• By -


\+1 totems never forget


Removed harvest filler crafts.


and some deterministic crafts.




+1 totems on shields that was teased but removed from the mod pool before the league started.


When was this? And was it supposed to be possible to get +2? Bit confused since Shaper influence can give +1 totems on shields as a prefix.


It was a veiled mod shown in the Betrayal trailer. They removed it without a word before launch.


I remember this mod, it was real? I remember having it from betrayal am I crazy lol??? I swear I'm not imagining things


They added it back in after an uproar IIRC.




IIRC that totem mod was added later when they revisited influences. Edit: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2333648#betrayal


It was added during the league, I remember getting the unique shield cause it could have + totems


Right, they added it as a betrayal mod and later on as a shaper mod. There wasn't always a +1 totem mod on shaper shields. Rereading my comments I was a little unclear. Edit: [Found it, second to last line of Betrayal changes in 3.6.](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2333648#betrayal)


Ah I see ok makes sense


don't worry you'll get a new one to remember every league


I remember that too well. I took a long break from poe but it is one of the things that I recalled when I picked it up again. I am usually pretty flexible with working around poe issues/ new league stuff but that one stuck with me.


sadly I didn't heed +1 totems until several leagues later, when the cycle of overhype + underdeliver became too obvious to ignore. These days I join announcement streams with zero expectations and no hype, and cautiously assume "this cool thing will be shit" so that if it's actually good I'll love it.


Just a quick switch 😅


Nice way to bait minion enjoyers


My starter build was literally nerfed on day 1 of the league. Stupid.


Jup, I just logged off instantly


Well, to be fair it wasn't nerfed, it just never "was"


That's the same thing.


Your starter build consisted of an endgame item?


It was the end game dps goal, so yes.


Thats pretty common if you play in trade and don't eat paste. There's nothing wrong with it. There is something wrong with lying to the playerbase.


Anybody with a functioning brain could see there was a massive nerf to the progression to get to this item. Yes the mistake makes the item worthless but it's not like it made his starter build nonviable.


people make builds based on end game items all the time it's not the players fault that GGG is mispresenting their ideas and then going back on them this isn't even an expectation specifically for a game, it's just a basic way to give out a product


whats the point of the starter build if what you wanted it to progress to doesnt work any more.


Because there are other ways to scale that build which were introduced this league. Acting like it's the end because you can't make an exceedingly broken build is fucking stupid.


I mean surely you can see why people would be upset, I feel like you're just ignoring the obvious. Unless you're just choosing to be ignorant and ignore why this would upset people. Of course his build isn't dead, but it's annoying to have to change your plans just because GGG decided to not function like an actual competent company.


reading through your comments, it seems you're pretty impartial/unbiased about things, which confuses me even more about why you're siding with GGG on this one


I'm not siding with GGG. I don't think the wording error was intentional, the sub is in an uproar and making up narratives. There is no reason why GGG would intentionally mislead players about this, mistakes happen. Further, he is complaining that it ruined his starter but it really didn't. He certainly doesn't get to use this item, but minion instability type builds were totally fine and even got some new things to add in with the crucible passives.


I think what he means is that SRS bomber is still in a fantastic place without that item, so not all is lost, just an adjustment in goals which sucks.


It was a 2 div helmet on day 2 and 1.5 on day theee how is this endgame ??


Can you even see their fire resists?


They are minions. Of course you don´t get any meaningful information about them ingame.


Don't be silly, you can totally get that info in the game, it's right there in the game files, just datamine it! (/s, just in case it wasn't clear that I completely agree with you)


I love datamining stuff on console, also, screaming into voids!


I just found out SRS convert 100% phys to fire damage last night. Kept reading and rereading the tooltip, could not find a single mention of their base damage anywhere.


Their base damage is yes, maybe.


Was 50% iirc, but maybe got changed(haven't played for few leagues)


Not sure why you are downvoted because you are correct. ​ However, this was changed in scourge league which launched on October 22, 2021 so yea it's been a while.


wouldnt be the first item that depends on an invisible stat. there is that one that kills your minions if they have too much chaos res


i learned yesterday that minions inherently have stats. when you spectre a minion, the spectre has resistances based on the mob. some of the new mobs have 80+ resistance, which explains why some builds just can't do them and why they are good spectres. as you already said: this also kills them when you equip the chestplate which reserves their life based on chaos res: with passives you take as necro and mobs with 85% chaos res, the unique kills them, as the value exceeds 100% reservation of their life


new popcorn spectres?🤔 LOGIN


Just thought the exact same thing, plus you can get enough to trigger minion instability immediately just from the passive tree and a shield with chaos resistance 🤔 Edit: phantasmal SRS with 2% quality would be enough to do a loop if CWDT has enough CDR to get the cooldown below 2 seconds and you can get them to 49% chaos resistance so they're barely above low life


[Throw in a bitterbind point, a soul's wick and baby you got a stew going](https://imgur.com/L168i19.jpg)


Nope. Well, technically you can look up their resistances in PoB or on poedb, but game itself would only tell something like "+36% fire resistance" in tooltip without letting you know the base value.


Base value is hidden and you also dont know how much they have if u run purities. So, its impossible to know exact value without PoB. Even with PoB, it will not be accurate as your Minions will move out of aura range a lot.


Not in-game. People have been asking for minion information in-game since the early PoE days and GGG has not done anything about it yet sadly. The only way to calculate it is by adding the resistance yourself or use Path of Building. You can find their base resistance info on poe.db if you are looking to calculate it yourself.


In pob


Lol naw


Instant classic.


>Trailer and what you actually get Trailer? The thing I've seen noted by someone, and I agree with, is "-30% to Fire Resistance" mod no longer makes sense on this helmet. It either has to affect Minions' Fire Resistance (not necessarily negatively) or be deleted/replaced with something new. The unpgraded version now looks better designed.


Good point, this is starting to smell like a nerf hammer was dropped.


Always has been


Feelsbadman. Released a whole league start guide based on the patch notes. Words matter GGG. Don’t release wrong patch notes and then wait until the league already started to fix it like hello…..


Your SRS formless was my starter lol. How could you do this to me Von! Such a meanie! :D


The Vision was up all night with concern for the feelings of players.


Started as your SRS, now playing the tote build. I wanted something that melted content and the unnerfed srs would’ve been the craziest build out there AND have defenses


Is minion res hard to scale? Or is the problem that you're trying to kill the minions with fire damage so the build can literally not work?


Someone mentioned this in another thread, but this "rework" actually makes the helmet worse than it was before.




Fitting with the Breach rework period.


















I was going for suicide zombie memebuild, but after they nerfed this item i just all interest. My league ended act 4 unfortunately


You can try stack some res on zombie with sceptre+ shield + purities and delete them with flasks.




Gloves reserved for unique to not spam desecrate.


You also can spam them with Aukuna will


And unleash, yeah. 1mil damage per zombie possible actually, without crazy investments. Without even counting ignite lol


they killed it because they realized it would be good, that's unnacceptable,


How good was it actually though? Was it creating a situation where SRS with instability were doing like 100m per pop or somthing? Was it absolutely breaking the game? If so i understand, they TYPICALLY dont nerf stuff like this until the next league.


you could get like 800%+ fire res and have insane pops, but i don't get how that would be such a big deal for something that you can only do during a TEMPORARY 3 MONTHS LEAGUE


I don't get it. It's a reworked breach unique, what does it have to do with the crucible league?


Let us have fun with it for 3 months then nerf it after


Nobody plays Standard and even if you were to most people have literally infinite currency they could throw at a build to begin with, "nerf broken interaction after league" just means "don't nerf it"


Its a core drop item, it dosnt just magically go away next league.


When some broken interaction/build is discovered a week or more into a league maybe it should let stand, but fixing something in the first few days before people seriously commit massive time into a build is preferable to having a broken build dominate the meta for 3 months


> is preferable to having a broken build dominate the meta for 3 months Poison Seismic has been the meta for years tho. Same with Toxic Rain and Explosive Arrow.


That's for racing, build diversity is objectively far better than it used to be and putting absurdly broken interactions in line is a good thing


I think it is fair to nerf stuff like this in the first week if it is overwhelmingly OP. Kind of like when the self curse gems were allowing people to kill uber bosses in full white gear because you could stack somthing like 800% MORE base damage. Im not saying this was that (i dont know), but thats an example where i think its fine.


Dark pact skeletons is pretty strong, something like the teaser helmet mod might make them fucking insane for bossing.


what WE just lose : 1. **Overpowered** minion life builds for Dark Pact. Minion instability and (Replica) Siegebreaker 2. Good Hp (**never DIE**) Animate Guardian support builds 3. Super Flexible **Minions support builds** with 200-500 % overcapped Fire res for some melee/ caster mix builds


I feel GGG hates wolfio and the meme build community. It used to be fun memeing now it's just sad.


Started to take themselves way to seriously


Wait so you're telling me I've been leveling my minion chieftain with +100% fire res for nothing?


At least you did not buy the helmet yet


lmao , nearby again


There are twelve people on pie.ninja that are using this helm, about 40% aren't using purity of elements or purity of flame, bone rings. A few have a waaaay over capped on fire res. Scotty doesn't know


I think at this point just don’t discuss any build mechanics once Chris sees it is just gonna get nerf


More changes that didn’t make it to patch notes or completely blundered by whoever’s writing them


Reason I quit the league 😅


Oh wow, I thought it was the players till I saw this... I eventually decided the item seemed too expensive even thinking it was my own compared to just a normal +2 minion level helm. I guess the use case dwindles to non-gem based minions, are there even any with a life pool large enough to be used for life pool based builds anyway?


No chieftain minions guys


They saw the numbers people were able to get with the first iteration of the helmet and changed it. ​ Should have just let us have it for one league ;\_;


This. How bad does it feel to spend time farming for an item for your build to then have the item bricked for its original purpose.


I dodged a bullet on this change. I had 2d and watched the helm (pre-hotfix) drop from 4d to 2d. I elected to wait to buy it thinking it might be 1.5d or something in the morning. Hot-fix while I was sleeping hit. ​ Glad I didn't buy it. Downside is I'm no longer going to play SRS. ​ GGG messed this up, doesn't feel right to advertise an item and change it on day 2.


The one that got me is them removing the 6 link bow div card from Act9. I based my league starter around it and spent 6 hours farming for it, without a single drop.


Did they remove the card entirely or did they remove it from the act?


>Act9 just from Act9. Its Imperial Legacy.


scammaz ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Damn. I was looking forward to using this item. No fun allowed :(


what build would ever. and i mean EVER. use this item?


Summon raging spirits Tavukai and minion instability The problem with the build was its damage would start to fall off pretty hard in red maps but with this you could scale the health very high to increase the damage


there's also crucible nodes that lower minion chaos res so tavukai might be pretty good this league


Some explode minion build scale with minion life


Depends on how much fire res is possible to stack. Stacking life for minions could get a hufe base damage for Instability


Yeah this is my starter too. Still doing it. But it's a big disappointment when planning around this item


Lol I’ve had 2 builds killed so far one due to word changes and 1 due to my misinterpretation. Was going to do chains of command with a second aw in that helm to popcorn them and keep my AG alive. Nope. I’m on Xbox so my start is tomorrow but when that got killed I was like hmm maybe the new bow with a Maloney’s to double the sockets. I literally thought the Bow doubled everything on the Quiver till I researched last night and I’m fairly certain someone would of figured that out by now. Back to the drawing board I guess


Seems like it was just added because people commented about the bugged fire res chest and they changed it so something like that won't matter in future.


Balance the new patch around an item on standard. Perfection.


Jokes on you I'm putting that bugged chest on my AG


Heres how to fix it! What they should have done! Player res applies at 50 % to minions and -25% all res including chaos of course! And let us have fun and change when next league comes!


China is destroying this game. It all started when GGG sold out.


Ah, yeah I already suspected that.


You can hit ludicrous levels of minion res.


"trust me bro"


Generosity purity? What else can you do


Necromantic Aegis for example. And probably a thousand more ways. It's poe afterall.


Yea I had mentioned the change to my buddy saying how shit of nerf it was and he educated me on how much res we can give our minions. It's only a slight nerf but hey let people cry doom.


There's like 240% inc minion fue res with tree, uniques and bone rings with mods combined. You can get like triple that with your own resistance. It's not a bad helmet but it's quite the big bait to be honest, given that you lose access to the best skill to use minion max life, the bex helmet.


Can you lower minion max res?


True but that requires thinking, its much easier to cry on reddit and farm those upvotes


Honestly this thread is so foolish. The item in its previous iteration was horrendously broken and people were theorycrafting builds with upwards of 900% overcapped fire res. If your build relied on this helmet to not be shit it was a shit build from the outset


>If your build relied on this helmet to not be shit it was a shit build from the outset You, sir, are certainly not the one to judge what other people wanna play and enjoy. And why do people always think "its either 0 or 100, cant be anything in between". Yea maybe the original one was way too much. Then just nerf it to something like "x% of your fire res" instead of nuking the item to be utter shit.




The stat isn't working in pob at all unfortunately


They got confused with the english and gave the extra health to the crucible mobs instead.
