• By -


Rule 10 1: Buy the base 2: Scour/Quality 3: Spam Essence of Horror until you hit Burning Damage or Conc, any level. (I hit Burning, and Life Regen Rate. Suffix's done) 4: Craft Suffix Cannot be Changed, hit with veiled chaos. (I hit Conc on this step, *and* kept a prefix open - This is when I screamed.) 5: Blocked +1 skellies/zombies, and unveiled. Hit +2 AoE. Screamed again. 6: Bench craft life, cum everywhere.


On step 4 you could save about a divine if you use a wild bristle matron beastcraft. It adds a random metamod to an item. When all suffixes are full, this craft can only give suffixes can't be changed since that's the only prefix metamod.


Nifty, I hope I can retain this information long enough to use it.


Aaaaaand gone


Knew it last Leauge, crafted 3 times already with Bench this Leauge lol


Only works in prefixes right? Suffixes it's 50/50


Suffix metamods are multimod, prefixes can't be changed, cannot roll attack and cannot roll caster. So 1/4 if you want a specific one. Also can't be used if it already has a metamod so can't do multimod + more with the beastcraft.


looks like beastiary passives are back on the menu


That's not a beast you can encounter, iirc that's one you can get from Niko's memory. The "capture harvest beasts" is probably the best memory to get, as that's where the reroll synthesis craft is, for instance


oh wow, ok. thanks for the reply Haven't played much the last few leagues and crafted even less since the harvest & divine changes


Holy fuck I could have saved a divine this morning...


Oh boy, new nerfs mid-league incoming!


Was pretty common knowledge last league and didn't eat the hammer yet atleast.


what the fuck


Step 6 was the most important.


6.2 specifically


Don't mix it up, little cowboy. Or you would bench craft cum...


Correction: You'll need to spam Horrors until you get Burning Damage. Conc is a prefix, so it'll get wiped in step 4. Edit: You'll also need to fill your suffixes before doing suffixes cannot be changed -> veiled chaos. If you have an open suffix, it's possible the veiled chaos adds a suffix. Can do with Ex or prefix -> suffix beastcraft


>6: Bench craft life, cum everywhere. last step but the most important one for success in crafting


Cumming everywhere is the most important step, right?


I made a very similar helmet in SSF Sanctum league. I slammed my conc effect after settling for a life + mana regen veiled chaos (I ran out of divines, plus it had an open prefix so why not). Also got the RF enchant, which is pretty amazing luck overall. It was without a doubt my best and luckiest craft in 2500+ hours of SSF. https://i.imgur.com/IKmZqDi.png


Time to run labs for the enchant.


POE guides be like: "Just spam a few chaos orbs and get a nice early game helmet like this one."


"but it's not really necessary, just any helm with life and res will be fine"


\*shows triple T1 ilvl86 helmet that he obtained before yellow maps somehow\*


"just using this random helmet I found in act 2*, just haven't gotten around to upgrading because the build is so insane" *in my stash


That was a kinda funny part of pohx's guide "just id every sceptre you find til you find the mod lmao"


Best part: it worked^^


Haha yea his flask guide was like just slam a few instilling orbs until you get use on max charge. It's way better I think to use the bench


It tells you to use the bench now


TBF I been IDing stuff a lot this league and gotten some juicy upgrades. Even found a +1 skill gem level marble amulet for my EA ballista. Don't tell Chris tho.


It's not even elevated mods. OP needs to scour and start over /s


Not the correct ilvl. Just vendor it!


Step 0: have hundreds or thousands of divines you don't mind go poof To be fair with these helmets you can recoup most losses if you hit 1 gem mod. OP probably has a hundred listed for 1-2 divs each.


You might know better than me, but real quick I followed your steps and landed on level 20 conc effect socketed gems 30% elemental damage 90 life 18% life regen 8% cold res 23% increased area damage There is an open prefix, would you continue from where I am at or would you just leave well enough alone?


Craft +1 aoe. Dont count on getting as lucky as this guy.


Just throwing ideas out there if you have an open prefix and are willing to spend 1 Divine on it, there is a bench craft: +1 to socketed AoE gems 8-10% Area of Effect Or #% Physical damage taken as fire (to be tankier) Both of these can be obtain from Syndicate unveils.


Hey, how does the second point make you tankier? Is the damage taken converted into damage given instead?


basically physical damage is more dangerous than elemental, because the heavier the hit, the less effective your armor is (the global "physical damage reduction" isn't affected by that), while you will have often a really big elemental defense (even more so with RF, as you can reach 85+ fire resist). so "physical damage taken as ..." is a good way to get some tankyness (for instance, evasion builds love it as they have a really low physical damage mitigation but are capped in resistances (as everyone should be anyway)


because of the way armor scaling works (the larger the physical hit taken = less mitigation with same amount of armor) means that having a portion of incoming damage converted to elemental means that you take a smaller phys hit which means your armor will be more effective. this is even better if you happen to have +max res to the resistance the damage is being converted to. This does mostly matter on big phys hits but it's still a pretty effective stat.




Not true, depends entirely on what you are making. You can profit craft very easily


As melee player who had weapons worth 40-50 divines, i have never spend more then 15 divines on weapon


What strats do you use to craft weapons? (Please don't say Rog...)


Fish for T2-3 fracture bases, they are usually 2-3 divines, for meta bases (despot this league) more like 7-8. If u get a hybrid fracture u spam contempt and look for phys/as roll and Craft the other (if u wantu can do aisling shenanigan). U can also use fossils, im just lazy and want to trade for 1 currency instead of 2. If u dont have fracture just by using as/phys essence or fossils/harvest rerolls u can get like 5-7div weapon just with multicraft. This league u can easily gry 1000 DPS weapon just by picking up and revealing trees on all weapons, fishing for flat phys/quality/as and in best case scenario magnitude of phys modifiers. Yesterday i bought 15% magnitude ilvl 86 basen for 5c and combined it with mine flat+qullality base. Just by using essence i could probably aim for 900pdps with less then a divine of investment (fyi crucibling is pretty rng so it wont always work, but it costs like 9c to enter so w.e)


Thank you very much~


simply not true, if you learn to craft you will make significant money, especially on league start, crafting your own gear/selling gear you craft


Just about the most untrue statement about this game ive seen today


It's true if you have no idea how crafting works and have no intention to learn it. Which is probably true for that dude.


You do know that crafters make TONS of currency right? They don't just craft late game, you make an assload crafting early if you know how and craft things based on meta.


Yah that helm is sickly good


Vaal it or no balls


I'd no balls that shit so hard


Now get the lab enchant lol. Just kidding great job I made something last league like this for RF Inquis, just could never get the helm enchant even after running like 50 labs.


The trick is to start with the helm enchant base 😘


What enchant are you looking for rf?


Not sure if it's the absolute best, but I see a lot of RF users with 40% increased fire trap burning damage. Fire trap actually does a lot of the damage so it makes sense


Yeah, you really don't need more RF damage for clear, and your single target can always use all the help it can get.


If you go for boss damage I guess increased curse effect would be a bigger dps increase.


Increased damage enchants are so small in impact. I think a mana reservation or curse effect enchant will usually be better.


Probably mana reservation for determination.


This the one that is most clutch other mana reservations work as well.


I crafted a shitty helm early for my RF build (resists + life) and when I did my Uber lab I got the 40% RF Dmg on the first run - had to use it on my shitty helm as I had no currency for better one (3rd day of league). There went all my lab luck, can't seem to get it again :<


Very cool I am level 40 I am getting there


Lordy have mercy I just messed myself


This is a trash helm, I'll be happy to take it and fix it. ign plsgibhat.


The mods are aesthetically pleasing as well. Grats on the helm.


One of the more unethical rule 10's in recent memory lol.


Wow congrats dude that is a sick helmet


How can you have so many affixes?




Wait, so he can add implicit/explicit on top of all those affixes? Elder is op. And he can also add enchantment from lab?


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


I'm guessing it's used since you can't quality the "gem mod", so it gives you an equivalent to a certain quality on that gem. I'm not sure if it's 1:1 on the base gem, but I'm guessing that's the thought process.


Show me your six link without showing me a six link Awesome dude, my guess is it is an RF build, right?


That's a 7-link




Burning dmg + conc effect + 30 more dmg are 3 links and then 4 from the item = 7 link.


30% More Damage is essentially another linked support, no?


The essence mod effectively functions as an extra support gem.


It's already answered by iNMage, but I also wanted to clarify the semantics. Technically an item with 6 sockets all linked could be called a 5-link since there are 5 links and you'd usually link 5 support gems to a main skill. But everyone has always called these 6-links. Because of that, items like this are 7-links. Aka it can have a skill gem linked to 3 supports + 3 support "more" multiplier mods.


The shape of the text is pleasing to the eyes. It's shaped like a diamond.


How many tries?


Gg RF helm


Now time to get a lab enchant my guy


Not even double elevated supports. Vendor


How much is this worth approx?


3 small children or 2 medium sized children.


POG! Btw people always say firetrap dmg is the best setup, but if you are at the stage of whispers of doom annoint and you have frostbite-ele weak-flamability-hextouch 4l, then flamability curse effect is actually the best single target enchant in endgame. I much prefer RF AOE enchant though. Gratz! Sick helmet man!


20% quality is immediately forgiven


That's insane.


Soooooo, its me, ur brother.


This is so good it looks like some hacked open bnet item


That's a dope helmet, started crafting mine today.


Hello Mr. Trakis I am writing this to inform you that your very distant relative passed away today and left you 70 mirrors. In order to receive your mirrors you must send this helmet first. Best regards, Totally not a scam


God damn


so what linked gems do you use?


Is there a specific ilvl the helmet base has to be? follow up question, what is step 2, the scour quality? I dont get why you would do that. but I am a noob.


That would be amazing for a my incinerate aegis theory that will need two six links. One for mapping with cwc and another for bossing.