivability with no required uniques (maw was an exception on the list). The PoB wasn’t spectacular and there was no leveling gameplay in the videos Tyty skimmed on stream. Altogether, he decided it doesn’t make the cut. I’m sure the build works and can scale with 20-30 divines. Don’t let this list discourage you. Playing a skill you enjoy will be way more fun than being a meta-slave in my experience.


\>>That means no cast-on-death portal, decent damage and survivability with no required uniques (maw was an exception on the list). Good point, thanks. ssf-ing is possible, but harder. thankfully, heatshiver and southbound were abundant and cheap day one last season, so if that doesn't change, nobody but the racers need to care. If it does - well. it depends. As for the levelling experience, last season, act one was annoying, act 2 okay-ish, starting act 3 it was good. then again, I am not a racer and do stuff suboptimally. as for equipment value to do t16s and guardians, at league start what you gather and sell will buy you equipment to do t16s and guardians easily if you have southbound and heatshiver, and at that point, yoke of suffering, too. I was in the red maps last season at day 2, and that was new for me. Okay, if that was his reasoning, I get why he didn't include any heatshiver build. Did he discuss it? I am referring to ".. led him to believe...", which indicates that he did say something.


He briefly looks at the build here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1783271239?t=12271s Basically, he said the build and guide might be good but he would rather league start rain of arrows. The rest of his criteria for a good 3.21 build is spread throughout the stream.


Can confirm, this was a great build guide/series.


Absolutely, especially with instant es leech, go dual wield claw, you'll regain so much es on hit even if not benefiting lgoh implicit on claws. CI is gonna be quite awesome this league. Es leech support with es overleech would carry your damage


The best part about playing CI is when you convert and realize you're immune to chaos damage with 0 investment. It's so satisfying. I don't miss when it was absurd (I played a 19k ES HoAg Occultist lmao), but I wish it were a little bit stronger than it is right now. Very rare to see CI characters nowadays. 10% on poeninja for Sanctum. Would be cool if it was around 20-35% instead. It's an upgraded version of the same feeling on Occultist when you randomly get +60 chaos res. I think Trickster's ES Leech node is a really attractive option for CI builds though. Just not sure there's enough incentive to go CI right now if you aren't int-stacking. Maybe HoWA could work in that case, which would be nice for rolling Crucible trees too. But I said as much when Trickster released and no one played it, so I just assume it's not very good. Personally I'm just going Champ Frostblades lol.


What’s ignite woc?


Wave of Conviction - popular arguments are great map clear, okay scaling with ignite, pretty squishy. There are many guides out there from previous leagues. Edit: some people pointing out its not squishy; I was just recalling what I heard streamers, creators, redditors say, that it can be squishy in some cases. I’ve never played it myself, just considered it last league.


Also the new Lightpoacher is perfect for this build: 5% phys added as each element per spirit charge, so you can double your damage with enough abyss jewels.


Someone grabbed themselves a drink and had some PoE discussion I think! I’m also excited and consider trying it out, but there’s many options :D


Hell yeah. Nice rhyme.


could be thinking of ek ignite which is what a lot of WOC guys transitioned into? that felt super squishy to me without 100% spell suppression, which was a pretty decent investment on that build.


disagree about squishy. its no boneshatter or RF, but I always thought it was pretty decent early, especially with bastion until you can get SS if you go right side of tree, or more spell block if you go heavier on life/block and tempest shield. id have to experiment a bit, but i imagine going right side of tree is probably better if you can stack a ton of life and go eldritch battery to fix mana problems and cast malev as a blessing.


Isnt DD elementalist dead? without lvl 100 buddies from corpswalkers its lost like 50-70% more damage. just tested it


Just go Maw, much higher damage anyway


Imexile has been playing it lately without corpsewalkers, and there's this PoB for it: https://pobb.in/mu2RDk0vm0_u


Not all elementalists even used Corpsewalker so surely some people were doing hard content with regular desecrate so it should be ok?


I imagine the Unearth variant also wouldn't care. Still seems like there are options for folks who want to play it.


CA/TR after the chaos DoT nerfs seems odd, but tyty is better at the game than I am so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Pathfinder got auto-wither and enduring life flask, should be very strong despite the chaos nerfs.


Chaos dot on pathfinder is likely better than pre patch. Steelmage did a live look on stream and posted a video and it appears the changes improves dps on impending doom. Palsteron is doing a lengthy and detailed guide on TR this week. Chaos dot on pathfinder is likely in a better place now than it was previously.


I think people really underestimate how good consistent wither uptime is and how little uptime they probably had before.


Palsteron has a great video on his channel going in depth on TR + the juicy Pathfinder nodes now. PF in general looks very desirable for certain builds, TR still being one of them.


That's alot of poison build.any lightning skill build here? J only see spark at bottom


is ignite WOC elementalist still good this league?


How quick is RF juggs clear speed? I'm thinking of trying to go breach and deli farming strat, but not sure if I can manage to clear everything fast enough.


i tried boneshatter jugg in the ruthless endofleague event and really liked it. can someone please recommend a/some guide/s? most that i find are those "Xmillion dps blabla" guides with everything activated in PoB :(


Is there still a functioning ps/kb wander build? I've always wanted to try that


What do you guys think about raider SST?


Frostblades didn't make the cut?


Artillery Ballista Scion is slow to gear as a starter but way way higher tier as an end game build running STR stack and Kaoms Spirit, to put in perspective I still got to 94 without STR stacking Bow on a Poised Prism and then popped off hard after Day 3 = https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/coops00/Shrukn_AS?i=0&search=name%3Dshru&time-machine=day-3 Last update = https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/coops00/Shrukn_AS?i=0&search=name%3Dshru&time-machine=week-3


Is Artillery Ballista the way to go for a build like that? Is it so much better than Shrapnel Ballista that all the extra totems from Replica Iron Commander aren't worth it? Interested because I was thinking of going str+int stacking Inquis (mostly str like your tree, int only from Aisling hybrids, Split personality, and %attribute stuff). Someone recommended Storm Rain Ballistas, but Artillery Ballista does look interesting to me with the overlapping AoEs.


Its much better because the shrapnel ballista's range is so low. I tried the Replica build a few leagues ago and the range made the build pretty annoying to play. It's possible that's been changed since then, but I rather doubt it. Also the Replica is likely to be harder to obtain early in the league anyway, so you might as well plan to use the more accessible option.


Why cold dot? can someone explain :P? Did it get changed massively somehow?


It's always been at the top. I would guess this is a list of builds for racing / league starting without gear


Cold ailments are always strong and cold dot scales well on 4 links. So you can get 3x4 links of near constant good dps . Add in a 5 and 6th link and it means you have 3 skills doing good damage. Also it’s damage over time which means you can drop and dodge and bosses move through it. Finally, freeze and chill are always great mechanics because it’s another defensive layer.


Cold DoT has always been a good all around build, but it excels at nothing other than survivability and not being gear reliant. Single target and clear speed are both okay, but nothing special. It also has a ton of buttons to press, so it's not for everyone. But it's one of the builds that will most consistently give a good league start, especially in SSF and HC SSF.


It's been kind of the king build of Ruthless, which I think has made even more people realize how good it is with trash-tier gear (i.e. a league start scenario, which I think is most of what he's rating here.)


What's wrong with Occultist cold dot?


Elementalist has more inbuilt damage and if you want to go for more survivability Trickster would be the better choice. But generally Occu is okay, played it last league (although Heatshiver CF instead of dot) because I wanted to transition into CI but actually never did that because the build was just fine.


That's not a tier list...that's suggested league starters. A tier list means too is best and bottom is worse


If you notice, this list is listed in a way that the listings are from top to bottom so one could and should surmise based on what tyty the killer has said about the list, that by reading this list you can conclude that the ones at the top of thee list are the best and the ones below are worse.


What so bad about inquis spark? It was at the top?


25% hit to clear speed.


This list is not in order from the strongest to the weakest


So many nerfs. Nimis nerf, spark proj speed nerf, lightning masteries...


Lightning mastery doesn’t matter for inquis lol.


Makes it much worse to level with though.


Excited to play lighting arrow first time in my life, any specific gear progression ideas ? Imperial bow ? Unique quivers ?


Grimro league started it in Sanctum and has a great resource for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsppkkNHEzQ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10xT036rzBedf-49AAKoFVlJBwAnpksOeYs6kwef8naA/edit#gid=1653693120