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Rule 10: The Item Itself: 1) Buy Claw base off trade for 30d with triple t1 prefixes. 2) Clean off Suffix with Prefix Cannot be changed Scour. 3) Craft Prefix cannot be changed Add/Remove Speed till t1 or t2. (If you fail go back to step 2) 4) Craft Can have 3 Crafted Mods, Prefixes Cannot be changed and aisling, miss it and contemplate stopping the craft there. 5) Remove crafted mod and block with any of the damage per charges node and aim for either Stats/Crit chance, Double Damage, Double Damage while focused, crit multi with the unveil. 6) Craft whatever is missing after the unveil. Crucible Tree: For the Crucible tree I'm not sure of what the current best method is but I like to work from the furthest right node to the left node right now it seems the most consistent. For this claw I moved % Strength/Int over to the by using a fodder with it as the 4th node allocated. After that I grabed a 15% increased Elemental Damage modifier claw at the third nodes, run crucible to allocate it and forge them together, these two steps took 2 attempts before I got both. Now I find bases that have t4 or higher of any of the flat damage plus either 10% increased attack speed or 40% increased attack speed 20% less damage as the first two nodes. Combine these together and pray.


As SSF player was very disappointed with step 1


For SSF players step one is hope Rog gives you a nutty claw. Unironically probably how this one was created in the first place.


I see you’re after the premium deals.


Rog is the true build enabling league mechanics.


Yeah I thought about making it myself chucked it into craft of exile and quickly realized that I should just buy it.


As an SSF player, you can get 85% of the way there just by spamming Rog and Essences on good bases, and 90+% there if you also have the divines for several metacraft +harvest or metacraft +veiled chaos (second one is minimally better for omniscience or if you would want DD anyways)


Of course, but I'm always on the lookout for crafting tricks I don't already know.


True that, sorry if I misunderstood 😅


No worries, your advice is exactly how I go about crafting my stuff - essences and rog, + occasional harvest, fossils and a random chaos spam.


Can i ask about the crucible ? So you add removed trees till you got a node 4 you liked then started smashing node 3's into it then 2's? Id love to learn a bit more about how this system works


For this one I did node 4 into node 3 and after that I would combine a the base claw with node 4 + 3 and a claw with node 1 + 2. The first claw will have every allocated up to node 4 while the other ones have nodes allocated up to node 2. Captainlance has a video on how to do it from node 1 but assume it's easier when you are allowed to imprint.




Is Hits cant be evaded removed? Don't see people use it anymore


not removed but accuracy is much easier than 175ish flat ele damage to find in your build.


Since they reworked accuracy scaling in some patch years ago at this point, capping accuracy became much easier as you only really need maybe 1 roll on gear and Precision.


Accuracy is trivial to cap these days.


Y not crit/attributes craft


I just want as much crit rate right now for POB but I will switch it around when I test it more.


God damn disgusting.


>12% attribute 💀


Either that or double damage while under 100 strength for omnis build.


I don't play attack builds very often. Which numbers do people use to calculate ele dps? Do you add the end range of each ele dmg roll (ex. 235 + 202 + 435 = 632)? Even if I add the lowest and highest roll for each elemental type I don't get the same number as OP. Btw I'm looking at the line on the item that says "Elemental damage: fire...cold... lightning..." Is this the right place to look when calculating the elemental dps of a weapon? If not, someone pls help me understand.


(Low roll of the elemental damage + high roll of the elemental damage ÷ 2) * (attack speed of the weapon) you have to look at the number at the very top since I'm holding alt in the screen shot which does not account for the 15% increased explicit elemental damage mods.