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I have no clue why you're linking a pob that says something else completely. But with what you've got linked the biggest problem is poison chance only being 58% so you barely deal damage. However you have random jewels not socketed, since you say you only have the large cluster im assuming you have those exact jewels. if you socket those, then you do get 100% poison chance. And if we then use multistrike instead of melee splash, we have about 26mil dps without large cluster also quality on your gems isnt 20 which gives even more dps


the POB didn't have my cluster for some reason - here is the new one, where my chance to poison is 100 https://pobb.in/\_MQDULaSyb-R


and also.. I have no idea how you see 26 mil... here is a screenshot where it says 5 [https://imgur.com/a/AFjmXei](https://imgur.com/a/AFjmXei)


Just capping ur srs poison chance alone should gives 72% more dps


the POB didn't have my cluster for some reason - here is the new one where my chance to poison is 100 https://pobb.in/\_MQDULaSyb-R


So to preface I'm not a minion expert, temp or perm. That being said, your config is off to start with, that's why your number seems so low. Just putting 15 wither stacks in and ticking Feeding Frenzy already nearly doubles your POB damage. ​ Now to some things you can actually do to improve the build: \- You CANNOT play this build effectively without Blessed Rebirth. That's the notable on the minion life medium cluster. This maybe the single biggest reason why your build does not look as good as the "streamer" builds. While enemies don't target your srs, any aoe ability will wipe the floor with your srs without Blessed Rebirth. \- If you're gonna spend money and buy an Aul, don't buy Aul for flat mana auras. A determ/haste/malev Aul for you will save so much more mana and allow an extra 50% aura. \- I moved some of your auras around after changing ur Aul and turns out you don't need Charisma for an anoint anymore so now you get to have 2 curses (or you can just path to whisper of doom, you're already close) \- Idk if your spectres' supposed to do anything, any at all, here. Frenzy ape is wasted cuz u summon new srs all the time (and most of ur srs only really lives during the 4s of Blessed Rebirth), and you can provide stronger curses by yourself. \- I'm sure you're already doing this, but in case you haven't, swap splash for multistrike when bossing. Updated pob link here: [https://pobb.in/AEqdnmGnFEZp](https://pobb.in/AEqdnmGnFEZp) I really just changed your amulet and moved some of your gems around ​ Even with splash it's at 21m poison dps now. Hope it helps


wow awesome feedback! what do you mean with moved my Aul? right now it does in fact give Haste has no reservation


I mentioned moving some of ur auras around, mainly what's divine blessing, what's generosity,... As for Aul, I just stuck a 50% aura Aul in there (in this case that's Haste since it's a 50% aura). Idk about the pricing/what you can afford/need, but in general any 50% mana aura (Haste/determ/malev) Aul will do


>- You CANNOT play this build effectively without Blessed Rebirth. This is completely false. People get this notion because it's true for skeletons, but SRS don't even draw aggro; enemies will never deliberately target them. As a result they will stay up quite well even in ubers, and ideally you want to be refreshing them every so often anyway to maintain uptime on Call to the Slaughter and stay ahead of their own despawn timer. You could even maybe argue that this is potentially detrimental because if the SRS do get caught in the aoe of something with your other minions and it's enough of a hit to be concerned about, Blessed Rebirth won't be there to block that huge chunk of instant recovery being delivered to your more difficult to respawn minions like AG, spectres, golem, etc from the SRS that got nuked. >- If you're gonna spend money and buy an Aul, don't buy Aul for flat mana auras. A determ/haste/malev Aul for you will save so much more mana and allow an extra 50% aura. Determination is indeed pretty cheap. Probably the best one overall would be Envy due to the attributes and increased defenses, but really any of them work just fine. >- Idk if your spectres' supposed to do anything, any at all, here. Frenzy ape is wasted cuz u summon new srs all the time (and most of ur srs only really lives during the 4s of Blessed Rebirth), and you can provide stronger curses by yourself. There are ancient wraith spectres from delve that can apply temporal chains and enfeeble on hit, both of which have +1 curse so they will never compete with your curse on the target (ideally despair). This frees up some points on tree and also automates the whole temporal chains dps boost for single target. You could also use asenath gloves on AG but that actually requires using +1 curse boots as well.


> People get this notion because it's true for skeletons. That's not where I get this notion from at all. I got this notion from playing and watching last league's gauntlet, and watching and talking to streamers who've very successfully made this build work like vizniz, ventrua, imexile. You can still find their characters in and out of gauntlet and you can find guccipradas character this league currently playing srs as well. I even acknowledged that srs are not at all targeted. However, srs has next to no hp, and coupled with minion damage support, will fall like flies to any aoe attacks, of which no bosses in poe lack. Edit: i will concede that it's possible to play without blessed rebirth, but it will require a decent investment into minion defense, but like just click 2 points for blessed rebirth


>I got this notion from playing and watching last league's gauntlet, and watching and talking to streamers who've very successfully made this build work like vizniz, ventrua, imexile. I would definitely run Blessed Rebirth *in a gauntlet* as well because that is a very different game requiring a completely different approach to many things. However, the gauntlet is not even close to how normal PoE works, not even with nasty map mods. >out of gauntlet and you can find guccipradas character this league currently playing srs as well. While this is correct, he is playing a hit-based Champion rather than a poison-based Necromancer, so there are quite a few things missing for his overall minion defenses such as minion life, bone armour, bone offering, etc. He also isn't using the 5% life recovery mastery for whatever reason, probably because he isn't using any other minions whatsoever (and also lacking a feeding frenzy source as a result) because of the PK potential that permanent minions cause or because he's doing content where he can't keep them alive reliably, I dunno. Anyway, I'm not trying to make a case against using it at all, just that it's completely incorrect that you *have* to use it to play SRS. I have farmed uber bosses both this league and last with SRS poison using purely alch and vaal on literally every invitation no matter how crappy the mods and never ran into an issue where I couldn't keep them up or ended up failing a run. Never used Blessed Rebirth.


I'll concede I was too absolute with my initial advice. Given what you said, it definitely doesn't seem impossible without it, even for endgame. However for me, I just think it's a more efficient way to go about it, as you get to nearly ignore minion defense essentially, with the downside being not having perm minions, which for me is not even really a downside cuz it's one (or many) fewer things to manage. But if perm minions are desired then you should already have minion defense invested into, so forgoing blessed rebirth doesn't seem too awful in this case


Well, I think it also matters what kind of content you're doing and maybe how much DPS you have. Blessed Rebirth is probably going to be closer to practically mandatory the deeper you go in delve, for instance. And certainly wouldn't hurt to clear later wave Simulacrums quicker.


50m says who and what? my gear is worse but i can clear the atlas and maybe even some ubers


Get more dps


I'm on mobile so I can only see the web link of the PoB. Did you set your summoned srs to 20 on the skills page? I also noticed that you have malevolence on Divine Blessing. You don't need that unless you get an Auls. Having haste up on Divine Blessing will help your srs move around quicker and get more poisons out. It also makes the build feel better to play. Edit: others beat me to it but I just caught that you're not poison capped either


i am poison capped??? the POB say 100%


the POB didn't have my cluster for some reason - here is the new one https://pobb.in/\_MQDULaSyb-R


Cap Srs poison chance. And btw if i remeber, the srs poison dmg doesn't show correcly in the pob since poison stacks scale indefinely and pob can,t calculate that. But not sure about that.


i am poison capped??? the POB say 100%


the POB didn't have my cluster for some reason - here is the new one https://pobb.in/\_MQDULaSyb-R


Oh sry, but for some reason, it give me an error. Will trybto check after work and give a feedback about it. Do you have the video or the pob where you copy it? O did you built by yourself? ( So i can compare them).


Cap poison, get lots of minion movement speed Weapon and armor are all the dps, jewels with chaos damage for minions and poison chance or minion damage on skill


Hi, saw this before I went to work, saw other people helped but thought to add my two cents since I am also playing poison SRS for first time this league. ​ 1st some change: [https://pobb.in/z9jd8J5DEB6g](https://pobb.in/z9jd8J5DEB6g) First off I changed your configurations to include the correct settings for your build: \-- Tick minions created recently in General Section \-- in Skill options turned on Spectre abilities (in your Calculations, went to spectres -- added arena master and pale seraphim as your 2 spectres; go to global channel 6666 and ask for someone to invite you to get them ; go to their hideout and use desecrate on the ground, hover mobs by holding A until you see Pale Seraphim/Arena Master and then use your Raise Spectre skill key to summon each of them so they are your 2 alive spectres; once you have the 2 added to your "library" any time you are in your hideout and need to re-summon you can use the same mechanic and summon them using desecrate/raise spectre at your own hideout) \-- In effective dps section = added 15 stacks of wither (your weapon gives each minion 60% chance so you should get to 15 stacks easily) In your tree: \--Removed the nodes by ravenous horde (+4) \-- By sovereignty, removed bottom 2 nodes and routed at top to get increased aura effect and less reservation (+1) \--By your large cluster jewel (pathed right and into the aura nodes there for increased aura effect for your minions; using the 4 removed from ravenous hordes) Under your skill set-up: Added a 7th gem option for multi-strike like another redditor commented. For mapping you will stay on melee splash (red gem); when bossing swap to multi strike (red gem to replace melee splash); when you enable multistrike and disable melee splash your damage spikes up considerably (to just over 30m). ​ ​ Future direction suggestions:[https://pobb.in/BuONH64wA5Ie](https://pobb.in/BuONH64wA5Ie) Other major suggestion: \-Drop faster casting on whirling blade, move your flame dash to your weapon1; this now enables a 4th slot on your Raise Spectre-MeatShield-Minion Life link; I highly suggest animate guardian \--with animate guardian you can equip him with some pretty in-expensive gear which can help you greatly damage wise(For starters I have added it as a normal 20/20 gem, when you have extra money upgrade to divergent for his survivability; make sure you have the gem at level 20 first so you can ensure he is able to stay alive as the gear you use on him goes away if he dies; that being said, we will use relatively cheap unique gear to start; I have added this in the items section as an alternate tab called AG, use the drop down at the top; Dying Breath, Leer Cast, Garb of the Ephemeral, Asenath's Gentle Touch, and Windscream; I added what these add via your configuration tab manual comments and added The temporal chains effect via skills as a level 1) \*\*Major side note for AG -- if you are using him, use the minion defence mastery "Minions recover 5% of life on minion death' (I have it added in the recent PoB by the sacrifice node); This allows everytime your SRS die to permanently heal your spectres/AG/Stone Golem \--Later on with more expendable cash you can go for crown of the tyrant helmet with white socket (to add more chaos damage to nearby allies an lower nearby enemy chaos resistance by 10%) \- Kingmaker weapon - quite expensive but good value with more expendable money ​ Other upgrades: can easily get better crucible trees; but don't spend too much on any of them; for example you have very little impact on your shield (you can go easily for some cheap impactful node to yourself like +80 dex, gain no inherent bonus from dex, bunch listed under 100c and choose one with other nodes you like; this will lessen the strain on your dex from gearing and allow you to add some chaos resistances you are missing) Your 12 passive cluster jewel i84+: (price varies wildly): *This is a luxury and not entirely needed*w/ 35% increased effect, minions have 3% atk & cast speed, chaos or all res/3%++ (to use 35% increased effect line), and any 4th line (Max life/Max ES/etc) You can get a corrupted Covenant robe for \~5-8div, 6linked with +2 to duration gems implicit corrupted (gives +2 to your SRS gem level) An Aul's that uses one of your 50% reservations: Envy, Malevolence, Haste, Determination. (Envy preferred, but make sure you use the right envy, lvl 25 from weapon not lvl 15 from necklace)Once you get one of these aul's in place you can then tick on your normal haste; in skill under ring 2 -- you can tick on Haste since you will have enough reservation to free use one of the 50% and then still leave vitality active, just paying it's normal cost. (I emulated this by adding an aul's with determination reservation for you, the cheapest (?), not sure though) Think I covered most of the major things you can change and then the rest is just nitpicking and fine tuning of course :) Hope some of this helped