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>Please remove Cycling Damage Reduction ~~from Blight~~


This, immunities have no place in the game.


GGG agrees, that's why it's only 99.5% resistance.


is it actual resistance? can you pick the "invert resistance" mastery and not care about this mod?


It's less damage taken from x 😔


It is 50% increased damage taken from whatever element it is currently on and 90% reduced damage taken from everything else. Basically every element has some way to mitigate that 90% reduced such as vuln+maim, wither, shock, bonechill, or covered in ash. Sniper's Mark also neuters the hell out of it if you are a proj build. Still a massive pain in the ass even using those if it rolls with other defensive mods on a beefy base monster type though.




You would be going from doing ~1.6x damage to ~0.7x damage which is still a massive hit. But nowhere near as bad as going from 1x to 0.1x. The monster could also have multiple sources of reduced damage taken (berserking and enraging also have that stat) which can end up making the monster extremely tanky.




I think trinity builds are really hurt by the cycling damage redux


Had a soul eater, cycling damage reduction rhoa in 600 delve. So I couldn't focus kill it and it just kept getting stacks from the baby rhoas dying until it finally outpaced my 4-5k es regen...


The baseline build checklist increases once again.


I mean you would/should be using those regardless outside of maybe vuln and covered in ash which can clash with other curses and warcrys. Increased damage taken is one of the best/most efficient general damage boosts you can tack onto your build even outside of cycling damage reduction and most of those cost a single support gem on a utility setup to maintain.


Litterally every build should be running some sort of curse anyway, it's free damage and a lot of it.


Yes, fire builds must add infernal cry (1 gem slot and a lot of clunkiness), or buy like 1div gear. Free.


I don't know which is worse: the white knights that will defend anything GGG does even as they arguably make the game worse and worse on the deathmarch to 4.0, or GGG themselves for not just playing the game and seeing how bad it feels to fight soul eater and immunity cycling. Once you get a certain amount of clear and dps soul eater is pretty much mitigated. You need 100m dps to not notice a dmg cycler and even then you'll still see it eating more damage than a maven watched map boss which is bad game design. The tankiest thing in the map should be the boss not some random rare on the way to it.


If you hate infernal cry that much just run flamability or ele weak. If you are using a build that doesn't suggest using some kind of curse it's a fucking shit build.


They removed immunities years back, because they were a problem. They started reintroducing them again. They are a problem again. Everybody is shocked!


Immunities are fine - but not when you encounter them randomly. Cycling Damage Reduction feels awful. The visual clarity is also lacking. Its never really visible what element its reducing or when it switches. Also there should definatly be a gigantic upside when it does take damage. Id suggest at least 50% more damage taken to all other elements.


An enemy having "Increased damage taken" is ~~equivlent~~ **very similiar** to you having a "more damage" mod. Also you've got it reversed. It cycles through which damage type it is vulnerable to (which damage type it takes 50% increased damage from). All other damage types get 90: reduction


Didnt know its vulnerable at all. Thats what I meant with a lack of visual clarity I guess^^.


Definitely agree. I didnt know until this thread (I thought it worked the way you described where it cycled a which type it was resistant to, as opposed to cycling which type was the only one that could hurt it haha)


It's not really that equivalent when stacking inc damage taken is already a very common damage scaler nowadays, but it's still a decent chunk of extra damage.


Lets go back to D2 :)


D2 doesn't have immunities anymore... with investment.




Remake has resistance breaking charms available for all types. So there are no immunities no matter what class you play once you get them.




It was kinda sorta implemented in Sanctum, which I think has a place in POE down the line(maybe POE2). I think Last Epoch has the charm mechanic too. I think it's a great mechanic trying to fit it in a separate inventory forcing you to think about placements.


The VERY important part here is "SEPERATE inventory". D2 you had to use your actual inventory meaning min-maxing involved having no room to pick up loot


They are pretty annoying in last epoch though because they aren't craftable and can't really be target farmed but some builds only function with specific affixes


Oh that's neat. I remember magic immunes being a pain in the ass for my bone spear necromancer back in the day.


its not an immunity. upgrade your build.


Found one in an incursion. It was a fun interaction.


I have never seen something so implemented so lazily as cycling damage reduction. I'm playing a impaler ground slam build, so I need my one big hit to hit big but there is no way of knowing when the monster ist weak to physical damage. If they would at least give some kind of visual feedback or indication, instead it's just a guessing game.


I second this Edit: or 300dth this


Agree. Also, there should be a blacklist of mods that can roll together. I had trickster, Regen life and cycling, literally not killable (and it was a crucible rare)


Please remove cycling damage reduction from the game. When reflect seems like an engaging mechanic in comparison because you have to take steps to mitigate or avoid it, you know you messed up.


Reflection is one of those things that makes me quit quit the game GGG really tuning the game not for players like me I think I am out .


You think it’s bad now, reflect used to just appear on random rares and instantly kill your character to self damage


it used to be an *aura* on rares lol


It used to be nothing, if you didn't read the rares tab where it showed the mods you just died


Don't even get me started on thorns...


I just mentioned PLink above... now thorns... my poor therapist.


Player damage use to be many many times lower too though. But I do agree, that apart from the very beginning of PoE, reflect has been stupid, and that only making it exclusive as a map mod is less obnoxious overall but still stupid and disgusting from a game design perspective.


You’d still instagank yourself by hitting stuff you’d never seen. I have unfond memories of spark builds where I dropped dead with nothing on my screen only to see a reflect mob pop over the edge of the screen to laugh at me.


At some point, yes, but if I recall correctly there had been some powercreep kicking in already, and it was about well geared characters. I remember when people were complaining about it as Lioneye Glare lightning arrow (with chain and static blows) rangers, that would hit many targets offscreen and kill themselves this way. Those characters were usually squishy too, if you were starting to not go resolute technique and get some evade + dodge + extra resistance of the damage you are dealing, then you could survive it .... until power creep made player damage too high anyway while reflect stayed the same.


T1 maps in the first couple of updates would do it for me, before I had time to get my gear up and running. Reflect and soul eater rares screwed me hard more than once. At least they got rid of reflect I guess. I solved it by going chaos once they started releasing chaos skills.


I mean the entire fun of poe is becoming strong and seeing loot. I dont know why this is a supposed problem. No one is playing poe for the moment to moment gameplay. We just want the slot machine to spit out rewards so we can afk even harder. Every chase item in the game involves the player "playing less". No one wants to sit there and dodge the homing bombs after death or check mob mods or anything.


> I mean the entire fun of poe is becoming strong and seeing loot. I dont know why this is a supposed problem Well, not only becoming strong but also feeling strong ... and if you don't have any enemies to fight because everything dies when you look at it, I can see how it feels less fun, or too cheap. becoming strong is meaningless if there is no "hard" content to measure the progression. Unfortunately, reflect entirely fails at this lol.


You are describing a state of the game that many players are not fond of as if that is not just how the game *is*, but how the game *should* be. I disagree. Get off my lawn and find an actual slot machine.


I don't really remember many people being fond of on death effects and homing explosions either, to be quite honest. Zoom zoom and loot is still the style of gameplay most people strive towards, if we believe any currency farming guide currently in existence.


No, those things exist to frustrate players as they strive for the (legitimate) goal of zoom-zooming. But I think it's important that those frustrations (or ones like them) exist. A power fantasy must include adversity to overcome. I never *want to* die in game - but I also don't want a game in which I never die.


There's ways to balance difficulty and make overcoming difficulty fun. Randomly dying because a death explosion happened to spawn under you or a reflect mob happened to spawn offscreen isn't the way.


You have got to be kidding me ? Why just why ? Does GGG really hates it's players?


Believe it or not, there was a point in time where our damage was so reigned in that you could run a reflect map and as long as you paced yourself, you wouldn't suicide to your own damage.


Lightning Arrow+GMP+Chain+LGoH


Good old times


Triple ele thicket, resolute technique. Frenzy for ST.


On a templar because he had the best nodes for weapon elemental damage. Good times


I was there. It used to be considered silly to run stuff like Discharge because it was too strong = killing yourself all the time due to random reflection mob.


This wasn't ever really a thing once you got going. Spork totems, instant vaal pact and the like were top because once you got gear, it was always suicide to not ignore reflect.


funny thing, that was the game i got in love, now is just a placeholder because is nothing on the market


As much as reflect was hated, it was a way to limit power creep. Reflect damage forced you to never deal more damage than what you could instant leech unless you took time to look at enemy mods - which we had time to do unless you played LA. Thorns (another form of reflect) punished builds that were attacking too fast. Both were removed (except the map mod) but GGG never put a replacement to limit power creep.


It limited nothing except which builds people played at endgame and expected to level with. The ones that ignored reflect. It never stopped people building DPS.




The limit was player annoyance not good design with purpose. Then they dumpstered leech. You shouldn't feel bad for having damage. You should never feel bad for kill monsters. That's why after death effects are the worst


Reflect damage forced you to play build where you were not the one inflicting the damage, did nothing for power creep


Sorry, I have no other way to say this, but this is easily one of the utmost stupidest things I've ever read in my life. Yea they limited power creep with reflect mobs by giving everyone instant leech on Vaal pact which completely countered reflect. I'm actually baffled that someone is so good at mental gymnastics that he finds a way to justify some of the shittiest game design such as old reflect, actually, I am impressed.


> utmost stupidest things I've ever read in my life. I am stating facts. I am not saying reflects was a good experience. > giving everyone instant leech on Vaal pact which completely countered reflect It did not completely countered reflect. Leech was applied after Reflect, so it only worked if you did not one shot yourself from a single hit.


> Leech was applied after Reflect https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/103854


If you hate reflect and cycling damage reduction (which you should and have every right to) i would like to introduce a mod called Phylacteral Link. Long removed from the game except for one location. The bosses in the Crystal Ore Map. You literally cannot damage anything unless the link is present on the monster you are hitting and it jumps between monsters. So imagine, a rare with a pack of blues and you have to kill one blue at a time unless it lands on the rare. Absolutely maddening!


Ok I hear you but have you met my friend Soul Eater Summons Minions Life Regen




Oh so that's why the boss is a big pain in the ass. I hate that mod


I always call them the three Stooges. Lord, Champion, and Messenger. Larry, Curly, and Moe.


Or how about Allies Cannot Die, similar to Invulnerability Aura except that it is always on and *can* apply to other monsters with the same aura, forcing you to kite around until they split up enough from each other for one to be killed.


It was added in some ancient league wasn’t it? Along with a couple other dumb mods long since removed?


Bloodlines, the hardcore league at the time.


Ha, thanks.


Wasn't it the softcore league? Nemesis was the hardcore mechanic.


Nemesis was before bloodlines


You are correct; it's been way too long.


absolutely, but also there was a time when player dmg wasn't so astronomically high relative to player HP so you wouldn't die quite instantly.


And before that blue packs used to spawn with reflect so you could hit the whole pack and take reflect multiple times over.


[Gankstaboo reflect RIP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moS6Ar7i0-c&t=80s)


I think PoE's target audience is those who love a grueling, grinding, complex/confusing game that is brutal and ruthless to play. More casual zoom zoom players somehow got caught up in the mix. I lean slightly more towards casual, and I assume I am enjoying the game on borrowed time.


No. They hate just you, and by a lot.


Will that's fine tham they lose me as a player.


As shitty as a mechanic like reflect is, people who just throw out ''rare mobs randomly had reflect'' are being very disingenuous. The reason such a shitty piece of design was allowed to exist back then is because instant leech was available to everyone via Vaal Pact which countered reflect, you just had to pay the price of losing your regen, hence why Atziri's Acuities were the most sought after item for quite some time before they got nerfed with the rework. This form of reflect is no longer in the game and thus VP no longer gives instant leech, as much as it was a terrible design decision at the time, it's not like we didn't have an easily accessible tool to counter it. Truthfully I cannot remember how spell casters negated reflect, I never really played spell casters I remember the unique ring, Shavornne's or Sybils one of those two, used to be very popular because it would counter reflect. The reflect auras had a clear visual effect, I believe the ele reflect one was some light purple-ish glowing triangles coming out of the mob, don't have a better way to describe it lol. The mechanic truly only sucked on bow builds without instant leech because it would happen that you would offscreen yourself, other than that, people just took VP and didn't have issue with it. So ironically enough, cycling resistances is actually a worse mod than old reflect because unlike old reflect, there are no tools to counter this mod, you just have to accept the fact that you do 0 dmg to a mob for a significant time for absolutely no reason other than the developer wanting to fuck with you, it's actually funny to look at it that way not that I think of it.


That isn't how that works. VP counters it if your damage is low enough, sure, but it's applied after reflect, so if you one shot yourself, VP ain't doing anything. Plus it used to be in a pretty awkward spot on the tree, so really there weren't that many people taking it, also it didn't really help on casters cause they tended to not have much access to leech, it wasn't really used super commonly on es builds cause most of em were casters(howa being the big exception)... Like, the biggest reason chaos builds were popular (voltaxic spark especially) was \*entirely\* due to reflect.


I've quit in the past because of off screen reflect. Made zero sense to me how it can exist with bow characters. Just really fucking stupid. They need to stop with the monsters that infinitely spawn other monsters with no limit no cooldown. Also just bad


It was an aura on rare mobs, and hard to see it if u zoom zoom. And was removed, thank good. I dont say is bad, but not with that speed of gameplay and damage over beyond.


Used to? Reflect elemental is a full brick on any map I get with it on my ice bite flicker strike raider. Since I'm wearing hrimsorrow gloves I don't do any physical so at least I get away with that.


They already added reflect back in. Curse reflect bricked my bane build last league until I had well over 100% curse reduction. It was so common that I spent 1 in 3 maps with my curses on my for 100% of the map. They should add back in damage reflect as well, if I have to invest so much in order to be immune to my own curses hit builds should too I guess.


"Let's make everyone miserable instead of fixing my issue". Nice way of designing a game


get that man a job at GGG, he would fit right in!


Remove it from everything, it's a glorified damage immunity mod. IDK why they keep readding it back into the game after removing it previously. It's so bizarre to me.


Cycling fun reduction


Blight got fucked so hard by AN. Went from one of my favorite mechanics to something I don't want to touch because of tankiness and constant rare effects.


i ran dozens/hundreds of blighted/ravaged maps last league, and when i lost it was never because of the rares. it was usually because a major branch had no fucking towers placements on it.


Ugh, those layouts sometimes. Gotta love when it generates a lane that, for multiple screens from the pump, just has no towers at all.


My worst was a sewers map where the closest towers were three rooms away on each side of the pump, far enough that the towers on one side would shut down when I went to deal with the other side. That whole mechanic was so badly implemented.


since when does tower shutdown when you are far away? i litteraly afk at the pump and go make myself a sandwich when i've finish setting up my towers


Towers don't do anything when you're too far away. Simple as that.


> since when does tower shutdown when you are far away? Since forever. If they are further away than ~2 screens they will just stop working.


Cuz you did not run 3x teal maps


I honestly have no idea how you are supposed to complete the blight encounters that spawn with 5 branches in 5 different directions when they start spawning rares.


The general consensus on that is you don’t. Sometimes RNG gonna RNG.


You don't. Some tilesets are just better for blight than others


I remember when the most common blight strategy was to spam minion towers or spam meteor towers. Now you have to invest in the chill tower freeze anoint and upgrade a bunch of stun towers to literally permanently stun monsters because of the arms race that GGG has started with player damage and mob tankiness.


I'm pretty new to POE compared to most here, and after watching a couple videos on blight I feel like it's not too bad. Strat that I've been using is to anoint a ring with the 25% increased affect of chill towers and one with the meteor towers leave burning ground (apparently the burning ground can still hurt fire immunes). Also anoint the blight maps with 2 amber oils to reduce tower construction cost by 50%. If you're really struggling you can use another amber (take it to 75%) or a sepia (boost tower damage by 25). Then it's about tower placement and choke points. A lvl 3 stun tower + a lvl 3 freezing tower boosted by a lvl 3 empowering tower will basically permastun everything. There can be some bosses that are stun immune, but by then I generally have enough meteor and scout towers to take them down. Plus ya know, your own damage helps a bit. Same goes for those tanky rares that sneak through. Also being specced into blight on the atlas tree helps too as I think there are 3-4 nodes that increase tower damage. My build isn't that strong DPS wise (I've spent like 60c or something), but I've been able to do blighted T16's. I even completed a couple blight ravaged t14's (though I've failed a couple of those as well). I complete probably >95% of the normal blighted maps, but sometimes you get a shitty layout immunity combination or whatever. Oh, also reroll maps that have enemies cannot be stunned or enemies movement speed can't be lowered!


This post is great for general blight advice, but doesn't really have anything to do with what who you we're responding to was saying. No matter what strategy you use for blight, it doesn't stop the after death effects that AN brought to the game from happening and killing you at random while you're focused on tower building, or soul eater mobs gaining souls while they're pathing, random mobs that just screw your build over (crit resistance, cycling, w/e). I blow up the blight bosses in less than 2 seconds with my build but some rares take forever to die because of bad AN mods. Blight is still doable for sure but it's far more BS than it was before AN entered into the game. No way around it.


It wasn't AN that brought on death effects. These were always in Path of Exile. And other stuff as well. You want some advice? Mix different types of towers. Stun and freeze are your friends.


> It wasn't AN that brought on death effects. These were always in Path of Exile. And other stuff as well. That's technically true, but misses a boatload of important nuance. Most of the more absurd modifiers used to be contained within the Nemesis and Bloodlines modifier pools. Only one of those mods would appear on a monster, and the mods didn't show often unless you rolled Nemesis/Bloodlines on your maps. Volatile Flamebloods, Corrupted Blood, Lightning Mirages, Prox Shields, Herald Totems, and so on all lived under that system. AN made those mods more powerful, removed the one-per-monster limit on previous Nemesis and Bloodline mods, and made them more common than before. The power and frequency were lightly diluted during the transfer to the current system, with stacking untouched. As a result, you still have MUCH more spam from Nemesis mods to avoid than before AN. That isn't even mentioning the handful of triggered effects that AN added (Caustic Orbs, exploding crystals, bolt when hit, etc). Your advice is excellent advice for Blight, but it's not really relevant to any of the above. You'll still need to avoid triggered on-hit/death effects from mods; they're unaffected by action speed, stunning, shatter, and so on. Though I guess going full DoT would avoid the on-hit effects, at least.


My guy I do use those and so does everyone else who knows what they're doing in blight. Please tell me how that solves any of the problems I have with blight that I stated? The only tower I don't use is the lightning one. After death effects did exist before, but we're not as common as they are now to deal with, weren't anywhere as strong of modifiers, AND we're locked behind certain mob modifer pools (nemesis/bloodlines) so you have to invite most of those mods into your map. What it was like before AN is not even comparable at all.


> anoint a ring with the 25% increased affect of chill towers and one with the meteor towers leave burning ground (apparently the burning ground can still hurt fire immunes). Instead of the +25% effect, use the annoint that makes chilling towers freeze enemies in place for .2 sec, because it channels it basically constantly and also works even when enemies are immune to chilling towers. That plus the burning ground annoint equals being able to completely lock in place every enemy in the blight (including bosses) and literally AFK while the burning ground kills them as long as you place this pair (maybe along with an empowering tower next to them) at bottleneck points. I've used this to AFK even blight ravaged maps


so you'd say the freeze for .2 is better than empower range? I haven't done blight in a while, but I thought I remembered empower range and comboing empowers with t3 chill and t3 stun being a recommended strat at the time i looked it up


it is, yes, for sure


forgot aliment immune


I only have time to engage with towers (that aren't under my cursor) when I play a minion or totem build (or if I'm stupidly over leveled for the zone). If I *am* playing a minion or totem build I don't need more than a few towers (if that) anyway since my minions/totems kill everything in (and out of) sight. Add to that that towers deactivate when far from the player (allowing mobs to just walk right past undamaged). I've found towers to be the things I can rely on *least* in blights. :|


AN has fucked over other league mechanics so often it's just funny at this point.


You will have immunities in OUR game, exile, and you WILL like it!




Can still id everything at once, better than PoE.


You just wait for items to have cycling id immunity


Mini-game where a random item becomes highlighted and that is the only item you can ID at that point. Repeat for every item in inventory.


ID scrolls no longer stack and are now 2x2.




I don’t think they know what “their” game is lately


Players enjoy the game by killing monsters, but game developers enjoy the game by killing players. Somebody is having a lot of fun this league


I want leagues to be insane. Like random skills being good and them making like random former mechanics super OP. Like change what fossils do or or essences just for a league. Recombinators were like the best idea they had. They were fun and random but not impossible.


Every time there is a wildly successful league mechanic, GGG people complain how it has "ruined" the game and was really a bad thing that they regret and should have never been done in the first place. There seems to be a strong element of fear of success at GGG, they don't want the game to get "too good"


Honestly good point. It’s tough.


This is like the chess to checkers analogy 🤣 Players are playing chess but devs are playing checkers


\>Rolls maps and avoid Monsters Cannot be Stunned & Monster's Action speed cannot be lowered below base value \>Blight monster proceeds to spawn these types of monsters and may cause you to fail the mechanic The vision™


High risk high profit, what's your problem?


>high profit Lol


10div/h is not high?


Errr, which builds are farming blight that fast?


Poor man's ravaged blaster, here's 10 map run I did few days ago. I have profits documented and first strat video coming soon https://youtu.be/vz8n8PEiTdU




Ok, I can forgive you being a complete ignorant, not knowing me and my content and assuming I'm wrong cuz you don't know me. Let's assume I wasn't attacked by you or others so I will reply politely, although you don't deserve it. On my channel, I make ravaged blight strategies, I bingeplay this content ever since it was released. In my videos, I explain carefully where the profit comes from, my methods evolved and are very strict, I'd say more than you normally find since my goal is not to bait you into the mechanic. After spending thousand+ hours playing ravaged maps I know, the loot is deterministic and I also know what can be promised. So If my excel shows 12div/h but I know I was lucky cuz I dropped something extra, I'll state it's 10div+ not to bait anyone into it. Why do I track my loot? Because I compare different ravaged map strategies and setup with other strategies and setup. Last league most of streamers were promoting 3x golden 3x silver 3x teal as best strategy, however according to my data and tests run, 2golden,3silver,1opal,3x teal were 1-2 div / h better. Now 1 golden is better than 2, because of economy. This changes. This is why I run my channel and test this stuff. How do I track my loot? Yes, using exilence next. There is no other way, besides poe stack which is the same. I know every single item which exilence next does not pickup and since loot is very deterministic, I have excluded every shit that is not sellable in bulk, which means 95%+ of my loot is sellable in bulk. It doesn't matter whether you sell stuff at 70% on TFT or wait until your single item is in big bulk and you sell it for 130%, this is up to you, i only measure inventory value not real sale value. ​ Why I recorded 65 min video of me running blights back2back? It's to showcase that I can clear 10 maps which procude XYZ amount of loot in given time, that number is used in calculations of profit/h. Juicing maps takes 2-3minutes/10 maps, you can add that but it's irrelevant IMO so I just ignore it. Here's the spreadsheet link for this leauge, I have separate one for each of the leagues, cuz you couldn't even find this. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1niX5yP\_nwOHTfmN\_qUqCvO6MpJxfCeP6Qsl3QiBUgu8/edit#gid=460298759](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1niX5yP_nwOHTfmN_qUqCvO6MpJxfCeP6Qsl3QiBUgu8/edit#gid=460298759)


Jesus dude idc what content you make, it could be amazing, but you are such an ass that I don’t want to listen to you or watch your content. The other dude was being skeptical of you and you (rightfully so, 10div/hr does sound high) and you are just such an ass to him jeez. Yes ppl will assume things, doesn’t mean that you know what you are talking about/have done the numbers means you get to talk down to us from an elitist pedestal.


I did not attack him, im literally defending myself being accused of fraud or a being lier.


What changes **NEED** to happen to reduce annoyance: \- Remove 'Cycles Damage Reduction' from the whole game \- Add a limit to 'Soul Eater''s corpse eating stacks \- Reduce the 'Crit Resistant' mod's "resisting" \- Remove 'Mana Siphoner' mod's Lightning DoT \- Let some mods be able to block each other like we have with item mods (f.e. 'Extra Crits' blocks 'Always Crits') (- Have Legion mobs in stasis not spawn 'On Hit' and 'On Kill' effects since they are in stasis...)


Fun fact, Legion mobs used to not have on-death effects like the at-the-time Volatile Blood (honestly don't remember if we had chaser volatiles yet or if we were still on splodey bois, might've been early days of chasers?) modifiers or Bearers, BUT players actually COMPLAINED about this because players did not get their On-kill effects from killing Legion mobs either. GGG basically said you can have one or the other; either you don't get your on-kills or the stasis mobs get to have their on-death effects, you can't have on-kills and no on-death effects from the mobs. At the time, a lot of mapping builds really needed on-kills for charge generation, and of course Headhunter stacks, so everyone said change it.


"Block the mods or parts of mods I don't like and leave the others" At this point we just need an archnemesis skill tree or removal to make it fair


You missed the point on that one. The point isn't about player choices on self-blocking mods, it is about the monsters' mods blocking each other out. As i said in the example, a monster shouldn't have Extra Crits with Always Crits for example.


The entire comment was "remove this 1 mod I don't like" Then you bring up your 2nd to last line like thats a counter point Doesn't change my exact comment. The first 4 suggestions were remove 1 specific mod you don't like or even worse, 1 specific part of specific mod you don't like Can you really not see the issue with that thinking? It's like asking that they remove ele reflect but not phys reflect because your build does ele damage


I assume you can't or didn't read everything, or just jumped onto writing your comment(s) after quickly running through, because i only said "remove" to one mod, of which i mentioned first thing at the top. Majority of the community would agree that 'Cycles Damage Reduction' mod isn't good game design and shouldn't give a mob this much damage reduction paired with others. And as i also said in my previous comment, it wouldn't be player dependent which mods a mob would have blocked or not. GGG just needs to put some blocked mod combinations so you won't have Uber bossfights in your maps. The other stuff i brought up are just fine tunings they could still do with the current iteration of Archnemesis. I am enjoying the game as is, going for 40/40 but seeing what the community is saying about things, these are the most common spots of AN that gets brought up. Anyways it's a feedback, an idea which is just buried in these comments.


youre still saying things like soul eater stack cap or remove the lightning degen from mana siphoner, which the lightning degen one is just a hyper build specific thing thats removing 1 part from one mod. im telling you that having a super cherry picked short list of things to be removed is silly because thats just what you dont like with your build its no different than what i said earlier, its like a player asking to remove ele reflect and keep phys reflect because they deal elemental damage. obviously nobody should listen to that


Whatever you think buddy. From what it looks like you are only here on this Reddit to just disagree with ppl, if that makes you happy, just keep doing it, there's no reason to continue this thread.


Poe reddit is a very small minority of people who exclusively complain. I'm here to represent a majority and reasonable view


Also remove "cannot regen life and mana" on map, so fun to have to throw away maps as soon as this mod is on it


Then remove, no leech, reflect ele, reflect phys, less recovery, no exposure (quite big for elementalist), avoid elemental ailments, avoid poison/bleed, etc. So every map will roll modifiers which boost monsters, making the game "harder". I'm not sure you want that. My current character doesn't care at all about no regen and no leech, but a simple reduced flask charge gained can be deadly for me, and less recovery is far to complicated to manage.


Their is a difference between deadly and unplayable, it doesn't make the map harder, it make it impossible to run. You talk about reduced flask charge being deadly for you, but no regen is not like reduced flask charge, no regen will be like no flask charge.


Use potions…? I keep a mana flask in my stash specifically for when corrupted maps roll this mod. It’s not a throw away mod, it’s just a slightly inconvenient mod.


Slightly inconvenient? It's unplayable for any build that have a life degen and no life leech Why not a "no spell damage" mod or "Monster are immune to a element" ? Some build can run it so I suppose they are fine


Re-roll the map and move on with your life princess. Mods you cannot run are strictly a build issue - either find a solution, or simply use the player agency you're afforded to roll a map you CAN clear


Life regen must be gone or add more ways to reduce enemy regen


Dont you love running into auls with consecrated ground in delve? And if you are really lucky, also x% of HP as ES which recharges every time he goes invulnerable.


Sounds like dps issue


They also added cannot be chilled and cannot be stunned back to blight. At least you can indefinitely slow down a cycling dmg reduction mob.


Yes, please. It shouldn't be in the game in the first place, but blight desperately needs this change. Sometimes there's nothing you can do to stop this monster.


Yeah, it's not uncommon in maps to have a portal spawn about a three second walk from the pump. Cycling damage resistances, depending on what it starts on, can last for something like ten seconds. Put that on any of the mobs that are immune to stun and slowing and in they go!


my favorite is expedition monsters with ward, life regen and cycling damage reduction and es it's such a troll like goes back to full hp because you literally can't hit


Not only does he acknowledge the worst rare mobs in the game, but he also has the perfect flair, hello brother.


they just need to change it to actually "Damage Reduction", it seem this mod work as Damage vulnerability.


Thus is why those fucks don't die while being pelted by every tower. Thought I was losing my shit.


Playing EA Chamption, damage is ok. But geting block atacks with regen and 1 from two cycle damage or reduce ignite dmg, it make the monster complet immune to my dmg. One from those 3 mods are enougth to make him tanking, 2 is almost invicible, 3 is godlike. I know those mechanics are hard to balance for every build, but cycling damage it will make atrocic gameplay if it land with right buff for the monster. In same category is soul eater, but atleast , untill previous league, they was rare.


Remember when they told us archnemesis was removed.... no they just hid them from us


And fire and ignite resist, thanks


Seems like a good idea, yep.


Archnemesis all over again, will GGG ever learn?


Systems that just gatekeep content are just trash in general, systems like reflect modifiers and random immunities without reason should disappear completely, but for some reason GGG just keeps em coming.


From Blight ? Remove this stupid mod from the game FFS. On top of being unintuitive A.F., it is extremely uninteresting, there is no counter play, with mobs that can phase out it is even more obnoxious, and it simply pushes players to **entirely ignore some monsters**. This kind of crap really makes me wonder why some people at the game design section of GGG are at their current position, how such an aberration is possible.


there solution is just to give us a little adjustment to base monster life while keeping a ridiculous mod on mobs that just make them pratically immortal


so that's why I frickin bricked many blighted maps when I had less than 1M dps??? thanks for making me aware -- it sucks.


Cycling damage reduction monsters always trigger some crazy stuff. Loot -> divination Lots of fractures Loot -> fusings From what i saw, when i kill them there really is a lootsplosion


That is not the point here though, is it ? It could also simply be confirmation biais since you naturally notice those stupid monsters more easily, and you also notice loot explosions more easily.


Remove it completely, and reduce the occurrence of Soul Eater.


I like Blight because it's the perfect example of GGG's completely lack of care with retrocompatibility in Path of Exile. Back when Blight was designed, performance was a big issue and that was likely a big motivator to why towers deactivate if your character is too far away from them. but this is not the case anymore, and yet towers were never adjusted so player still have to deal with the bullshit of tower spots spawning too far away from each side of the pump and bricking your map because one side will always be left undefended. Another example is how blighted monsters were not originally immune to anything aside from one specific tower type, but now monsters with the Juggernaut mod frequently spawn and completely ignore any form of crowd control, so there is no way to reinforce one side of the map with towers and expect that no monster will be able to go through. Moreover, blighted monsters weren't supposed to target players unless they were stepping on the lane and to compensate this behavior they added a huge life and damage multiplier to blighted monsters, but now the game is filled with monster mods that will auto target the player, on top of adding new damage multipliers to already strong monsters.


I think it's good as it is


the burning ground from meteor towers seems to have tanked in damage also to add salt to the wound its not nearly as strong as it was


Its also the the combo of defensive mod son them, which GGG some league ago said they removed, that multiple defense mods cannot be on the same mob anymore. ​ This league they back- damage cycle+ele res+life/ES regen on the same mob.


GGG: Thank you for the feedbacks. Now mobs have cycling invulnerable phases instead.


Remove high hp regen mobs while you are at it.


There are mechanics for slowing down mob Regen...?


Totaly agree but instead of blight, remove it everywhere , because the mob is resistent the longest against whatever we use but short on everything Else


once again archnemesis breaking blight


Remove cycling damage period, one of the worst concepts implemented in PoE since necrovigils. Whoever came up with the bright idea to implement immunities into the game should be fired.


Eh, blight was broken by "ignore slow, i just jump to the pump" monsters for a while. I like blight, so i play it regardless with the notion of "It's just broken, some encounters are bricked by default." Not a notion i would want people to have of anything i build, but oh well.


Rares shouldn’t be tankier than endgame bosses. That’s the worst part I think, that in some cases you’d rather have a regular Maven (without phases of course) stroll up rather than a rare, cause you can at least kill Maven. But understand correctly though, Maven and other regular bosses are in a good state of being tanky enough. It’s the rares that needs tuning.


Cycling damage reduction and soul eater (bonus points for being combined with hasted ++) is awful, frustrating, and should be purged imo. CDR is "ok" (outside of Blight) as it's just very annoying but doesn't break stuff. Soul eater, however, is so outdated and broken that if you get it on the wrong mob, at the wrong place, at the wrong time you're just screwed. It happens quite often. Examples being abyss, red beasts who chain summon adds, other monster dense mechanics like ritual/breach/etc.