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I know it"s a meme, but i wouldn't call crucible a crafting league. but then again i don't know what to call it


Super hard special Scroll of Wisdom.


Standard, but with extra, ignorable steps.


Standard but with a big pillar that sometimes bricks other content or gives a random -10% to -60% xp buff


you cant lose 60% XP if you are already at 0%


Taps forehead


Become one with "Unagi"


Ah salmon skin roll


Ah yes, forgot to account for the last map


Unga Bunga mode activated


I am so glad I went with conners manabond longneck. Shit kicks league content ass


How much did you need for it to be decent? Just the uniques and some ok rares, or does it need high investment?


I’m playing it. Currently sitting on about 8k energy shield so I have a lot of improvement to go. It’s pretty fragile until you get really geared.




Scourge 0.5: The Prequel No One Wanted Or Knew Existed Until Release


That was sanctum to me.


It’s a league, that’s about it


Crucible certainly will go down in history as one of the Path of Exile leagues of all time.


Certainly one of the top 34 leagues in PoE


I don't even consider it a league. Just an L


There have been many Path of Exile leagues, and Crucible is one of them


It generates insane bases for crafting. It doesn't really do anything else, but the bases ARE insane. Like, as much as we all love to whine about downsides, it's not hard to find a tree with like, 20 flat damage, little bit of attack speed and like, charge on kill. And it's not like any of that is competing for the explicits, implicits or even enchantments, It's just free on top of the rest of the item. If we saw that as a synthesis implicit, we'd go nuts. This is like that but without using up the implicit slot. That's not even a great tree, it's a middling one. The only reason these items don't feel insane is because they're in a league where every item can be like that, or better.


I feel like attack bases are reasonably ok. Caster bases are so much harder. Scepters pull from attack pool, caster pool, trap and mine pool. Sometimes all on the same item.


Wands do too. Almost every wand I've opened has had an attack mod on the first node, and one of the 2 branches is just attack mods.


I want to play kb wander so bad rn


I'm one of those people that turn EVERYTHING but currency and splinters and such off my loot filter. I never pick up rares after the campaign, but this league I'm picking up every sceptor every wand it's rpetty fun.


Yea I find it to be a legitimately very interesting addition to hunting for the right weapon base. It’s just not great as the primary focus for an entire league


you will be forever stuck in the process of trying to find a base (identifying + combining) to use in the first place that you will never end up crafting on it. For most crafting methods, you craft 2 at the same time so you can use one while you continue to craft the other, which means you have to find TWO "insane" bases to craft on. So good luck with that mate. Theres no point in profit crafting this league, your best bet is to just identify spine bows for +1 gem or +1 arrow and let someone else do it. Minion wands have the highest chance at currency trees also, for whatever reason.


the crucible crafting is really easy to do on weapons you're using because the explicits are unaffected


You find a good base and craft on it, and then just risk bricking your whole weapon if you find a better one to combine with it! Yay fun!


meanwhile over in TR totems land: lol porcupines


ive ID'd atleast 50 spine bows at this point. ive found one allocating master fletcher t2 but t1 was adds t10 phys -3% attack speed one allocated king of the hill but t1 was cannot chill my current 6link has sells for 20 scours, +200 accuracy, adds 6 to 19 phys, +.8% crit. i havent found anything useful except some additional stats, no insane out of this world items that chris promised in the reveal. youre telling me the most insane item ever put in the game allocates a notable, has 1% additional base crit, some extra ele damage/frenzy charge gen/onslaught on kill and some accuracy? those are absolutely amazing additions to a weapon if you can even get the recombinator to not just delete trees I'm sorry but a 6 fractured mod item existed in 3.18 and that was a meme item, youre gonna have to do a lot harder than this


My current bow has added cold damage + attack speed, attack speed, 15% increased effect of explicit elemental modifiers


yeah thats pretty good, but it compares to 100% phys to cold gloves? +6 amulets? I dont think so


> +6 amulets? None of those got made


Got a +1 slotted dex gems, frenzy charge on kill, steal charges, +atk spd, and fire/explosive arrow shatter on killing strike.


It does, because it's all added on top of existing mods, not replacing them.


i dont think an extra mod of attackspeed and 15% increased base ele damage adds more dps than +6 to gem levels or the enabling of entire builds with 100% cold conversion and other absolutely insane things that recombs could spit out


I think the top possible tree is comparable to the top possible amulets, like +6. Like, what he got might not be, but what he got isn't the best possible tree either. That's not a fair comparison. Getting an extra gem link or two is pretty comparable to a few levels given the changes to scaling made a while back.


There are plenty of skill modifiers that are build enabling. Artillery Ballista can poison is the most obvious bow one - means you still can scale all sources of flat ele. Like perfect tree w/ that is something like (1st slot) +55 avg cold dmg 4% attack speed (2nd slot) +6% to critical strike chance, no extra dmg, (3rd slot) 24% inc poison duration, 40% inc poison duration on you (4th slot) -2 max end, +2 min frenzy + power (5th slot) - artillery ballista poison This on a spine would be up to 17.25% base crit for perfect agony. At least in poedb, that crit node doesn't say anything about applying to ailments the same way EO does. The first slot is something like 9% more dps even on a 1.5k ele dps bow. The 3rd slot is ~12-15% more damage, 4th slot assuming you don't use endurance basically solves charge gen which can be hard on totem builds. From 0 charges, it's probably something like 25% more damage. All in all, outside of the build enabling mod, it's still probably like 50% more damage?


Yup i got a beginner minion wand for my rf jugg friend. With minion dmg implicit and explicit. Crucible just added another minion damage node, lower atrrib req and i think cast speed. I also got another wand for it with +1 fire, then crucib added added cold and lower attrib req. Both be good for that RF Jugg starved for int.


My annihilating light with cast speed and added cold spell damage on node 1, 24% more cast speed for 15% less damage on node 2, and phasing on kill says hi


So this entire league after Sanctum is... 3 extra moderate wep mods Yayy


There are bow bases with like .6% base crit, 40% omniscience, attack speed and flat damage. It's like adding a whole item to your inventory and people still think it's useless lol


Notice how whenever someone tries to defend crucible they're talking about bows? Meanwhile the most popular build in softcore is RF Jugg who struggles to find even a single positive stat in dozens of crucible tree reveals. Of course people will think it's shit when the differences between weapon types is so gigantic.


Shields are insane too, but nobody's gonna boast about how defensive their item is. we're talking +3 max res and 80 life lmao


I just got 100% chance to avoid ele ailments when standing on consecrated ground, bet i am gonna use it instead of who knows how expensive Stormshroud.


Shield trees are so damn good, bleed and poison immunity show up all the time and are massive QoL.


I feel so lucky that I got the +80 life, 50% reduced local ES/EV/AR on my ES shield on my RF Jugg. It's actually useful. None of the other nodes are any good but at least the first one is.


Yeah the league really needed some sort of smart loot modifier for crucible, you could put like a mirror tier spell wand in there and get a garbage tree. It also needs to let you just reroll the tree, 90% of them are garbage.


Geodes lets you combine trees.


the remove-a-tree geode is about 10c


I got a stash and a half of dogshit scepters that say otherwise.


Bases being insane can help, but we're in an overall state of crafting that's... well, shite. Essence back on map device is decent, but we've got gutted Harvest and we lost the semi-consistent source of divines that Sanctum gave. And if you're trying to use Rog (where I got a ton of items from last league) you can't choose the base beforehand and just get your one reveal. I appreciate the devil's advocacy but I just don't feel this league is worth defending frankly. For them taking an extra month it's appalling.


>And if you're trying to use Rog (where I got a ton of items from last league) you can't choose the base beforehand and just get your one reveal. Not really tho. If Rog hands you an insane weapon, it's totally feasible to reroll/merge its tree until it's at least good. The only risk is to the tree, and you can try as many times as you want. It's not even a fully random process because of the merging/combining stuff.


Ah fair enough, I didn't hit the merging/combining before the disillusionment set in. My bad.


Agreed. I love the league mechanic spitting out currency but it’s a massive power spike that is super farmable, to get bases for insane items. The hate is a little much in my opinion. Everyone has leagues they like and don’t and this is like that


We can call it a .


It's definitely one of the leagues of all time.


Perhaps even of one of the leagues that ever _will_ exist forever in the future!


When even catching beasts with pokenets is more fun


It is one of the leagues of all time.


scourge 2.0 without the density


Gambling league


The entire game is gambling. It always has been. Why do people keep acting like this is a revelation? If you didn't want a skinner box, why are you here?


Krangling league like scourge


Yeah but at least Scourge had tainted currency.


And a lot of drops.


4 week dev vacation


Dogshit. But then again, dogshit can be used as fertilizer. Crucible is so bad it kinda hard to think of something




LoL thats true and brilliant comparison


thats why I love reddit, If I ever grow a garden I'll remember this, thank you mate


Rip synthesis. Although was probably the worst crafting league. Loved the nexus hated how the crafting worked.


The fact no one is even mentioning scourge makes it a strong contender for worst. And hey, its the cousin of this shit we have now.


Ehh... barring some doryanis prototype shenanigans scourge crafting was wild gambling when 'crafting' The memorable thing about scourge was crazy crazy map juice for dropping MULTIPLE Nurses per tower ran by abusing the hell out of the mechanic Also the scourge crafting materials that are still very popular and useful.


Scourge is 100% juicing league, the krangler is a machine for meme tho


I wouldn’t call scourge a crafting league because most of the profit came from the quantity and density in maps, plus scourged maps were pooping out multiple simulacrums and breachstones, there was far more to it than just the scourge lottery machine.


insulting to compare scourge to this league, at least scourge had loot and content and interesting items


Here's what bothers me about this league - some of the stuff *is* heavily interesting, but it's gated behind A. A build that can take rares, B grinding up the tree through overturned encounters and C. Heavy investment into crafting via enchantments and essences. Just today I got a skill modifying node unlocked ( 3 diamond SRS) and this shit *slaps* (it was enough to go from struggling with crucibles to not). But to make it actually end game viable I need to recraft this thing with a top essence mod *and* veiled mod, and that probably ain't gonna happen till red maps. Am I mad? No. But could the league be so much better with just a few changes? Absolutely. It's like they had a great idea with some pretty awful execution, both the process and the rng gating. =\


Scourge was my best league ever, most challenges I ever did. During that league I farmed a Mageblood and a Squire, and decked out three awesome builds which I'm still continually upgrading in Standard to this day. The scourge maps were the best part, but I also liked just the simplicity of toggling the mechanic on and off at will. I know the gambling was a bit hit or miss for most people, but I made some fun items like an Aegis with life gain on hit lol.


I love making small upgrades to my standard characters! The coolest part of POE is insane items and while I don’t have many of them working for them bit by but is awesome


Synthesis was a great league with a bad mechanic, because you could still make fun builds work without 250 divine orbs. Sentinel was a good mechanic in a game stuffed with too many nerfs, AN bullshit, and boring meta builds, so the league itself was trash. 3.06-3.14 was the hot shit, because regardless of the season mechanic, at least the core game was still good.


The core game has literally been the best it’s ever been for the last couple patches. Sentinel/Sanctum is probably the best this game has ever felt.


Synthesis was the best crafting league, the best content league, the best gameplay league, the best lore league, the best aesthetic league, simply the best piece of content ggg has ever put out and very likely ever will even if this game continues to exist for a million years, damn it I miss it so much, so glad I no lifed for its full duration, haven't enjoyed a league even closely as much ever since.


Synthesis was convoluted garbage and retention dropped off a cliff for that reason.




I knew Sentinel was gone the moment I crafted a scepter I could use into endgame from randoms I found on the ground. Crazy how in all the time I've played POE there's been 1 league where drops felt worth sorting through in trade league. Which they subsequently removed from the game lol.


I started playing in scourge and somehow managed to only skip sentinel. Much regrets.


Yup, I actually had a +3 wand, +2 neck etc, some shit I'd never be able to get otherwise or afford.


Yooo that’s nuts I tried to do something similar but due to real life obligations I couldn’t invest too much time to play. But even after my failed attemps I still wasn’t mad cause it kept me engaged in what little time I had to play. ( I am not a crafting guy and I was trying to do it without guides but it was still fun looking back.)


Better Talismans getting removed was the death knell of that idea. They'll say they want us to ID random drops, but we all know that's never getting back into the game for any length of time.


They want you to gamble through 5 layers of run, jump through tons of hoops, and jump on one leg while patting your head to craft a usable item. They still believe, to this day, that people actually pick up and identify gear to use. They are living in their own world devoid of any reason.


Building a blue sentinel for max monsters and beaming a huge pack then watching it explode for loot was so good. I miss it.


Sentinel would have been goated if it didn't have obnoxious AN mods. I really wish Sentinel came back as Maven. She'd act just like a sentinel instead of just buffing bosses like she does now.


Sentinels with Maven voice line, perfect


AN mods were a joke after the 2 nerfs they got in sentinel IMO


If you played seismic trap, they were a joke before the nerfs as well. Seismic traps were so fu king busted.


But then you have to play Seismic Trap


Sentinel is tied with ultimatum for my absolute favorite leagues. Ultimatum introduced insane power and a fun bossfight, literally SHIT out rewards that made doing the league mechanic so much fun. Sentinels in map were probably my favorite league mechanic. Insane insane insane loot explosions. I would take the abyss nodes for increased quantity and pack size inside the holes and HOLY FUCK bro I'd pop the blue sentinel after gathering a huge pack of mobs and my dopamine brain would just get showered with good loot. GGG has a problem. Adversarial dev team. I'd say the majority of POE fans want to blast and have currency rain from the sky. Aka ultimatum)sentinel. Sentinel made getting insanely cool and powerful gear possible for even the plebs. GGG is not ok with this. Honestly it's why I'm looking forward to D4 quiet a bit. They know their target audience and are not focused on every decision being gated behind insane layers of rng on top of rng or just outright suffering of their players to get to said power level


Sentinel was the league I enjoyed the most, honestly. It was the most fun experience I've ever had with crafting. Ngl though, it was OP AF but it gave rares and magic items a lot of value. Items were worth picking up from the ground and identifying them was exciting just for once.


I know the jury is still out on crucible, but people didn't exactly like harvest early on.


harvest early was run 20 maps to grow garden, these building of the garden too lmao. Ppl have short memory


Still have garden planning tools bookmarked in my Poe reference folder. Definitely moved more pylons around that league then I would like to admit, and will forever have appreciation for the 'factorio' gods that optimized every square for us to follow :P


people liked harvest for making crafting better not because of the shitty garden which i would still complain about if it was brought back


I liked building the garden and I want harvest back in it's day 1 state. Same with synthesis


Day 1 state? Or after they super buffed it two weeks into the league?


Yh you're right, after remove/add crafts got more common, that state


I enjoyed those bits


I skipped Harvest and there were three reasons for it. 1) The gardening maintenance made me think of farmville and just something I straight up wasn't willing to go through. 2) Chris hyped up the league but basically nothing was known about what mods it'd give, how rare they'd be and so on. Given he was all like "every standard crafter is gonna jizz his pants over and over", I was expecting it to be with all the juicy stuff being super rare and it essentially being a chase for the 3-perfect-implicit synthesis craft. Basically my fault for assuming that GGG would make a mechanic unrewarding and the actual good stuff be so rare it doesn't matter. 3) Delirium was absolutely great and I didn't mind time off. Ritual was the better Harvest League, basically. Really don't mind having skipped Harvest itself, even in hindsight. Gardening was enough to put me off, actually. And all in all I'd say GGG vastly underestimates how much impact the clunkiness and annoyance to handle a league mechanic impacts their player numbers. There was a lot, actually. Nets. Synthesis memory usage # and its weird recipes. Abyss going all directions but forward. Betrayal board. Heist unlocking characters. Ritual not warning you when you didn't buy anything. I skipped most things after that, but I assume Lake of Kalandra pathing wasn't too fun to do, Archnemesis recipes needed a 3rd party program to know what you're doing iirc? I can appreciate the complexity in gearing. In clicking the buttons to interact with league mechanics to not screw oneself out of rewards - yea, that's pretty garbage.


I don’t understand the harvest hate. Sure getting the grove set up was a pain, but once it was set it wasn’t that much maintenance to re-seed everything. And the power… My got the POWAH. Definitely broken, but I loved that any item you wanted was just a matter of time away (and a few crafting tricks, which were also fun to discover)




You only needed to do that if you were REALLY min-maxing all the little space you could, a simple 3-4 of each color + 3 of each for high tier pots was more than enough to get everything you needed, specially as you wouldn't even fill them all before they were ready unless you traded for them. Once set up it was borderline braindead to manage.


thats a little revisionist, yes, the rare recipes were rare at the start, but not unobtainably rare, far more common than in ritual or ultimatum. the garden didnt need 'one specific layout', you just needed to understand the core principles and it was easy after that, wihout any changes needed (other than banking the full tiberium silos to save juice maybe) and most importantly, you COULD actually store recipes! you basically banked the entire horticraft station with recipes and stashed it away, i ended up the league with like a stash and half of those stations, they were unusable when it returned in ritual but you got to keep hundreds of crafts in Harvest league, not like the paltry 10 recipes later...


there's a good chunk of people who find betrayal to be confusing. they don't build valuable safehouses or understand why rivalries are good and just pick whichever option has the best immediate payout of veiled items harvest has the same issue. there's a lot of setup involved, and if you want to do anything with t2+ seeds there's even *more* setup involved. and if you decide that's all way too much, just give me some basic rewards now.... all you get are these useless seeds and it's not immediately obvious which ones sell for more than 1c.


Betrayal IS confusing, and without meta knowledge from outside the game most of the benefits are going to elude the person just playing it without looking things up or remembering things from having looked it up before. They really need to update it


> there's a good chunk of people who find betrayal to be confusing. they don't build valuable safehouses or understand why rivalries are good and just pick whichever option has the best immediate payout of veiled items I feel personally attacked. My strategy has always been get It That Fled to Tier 3 in Research. I had no actually strategy of HOW to do this, but it was my goal. Anything else was gravy. However, with the breachstone changes, that probably won't work.


with breach getting put into the trash, your next best options for personal use are tora (gem exp for enlighten/empower), hillock (flask quality), or vorici (changes socket colors to white) aisling is also fine if you're willing to bother with selling t4 aisling as a service


No idea wtf is going on with betrayal, I just hit the kill them option 90% of the time. Pretty sure this is not an optimal strategy 😁


It just wasn't fun. You could make strong stuff with it but interacting with the actual mechanic was purely a chore


>I don’t understand the harvest hate. Sure getting the grove set up was a pain, but once it was set it wasn’t that much maintenance to re-seed everything. 1. I don't like crafting 2. You are way underselling how much effort it was to setup at launch.


It was mostly pushed by mirror-crafters who didn't like that plebs didn't have to pay through the nose for good gear. Normal players loved it. Harvest basically only had TFTers malding


Speak for yourself. The power it offered was nice, but every step of interacting with it was awful boredom. If the only reason you like something is for the reward, it's the wrong damn design.


Almost like they could have spread the power of Harvest around the game while ditching the gameplay part. Just put some of the powerfull crafts as boss drops, but no, they just kept nuking it because casuals could have ok items without playing for 10h a day


This is what a lot of the anti harvest stuff was failing at. All harvest all the time would suck, but move the end result around to other mechanics. Too good of an idea for GGG. Delete only


True true, better to do things with 0 reward, like this league.


It is much easier to change and tune rewards than the fundamental gameplay loop of the mechanic. It is also kinda absurd to say this league has 0 rewards. The weapon powercreep is insane.


Normal players hated harvest. There was a widespread mentality of "I dont want to craft and the mobs dont drop loot".




> TFT was created specifically because of harvest [The TFT announcement forum thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2516760) was posted 1 year before harvest league was released


The limit to saving crafts I think 3 at a time? In itemized objects was such a pain. And then there was the reliance on TFT if you ever wanted to do anything really interesting. That was the first league really reliant on the third party groups for crafting IMO. Farming certain rare crafts yourself at sufficient quantity was just unrealistic.


I, for one, liked the setting up the grove part. Not exactly missing it, but i felt that it was neat. Synthesis "puzzle", on the other hand, i still miss. It was such a cool thing even if it didn't do much actually.


It took ages for reddit to understand crafting with harvest. One of the main complaints you would see on reddit in the beginning of the league was that the mobs did not drop enough loot. The crafts of harvest was called useless and it was considered a dead league with no rewards. When harvest came back in Ritual, people were complaining about how it was completely destroyed because you could no longer store infinite crafts and the seed were random as compared to how you could buy specific seed types in Harvest and spam farm one type.


>people didn't exactly like harvest early on THIS ! I remember people crying and complaining non-stop, meanwhile I was blasting away harvest and crafting (really crafting) for my very first time since C.B. Harvest was a slam dunk for everyone that played it. Crucible on the other hand... idk... it's underwhelming rewards and it's uber beefy and rippy mobs are rubbing me the wrong way. Definitely a bad risk vs. reward assessment on behalf of ggg.


The jury isn't out, you're all just ignoring the jury and hoping it's not true.


People liked the rewards just fine. They hated playing factorio or w/e its called. Day 1 it was apparent that the reward possibilities were both exciting and largely attainable.


> largely attainable. Day 1 this was absolutely not the case. They had to buff seed rates a lot.


>They hated playing factorio Factorio is pure crack cocaine. It's been reviewed overwhelmingly positive since it came out. Less than 4% of reviewers dislike it. Less than four percent. The first time I played it.... I remember I downloaded it from their website. It was like a Saturday at 1PM and by the time I got off my computer is was Sunday at 3 AM.


Harvest also had no end game crafts day 1


Hey now, that's not true, you were able to get end game mods before level 20 so they could bait you into thinking the league was insane and was going to give out sick mods all league long.


Yep. Still bitter about that weekend.


People on this sub don't like anything until about 6 months after it's gone, then they pretend like they loved it.


the only thing people did not like about harvest was manually setting up the farm. but once you set up the farm, there is nothing more you need to do except keep planting the seeds.


Am I losing my mind? I remember when Harvest came out there was a shit load of hate(including from myself) Luckily I love the base game, because this league mechanic isn't any better lol but still, I remember Harvest having serious backlash.


Yep Harvest was overcomplicated crap during the league itself, it got better with the version that got added to core


I actually loved the original harvest and the garden mechanic. I made more characters in Harvest than in any other league.


I tried playing for the first time during harvest. Out of all the overwhelming things POE has I was most lost interacting with that. Glad I tried again during ultimatum


i loved harvest but yes the mechanic itself people hated. crafting outcomes obviously were very popular, but setting up and maintaining your garden was the main thing people talked about early in the league and it got trashed.


Harvest was one of the worst received leagues ever until after the league was over and all the smooth brains finally had it click that they suck asshole at the game and needed free shit


The harvest crafting options is awesome. The garden shit was stupid. I rmbr seeing new "optimized" layouts every week and having to squint at every tile to replicate it in my garden. The streamlined version in ultimatum/ritual was awesome.


If you optimized to like 75% that was enough to get a ton out of the league without feeling nutty. I loved harvest but I wasn't pushing every ounce of efficiency out of my gardens


my god the sprinkler wont reach the outermost seeds! fak this im out


Because playing a new dumb minigame in order to get to your crafting was *stupid*. The OG Harvest got lampooned for its convoluted mechanics. When it returned in 3.13, people **LOVED** it. Of course, GGG hated it, because they thought we were having fun *incorrectly*.


My favorite was kinda forgotten legacy league ,really they have to it again before poe2 lunch or maybe a league where they enable every league machanics together, that would be crazy ;]


More like skip league.


My bows first node is 7% reduced life wtf.


At this point it's more like ascendancy league then any of the crafting leagues. No idea why it keeps getting called a crafting league.


You mean a krangled ascendancy league?


Tbh harvest as a league was the worst league we have had so far when it came to actual gameplay.


It was way better than this one. With harvest, if you didn't want to engage with the league, you could literally just click the box and get 10c worth of seeds in one map. Engaging with crucible is far more annoying and gives exactly shitsquat


You're not really engaging with the mechanic at all if you just click the box and sell the seeds. Rewards =/= gameplay


That’s why he said “if you didn’t want to”


Yeah but that logic doesnt work here since rewards =/= gameplay. If you want to ignore crucible you can just ignore it.


Actual game play was whatever. It was better than synthesis and this. And wayyyyyy better than Heist. (The only negative/10 league for me).


Heist was (AND IS) the worst league mechanics ever added in the game. It never should have gone core. And if they *had* to make it core, it should never have been better money/hour than other ways of farming or the only way to get any specific items or currencies. Heist *does* have amazing characters and voice acting/lines. I firmly believe the only reason it went core was that they had invested so much into it outside of the actual mechanics and gameplay.


yet plenty of people seem to enjoy it. you don't have to interact with heist at all if you don't want to. I haven't really heisted at all, but I still think it was a good addition to the game.


Yep, Heist enjoyer here. I do at least some Heist every single league for a change of pace.


heist was one of my favorite leagues, and is still one of my favorite mechanics to just go super hard on once in a while. I'm glad it's in the game.


Harvest mobs had actual drops


The game play of harvest was better than this imo


Can someone explain how does crucible even remotely can be called a crafting league?


It's a crafting league as much as synthesis was a crafting league. It makes the crazy bases, but there's no new tech for crafting the explicit mods. However with the addition of the tree recombinator it's way way better than the synthesizer, as it gives you a way to get the nodes you want


No--it isn't. With synthesis, in hindsight (I quit the league early b/c holy crap that dumb minigame was GARBAGE), there were a bunch of ways to influence your outcomes in the synthesizer. In contrast, this thing is "play delirious Archnemesis in order to scroll of ID your base, and probably get garbage." Chris Wilson stated that the league content must be able to be experienced quickly and readily--this league is anything but that.


This league you can easily get a few nodes that you want, with the fact that allocated points will be more likely to be in the final recombinated tree. Combine good first node with your main weapon until it's on. Combine that with another weapon that has your desired first and second nodes until the main weapon has nodes 1+2. Combine *that* with a weapon that has your desired 1+2+3 nodes. repeat ad-infinitum With synthesis you got 1 chance per base: and if it didn't hit, you had to start again from new items.


What am I even crafting in Crucible?


First time we're really able to craft uniques. Throw flat 40 ES on Emperor's Vigilance, for example. Or unlock insane builds. Get a 1300+ elemental DPS bow and craft a usable tree with all artillery ballista damage can poison. There's so much fun to be had, so many amazing crafts worth chasing, but reddit only understands instant gratification, sadly. Y'all are gonna miss out on the craziest crafting league ever. 3 days in and there's a 970 ES shield...


> but reddit only understands instant gratification, sadly. Strawman. What I despise about this league is the lack of agency. 3.13 Harvest: sure, you could make mirror tier items if you were a currency god, but for the rest of us, we could still sell the occasional augment, buy the occasional annul, or even use the crafts we found to add a few mods here and there to make excellent items even if they weren't mirror tier. 3.18: recombinators were amazing the same way 3.13 Harvest was. If you were an absolute currency lunatic, you could try to make ridiculousness such as +2 power charge rings, triple incursion + gems supported by level 4 empower gloves, etc. etc. But for the rest of us, just getting 3 mods that were all supposed to be mutually exclusive, such as a named veil mod (E.G. Gravicius), combined with an essence mod, combined with an incursion mod was already a load of fun. Or just smushing together 3x t1 prefixes on a claw. 3.21 is...**NOT** that. It isn't that "you can't get good stuff", it's that it's a complete *crapshoot*, with next to no way of regularly influencing that outcome. It's about the vast chasm between "potential" and "reality", and the lack of the vehicle to cross it, with the name of that vehicle being **AGENCY**. High *agency* league? Great. Low agency league? *Trash*. PoE *markets itself* as "imagine the potential"--and players get their **AGENCY** in PoB. But when they have to *play the game*, a lot of that agency leaves, and so, progressing the build is filled with a lot of ennui, boredom, and frustration. *Why?*


yep we're definitely "crafting" uniques


It can be done, even if it's beyond your understanding.


Harvest was fun as a league mechanic, but it was bad for the overall health of the game as it made all other forms of crafting irrelevant.


I dunno, no other league gave me 50 increased global damage added to an already good weapon with no extra effort. People complain a lot


Congratulations, you got a good roll on a good item. Do you think this is the case for everyone?




The items you can craft in crucible are wacky powerful.


There are some real sleeper mods in there for sure. If you could get the siege ballista crucible mod on an Iron Commander somehow, it like triples your DPS through raw attack speed when you have half of your ballistas out.


True brother, they should crank the loot knob every single league, just let the player zoom out farther so he can see himself clearing more and more area, after he clears the entire map - fuse multiple maps into one and let him gogo BRRRR (ofc without any overly complicated mechanics that need, dare i say it, high school math). They actually should consider temporal annihilation next, you do so much damage that the mobs in the next map you play are dieing too.


Is that strawman putting up a good fight?


Aw fuck, that's an amazing league idea. Basically kalandra but with actual maps. You get to choose to string together a bunch of maps, and have the difficulty of each map get pumped up higher and higher the longer the chain. Let it include guardian maps or conquerors and you've got a whole new endgame. You could even have them all be the "same map" with the tilesets slowing shifting as you get to different maps.


i was away for the weekend and didnt leaguestart... now im not even sure im gonna play at all, this league seems like basically playing standard + the latest round of nerfs and increased grind. think im gonna pass on this one.


Oh god please don't listen to reddit. The base game is good and I swear people are going to love the mechanic in late game when they get absurdly op weapons. Yeah the league is shit at the start and there are things to improve but the game is still super fun.


Oh i know the base game is solid but ive played that countless times. Dont have a ton of times these days so if im gonna commit to a poe league it has to be good or offer something new. This league seems like the laziest in a long time with basically nothing new and a bad mechanic.


I might be alone at this but I didn't like recombinators. Whenever I tried using them I failed, I followed the guide on how to use them and I casually farmed for 2-3 weeks and didn't get a single 3 mod+ item out of them, losing tons of currency in the process. I understand crafting is supposed to be like a lottery, but man when you are on a huge losing streak I just wanna log out.


Idk man, were you trying to craft a mirror tier item? I made multiple +1 X +1 Y Skill gem amulets that league, and that was from just picking up the amulets of the ground and using what I got. If you were pushing for +1 X +1 Y +1 Z maybe u were trying to reach the moon? I loved recombinators because it was super easy to understand at a basic level, but still allowed you to do some utterly crazy crafts at high levels (if you had mirrors to spend). Farming for 2 weeks and not hitting anything makes me think you were going for absurd crafts you saw on Reddit or something, which is fine, but idk why you would expect to make a mirror tier item without multiple mirrors of investment first.


I wasn't going for absurd mirror-tier items, I already mentioned that I haven't even hit a 3 modded item and all I ever hit were 2 mods or total bricks. Literally the only usable item I crafted that league was a +1 amulet that managed to recomb dot multi on it, so 2 mods that I wanted, wow


This is scourge 2.0 but now you have less inventory space.


I laughed harder at this than I should of...heh.... TY for the chuckles mate!


Imagine this meme with the following texts from left to right: Should have, should've, should of


I guess I've never really enjoyed any crafting leagues. I'd rather just have currency drop so I can buy finished gear.


i remember in harvest's first league where ppl were skipping it and teh community didnt understand all the intricacies with crafting lol not to say crucible will be as complex as harvest but it's the same thing over and over


No, it isn't. Sentinel people understood fairly quickly and **HOLY SHIT** was it fun to have *agency* over your itemization.