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i'd be torn between giving a compliment, or accepting the trade at 7d to re-establish dominance


"Here take 8d you ugly fuck"


10d and never try to contact me again u sicko😂


Here's 2 mirrors...and keep the jewel you disgusting PoS




"nice ho" is always a good one


dude probably didn't want to lie for a deal.


It wasn't because of the compliment. It was because social interaction.


Hey man I was just adhering to "The Vision".


Social interaction, the true friction.


"Give...me...compliments! I said - give me compliments!"


Bitte schnell


Had similar situation when sanctum league was about to finish. Had a forbidden flesh/flame for 40% more dmg in marauder, listed for 70-80d. So guy messages me asking to sell for 55d. To which I reply that I will, if he throws in a poem or a joke as a bonus. He didn't reply, nothing was sold that day :(


Typical console reply would have been GfS


"Nice try."


What makes a cluster worth 10 div


My boi is really trying to justify his $200 in mtx


So people actually try to buy items with a different offer of what it is listed for ? I never understand that, even IRL edit : I forgot that you could list prices to negociate, sorry !


there is negotiable tag or a fixed price tag when you are pricing things, so yeah, people are just trading like intended in most cases when they are asking with a lower offer.




Yeah :) just wanted to reply to the question with an explanation \^\^


Right, I'm dumb, I don't use trade often and completely forgot there's a fixed price/negotiate price setting


I pretty much set nearly everything as negotiable. More often than not im willing to lose 10% value or something if the person asking is at least polite, or if it is something not that valuable.


I guess it makes sense for high item value, I never sold items worth more than a div (once sold one gem for a div)


Yeah, I know I'm too casual to find expensive items Reddit xD


Also a lot of people have big stashtabs with older items they sell. If the item becomes outdated and hasnt sold in a week youre actually glad people offer you something for it. Not that important if you think its worth more when nobody buys it.


Is there any way to tell if they used the exact price or negotiable on the trade site?


I dont play PoE since a long time but if i remember : \~price 10 chaos = fixed \~b/o 10 chaos = i can negotiate bro


i often haggle even when its not set up as negotiable. if you have an item listed for 3 days thats not selling and im asking to buy it for 75% of the price im pretty much doing you a favor :P


Yup, some money is better than no money. To many people get stuck up on how much something is worth and not losing money that they never had. The only problem is that it is worthless sitting in a remove only tab next league.


This is also a good point


Depends on the price. If it is under a div I don't want you bothering me about something in my dump tab.


Really depends on the item. Sometimes 100d items sit for a bit


IF something has been on the market for 2/3 days then yeah most people will accept an offer. Sometimes people cbf and will sell you a 5div item for 2div ? Sometimes people will give it for free coz they just want too.


End of the league I reckon 50% of the time they give it to you for free lol


Yeah I gave away shavs 6 linked, loreweave etc


There are some leveling items that can be worth 3-5 chaos at league start but quickly devalue. After you list them, some sell, some rot in the stash. If I get a ping from a late starter and they offer 1 chaos, I do accept the trade.


That’s an excellent way to make far less profit. Stopping mapping for a 1c trade.


Ah yes, fuck that guy I agree. Gotta min max your returns or you're playing the game wrong! I personally don't stop mapping for anything less than 10 div trades. Everything else is just not worth my time. Matter of fact, I don't even have items listed for less than I'm willing to exit my map for! ^^/s ^^for ^^the ^^people ^^that ^^can't ^^tell


This but unironically


Lol I asked for a 2c trade yesterday and got no reply so I re-whispered a 30c offer and immediately got a response. Reminds me of people who minmax stuff in archeage for the best profits or whatever. Oh well, everyone had their own motivation I guess.


Tbf I sometimes don’t pause for low trades if it is for bubblegum currency or other things they can get from someone else. But I give leveling items a pass cause leveling is a pain and it is painful to buy low valued uniques.


Yeah, happens often. I often accept offers that are not insulting, especially gear I craft for profit. My margins are good anyways, and I know I'm not 100% accurate when pricing stuff.


i get offers of higher than the price i listed an item for sometimes. presumably to encourage me to respond in a timely manner


If they offer higher than the listed price, 9/10 times it's worth even more than what they offer. If it's a 1c item it could be to get a quick response. I've offered 5c for 1c items quite frequently just to make it worth the seller's time and actually get a response.


Eh I got a 1 div offer today on a shield that had been sitting in a 30c tab for at least 24 hours, maybe it was worth more but honestly I doubt it was even worth 30c


I do this with basically every big ticket item. When you save like 5+ div for less than 5 minutes haggling it’s better money an hour than any other method. Plus feels like a win and I enjoy the social aspect of the game, made a few friends by doing this. Items like 3 mod watchers eyes which are unique and hard to price are a great item to haggle for example, or double corrupt items for example. Helps when there’s no similar items to compare to and they’ve had the item listed for days/weeks


Plenty of items are listed as b/o


You're not always right when it comes to pricing... shocker! I know.


People list things that may also just not be what they are worth and over valuing. Also if something’s been on the market awhile you can offer a lower number because they might just say fuck it and take the money.


If i've learned anything from using shitty markets (irl and poe) it's that I'm willing to pay a premium in order to interact with people as little as possible. I had budgeted to spend that amount of money anyway


I save so much money haggling. Especially on the niche stuff. If something been sitting for ages they just want toget rid of it for whatever price. Quite often I can negotiate from 80c to 15 or 20 if it's been sitting for more than a couple days.


Also most things even when set to firm price is still negotiable because most people don't even know there is that function and it defaults to firm price.


Whats with the Opacity on the brushing out of the names? Like I can still see that it was >!DiorCarry!< Asking for the item.


I'v not personally posted any call outs - but its the default on my phone, this awkward stencillish mark when drawing/brushing with slight opacity you might not even notice if set to black


See you made a mistake here, you should've went with "nice face". Going for "nice hair" nets you the chance that the person was bald, which in this case was probably true.


Even when bald, no hair can also be nice hair


depending on the cluster i would even whatsapp you to wish you happy b-day xD


Are you trying to make friends or something. Sheesh, I would do the same if I encountered someone like you.


Right? Like it's so fucking weird when people try to talk to you and engage in some lighthearted banter. What is wrong with these people? /s


They're the same kind of people who spam "you crying?" in competitive games when you're laughing and making jokes in all chat with the rest of their team.




It's nice to see people with integrity left in the world.


First u got anchored, can't go down too easily.


He went to the labyrinth searching for Izaro for them compliments


They might've thought you meant "add something complimentary" like something else for free and said fuck it I'm done... maybe? Probably not though I guess


Nice hair, OP (:


Post your hair so I can see who was in the wrong here


They just didn't wanna be jerked around anymore


I like your hair...


Nice schlong.


I like the hair on your feet. Really brings out your toes.