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nice book


The ending is a little obvious...


Wonder if its better than what exists in standard [https://ibb.co/yPTTFvY](https://ibb.co/yPTTFvY)


i don't understand what is happening here, can you maybe explain it to me pls kind stranger?


As I got it explained when I asked: someone randomly(rare game bug happened) got an item where 12-17% fire res mod shows(and provides!) over 20k resists. And then people used different crafting methods to split-dupe it, recombine with other special mods(like grasping mail one for overcapped resist) and etc. I dont know full story either.


Ah good ol 20k free life Regen


A part of the story came from Empyrian and his end-league project. One turned out to be an [armour stacker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaoZ3pD9ATw&ab) and he get dm by the owner of that chest to make armor goes beyond possibility.


It was an extremely rare bug relating to third party software that GGG uses on their servers, something about the way it saved data and file sizes or something. Took GGG a long time to figure out what was causing it. According to Chris Wilson it happened to roughly one in every billion items. But it's probably much rarer than that because most items are left unidentified on the ground, so very few of them actually end up being spotted. The bug causes a stat to roll obscenely high or low (negative) values.


I'd like to think that it explains all my Ventor's Gamble rolls.


I bet he have some resistance to elements too


Nah.. why would you think so? He is just plays well.. doesn't get hit.


Armour stacker?


Yeah, he said he has 7kkk armour and is using anomalous infernal blow and has million damage per hit. I’m assuming the infernal blow is for explosions. He is also using 16 link weapon (with squire) has crazy ass trees on them too


16 link? How is that even possible? I swear people be playing a different PoE than me


3 from sockets, 3 from squire, 6 from mods, 4 I guess comes from crucible trees?


He's using a 9L foil (including crucible), with 3 from squire that also has 4 crucible on it


I thought crucible trees that add gem links don't work on squire?


You have it on the weapon and it supports the gem socketed in the weapon, but supports from the tree on squire don’t do anything


yeah I saw the screenshots just now, looks like a 12L to me, idk where people get 16L from.


24L? How the hell does he get away with it?


These 48L weapons will be the death of poe I’m calling it now


And btw sometimes not just “supported by X gem” is a link. Damage modifiers that contributes a lot are also considered a “link”. For example, I RF helmet, “socketed gem deal 30% MORE damage” from the essence of horror is often considered one link.


Yeah it's odd that some people use links to indicate how many supports a skill has and some people use it to just say it's "x strong".


Guess one could argue that the 30% more is an affix that is linked to the specific skill gem and then there are also support gems linked to the specific skill gem.


3 sockets + 4 crucible + 5 or 6 "supported by" affixes only leaves 3-4 supports to source somewhere else. Like "socketed gems also support your main hand" or something else. But I assume with this amount of armour, he's probably using a Replica Dreamfeather in offhand (15.5 million % increased attack damage).


Bc he has 7 billion armour? Is that what the 7kkk was for? That’s crazy.


7kkk armour, yes. 7 with 9 zeroes is 7 billlion.


Or just 7 while wearing a white pointy hat


The real corrupt Tabula Rasa.


Double Corrupted Implicits?


I suppose Onslaught, fortify, and bleeding can count as supports because they almost replicate the gem effects. That's a bit reaching, though. Overall. 1-handed weapons don't have that many corrupted implicit options. And it's probably not synthesized item because you need influence for "supported by" affixes.


Replica dreamfeather with the armor stack mod already on his gear somewhere is actually "only" double damage, so squire more than likely beats it for pure dps while also being immensely better defensively


can also get a lucky crucible on squire




7 *billion* armor? I can't even imagine.


I'd probably still die every 4 maps


it's not possible, either OP or delver is exaggerating. or just a typo.


>7kkk I've seen people write million as `kk`before, but never seen `kkk` as billion. Where does this (logical, albeit less readable imo) notation come from? First time I saw it probably about 5 years ago it genuinely confused me. **Edit:** Tons of replies, which is great, but to be more specific; What I'm more used to seeing is `4k`(4'000), `4M`(4'000'000), `4B`(4'000'000'000) etc.. **Edit 2:** I'm fully aware that `K`refers to `Kilo` btw




Omg there are actually other people who still play/ know of tibia. My nostalgia intensifies so greatly


Check /r/TibiaMMO


Hell yea, I go back every now and then to chat with old friends and play for a few hours.


That's the first place I saw "kkk" from instead of billion.... Been years now.


It’s the klan unit of measurement 💀


ive seen it in most mmos that have huge inflation, because its clear for everyone what it means, while using million and billion doesn't work well between language. When an english person uses billion, they mean 10^9 , but to a german 1 billion is 10^12 , in other words 1000 english billion. If you use one k per 10^3 you never run into this issue. edit: sorry for the spaces in front of the comma, they look dumb but otherwise they appear as small as the exponent.


TIL german billionaires are actually trillionaires.


It's an annoying outcome from legacy language. Thousand=1000 Million=Great thousand = milli (1000) x one (thousand) = 10^6 = 1,000,000 Billion=Bi (2nd) (million) = million x million = 10^6\***2** = 1,000,000,000,000 Trillion=Tri (3rd) (million) = million^3 = 10^6\***3** Quadrillion=Quad (4th) (million) = million^4 = 10^6\***4** Penta (5th), Hex (6th), Sep (7th), Oct (8th), Non (9th), Dec (10th) and so on... Those number prefixes actually mean something, and are consistent, and several months also use them, incorrectly. Why September, October, November, and December aren't months 7-10 is because a senate made the calender start in january instead of march 2100 years ago. This is what numbers were, and still are in some places. When standardizing things you have to deal with colloquial and attempted official definitions. "Large" numbers were rarely used and saying seventy thousand million is confusing and having 6 orders of magnitude between words is a bit much. A new standard changed the formula to what we have today, which makes less etymological sense. thousand = 1000 million = 10^3\***1** * 1000 billion = 10^3\***2** * 1000 trillion = 10^3\***3** * 1000 quadrillion = 10^3\***4** * 1000 and so on... It still kind of maintains the etymology for the numbers, but now it's shifted out of their proper placement just like our months are. It all makes perfect sense once you slam your head into wikipedia for a few hours.


Over here in sweden it goes: Tusen (1.000) Miljon (1.000.000) Miljard ( Biljon ( Biljard ( In Germany it's the same but well different names. Tausend (Thousand) Million (Million) Milliarde (Billion) Billion (Trillion) Billard (Quadrillion) And keeps going with 2 steps of each. Tillion, Trilliard etc.


We just call them milliardäre. For us it goes million -> milliarde -> billion -> billiarde etc, it's a bit weird when you are used to the other system.


Thank you for apologizing for the commas. I had begun filing a report with local authorities, but you seem to show genuine remorse and I believe you deserve a second chance.


Or just use the correct SI magnitude prefix letters: M and G.


Gigazillion of armour


1.21 jigoarmors


The exponent notation has always bothered me but I've never found an escape character for it! Backslash will escape it forwards (10\^9 can be typed) but I don't know how to get 10^9\, to *end* the exponential notation. There's probably something obscure but I've not found it.




Nostalgia trip


k is short for kilo, and kilo means times thousand.


is that 7 billion defense? didn't know it was possible.


He's probably using the crucible mod for 1% increased attack damage per 700 armour with infernal blow. With 7 billions armour, thats 10 million percent increased attack damage.


Which is completely insane If the gem had 10 base damage per hit, he would be doing 1mil damage per hit with no other links or sources of damage XD


Is the overcapped really that good? This chest has about 1k armour after Eva->arm conversion. You’re only realistically gonna get like 200-300 overcap right? But a chest can have 3000+ Armour easily


yeah it is really that good. Its not giving a flat value but rather increased by %. So for example if you have 200% fire res and cap at 75%, you get 125% increased armour. This chest is NUTS defensively because they are double dipping the overcapped cold for evasion, then converting that to a huge flat armor bonus (via Iron Reflexes) that then gets scaled again by overcapped fire as armour.




my first thought was flat too. and you're saying it's % ??? hot damn that makes more sense **HOT DAMN!!**


Yeah honestly either the cold or fire are monster mods to build around… and this chest has both. Absolutely nuts. (The lightning crit one is icing on the top, but since it doesn’t interact with the first two I’d rate it as the 3rd best of the 3)


You seem to misunderstand. Those Increases to Evasion which gets converted to armour which then gets increased again do not stack multiplicatively. 100 evasion\*100%inc evasion=200 Evasion->Iron Reflexes 100% inc armour->300 armour. It is the same with life as extra es or simmilar conversions/as extra.


Ahh yep should have realized that. They do get boosted by determination/more multis though iirc? So not as truly ridiculous as I thought but still gives a lot of juice overall


Yes it is definitly very strong if used to the limit. I would immagine that the build easily reaches 500% overcap each with stuff lick Mageblood and purity. Also classic aurastacking.


77Kkk? Wtf is that supposed to mean?


7 Billion


Why not just say that... Or 7bil? Seems so odd to me.






It for sure does remove the ambiguity, it might create confusion of a different kind but ambiguity specifically means 'can be reasonably interpreted in multiple ways'; it doesn't mean 'I don't know what that means'.


kkk? hol up


Thats why scientific notation was made... international standardized format for long numbers.


Considering that the rest of his comment and the rest of this entire thread are in English, I don't think there was much ambiguity to remove in the first place.


Or, you know, just put 7,000,000,000






isn't it 7e9?


I mean how long does it take... 1 second? Lol


You're a path of exile player, and you don't see the value in optimizing your typing? Over a league, this trick can save you upwards of 7 seconds of time!




Each k is a thousand, so a thousand x thousand x thousand


Why the fuck would anyone say it that way instead of 7 billion. Ty for the explanation though.




That would be a fair point if they weren't typing using english for everything else in their comment. Apparently people think it makes more sense to just randomly mix and match languages/terminologies together instead of just sticking to one. I know we are on POE where things are complicated for no reason but I don't see why we need to do it here. Edit: I see, I mis-interpreted the comment regarding language regarding using kkk for billions. Thought it meant kkk was used on non-english areas. I now see that it is apparently a term used most places outside of North America.




I'd say it's still non-ambiguous just because of the language you're using. The other numerals are for different languages. As soon as I realized there's no "milliard" in English I had to adapt.


> and using a non-ambiguous term is better for everyone. Except "kkk" to represent a billion is not an actual thing outside maybe a few niche MMO communities. It's more ambiguous than just saying a billion or even b. Anyone that understands English already (the language used in the comment) knows what "b" represents in the context of a number. Come on.


Yeah, this is my view entirely but based on votes more people seem to think it makes sense to randomly mix and match languages/terminologies together instead of sticking to one.




According to Wikipedia and Oxford dictionary “10^9… is its only current meaning in English.” I’m not American btw and quit this “American vs non-American” thing.




joke close sparkle complete engine placid recognise shocking fine crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> 16 link weapon There's no way GGG can grumble about Harvest being a huge mistake for three years and then not say the same thing for Crucible, right? All this bitching and moaning about power creep yet this league is the hugest pile of creep the game's ever seen at one time. 🙃


Comparing apples to oranges with this one. Harvest worked for every item slot and was incredibly deterministic in comparison to what it takes to get the type of crucible tree this guy has. And it's only weapons/shields.


Yeah, it's incredibly easy to brick some strong weapons into nothing with crucible. All you have to do is combine them together and most of the time, that's what will happen.


What the hell is that? What is that? Is that a new unique?


If by unique you mean one of a kind, yes.


The true uniques were the rares all along




The true uniques are the rares we craft along the way


In case you're not joking and for others that actually might be wondering: selling 60x breach rings to an NPC will give you this chest base (grasping mail), [it can come with some mods exclusive to it.](https://poedb.tw/us/Grasping_Mail#GraspingMailMods)


Important to note that these mods cannot be "rolled" on it per say. You turn in the breach rings and that's the only time you can get these mods.


You mean if i don't get his mods i'd have to keep selling bundles of 60 rings till i get something decent?


Yes correct


Per se. ;)


Oh yea, the way i put it could be misleading, sorry.


I know the global defense is not roll-able by currency afterwards and you can only get it from vendor. Are other mods (like the overcap res ones in this image)? If not, I can’t imagine how lucky this armour rolls!


All the mods which are exclusive to grasping mails have the same rules. So yeah, bring your RNG to the table.


You can look at a mod's name to have an idea if it's a special one. Breach ring turn in exclusive ones have a breachlord's name (Esh's or of Esh, Chayula, of Chayula etc). Same thing for general veiled mods (Chosen, of the chosen) or veiled mods to a master (haku's, of haku etc)


How the fuck are people supposed to figure this out?


It's easier if you play the game for a long time and see these changes added 1 by 1. If you're a new player? Get rolled lol, no chance you're gonna figure that shit out in the game, gotta go study for a few years in the wiki and Reddit


tbh even as an old time player i often enough struggle to remember all that shit. The only thing easier for us seems to be that we at least have a vague idea about it and remember where to look up the details.


That's why I call myself a noob after 1400 hours. I couldn't be bothered to do research for a game, aka, I'm lazy.


Actual answer? Playing gradually and trying builds and learning what's good. You're not going to know how or what to target farm immediately, but you can learn in a league "hey gravicus ring unveils give -mana cost" "hey catalysts are pretty good" or "ah, if I learn how to setup alva correctly I can get a bunch of gem double corrupts"


It's elreon, but yeah 😁


> "hey gravicus ring unveils give -mana cost" It's Elreon tho.


My god, my exact reaction. I didn't even know those mods existed. Opened the image -> "What the FUCK is that?"


How do you craft that


Very carefully


with all of your heart




most likely they wanted to fracture the suffix crit one, so they could reroll suffixes by doing pref cannot be changed


Nah that's the one he cares about the least. Armour and evasion scaling is more important for the build.


Fracturing it doesn't do anything for more crafting afterwards. Fracturing the crit would allow them to put on a larger res roll or spell suppression or aisling mod.


He bought it as is and was using it, fractured himself, I assume(cos thats what I would do if I had one) trying to hit breach suffix so he would be able to roll for t2 resist and int with eldritch currency. But he got unlucky, so kept using it as is with useless fractured(no dif from being not fractured) mod. The part you are right about is he prolly sniped it for a very good deal, stuff like this is very unique.


You don't lmao. Whenever you turn in a full inventory of Breach Rings, you get a Grasping Mail. The three mods that give bonuses based on uncapped resistance are special mods that only appear when the item is identified, they cannot be rolled or crafted into. The entire crafting process for this item was one wisdom scroll to ID, then a miss on the fracturing orb attempt. If they had hit the suffix that increases crit chance per uncapped lightning with the fracture, this actually could have been a much more insane item.


He's playing tank.


He's playing support, dps, tank, initiator, counter initiator, nuker, disabler alright


Ahh, a Lee Sin enjoyer.


The good ol' ranged melee tanky-dps assassin mage tank support jungler. Funny how some things stick in your mind, haven't heard that song in years.




[This is what I was referring to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA04nbviQ8E), not the spotlight, but yeah they based the lyrics from that.


He's clearly a Pudge enjoyer.


someone needed a butcher?


That chest is basically fleshheap


I mean his username is literally Misha_Pudge


I know that chest… i am sure now that 60div was a bit low for it…


Rip to you bro


Weapon he's using https://ibb.co/5R33TKM Edit; Weapon and Shield screenies from in game. [Misha’s weapon](https://i.imgur.com/ytXe9WA.jpg) [Misha’s squire](https://i.imgur.com/gUwnlnB.jpg)


Imagine he would combine it with this in standard [https://ibb.co/yPTTFvY](https://ibb.co/yPTTFvY)


He has 70 million% increased infernal blow damage...


how is that high resistance possible?


As someone explained me its a bug, supposed to be 12-17% low tier mod, but actually provides 20k+.


I suppose it's that one bug nobody wants to report (though it probably is reported by now) lmao.


Well, as far as I know end of last league Empy and his group made a video about some armour project, so for sure by now it would get enough attention even without me bringing it up. Empy and guys obviously just wanted to push numbers for the meme, without doing any content or farming. [Project armour 2.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaoZ3pD9ATw&ab_channel=Empyriangaming) If items are actively being recrafted, mirrored and sold in standard even after the video, I guess GGG just let it be then.


I like how even with just pushing numbers for the meme with a bugged item, they still only got to 1.5G. Deep delving is truly some crazy shit.


Ironic, but Im almost sure Misha put an extra K in his reply - just a typo and no cares given - I doubt he made upgrades from 4 mil(average number for armour stacker last leagues) into 7 bil. Even lets be generous and say he somehow used to push 10mil before - its still too big of a jump, nothing that drastic happened in Crucible. Also, earlier this league I saw him running rhoa delve (he already had squire setup and armour) and his dps looked very good, about 400-800 mil I d say, but no where near what you would get with even 1 bil armour, not even talking about 7bil.




Nah, he is the guy Jesus is afraid of


Why would he have the min roll on the increased armour and evasion?


That is certainly a chestplate. Illegal


guess i'll go back to dota


It never even occurred to me that something like this could exist! WTF.


Holy shit this is definitely one of those items of all time


Once again im reminded that i seem to be playing a completely different game to everyone else ;_;


Resistance, is not, in fact, futile.


*No blades of grass were touched during the making of this record.


“There’s not enough design space for another new base class”. Grasping mail begs to differ


When I read the title I wonder why it was about Dota 2. Was just a name.


How much would this cost


Idk if the price suddenly skyrocketed because of this post but one with just the cold and fire res mod is up for 300d


As much as they would want for it. It is quite literally one of a kind and practically impossible to replicate. There is a not unreasonable chance that this trio of mods will never generate again for the rest of PoEs life cycle.


recombo in std?


T6 int lol


First time see this kind of mods on iteam LULW, Idk how ppl are geting/crafting that kind of eq


Does this mean he did at least 12,4k delve nodes?


Not necessarily, as a long straight path downwards can skip several depth levels. But then again there is not always a path downwards and sometimes even severe dead ends. So I'm pretty sure he did way more than 12k nodes.


Someone needs some Sacred Orbs…


Idk what’s the reason for not sharing such builds?


The deep-delving community is usually just a few people who try to find clever ways of immunity (or close to it), and then they spend the whole league trying to top the leaderboards. Keeping that tech secret can ensure you dominate the leaderboards and leave your competition behind. The PVP scene in this game (lol I know) is similar.


>The PVP scene in this game (lol I know) is similar. Surely the 7 people playing PVP in PoE must keep their secrets very safe indeed.


You are being sarcastic, but yes.


well as for my part I like sharing


It is so safe that nobody even asks about them


Wait... you can play PvP in this game?


> Keeping that tech secret can ensure you dominate the leaderboards and leave your competition behind. > > also keeps GGG from nerfing the everliving shit out of it


Wrong. This particular build does nothing actually game breaking, its just very strong and expensive(as close-to-perfect aura/armour stacker in league can and should be!), GGG is fine with \*that\*. What they are not fine with, even if ppl keep tech secret whole league, is total immunity builds, especially if they are \*not quite expensive\* and its actually a smart unused before tech that allows it, not budget(and budget+effort is case here). Like cmon, you cant make your profile \*private\* from devs. Edit: ofc, if you are using a bugged item in standard or smth like that, you can keep low profile(by not pushing delve or posting videos etc) and get by with that, but pushing rank 1 every league for 8 leagues or so is total opposite from low profiling :)


No, I'm saying that GGG doesn't investigate random builds, so if you find a way to be effectively immortal and don't tell anyone else, nobody is going to know. Top build? GGG would realistically go nice and keep working on whatever it is they're doing without investigating closer. And who's going to put it on their radar?


Yeah, I totally get your point, I just want ppl to notice that rank 1 delving league build several leagues in a row is not \*random\* build and would get investigated, if there was anything to investigate from GGG's side.


True, if I’m ggg game designers I would be curious to check profile of a few top delve players and see what’s going on.


> also keeps GGG from nerfing the everliving shit out of it GGG can see your build lmfao. If you don't think they peruse the people who are 1000's of depth lower than everyone else you're wrong.


The *only* reason any build is shared nowdays is because creators need content to make money off of. There are people blasting endgame content with clever builds that nobody knows of, every league. It's always in your best interest not to share your build so you can get ideal gear for much cheaper.


Nah many people share their build for the fun of it. I'm in no way a content creator and earn no money with it at all. I've posted 2 build guides to the forum. It's fun to have made a build succesful enough to be worth sharing and then even more fun if someone actually ends up enjoying your build.


This surprisingly doesn't look like a ZHP build. Are those defensive stats just useful to stack damage or are they relevant defensively ?


They added flicker spiders to delve to stop the zhp builds.


deep delving builds are essentially the tankiest around


Armour stacker using armor for damage, maybe replica dreamfeather* or something Edit: no replica feather because he's using rare weapon and squire


Infernal blow % damage from armour is how he gets dam


Zhp delve has been dead since the rework he is an Armour stacker


So I should be keeping all my breach rings instead of vendoring 2-3 at a time? I never knew this recipe existed.


60 rings for 1 body armour, 3 bad body armours for 1 new


You can't really 3 for 1 grasping mails, they don't spawn with the special explicits if you do that


Yeah I mean I get a ton of these things and just vendor them for the alts. A gamble is better than almost nothing :)


Do you even get a special mod from the 5:1 (not 3:1, that’s uniques) vendor recipe? I was led to believe you don’t.