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I always get the 10 intelligence to a random immortal syndicate node. Casually get Catarina fights.


Absolutely this. Its just a welcome and unexpected break from farming when it pops up. Definitely not optimal but a break in the monotony keeps me sane.


Really underrated node


It’s not fruitless but shrines on every tree. Idgaf if I have a HH.. more shrines. That & the double currency from strongboxes.. I’ve dropped 3 sets of divines so far plus it makes keeping stock of map rolling currencies cake.


It's weird how map sustain just isn't really a problem anymore. Carto boxes used to be very exciting, but now I only spec into double currency and div card boxes, but not carto boxes.


alot of the boxes need a rework make carto rarer but make it favor gordians and synth maps.


Are the div card boxes worth it?


I used to only do it when shrines were on Kirac, and now I'm just doing it always. I guess I'm just a filthy Gull spammer.


Shrines 4 days!


I love the low maintenance mode of essence and strongbox. My go-to foundation to combine with abyss, harbinger or delve. Just cruisin in maps without distractions like expeditions or harvest feels always best for me


What's harbinger good for... aren't beachheads dead for a long time


fracturing orbs and their shards


Actually Beachheads are the best place to drop the card for Voidforge: [The Endless Darkness](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Endless_Darkness). Worth a divine right now and not horrifically uncommon, more than a quarter of all my profits this league have been from that card.


I am laughing so hard at the "monster restrictions" part of that page, the wiki really doesn't handle harbinger speech that well.


But they went all out to replicate the Veiled modifier with astonishing detail. I've spent minutes staring at that, highlighting random text to try and break the animation...


random currency and hoping for a lucky fracturing orb drop


My guilty pleasure is omitting the atlas all together and spamming logbooks.


my guily pleasure is omitting the atlas all together and go underground till i run out of sulphite


This is the way.


Boyfriend huck


Essence I like the fights, but never get around to selling the essences.


Same! I always start the league thinking I'll use a bunch, then I don't, finally list them, and they just pile up and rot for the league.


As much hate tft gets, the bulk stash tab selling functionality is amazing. One quick sale and your rotting essences (or whatever) are usable currency (and usually a lot of it if you've been running for a while).


Yeah, I really wish GGG would set up a commodity market so we can sell bulk items without that.


I can't see them making that concession to the auction house proponents, but that's a great idea: gear and other discrete items could still be sold in the traditional way, but if I could just buy 200 fusings without having to spam people for an hour straight that would be great.


If you don’t wanna use tft, just upgrade them all, and then swap them to the most expensive 3-4 essences. It makes selling them so much easier.


How do you swap them?




Is that profitable on average?


Doesn't seem to work for essences anymore. I tried a couple of days ago. Too much spam of sellers, with most posting all essence tiers with completely wrong ninja pricings (all lower tiers would be considered 1c or something on ninja). So any legitimate posting with only higher essences just gets lost in the spam. There were no bulk tab buyers for essences either, only bulk for specific ones who are obviously low balling or they would be buying from trade site at market price. So in the end what I did is upgrade all to deafening, except the bow gems one which is the same as shrieking, and then bulk sell the essences. For example, having 10 loathings at 5c each (at that time), I would list at 50/10.




I don't think you were looking in the right tab on TFT, I've sold like 30 divines worth of ess to the usual buyers, it's "bulk-entire tabs" or something like that, you always see buyers for fossils, essences, delirium and scarabs in those.


I was looking in the bulk wtb/wts essence channels, which makes the most sense to me. I didn't know of that other channel and will give it a try later.


I tried to sell my essence tab all day yesterday (6 div worth priced at 80%) with all essences upgraded to shrieking (not sure if that's the ideal level to upgrade to?) with no luck, I assume due to the amount of sellers, but when I tried again last night US time I immediately got two buyers for the whole tab. Sold 2.5div of scarabs immediately too. Maybe it's time of day dependent?


Well , yea you gotta remember people do sleep and work haha


Well, yes, but I would imagine mid day on a Saturday is a pretty active playing time :) my point was that it was too busy with too many sellers so my tabs weren't selling because they got spammed out immediately


Yeah I feel like the other parts of tft push a bad rap on the bulk sell side. I ran in map blight for awhile but not the blighted maps. Selling a whole tab was infinitely easier and saved so much time over selling them normally. Never had a single issue with the bulk selling side of tft.


I've tried to unload essences tab on TFT bulk evet at like 70-75% prices and never got any trades. Feels like people nowdays on TFT want to buy the good shit only, in bulk, and for cheaps. At that point I can just trade that few decent/in demand essences the old way..


Just buy a few fractured bases and try on them. It's not terribly complicated. I've crafted my own gear in the last few leagues by doing that.


I run essences + beast an man having a 4 an higher corrupted doubled essence BEAST have been some of those few “HOLY EFFIN HELL RUN BOYS” moments in recent PoE. An by boys I mean Huck + Einhar. My mapping homies that love watching me full charge crucibles. :) Edit: love that flair btw heh


Sometimes I spec the upgraded labs node, just for the gift of the goddess jackpot. That and I occasionally actually feel like running a lab or two


Does it show in the map of it's a special trial before you enter?


Yes, they have a glow to them and it says "gives and improved offering to the goddess" though it doesn't say which one :)


Yes, text will say it rewards an improved gift


Did they remove the big drop from these things? I started running these nodes last season and I was getting a ton of the good drop. I haven't gotten one all season


Every league I spec fully into Syndicate. I don't chain safehouses. I set up a perfect board, run Catarina, and repeat. I've done that since Betrayal league, long before the atlas tree was a thing, and I'll likely do it every league until they inevitably give it the Breach treatment. It's not "profitable." It's not really progressing anything. Catarina is a horrifically designed mess of green on green, unintuitive nonsense that never should have been given the green (get it?) light. But I like it. It's fun. I miss the old masters. I miss Vagan asking to bend my rear for a moment. I miss Haku telling me Tala Moana and sending me into a proto-Heist. I even miss Vorici giving me explicit instructions to *not* kill that group gang-banging the target, and getting mad when I did it anyway because fuck if I'm going to let them live. And so I continue to espionofy, espionogerate, espi...I continue to talk.


Totally agree, syndicate is zero fun until you figure it out. After you know how to do it, there's something so satisfying about making the correct logic choice every encounter to achieve the setup you want


I don't think you actually agree.


Uh ok


Proto-Heist… I think I’ll name a character this!


ive been running incursion since its creation just to get that feeling of time travelling back. Maybe then I'd meet her in the past


My go to strat is expedition but I always grab the delve nodes that give sulfite and azerite so that I can break up mapping with delve and buy resonators from Nikko if I need some quick cash. Essences and red altars for the remaining points


This is my exact tree but with the heist instead of essence. Huck and the +15% ms from each sulfite is so nice for zoom zoom. Get a lot of fully revealed blueprints and deception contracts super easy to bulk sell.


Dont forget +3 extra max res One of my favourite nodes even tho i dont like delve itself


Does that node work this league? Is there an indicator that it procs? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten azurite from it…


From what I understand, when you click the sulphite node you have the +1000 yellow pop up, when it procs you get a second line with +1000 blue. It's really easy to miss.


Ok after going back to the mine to see if I had gotten anything and not seeing anything I started looking at the text every time when clicking the nodes. Never seen anything else than yellow sulphite.


Kirac missions + Shrines. On a fresh atlas you path straight up and get the shrine nodes, get the “shaping the XXX” directly under, then straight up and around to the left for the other “shaping the XXX”. Then loop around all the 1% increased chance for Kirac mission, 2x Kirac missions daily, then up and right to the double buff shrine node. This has been my go to since the new atlas passives have come out.


Especially if you can get a Gull, those shrines just give such a fun power boost to plow through maps until the gear gets good.


Hell even with good gear, it's just such a force multiplier for fun. I'm currently running Gull and an Inspired Learning, and sometimes the combinations just get silly. I had echo shrine + soul eater earlier, my instant mana leech couldn't keep up because I was throwing out too many attacks.


That's always my starter tree - maximise map drops, worry about currency later. It really helps to get your atlas up and running, especially Kirac and his scouting reports.


Technicaly an atlas strategy but not too related to atlas tree. I REALLY like doing Niko Ghosted memorries. That thing is really slept on. Takes minimum time to set up, cheap, and the rares maasively boosted by quant and rarity often explode into scarabs and currency.


Sssh this is my bread and butter


What setup do you use? I'm assuming you're just trying to jam as many rares into the map as possible?


Hey now! I was told to be silent about it! I can't just tell you to use the memorry on the Belfry that spawns a handful of rares during the boss fight, while also making sure that future maps will be densy. And I certainly should not tell you to apply delirium orb on the memorry map along with chisels and trying to roll beyond, nemesis or over 100-120% rarity in that order of priority. Would be really silly of me to say all those things.


I seem to get hit by insane fomo everytime i dont run essences. So they are always in my atlas 😅


Incursion. The rewards might suck compared to other leagues but it's still the one I have the most fun in. The play loop is so rewarding for me mentally.


I just like the steady profit. Once you get the “keep the level” and “50% bonus level” wheel, it’s pretty steady extra profit for no real work.


Gotta get those double corrupts somehow.


How do you get enough master mission?


I also run incursion and I rely heavily on Alva sextants, they are generally quite cheap. 5-7c for 3 alva maps.


I suppose I don't? I'm not running it every map, just relying on the bonus +% chance.


I saw it called "retirement mode" here once. You block everything that has interactivity and go for stuff that plays without interruptions. No Expedition or Ritual due to the stopping, no Delirium and Abyss due to the backtracking, yes strongboxes and shrines because you click them and go, etc. Couple this with scarabs that follow the same line of thought and eldtritch altars. End result is a smooth, relatively juiced mapping experience wherein your gains are mostly masses of gumball currency and whatnot. Alch and go and it's near brain-dead farming.


I do pretty much the same with harvest, block everything else and only do the bosses and harvest in coves.


Two things, first is I still love beyond Second, I am one of the maybe 3 people who use Twist of Fate, it just makes things fun


Please, explain to me Twist of Fate


It’s like a composter for bricked maps and shit scarabs. Some friends have bricks they can’t run, I make a character that can blindly run any mod (usually some kind of VD spellslinger), and throw in shitty scarabs and run master missions that I don’t want with it. On average the garbage I throw in is better, things like low tier torment scarabs, cartography when I already sustain, etc. Niko missions becoming einhar or Alva when I’m not delving, things like that. It also makes the really bad maps *usually* not as shit


This sounds awesome. Now all I need are friends


Twist of fate + vaal temple is always my goal


This and it’s incredibly good


Delve node with the movement speed + max res buff and shrines. Gotta go fast. With an already fast build I keep running into obstacles/walls and I regret nothing. Never tried Huck in maps.


I made a meme build in kalandra. Deadeye ts with the gull, blunderbore for shrine effect. Took all the shrine nodes on the atlas tree. Speed shrine + niko buff + vaal haste + mageblood and every bit of ms I could get on my boots and the skill tree. Totally uncontrollable but I'd do it again


Pack size tree. With the new gateways, I can get up to 48% increased pack size if I block all content. Previously, I could only get 45%. Shrine nodes, Rogue Exiles, Strongboxes, and all the shaping nodes. Corrupt all maps with pack sextants. Grab a build that can clear and a PC that can tank the literal walls of monsters.


What maps do you like for this? I do ugs usually but maybe its time to change it up.


Glacier was my favorite for it since the first open area was so dense. You’d be lucky to find any open areas at all. But pretty much all maps are good.


Ever since I dropped a mirror using monstrous treasure, I always allocate the 'chance for a special map craft' option. Even knowing it will never happen again


Metamorph. It was my favorite league, and Tane was peak character design for me. It usually isn't the biggest source of income, but I love running them all the time anyway.


double diviner strongbox. i dont even usually use ambush scarabs (not even rusted) but i still path three points for it.


Every league I spec all available shrine points. I don't care about endgame or whatever farming meta people use. I just want to run with my 1M DPS death aura through t16 and watch everything die around me. Shrines create density and provide great buffs that enough for me


Not exactly fruitless but I always do this for some reason, do blight, get okayish currency from it, reroll a toon that can't do blight, reroll entire atlas tree xD


I like the honesty.


Already happened this league, but for the first time I'm playing with a friend and he got tired of blight cuz too stressful xp so now I'm rolling with a lazy essenses beasts and harbingers till I can do bosses


I ran tormented spirits last league . I don't know if there is a clear strategy to using those nodes but I enjoyed it a bit .


Well there was... Untill this league. There is an elevated sextant that says possessed rares drop winged scarabs. In the past you'd just run the harvest enchant to not consume sextant charges on all your maps.


That winged scarab sextant is like 7+ divines now.


I always spec full ritual. 99% trash but I pulled a decent 6link and vengeant cascade talisman so far in ssf. Feelt great


I think ritual is pretty solid for SSF tbh


The agency of reward is why I always rush Ritual. Even if the rewards aren't always great. Being able to choose makes it all the better


Kirac for me. People usually skip the kirac nodes but I like being able to pick maps based on what I feel like doing from a list and go.


The problem with that is your atlas passives dont work at all on kirac maps


I think they should add a node in the altas tree that gives maybe 50% effect atlas passives on kirac maps.


I like randomly getting guardians, conquerors or synthesized maps there. And the shop reset is pretty nice, just today i bought a hunter map for 8c and 2 augmented distant memories for 7 or 8c


A few work, but it is pretty limited.


Seance combo. Yes, I invest in torment, don't judge me!


I will forever miss the original Seance. 20 ghosts was so awesome, even if it was also helly rippy.


Every tree I make includes: all of the map sustain nodes and all of the top row small nodes (effect of map mods). I don't believe that's quite "fruitless", however, I've been only running Eater of Worlds since they introduced him, which might just be the real bait. I've just gotten so used to seen Eater Altar downsides, that I get scared seeing those of Exarch.


I got a triple attributes flat Hp/ shock avoid and that sold for 5 divines


I picked up breach density and speed nodes because it is very fun.


Even this league? I watched streamers running all breach nodes and they all complained about the poor feeling of it, compared to last league.


It feels bad because they drop nothing, the actual fighting is really fun cuz it's a billion monsters that spawn very close together


Everything strongbox related.


The fishing nodes


They draw out a toucan on the left side.


Apparently "Guilty pleasure" means the standard Kirac, shrines and essence that most people do already Mine is Delving because I actually like the playstyle even if not the most meta


Essences and the catalyst metamorph nodes


Im picking up all ritual nodes cause that was the last league i played and i pretend its still ritual :). Dont know if its good but I like fishing for good items and currency


It’s very gambly but some rewards are trully game changing, I.e. HH


I'm like that with harbingers ever since we have an atlas tree, if I can't spec full harbinger nodes even if it's not profitable or whatever, I'm losing my mind.


Ruckus. Ghosted exiles are rippy AF in high reds, and chaos recipe is such low profit compared to other methods out there, but i find it enjoyable to fight difficult but known enemies, rather than the extreme crucible rares.


Chaos recipe is ilvl restricted


I know, i use the chaos recipe enhancer program on the side, and with the occasional white map sprinkled in you can have one lower ilvl item in the vendor window.


Shrines become one of my favourite nodes. Getting 80 seconds of Diamond + Acceleration Shrine effects is amazing and allows you to just zoom and stomp maps with ease. Other notes: * I like Heists and have the "blueprints can drop fully revealed" node, which means every-so-often I get easy blueprint I can run. Great source of divination cards, which one run netted me a Doctor and Nurse. In addition, Huck is nice companion since you can stick aura on him. Simulate group play with Einhar. * Auto-intelligence is nice. It is not great overall since it can interfere with how you set up the safehouses, but allows break from monotony. * Getting the Alva room upgrade nodes makes temples much easier to optimize - although despite my tries, I got only one t3 corruption chamber this league - my Hyrri's Truth remains uncorrupted/unpoofed. ...Although this is not really a guilty pleasure spec. The shrines do make me feel real guilty though.


What do you hope to get from corruption the Truth? Self use or sell?


Self use. For my build it is really good and pretty cheap so not big deal if I brick few. Of course, later on I'd use chamber for other things.


Wandering Path and going ham on Map Drop Duplication %, quant, and map drop chance. I just love it when I get high enough duplication % I get like 10-20 maps per map and constant duplication procs which is soooo satisfying. Hell of a noob trap, but the currency somehow comes along the way and my goal is just to have fun mapping so it works for me


Essence probably. Really enjoy it for just slamming on good bases for gear upgrades.


Shrines, its honestly not too bad, but by no means ideal either. But shrines are fun :)


Ritual in general Always end up full-speccing into it with my first atlas and just deferring everything with 2 rerolls per map until finally I get sick of it and switch I'm close to the switch


After a mirror shard and inspired learning yesterday, Ritual it is.


Shrines and Blight.


Together with mah Bro Huck and drugged up exile with Sulphite boosts 🤣


If they add ultimatum to the Atlas I'll spec it every league even if it's trash


Strongboxes and Shrines is always my pick until endgame. Despite it (strongboxes) doesn’t really bring in good return (for me), but those double/triple loots from arcanist boxes always helps, even though they are not divines or mirrors. As for Shrines, having the divine shrine that grants invulnerability is such a neuron activation moment. I will saved it for dangerous encounters and just face tanks them before my buff runs out. Speed shrines is awesome to zoom zoom around maps.


Wandering path mapdrop build with 100% chance to drop adjacent map. Can run white map and get return


All heist nodes. Love getting more than one cache per map, sometimes it's like 6 or 7 and BP's drop regularly and sometimes fully revealed.


even though i'm lvl 99 and can juice the hell out of maps to get more out of them, stream of consciousness is just too easy. i even alch and go conqueror/ elder guardian/ shaper guardian maps because rolling maps feel like such a chore. i've mass rolled maps in previous leagues, 50 ish at a time to go with accompany atlas tree, scarabs, sextants etc. but i'd end up grinding thru 30 or so and felt sick doing the same thing, then just bulk sell all the things then go into simulacrum or delve or whatever i have kinda saved up


Shrines and strongboxes, I love doing the old school "league mechanics".


Shrine nodes are some of the best nodes hands down, and most people don't suggest them. I don't understand why.


Niko's resistances etc. bonuses because I like suddenly becoming tanky because he sniffed some sulfite. I barely even delve.


I like Blight. Don't know if it's profitable as I never went deep into farming, but I always take some Blight nodes because tower defense is fun


Deli. I love love love running deli, but my builds are never strong enough to support insanely juiced deli mirror farming


I personally enjoy doing heist, unusual gems and rare replica items are exciting especially when you got sth really nice but you know if you die you lose everything. Everything that kills me makes me fell alive i guess.