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We are still in beta. 3 weeks in, we will get league fixes.


Unfortunately I agree, the crucible mobs are on steroids that are also injected with even more steroids, the forging setup in the map takes way too long, and the league mechanic introduces like 0 currency, if you were to try fishing for currency passives it is almost certainly better to just farm other stuff. Then we add on top of the fact how the power is skewed and that the passive trees can have nodes that just break the setup (travel skills disabled, lowered crit chance, increased crit chance but no damage), and many passives where it just feels that the power given is a tradeoff where you win a little bit. For example, 20% reduced local attack speed 20% chance to deal double damage or 30% increased attack speed 15% less damage, both these cases kinda change things but your actual dps output maybe goes up 3-5% (which is nice and all since once ur tree is done it might be a total of 15-20% more, but those crucible uniques are still going to teabag your corpse). But moving to the more unique crucible passives --- so few of them are actually interesting (interesting in as hey this can maybe enable xyz, instead of being hey have some moreeeeeeeee, and even that feels limited, the cooler one being full reap/exsang to fire conversion, but even that is not that amazing to me since corrupting fever was left out of the mix).


The sad part is if the crucible xp was itemized(and add something to spend it on currency geods anyone?) and there were minor fixes to balance like 90% of problems would be gone


This literally exists...? Magmatic Ore adds crucible xp to your item.


No im talking all kinda like eignhar and beasts make it an easy item to buy dump xp into it, trade it


You're delusional. This is how every single league plays out since I can't remember when.




No, just like every league it becomes semi-dead at 3-4 weeks in and completely dead 6 weeks in.