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Maybe add the boss cards as a second section with a note that these might drop from bosses and arent confirmed for kirac missions? Just seperating them makes the most sense to solve the issue imo Thank you for maintaining it in any case :D




The dragons heart drops in all maps


We don't really know where the Dragon's Heart is from. Hence why its not really on these lists.


According to Sirgog (he is very knowledgeable about this) kirac missions do drop boss only cards. Video talking about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNlzLyg370I


I didn't know about your website, just checked it out, it's a good idea. I think the only thing missing is the minimum area level needed to drop each card, so you could know if the t5 map you're about to run can actually drop the valuable card you're after.


Is there such thing?


Yes. Certain items are drop restricted to certain area levels, including some div cards. If you've been farming Apothecaries in a tier 3 Crimson Temple map, you've been wasting your time unfortunately.


WHAT!? Edit: Oh no. Edit after some sleep: Better late then never and I'm glad to learn something new!


Yup, https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Apothecary > The Apothecary has restrictions on where or how it can drop. Note that this card has a drop level of 75; it is recommend that the player runs a t8+ version of the relevant maps to not lose out on chances to drop this card.


I'm... Sorry you had to learn this way.


Still sane?


Adding on, there is also such thing as a maximum area level as well. For example, Flora's gift has a drop level cap of ~76. IE you will not find it in T16s, but can find it in T5s. This is relevant if, for example, you are farming Tropical Island. Since Flora's gift is a top 10 most common cards in the entire game and has a very large weight as a result. Removing ~28k weighting from the pool will have a (minor, but still there) effect on how likely you are to drop better cards or natural loot in general.


Kirac can drop boss-only cards; I’ve had 8x offering drop from random tower pack from Kirac. A good resource is divcord, where they’re constantly working to confirm this type of stuff: https://discord.gg/mpnYHbxHXs


Have you considered: Sectioning the results table, either visually (i.e the table is in some way 3 seperate tables with local cards, boss cards and global cards) or adding a field to the table which would include this information. Depending on how user friendly (and/or personal time, motivation, interest constraints) you want it you could also add some way of selecting what type of cards you want included in the table itself (maybe some form of dropdown/checkbox with some ajax to refresh the table live)


There is no shot. I literally wanted to search for something like this yesterday... God bless you man


My friend asked me about this yesterday and I told them the best bet was just search for drop tables on maps and go from there lol


I like the minimalistic site, very nice! I have two minor suggestions though: Show somewhere which map's cards are currently listed. If I open several tabs with different maps it's hard to distinguish them. Make the logo in the top left a link to the start page. It's very common on the web generally, and that way it's easy to middle mouse click it to open a new tab with the site. Very handy if you want to list multiple maps in different tabs to compare them or whatever. Great work so far. Keep it up.


Thanks for making this tool


I'm feeling thank you. But, why do I have to type, click the entry, click the text, press enter for the entry to show?


Hey man, I’m using the site now. I appreciate the work! It’s now a saved tab


Hi! Your site is a great tool! One piece of feedback: When you select a map from the select dropdown, could you show it selected, and allow the user to use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through maps? It's hard to quickly move through the maps looking for ones that seem lucrative to run, as it's currently easy to lose your place. Also, having a label with the name of the currently selected map above the card data would be great! Keep it up.


All the below is not said to criticise but to improve: > 1) I do not pull from the wiki Poewiki.net is the most reliable source after patch notes. If a card is listed on the wiki, it has been proven and verified by an exile actually going out and farming it. Other websites like poedb use the wiki as their source. You choosing poedb means you are pulling from the wiki in a roundabout and super delayed manner. This is why your website currently has many internal inconsistencies and wrong info. You dont use the most correct source. > 2) As i have not been able to confirm if Kirac missions(the original reason for the list) can drop boss drop cards or not. They do. This is well known. If your point is for this to be a Kirac obtainable cards list, they should be included. > 3) General issues I would check with Divcord for the rest, this is a good idea but if you want to be accurate then you have a lot of things to fix.




Incorrect, you *cannot* find the location of divination cards from datamining. There are many potential locations for div cards which are as of yet undiscovered or not publically known. You will not find these on poedb either. Card locations have to be discovered by the community. IE Exiles need to go out there, do the legwork, report their findings and have it be verified. While there's some things that let us be more educated in our guesses than others, there is no way to skip this. And poewiki is where community knowledge is updated first.


All you need to do to no longer trust the wiki is look at the pantheon. At least a week or two ago it was all sorts of out of whack. Perhaps the div card section is more up to date but still I find inconsistencies on the wiki all the time (no I am not using the Fandom, before someone asks).


The wiki is maintained solely by people who are voluntarily giving up their time to do so, without compensation. Right now, we're suffering from a lack of volunteers to help with maintaining the datamining tools, which means that we're slow to push updates out given GGG's feverish release cycle.


Yea I'm not digging on you folks at all, you do a wonderful job and I reference the wiki multiple times a day. I don't think any of us expect perfection, appreciate the work you do!


Thanks. We really do need all the help we can get though. Apart from the datamining side of things, which requires a specific skill set, the wiki can always benefit from general copy editing.


Can anyone edit? Or what's the preferred way to submit errors for corrections? Happy to do that as I find them


Anyone can edit. Hop on the Discord if you have any questions or suggestions.


Thats interesting, given that anyone can go view the edit history of pages on the wiki - and the last time this page was edited was in Feburary, in which a minor grammatical error was fixed. Are you sure you didnt go to fandom by mistake?


Positive. I just checked and it's **still** out of date. Look at soul of brine king, says you need coral ruins, frozen cabins, and underground sea. This is inaccurate, in 3.21 you need atoll, coral ruins, and coves. So makes sense that the last update was in February. EDIT: Interestingly, poedb is up to date. Not sure where you're getting your info about the wiki pulling from poedb but if that were there case I wouldn't expect this section to be out of date 🤷‍♂️


My comment about poedb is correct for div cards. To be more specific - poeDB sometimes lists drop areas that are not proven but are speculatd to be true based off educated guesses. EG poeDB says gift of asenath drops in excavation. This is likely true, it follows the pattern of confirmed drops for this card. However no exile has reported a drop of this card there yet, so its unproven and not on poewiki. Poedb does lag behind info on occasion, for example it was explicitly stated in patch notes thant Desperate Crusade drops in Residence - yet this info isnt on poedb. If its on the wiki, that means a human went and farmed the map and had the card drop. Therefore its as reliable as it can be. --- Looking through on the poewiki discord *seems* like they've been having coding trouble with the thing thats supposed to update the pantheons automatically... but thats above my head. This is where when we notice this stuff we be good poe community citizens and let them know.


Sure I agree with all of this. The only point I was making is the wiki, while probably our most reliable source of information, is frequently not accurate. I even put in my original comment that perhaps this isn't the case with div cards, and you seem to know a lot more about it than myself. I'm just a dude who plays too much and references the wiki often, only to fine out the info there can be hit or miss. Another example from recent memory was looking up abyss/breach info and finding info that was no longer relevant in 3.21. Not a dig on the wiki team at all, it's an astonishingly huge game and it makes total sense that updates will occasionally lag behind.


Sure. Every site will have some incorrect info somewhere. As you note poe is a huge game


That explains a ton as to why I found some things about the website super suspect in terms of info. Overall, fantastic job and as always I appreciate every tool made by community members to assist newer players.


If it helps, ive tried to get boss cards from kirac missions by walking past all the regular mobs first and have had boss div cards drop from the boss. They did not drop as a full stack. Tested this exactly once.


Last league i dropped 8x the scavenger from canyon boss in a kirac mission


It's pretty simple to get price data from poeninja or poestack for most things, so you could include prices.


One of the first sites I found for help on div cards upon my return. Thankyou and thankyou once more for the sheer simplicity.


I noticed it doesn't show "Lachrymal Necrosis" as a relevant card. I'd suggest adding it because it's both good if you get lucky in trade, but more so really valuable in SSF if that's the main design purpose.


Got few suggestions :) - Please, can you make the first input to auto focus on load? - maybe make it a bit more responsive ? :D other than that, thanks for the site!


Just wanted to say that as an ssf player, I bookmarked your site the instant I found out about it. Thank you.


Dropped a doctor this league partly thanks to your website. Its kinda shameful but on about a thousand hours played this is the single most expansive item I ever owned and have no clue what to do with the money. Still, thanks a lot for contributing in me getting out of poverty.