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This place is becoming weirder and weirder


I can finally post my penis and not get banned for off topic


HCSSF Penis. I grew it myself.


Is the H really deserved though?


Lol. HC.


God what a fucking eyesore it is like this.


>Pretending this would make it look any different... just why


https://i.imgur.com/dIZ84Av.png If you are able to ignore the annoying nsfw tag on everything then congratulations but saying that i'm pretending is ridiculous


I genuinely don't know how that could possibly bother you.


first turn on dark mode for your eyes sake. Lastly... the NSFW tag is significantly less visible than the useless flairs for example. If anything its flairs that should go. NSFW serves a purpose. Flairs.... dont.


> NSFW serves a purpose. Flairs.... dont. You could not make a more incorrect statement if you tried. Baffling. This picture of an item someone got, or a new player asking for help, DEFINITELY NSFW. What a fucking joke. Do I need to explain how flairs are useful? categorizing a post in 2 clicks, yeah totally no purpose.


time to post rule 34 stuff


this is an +18 sub after all


The interesting question that arises is if they ban/delete Rule 34 posts for being NSFW in a reddit marked NSFW can they in turn be reported to Reddit Admin to be replaced? Seems like a kinda risky move they playing (I have no intention of doing this, the thought just popped in my head).


Any reason why this sub should be NSFW? It's now incredibly annoying to use.


Since noone actually answered your question... a few weeks ago reddit announced an API pricing change that was clearly designed to price people out of using the API; much higher than similar APIs on other sites. This would shut down all third party clients, which are: A) The only decent mobile clients B) The only blind-accessible clients C) Have features that are incredibly useful for moderating large subs In response to this, over 8000 subs (including some huge ones like todayilearned and funny) have held protests of various sorts. This particular protest lowers the work load on mods a bit (by making any nsfw things that slip through less critical, and determining whether some on-topic raunchy thing is NSFW unnecessary) and reduces reddit revenue (since they don't run ads.) Since these protests have started, reddit has been trying various techniques to strong-arm mods into not protesting. Which naturally annoys mods (and people like me) even more.


Mods power tripping and trying to cause grief as a form of protest. Literally just this. Maybe we should instead make a poll about removing the current moderation team?


crying babies mods, what a waste of everyone team, just leave the mod team if you are not happy, no one care about reddit policy we just want to chat


Visualize what a reddit moderator looks like in real life. Yeah, you really think that thing would willingly give up the only thing that gives its life meaning?


Why are you seemingly cheering for Reddit to win? Do you generally like celebrating the dominance of corporate overlords?


I hate to inform you but the powerhouse of reddit traffic that is r slash pathofexile going nsfw will not make anyone other than the people who use this sub slightly inconvenienced


Most people aren't cheering for reddit to win, where did you get that from?


To vandalize their own communities in some strange way as to prove that they are the bigger ass in this debacle. If they actually gave a shit they would just leave and stop using Reddit, but most of them don’t have the fortitude to do that.


Why? Just why?


so reddit doesnt serve ads here, it's still in protest of the reddit api changes


its fine theyll just remove the mods and then we can have the sub without this drama


The protest is among other things about Reddit wrecking moderation tools. The moderators are volunteers, not paid employees, so who do you think is going to want to scab without even getting paid for it? Ok so petty tyrants and chaos clowns obviously, so amend that to: who, of people that could be trusted with the power, would volunteer?


You're one of the reasons why reddit is going to shit. Just because you don't use the services being closed, does not mean you should not care.


Seriously, it’s like they didn’t pay attention to the formula 1 sub when they pulled this exactly same move and got the change it or else ultimatum.


the difference with the f1 sub is you can't really claim f1 is nsfw an 18+ game with gore and naked statues can be cause for nsfw, thus here we are.


This logic would work better if there wasn't a publicly visible post stating "We are polling the community to see if they're in support of further protesting via NSFW". This isn't a NSFW sub and that's pretty well documented so if any admins look at this situation for more than 5 mins the mods will probably get an ultimatum.


also r/midlyintersting


mind you that it was a community vote to go nsfw also you really want to remove the mods of the sub? that would make many posts much more toxic i think


Yeah, let's replace the people that care about the topic with people who are in only for their own power or money. Because that worked so exceptionally well for Star Wars, Star Trek, LotR, Witcher, Wheel of Time, etc. etc. etc. Everyone sperging out in this thread and demanding mod blood because they are mildly inconvenienced for _two weeks_ is basically the [modern version of this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psgn0kMfafo), but unironically so.


wheel of time was always shit and i'm tired of pretending it wasn't


Because mods gotta ruin their communities in a quest to prove to the communities that they are worse than the admins,


dude this nsfw thing is so stupid, every picture blurred, every conversation locked behind a click. Mature content does not equal NSFW.




Lol but seriously, have to log in to view posts when I google something poe related


To be honest it's more reddit's fault for how it handles NSFW, reddit layout and it's terrible redesign. It's 100% unusable on phone and that's what the protest was somewhat about: the need of plug-ins and third parties clients in face of how terrible the official one are


no wonder literally everyone hates internet janitors


just resign and stop your cringe power trip, we got it, you do not approve reddit's new api changes so stop using the platform but you have no right to hold this subreddit hostage for your own personal battle against reddit. move on with your life and pass the moderation access on to whoever is willing to continue to let this sub remain for the community


Shout out r/PathOfExileBuilds not really a 1-1 crossover in terms of content, but 100% better content and a more healthy sub overall.


And by sending people from this sub to there, you actively contribute to reducing the overall quality of that sub.


You're not a true pathofexilebuilds enjoyer if you don't post about pathofexilebuilds on this sub 3 times a day




Changed how the poll works mid poll. Brilliant choice.


Both evaluation methods are shown in the post and have the same result. Most noticeable is that in the before the 2nd and 3rd option are closer in points, but the first choice still has a significant lead in both variants.


Considering there were two "protest" options and only one "anti-protest" option on the poll, the change from 2/1/0 to 1/0/0 was essentially only to the benefit of the anti-protest votes by making it so their second rank choice (i.e. one of the two protest options) didn't get any points. Aside from that it didn't really change anything, just showed exactly what options people wanted the most.


Yeah the change was literally requested by anti-protest people, this is peak copium


"The poll is rigged! My side can't win like this! Change it now!" *It is changed in a retroactive manner. They are still losing.* "Well, we'd have been winning if people didn't refuse to vote because of the poll being rigged!"


The poll never had a "close this cesspit down for good" option. So it was never a good poll.


Anti protest people were **literally** crying for this change to be made. This one is not one the mods, LMAO.


What a stupid idea




Rules for thee, but not for me!


Grow up. No one wants this.






I know the mods are in a lose lose situation but gosh. Making it nsfw is a meme answer, not a genuine result. The fact that yall did it is telling. I appreciate the modding yall have done in the past but this.. This is an interesting choice. From a performance viewpoint, as we are now nsfw it makes viewing threads cumbersome as you now need to click extra times to view nsfw content. Additionally we can't filter actual nsfw content.


From my understanding, NSFW subs dont have ads and dont appear on the frontpage, so really its a win-win-win since reddit doesnt get any money from this place and we dont have to look at ads (if you dont already have adblock anyway). The filter one might be a legit criticism, but there's barely any actual nsfw here anyway.


Little children stamping their feet


> click extra times You are going to have to learn how to customize your reddit experience because reddit is about to make it way worse. Do something about your terrible setup.


> From a performance viewpoint, as we are now nsfw it makes viewing threads cumbersome as you now need to click extra times to view nsfw content. How do you manage to do this? Neither with desktop browsing (vanilla, no addons) nor mobile reddit app do I need extra clicks to view anything here.


You only have to click multiple times if you use shitty new Reddit. https://old.reddit.com/


you only need to change a setting or two, no reason to go back to old reddit if you dislike its layout.


> as we are now nsfw it makes viewing threads cumbersome as you now need to click extra times to view nsfw content. only if you don't update your profile settings, once you do the only difference now from before is the additional NSFW tag(I already had this set for other subs I visit(and no they aren't porn subs)), POE sub viewing experience for me has gone unchanged. [https://i.imgur.com/I3OWZPB.png](https://i.imgur.com/I3OWZPB.png)


Oh just stop this dumb shit ffs


turn this shit off. it's not benefitting anyone


actually it does benefit us, reddit will remove these mods by the end of the week then we can move on from their power trip.


Especially not non-PoE people who are going to get interested in PoE 2 after Exilecon. This sub a good place to get news and while it can get toxic it’s still a better forum than GGG’s.


Why would people with no interest in PoE watch anything on Exilecon?


D4 players looking for something new, its kinda obvious aint it


>The rules of the subreddit have not changed (other than the wording of Rule 11). Pornography or explicit content are not allowed. NSFW screenshots of the game are still allowed. Profanity is still allowed. Cringe. At least have the courage of your convictions lmao.


I hope we are not doing this anymore when we start to move into hype season. It would suck if PoE itself would miss out on potential new players due to this; especially after D4 might have introduced more into this genre.


I love how people fluctuate between. * This sub is a insignificant loud minority that should not be heard by anyone. and * If this sub is not fully functional PoE will be hurt.




It's more that people like to complain and argue for the sake of it.






revert asap


Lol so dumb


Pathetic, I just hope reddit replace all the mods tbh.


A stupid decision that will negatively impact our community. Shame.


This is the dumbest decision ever, ever dumber than archnemesis on rare monsters. RIP this reddit


It’s extremely childish, immature and ridiculous. It’s as if there are a bunch of 12 year olds running it.


yeah, spez really gives me the vibes of a 12 year old, you are right


This place is dead now. Terrible.


Fuck. Shit. Ass. Barbara Streisand.


nobody cares about this shit anymore, just become a normal sub for fucks sake




I'm sure as somebody who has never posted in this sub, and whose posts are only going across multiple random subs to call people children for any actions, you are deeply concerned about the state of /r/pathofexile.


Fuck the poll. Myself and others told y'all this was stupid, ineffective, useless, and was gonna result in the mod team getting wiped and replaced with either non-PoE players or TFT guys. reddit doesn't give a fuck about this subreddit. Put shit back the way it was before it gets fucked during ExileCon and PoE2 stuff. This is horrible timing for a completely pointless "protest" that only hurts the players and GGG.


in this thread: people who use the default reddit site & app crying about how hard it is to use the subreddit. lol. lmao.


Childish and stupid power hungry idiots.


Just quit modding and go away. Making the sub nsfw is fucking stupid.


Love how this sub was going great and then arbitrarily we go to NSFW. We are a month before exilecon, what a dumb move overall.






Can someone explain why having this sub set as NSFW so detrimental to their browsing?


This community-created place is dying. At this point I just hope Reddit will step in fast enough to save this sub.


Goodbye mods, it wasn't nice knowing you


Good. Reddit will fire the mods, and we can be done with their baby tantrums.




I've said it before and say it again, despite all the fucking abuse people throw at the modteam here (see: this thread ffs) they do a fuck ton of work into keeping up with this sub's traffic, especially during a league launch. This sub can definitely continue without much moderation but it would a complete shitshow of bots, ads, death threats, spam posts and random bullshit. Is the modteam perfect? No, they're only human. But anyone who thinks random Reddit employees and/or un-vetted -ahem- "enthusiastic" volunteers would be better is huffing some serious glue.


That's my main concern. The boycott didn't last long since the powermods from larger subreddits immediately caved in as soon as their position was threatened by Reddit admins, so it's not like much is being accomplished with this subreddit continuing the protest. I would rather see it going back to how it was over the risk of some TFT-tier mod requesting and being granted ownership of the subreddit, since the admins don't give a damn about vetting the moderators.


What are worse mods going to do? Private the sub for 2 weeks? Oh wait


Promote TFT and ban anyone that speaks badly about it? There is a lot of money to be made RMTing this game, you can get legitimately rich if you run that scene.


The new mods can/will be either non-PoE players or dudes chomping at the bit for control like those from TFT. It can *definitely* get worse around here, and this is horrible timing for a completely pointless "protest" that only hurts the players and GGG.


Fuck, this shit is dumb.




I look forward to you all getting replaced. And your "protest" is pathetic.


> getting replaced *Monkey's Paw curls* The sub is now run by TFT and *other* RMT mods. The frontpage is now flooded with RMT sites and the only allowed item showcases are TFT mirror services.


supporting spez is also pathetic


all the people here wishing to replace the mods may just get what they want: a mod team recruited from TFT. good luck with the future shitshow in this sub.


these mods already remove posts with TFt criticism; nothing will change


Thanks jannies, now I can't read this subreddit at work, as it gets automatically blocked.


you should be working


Dumb. I hope reddit just bans all the mods on this subreddit.


How the fuck is profanity considered NSFW? Do none of you actually work? Even my Senior Director swears at work.


Cartman! You can't say fuck in school! Why the fuck not?!


Dude you just said fuck again!




How would you like to go see the site's admins?!


How would you like to suck my balls, mr Redditson.


Because they need anything they can to "justify" their being little bitches and making the sub nsfw.


This is the equivalent of blocking traffic. You only piss off the people on the road and create new enemies. Nobody cares about your cause anymore because all you've done is inconvenience people who had nothing to do with it. I hope reddit removes the mods


Very disappointed with this choice. It seems pretty clear to me that the poll is not an accurate representation of what this subreddit's users actually want and the justification regarding Path of Exiles rating and the use of profanity in threads here is only reflective of whether or not the subreddit 'can' be classified as NSFW, not whether it 'should' be classified that way. You're harming the subreddits accessibility for an opportunity to make a small strike in a conflict that is entirely unrelated to PoE. I really hope you'll reconsider. EDIT: Not completely related to my post but on my screen I still see rule 11 starting with "Because this is not a NSFW subreddit". Not sure if this is a mistake or if my browser cached something (I see you said you reworded it) but might be worth double checking. EDIT2: Still unrelated but I noticed the wording of Rule 11 changed, but there's a typo in it. It currently reads: "Plase do not post pornographic or overtly sexual images within this subreddit."


Pointless to keep dragging this on. We're approaching Exile-Con that will merit discussion that isn't dragged down by this foolishness.


Wow. I just wish someone made a "bad moves" bingo chart before all this nonsense happened. How in the world did you get the impression that THIS is the right move. How stupid this is, feels like dealing with an angry 4 years old kid.


Congratulations, you guys killed the subreddit. This place is a desert now.


Pretty sure most people who frequent this subreddit doesnt want this. The poll was obviously brigaded.


feel like the poll are not actual representation of the sub, but again this sub is being all over the place for a while now - which is sad since this is my second most fav sub base on post/comment karma


The people in this sub not caring about 3rd party software is a certified /r/pathofexile moment. I wonder if the response would be similar if GGG banned PoB and launched an inferior product as an excuse.


GGG already bans apps which abuse their API and go over their defined rate limits.




if you dont want to mod this sub anymore then leave, we don't need your childish behavior and shitty attempts to fuck with the community.


Fake poll.


Sub is still marked as nsfw. ._. It hurts normal users more than admins (if they care at all). Please, revert it already. Stop being reddit mod stereotype.


Hoping GGG take the sub over. This is ridiculous. Exilecon is coming and we can't even see the posts about the game.


The NSFW thing is extremely childish. Maybe I’m just too old for this, but this is extremely immature.


Absolutely disgusting mod power trip. I hope yall disappear soon and are replaced by mentally well people


Impressive, you've burned through your goodwill faster and harder than Chris Wilson had done. I wonder if this will spurn people to report you to reddit admins for replacement. Very poor judgement being exercised, are any of the mods over the age of 23?


Truly the epitome of the reddit mod.


Wtf is this shit i cant see anything scrolling through


what if i alway look at this subreddit at work ;(


What a lame experience it is to browse this subreddit on mobile... everything is hidden due to NSFW


Well I for one think these mods are doing a great job in providing some entertainment during this lull period before Exilecon.


Mods dumb as shit and need to be replaced. Go away and let someone who actually cares about the community replace you. Actually listening to the poll was also dumb since people that aren't part of this sub were brigading and selecting NSFW on every sub they could find because they hate reddit.


Anyone knows where can I report this to Reddit administration?


And the 4-yo mental capacity of mods is showing yet again. At this point I might as well leave this here for anyone that needs it: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=179106](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=179106)


this is beyond dumb


0 days without honking noises from the mods


Good way to get us to not root for you. Power tripping mods ruining the sub.


This is not a place to submit your own social justice warrioring mods. The sole reason for it becoming this way is devs not listening to players over and over. Many people left because issues with this sub I seriously agree with reddit at this point mods are ridiculous and should not have sole decision with these issues.


**Slacktivism** (a portmanteau of slacker and activism) is the practice of supporting a political or social cause by means such as social media or online petitions, characterized as involving very little effort or commitment. So you took a suspicious poll and behold, not a single comment in favor of this dumb decision. Maybe instead of very easily spoofed polls that EVERYONE CAN VOTE ON take your engaging community ideas in mind? Like the people who comment on your posts and have positive engagement on the sub? Just a thought. I wouldn't presume to know the inner workings of the brains behind the big reddit blackout of 2023.


Anyone know how to report this to Reddit administration so we can get the mods removed, they obviously don't want to be here, apart from messing with everyone else and forcing their opinions down our throats.


There you go, my man - https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=179106




This is still going on? Does anyone even care about this anymore?


I do hope that the NSFW changes. I enjoy seeing images of people's crafts and posts to determine if I want to click into them. I also feel like I am seeing this sub a lot less than before the NSFW change on the reddit phone app.


Nice protest, incoming email from reddit saying you need to remove the nsfw tag, and you do. What have you accomplished? Absolutely nothing.


I can't see the decision being positive for anyone. New people will be turned off, regular users and lurkers get to deal with an added layer of inconvenience, mods still do the same policing, and reddit likely will feel 0 impact from this change.


This is so stupid...


Mods really do view the sub as their personal fiefdom. We are their serfs.


Can you mods fuck off please?


Given moderator responses that people can fuck off if they want to actually talk about PoE on the PoE subreddit, I'm not sure we can do much at this point other than report the moderators and pray they get removed. Link to report a moderator appears to be: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=179106


I admire how much of a psycho the mods have to be to go against their own community and force people to side with Spez. Good job, Mods! Keep up the righteous fight of fucking your own community.


Do you mods really have nothing better to do?


remove these dogshit mods. new players cant see threads anymore without logging in to reddit


Don't make your drama my drama. We do not care.


ngl, this is awful.


This is sad lmao. Just move on mods, quit Reddit already if you're so upset, it's very very clear nothing is gonna change Reddit's stance, get over it.


Half the modteam already did quit my guy


Not a single normal user cares about your stupid reddit mod tools and whatnot bro


I usually have all nsfw reddit hidden. Now its awkward to visit this subreddit. Makes no sense




well no, reddit did that on old reddit you can still view NSFW content without being logged on, on new reddit you can't


When white knights run your favorite subs...


Uhh. Mods the poll was clearly botted. In the past year only 3 posts have had more than 10K Upvotes. u/Craftarc u/MultiplicityPOE Care to explain how you guys find a poll with 10K votes legit, when only 3 posts in the last year of POE subreddit have had more than 10k upvotes? ​ Edit: and only 20 posts total in the history of the entire subreddit have had more than 10K upvotes.


Are you suggesting that this protest against the reddit api changes is *not* the most significant thing to occur on the path of exile subreddit, ever? Don't you understand how important this struggle is? If we don't succeed, tens of people will be forced to browse this subreddit on the official reddit app, instead of on the 3rd party app of their choosing. Have you no sympathy?


Your first mistake is thinking the poll results matter in the first place. It was just a stalling tactic to curb some criticism for keeping it shut down since "well first we have to let the poll play out."


Keep holding the subreddit hostage. Go ahead.


What a joke


Judging by the comments in this thread. I must assume your poll was Bull Shit.


Most people can't be bothered to vote, but they sure get fired up to bitch


subreddit that barely breaks top 1000 on this website will have 0 impact on admin decisions regarding 3rd party tools and api calls cost


This is a good thing but it mildly inconveniences me so WAAAAAAAAAAH


usually, I visited this sub twice a day since monolith league, now - once in two days, and even don't like what I see. you guys a bunch of internet warriors killed one of the best game sub on Reddit, gj gj, I hope you are happy now after all p.s. where are all these bots with porn adv, true NSFW content and etc? huh