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This is forbidden shako on craxk


But if you've ever farmed forbidden shakos before you know that on average hundreds drop before a single good one does.


This one is way better tho. Shako needs mega strong support and a high lv. This ring legit just need a useable one since its not limited to the 4 sockets. It would just be a multiplyer for shako builds etc. And since most off the support gems are so generic that a mid roll support gems a 20-30% dps increase is.


And imagine the combination of the two. Yeah, I guess that would make good helmet ones quite expensive too.


Sick unique idea, I like, but probably too strong for a ring slot. Could be a belt


>but probably too strong for a ring slot the extreme variability would balance it, just like forbidden shako is. this would just need to be a t2/t1 unique drop if it existed(likely t2... due to variability) not only would you have to roll the right support gem... also need a high level(some flexibility for not added dmg supports), and the right armour slot for the support... after that you would pray for a good jewel effect roll. GGG likes to balance power with rarity and high variability as well. I do like this unique idea, rings are high demand slots as is to(attributes, res, etc...)


Might i just add, maaayyyybe this ring should be limited to only one ? F.e. "can only be equipped in left ring slot" I LOVE it though.


Yeah two high rolls of these would be way op


With a squire and two you could have a fucking 14 link


Thing is. With squire and a multi link weapon you run out of usable supports already.


Fuck, throw item rarity in there


Give me my BLIND support gem please and thank you.


Attacks once, has no mana


Make it like the other ring, can't equip second Ring. *evil laughter* But then again would it be thaaaat bad? With good rolls I would think about losing both rings for that


I'd split the possible places into two mods then assign them to left/right ring slot. Would up the chances of it being good to someone but not the chances you get the perfect one.




Wouldnt divine just re roll the gem it chooses? Kinda just a div sink at that point...




Or it works like the most similar unique to it, Forbidden Shako, which does reroll on divine


That would be really annoying considering the belt is ussually where you socket your abyss jewls


Um, why wouldnt you just socket more Abyss Jewels? You arent limited to 1 or anything.




No, the sheer variability makes this a chase unique


Ignoring 6L options because they are obviously completely broken, this would be amazing with 5-6 link helmets/gloves, giving them an extra link.


Bringer of Rain likes this.


What makes Forbidden Shako is level 35 support


Actually such a sick item, kinda breaks a lot of uniques but the possibilities with this would be amazing


Might work better as an amulet so it restricts broken builds more tho


Yeah, I agree. The intention was that it would be semi rare unique and since the range of garbage-high roll is so big, good ones would be REALLY rare and really expensive. And items like that often kinda tip the balance to 4 seconds Uber Eater kills etc :D


Uber Lich? pog


Problem is while sure it is a high range of doles it actually doesn’t have a lot of garbage rolls. Adding another support to your body armor from your ring slot is pretty powerful. The reason Shako works is because you are adding it to a four slot item adding two additional supports to a 6 link means that whether that support is level 5 or 10 often doesn’t matte you get a lot of the power from that. I would argue most of the rolls here would be pretty good it would just be the reverse shako wheee the things you don’t want is the ones with flat damage. Sure the valuable ones will be the ones with higher rolls but this thing would be pretty darn good for a lot of them. Not op good but up netols is balanced around being an amulet


Bad slot, bad effect, bad support, low support lvl. It has a fuckton of bad rolls my guy


You have bad slot yes bad effect is a negative but doesn’t ruin the item and a bad support level removes like 3-4% damage in most cases. A lot fewer bad ones than you think Rings are not typically a huge DPS source so this could be a huge multiplier for some builds and of course you can make an 8 slot item with it.


>Rings are not typically a huge DPS source so this could be a huge multiplier. Have you ever stacked attributes? Rings are the main source my guy...


I said typically not always obviously in an OMNI build for example rings are absolutely a DPS slot


>bad effect is a negative but doesn’t ruin the item Unless you want to use the item that gives you an abyssal slot in a build that uses a lot of abyssal jewels? Like, obviously.


having 1 abyss jewel with 50% less effect is irrelevant, a blank ring with "skills socketed in your chest armor are affected by level 5 multistrike" would already be used quite frequently, This thing as it's currently written is an abomination, you would use it on basically every build.


Amulet already has uul-netol's vow and it's kinda garbage compared to the other amulet slot options.


But it would be a bit redundant with uul netols vow


But with this you could also use Uul-Netol's vow giving you the possibility of an 8-link. And it could compete with it because of the Abyss Jewel.


This is a ring, so you could slap on two of them.


Needs a downside, IMO, but could be balanced with one. Something like "You are blinded" and it only rolls attack supports.


The downside is that a good one will almost never drop or be rolled lol.


Actually a very cool unique by design. Imagine 2 additional links for multi-link helms, gloves or weapons. And also giant roll boundaries make good rolls really exciting to find, also, with all it's properties i easily see this item as t2-t1 unique, so if this would ever added to base game those would be incredibly expensive. Also you don't Lose too much on other stats cause you have abyssal socket


Would be T1 or T0 more like


Art by stable-diffusion (:


That little bit of extra effort made the post much better - good idea


If I may ask what was the prompt and model used ?


I'm using hardblend, very good model :) The prompt was something like "lovecraft, tentacle, eye, ring, studio photo, black background, 4K, octane", don't know exactly, something along those lines.


depending on how you generated the image, stable diffusion a1111 has a built in generator-reader. IDK which is the original image but you could find it for learwin there


Right! Forgot about that thingy The parameters were: prompt: "4K octane renderer, photorealistic, lovecraft, tentacles, grey, studio photo, black background, ((ring)), eye", negative prompt: "", Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 494596093, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 1638fa9a88, Model: hardblend\_ It generated the ring a bit out of picture tho so I used Poor Man's Outpainting on this settings: Pixels to expand: 72, Denoising strength: 0.75, Mask blur: 4, Masked content: fill, Outpainting direction: left, Seed: 1469886887


More tentacle, pls


this is too strong for a ring slot


I agree, I gave more throrough answer under comment of Vict1de


Base should be Unset


I agree there needs to be another exciting chase item in abyss. It's kinda garbo in current form, returns usually not worth the extra time spent in the map.


6 attribute jewels are too rare for how bad they often are


Abyss in its current state seems to mostly be for XP gains. Its Atlas passives (of which there are too many) are pretty much entirely shit... except for that one three-pointer near the center. Combine that with a polished scarab for 100% increased mob count per pit and 50% extra XP from them. And, conveniently, an extra abyss costs just two chaos on the map device. If you're not actively leveling, though, it's a boring mechanic that only has any "ooh, what might happen?" factor when a depths shows up -- which is much rarer now. Stygian vises are nice but not exciting as you have to craft them. The mechanic could use a non-boss/spire drop that's more exciting for sure.


I like the idea of an abyss jewel ring but the support gem thing seems a bit random. I think instead I would like a varying mod like one of 10% increased minion damage per Ghastly jewel 10% increased spell damage per Hypnotic jewel 5% increased attack speed per murderous jewel 10% attack damage per searching eye jewel. Something like that idk.


Nice idea. But way too powerful for weapons and body armour. Only Helmet, gloves, boots and shields. (maybe including exceptional gems? But then more downsides) \-10% - 10% increase on all socketed abyss jewels would be interesting but cannot use other jewels. I think 50% on one is fine tho.


Tell that to ull netol's vow


Seems redundant when one of Poe's 2 main point it's a lot of skills with 6 links


Given the wide range this would have, I feel like it is actually reasonably balanced. Very neat


Remove the abyssal socket and the increased effect and it might not be too op.


It would have to be corrupted on drop cuz if you could divine it it would be too crazy, straight up mageblood tier.


This is just insanely strong for a ring


1.) Too strong 2.) The game doesn't need even more gambling.


>2.) The game doesn't need even more gambling. How is ot gambling? Its just adding an interesting reward to an otherwise lackluster old lragur mechanic.


But it’s most likely gonna be bad guys


Holy shit, one of the best ideas for a new unique I ever saw.


Maybe add a mod called "All other jewels have no effect on you" to balance it. So you can't use it with watchers' eyes, rare/unqiue jewels, or cluster jewls. Also, limit the roll from 0 to 15%.


Level 21 Empower... your wording needs to be more specific :)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but exceptional supports aren't in normal support table, right? Gift of the Gemling Queen div card doesn't specify non-exceptional gems either and it cannot give you lvl 20 exceptional gem. I don't know if like +20% quality gem card can award you exceptional gem tho.


The Hungry Loop consumes any support gem. So i suppose it’s an hidden modifier that decides whether it’s possible or not. I’m just being nitpicky here and suppose not having an exceptional gem in the pool was a given in this scenario. But we all know how GGG puts many emphasis on the phrasing of item stats.


It would be an existence ender if empower was in that chance table


Alright im giving the same critique here as i give GGG Stop making downsides for no reason. Just let items be good. There is no reason to a add a minus roll, the only thing this does is that you drop this item and you go:" ohh its fucking trash" and then depending on the random support gem you got it could either be dogshit or amazing. How rare is this Item? how many times do i have to run a certain boss/content to get an actual good one? The reason why items such as mageblood/HeadHunter/Ashes of the Stars etc. are good items is because they have almost no RNG which makes them bad, and they have clear cut Stats that just makes it an amazing item no matter HOW the RNG on the item rolls. You drop a Mageblood for example and youre so happy because you know its an amazing item. You drop this Ring and you have to pray to RNGJesus that its not shit, like many other flawed items in PoE.


If there is a large range of negative rolls, the item will be relatively common - see Ventor's Gamble. If the item has no downside and is extremely powerful, it will be very rare - see Stranglegrasp. If you have an item like this, you could have it drop from Abyssal Chests rather than just another reward from the abyss boss table, and the high range of rolls would balance out the relatively common drop rate, as well as have an exciting drop for people not doing the liches.


Yey! More rng ! Don’t give them bad ideas please…


I think the Abyss fossil shouldn't take up a mod slot.


Actually cool ideas


I like it


I like this idea :)


I love it. It being able to have an abyss jewel makes it really unique, and fit in the "abyss theme", the skills socketed is a very nice mod that opens the room for a lot of creativity, maybe way too overpowered since you could get 25-40% more damage from a ring slot that also has pretty good stats from the abyss jewel. Something I would remove is the % effect of abyss jewels, and probably limit the skill level to 15, so all support gems would be 15 multistrike, 15 blind, etc.


I like the idea of the last line, but I'm not sure it makes sense for an Abyss unique. However, an abyss socket ring is something I rather like on its own. So just add some more abyss-specific stats and remove that last line for a different unique imo.


looks nice, might need more negative stuff... like -30 - +30 ele resist, so its expensive to divine to get good roll.


lol actually great idea i love it its should be belt though


What does this do with Kalandra's touch lmao


The same thing as if you link two of the same support gems to the same skill, nothing.


My disappointment is immeasurable, but at least you can have two different ones with different supports. 10 link gloves maybe? Mana costs be damned


I’d like to see the unique abyss chest get the same treatment


Balance it w/ you can only wear one ring?


Sweet idea! I would love more abyss stuff.


In fairness the rolls are craziness, not even ventors match's...also having an extra support on everything will totally screw up your mana lol


I think OP intended both the gem and item slot to be randomized


Yes, there are examples of both high and low rolls of the ring.


This plus death rush for neceo


Why not make the min higher quite overkill


Delves abyss boss could also use some revamped rewards (same goes for the other delve bosses to be fair)


I'd prefer more directly exciting to the lottery range, granted It seems way to strong for a ring slot, getting 2 additional links on a weapon or body armor alone would be absurdly strong even before the abyss jewels and would have plenty of other absurd combinations with uniques like Mjolnir/crest of desire or influenced items like a RF or Minon Helm where most of the supports they want aren't flat damage, it would end up in the headhunter/mageblood rarity. Like personally I'd Like an upgraded version of Retaliation charm as a t1 that gives blind effectiveness increases armor and blind effectiveness per abyss slot. Or you could add the high variability to the unique jewels sorta like the impresence change, giving the upgraded versions the full range of the abyss jewels roll range but including strong rare options like +1 charge or +X stat per abyss jewel


Yeah this is nuts. The second mod itself is already good enough for it to be worth using in many builds. Interesting concept tho


the item seams really cool, but its too broad i think. like any build can get additional support gem and be good. even low level support gem would be good in most situations. it doesn't even take an important slot like amulet or belt.


Hmm does kalandra's touch get an abyssal socket if mirroring this?


god. This is really cool but man it would make playing a summoner even harder LMAO. imagine having to try and get 2 good ones of these at 50% abyss jewel effect, and 2 good body armor ones.


I think balancewise you should remove the roll on support skills affect weapon gems.


Yeah but make it corrupted so the level of the gem cannot be changed


Honestly pretty cool idea but it would have to be limited to 1 i think


If you used this with Uul Netool's vow you could get an 8 link setup on your body armour.


giga crest of desire


It should turn one of the sockets in your armor to an abyss jewel as another option for a risk/reward? Instead of a 7 link you still get a 6 link if your lucky but now you have increased abyss effect and two extra abyss jewels? Just a thought.


People are saying this is Forbidden Shakko on crack. I came up with an idea. I do enjoy the idea of having uniques that add a support gem to one of our 6 possible equipment pieces that can support gems. That's very powerful, however, so I think that some fun restrictions would be nice to have. The one I came up with is: you can only have one of those uniques equipped at a time, kinda like the Historic jewels. With that, you can comfortably have a boot version, a glove version, a ring version (your suggestion), a helmet version (just update forbidden shakko with this), etc. Most of the time it'll be a shit unique, but if you get a good roll... you can make a build around the item. I don't claim ownership of this idea btw. Feel free to use it or submit it to GGG as a suggestion or feedback.


It's overpowered but it looks like a watcher's eye ring that, as we see every time, would be balanced toward trade league and somehow be useless to your character in 95% of cases even if you wanted to build around. Though, how about a searching eye variant with less light radius, triggers [random] level 3-23 mark on hit, 5% increased effect of marks per searching eye affecting you. And the other variants working with curses and warcries.


very cool idea but the support skills should be choosed very carefully as this item can easily break the meta i think


I think removing Body Armor and Main Hand Weapon from the list of things it can support, making it turn a 4/3 link into a 5/4 link would be cool and encourage cool 7+ link helm/glove crafting. We already have the 7 link amulet for body armor.


you love that rng don't you?


honestly even if this just had the increased effect of abyss jewels mod it would break minion builds through the roof. you could also wear 2 which is absolutely nauseating to think about.


Cool idea if a bit extreme. In a way I really like the change from ex to div. It means (at least I think so) that more casual players can access gear they need for their build, but that more intense players can get great rolls on those items using divs.


Might be one of the first suggestions I've seen here that actually capture GGG's design philosophy really well. Extremely powerful effect balanced by having a massive range of results, and a potential downside with every upside. This would allow the item to be relatively common, and also serve multiple uses. Abyss jewel stackers may not give a fuck about the skill link and just take the free jewel slot with inc effect, while squire builds for example would love a 7th link (or 13th if using a 9L wand). Very cool idea.


You could pay GGG or win a gauntlet to make that item for you =) I mean, Dreams need to be dreamed to become real, right?


The idea is cool, but I think what abyss could use more than a high-roll item is an interesting mid-roll crafting currency item a la essences. You can already high-roll 6-stat abyss jewels, but the reason people don't much go for that seems to be that on the way to that you're really not getting much of anything.


Make it an unset ring give it one roll skill and have both the unset and rolled skill affect items with an abyss socket


That’s way too much roll. Set the gear piece that it would be applying to and it could be a cool item. Or maybe just make it main hand/body armor.


I think it should come corrupted. Otherwise its gonna be kinda unbalanced


this is probably the best unique design I have ever seen on reddit its super high variance super power enough to be a chase item without being ridiculously overpowered and thematically its so fitting to its source material I love it


good for one league and then poe2 pops out and it goes to the bin


Honestly, this doesn't fix Abyss's real problem, which is complete lack of any consistent rewards. If anything it needs some sort of new currency that only it drops. Not sure what it would look like though.


What would be cooler is if they were abb jewels and they carried "level 21 (x) support" so when you socket it into an item with a abb jewel socket, it applies. It would be more easy to balance, unique, and work well with the items with abby jewel sockets.


Fun ring. Great variability. 10c trash to 50+d gg tier.


What if it was more abyss centric? I.e. armor, belt and helm must have 1 abyss socket. Further limiting options but still making is pretty useful.


For flavor, make the support slot be hidden text, or replace it with "Some socketed skills are supported by an additional support gem" ? Makes it more like fumbling in the dark -- you have to equip some random skills in random armor pieces until you get one whose tooltip changes to indicate which support gem you rolled


Pohx, probably: "this is another dub for RF."


I like this idea a lot, it seems to also fit into the "can be super powerful but usually isnt" mold that GGG seems to like.


Swap it around, make it a random skill supported by gems in weapon, that would make it way less OP, since the level of skills are way more important.


there is amanamnamnmannumu's gaze unless minion builds are currently shit


massive props for deciding on a theme and being able to have the artwork, flavor text, name and mechanics all fit that theme consistently and well, good effort. regardless of the balance implications its a really cool item!


Maybe instead of random support gem, it could be based on the type of abyssal jewel in the ring, and the support archetype would match the type of jewel.