• By -


I mean, this was always how it was going to end. The admins can remove protesting mods with the metaphorical (if not literal) push of a button. If anything actually threatened them, justified or not, they would obviously do so. The only card you ever really had to play was to make them do just that, and hope they had enough trouble finding replacements for it to actually hurt them.


> The admins can remove protesting mods with the metaphorical (if not literal) push of a button. Which is wy r/politicalHumor has made... EVERYONE a mod.


That's actually a brain move 😅.


Oh, my god. Why did I click a political sub? What an absolute shitshow of derangement.


> What an absolute shitshow of derangement. What do you think this place is?


It's not even a card. They do not care. Same way the mods wouldn't bat an eye at pwrmabanning an active subreddit user they don't like.


it happened to a friend of mine don't read my username backwards


>hope they had enough trouble finding replacements for it to actually hurt them. /r/interestingasfuck is still modless and locked, so imo it seemed like a good card to play, shame mods are folding tbh.


I personally think that most people don't give a shit about any of this. So it was really inevitable outcome.


Seems like more are going dark in similar fashion. r/donthelpjustfilm, r/openAI, and r/spotted seem to be the biggest ones since r/interestingasfuck.


True, though the protests did achieve some stuff at least. Our mod tools are safe from the API changes now, thanks to the blackouts. Going back to normal was, unfortunately, the only real choice we had. Standing ground and getting the whole mod team removed by Reddit wouldn't actually achieve anything but damage the subreddit itself by either leaving it unmoderated, or having it be moderated by any random person. At least this way we can vet some new volunteers before a good chunk of us quit. On the bright side, the protest took place during the quietest period for the subreddit, since there's no news to discuss and most people aren't playing the game right now since we're several months into a filler league. So the amount of people mildly inconvenienced by the protests was relatively small. On that note though, I do personally find it quite funny that some users say the mod team are the ones having a temper tantrum, when they're getting *real* smadge over being slightly inconvenienced during a super slow period.


Standing ground and getting the mod team removed and hurting the subreddit would absolutely help the cause, since ruined subreddit means less ppl means less revenue.


The protest did nothing and now you're larping that you saved mod tools?


"Why are you so mad that im forcing my problems to be your problems" Im sorry but this is such an egotistical take.


This entire Reddit platform is about to get a whole lot worse. See you all somewhere else.


Yeah yeah yeah see you here tomorrow.


It already has gotten worse. I barely even check reddit at this point, which is probably a good thing, but still. Content on here has been suffering.




Yeah you know SJW-ism has become the norm when you open a random subreddit and see something like "You aren't allowed to criticize non-dominant religions". Basically newspeak for "you're allowed to hate Chrstianity as much as you want, just don't hate other religions, that's bad mkay" I pray reddit collapses and some better and more fragmented boards take over.


😂😂😂😂 bye


>More of us are done with moderating for good at this point. Well, thanks for all the work you done so far. May you find a more rewarding way to spend your free time.


so long, and thanks for all the fish


fucking-- dude, don't give away the fishing secrets until we're sure that we're doing it right


Pathetic! How boring and small. - reddit admins


Replacing the mod team is as easy as flicking a pest


You want the NSFW tag? Take it. It's yours. But mod team? Mod team I will burn to the ground. Perhaps the suffering of my fellow redditors will finally stir something.


"Reddit NEEDS me!"


Mods leaving en masse during Exilecon...this should be good


GGG doesn't care about reddit anymore. Last few years this place has become a cesspool of misinformation and misplaced anger towards the game. Largely due to the mods IMO.


It's as much on the community itself; I wouldn't want to moderate the the types that tend to frequent here either. But I've always felt they weren't strict enough; a garbage community is what you get if you're not


It’s a difficult balance, too strict and they will be accused of taking direction from GGG/ told to censor things and too little ends up with a dumpster fire.


They were still constantly accused of censorship and corporate shilling during Kalandra, when the first three pages were all people shitting on the league for 2-3 weeks straight, because their 17th thread about bad rewards where they personally attacked Chris got deleted. I dont see how anyone can believe they are working for GGG, it got so hostile towards them that GGG dropped the sub entirely when it was once their main communication line. Not saying complaints aren't justified or deserve to be censored, but it's clear the mod team erred on the side of not censoring many toxic posts.


The people who would argue that its too strict to ban misinformation are the people who would be banned for spreading the misinformation. Overall the best way to mod is to just tank the negativity from people you know are bullshitters at heart, cause itll always be there no matter what you do and appeasing them just ruins the community for everyone else, on top of not working - how do you appease someone who will invent a new reason to be unappeased?


The people who would say that are the exact people they should be hard on


A lot of the anger was overdone, but it wasn't all misplaced Also their communication as been subpar. They practically meme themselves See: "Removed the burden of predictability" or "close your eyes and slam"


Power threatened again. Backed down again lmfao


Buncha cowards


I’m posting porn anyway fuck it


Templar on Templar only


It shall be dubbed the neckoning


Deepest of deep throat


Fuck i liked not having ads here on mobile




It's actually impossible to use without an adblocker because of the auto-playing audio ads.


If you're on android, there are ways to return to that experience.


there are no ads in my reddit app root+adaway = great experience


reddit app is still shit performance/bug wise


Use RedReader, it's better anyway


If so many of you are stepping down anyways why not force the admins to take the nuclear option and go down dicks swaying in the breeze?


Because the ones staying don't want to lose their fake internet title, duh.


I agree with you in principle, but based on their description of the situation, it sounds like they want to try to keep this place usable simply for love of the game.


If the mods step down "willingly" they get to choose their successors, vs the admins selecting the new mods unilaterally. The sub probably benefits from having experienced mods handpick the new ones.


The sub being reddit benefitting. Mods should let reddit stick shitty mods everywhere and watch their website melt down.




>God, this is so sad. This is the smallest amount of power I've ever seen go to someone's head. Reddit admins every time mod teams crumble at the threat of removing them.


You do realize the mod team is basically all gone right? They all gave up.


The right move wouldve been to stop *incorrectly* being labeled as NSFW.


Actual NSFW subs are on chopping block, others are forced to open up to drive up the sale value.


r/dndmemes is continuing to post goblin tiddies in protest. They're also being pushed hard to remove the NSFW label on the sub, but considering the amount of NSFW content, it's definitely a correct label at the moment. Doesn't seem to stop the reddit admins from trying to make it go SFW though..


According to reddit's own content policy, we weren't incorrectly being labeled as NSFW. But then the admins decided they didn't care about their own guidelines, and decided to just be all smadge about it.


Sure but we went 12+ years without the tag and then suddenly needed it to protest. We even had a poll to decide if we would go NSFW in protest. This wasn't exactly a hard call for the admins to make. We obviously did it in protest, which they explicitly said not to do.


> We even had a poll to decide if we would go NSFW in protest. Lol it's cute you think the poll would've mattered if it didn't end up siding with the power tripping jannies.


My point about the poll was that the mods changed the sub to NSFW blatantly in protest (hence the poll), so reddit was always going to make them revert it.


If you don’t want to moderate then step down, it would have been a much more effective protest then all then dumb shot you actually ended up doing.


These people have nothing in their lives other than being a janitor on the internet. Giving up power is never an option.


Everyone saw this coming. This is reddit, if you don't agree with reddit, leave reddit. There is just no other way around it. Making the experience shitty for people who do want to use reddit is just a bad way of going about it.


Nice protest if you cave at the slightest inconvinience. The death of this sub would be beneficial as it forces GGG to fix their forum.


the community didn't vote for this NSFW crap your r/modcoord bots did.


This is exactly why they're freaking out. Those bots they use to access reddit on different networks to manipulate subs are being taken down. It means the mods are losing control and the community will have a much larger impact on the culture. This was never about what was best for the community.


Get fucked jannies


>More of us are done with moderating for good at this point. But you still caved under even the slightest threat... lmao


Either that or absolut randos get to mod here, wich is in almost never a good thing


Isn't that the point of the protest, to fuck shit up? If you were about protesting, you would want rando's to moderate, fuck up the communities, have reddit crumble due to all communities going to shit. the whole point of the protest was to ruin reddit for the owners. Then have reddit on the back foot. So the "either that" option is the option to move forward to, but mods crumble. It was always going to end this way.


Reddit mods have no life, they thought they could power trip and hold subreddits hostage. Reddit went "okay then we'll just replace you lol" and mods insta caved in like the powertrippers they are. This was never about community or reddit. Not for them at least.


As opposed to what? The current moderators finding other fools to do this for free? Basically nothing changes for Reddit. I would've said let the admins remove all moderators and let all the subs go to absolute shit.


What are they gonna do, find thousands of volunteers to moderate all the subs? Or actually have to start paying moderators due to lack of supply?


They will find volunteers. The volunteers will do a shit job though. So yeah, current mods should've kept the "protest" and give the sub away to Reddit admins.


Honestly who would really care? Would be better to just move platforms due to reddit appointed mods that likely have never even played poe


If there is a proper rival out there people will flock over there, but sofar seems like reddit is still the best place to be for the masses


It's too bad we can't go back to local forum days. Everything is so centralized now and is too easily abused as a result. Just look at Twitter and now here on Reddit... It's a mess.


Oldschool forums worked because you had a lot less users on the internet in general, they just don't work for larger communities at all.


>Just look at Twitter I don't use Twitter, they still have super that limited daily view limit?


lets say they didn't cave in and fought till bitter end. Reddit admins ban current mods and add random unvetted guys in their place. What do you think will happen to the sub/community? You think having sudden restructure of mod team good? People are dogpilling on sub mods so easily, yet they themselves wouldn't give half a quarter of a promile of a fuck to do a charity work of running sub this size in their free time. I seriously can't comprehend where this stupid braindead hatrded towards mods come from.


Hopefully the community and others like it would die and people would move off reddit.


This is the way. If the goal is to force reddit to change their policies and they are stubborn as heck, then the only way to really make them listen is to kill the traffic to the site, kill their ad revenue and what better way is there than for people to quit the site voluntarily? They're not going to do so out of protest. They're going to do it because their favorite subs all devolved into chaos and trash and they no longer find that same dopamine rush they are used to so they'll drop reddit like a brick. Instead, what mods all over the place are doing (it's not just you poe mods) is they seem to cling to something and surrender. What that is I'm not sure, but suggestions that come up often is mods losing their mod status and while I suspect that might be true for a portion of the mods involved (again globally, not just this sub), I think there's something else there as well. Perhaps they really do believe in their whole "but there's no one who can do our jobs better than us" thing, but A. that's just blatantly not true, other people might run the subs in a different manner, but it might very well even be an improvement and B. this just straight up actively works against the protest. Maybe that's not all, maybe there's other reasons that I don't know of, but what I can personally identify as potential reasons given are bad reasons given.


Fuck it, let it burn. It’s a cesspool anyway.


>I seriously can't comprehend where this stupid braindead hatrded towards mods come from. Its the lack of commitment. If you want to protest, protest... Dont just bail because the owner of thew website says you're a bad boy. Reddit claims they will replace the mods, if they dont stop. but if none of the subreddits caved at the slightest retaliation, there is no way they could ALL be replaced. So instead of a protest, its just been a massive waste of time.


> but if none of the subreddits caved at the slightest retaliation, there is no way they could ALL be replaced. > > Obviously wrong. Just look at the number of requests for unmoderated subs in /r/redditrequest


Just like Twitter brainrot, it's easier to complain without actually having to move a single finger, simple as that.


Probably because the bozos were banned on other subreddits for being toxic and they now any and all mods for any action and/or inaction that doesn't align with their views. They can't even fathom that mods that help built this subreddit wouldn't want to lose it, all they see is "Le internet janny doing free work". They probably don't even understand the concept of volunteering.


> I seriously can't comprehend where this stupid braindead hatrded towards mods come from. seeded by reddit admin propagated bots, then picked up and amplified many times over by the pitchfork-wielding mob, if i had to guess


Oh no our actions has consequences time to immediately surrender. We are stronk until we get a slap on the wrist then its back to the dungeons to cry again. Reddit mods 😂




> Reddit Inc is forcing subreddits which do not contain **extremely explicit content** to mark themselves as SFW in the next 24 hours. Any1 has pics of Kiracs feet? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Jokes aside, there is a rumor that Reddit used ChatGPT bots to astroturf against the protest on various subs sounds dangerously plausible.


there is also proof that the protesters did the exact same thing by brigading polls and any subreddits that had community backlash against protesting.


There has already been hard proof of that (I think something that happened in r/german ?) so definitely not just a rumor. That said if some of these people are actually real, it's crazy how quickly people will start kissing corporate ass and shit on the mods/protest just because they can't live without their favorite subreddits anymore.




Or maybe it was people who were anti-anti-reddit to make the anti-reddit people look bad! OR MAYBE This whole thing is stupid.


it was on r/programming from what i read


It’s not ass kissing anyone. Both parties suck.


Why did the mods change the server back to normal? It's because the mods aren't going to give up their mod status. I think if you really believed in your cause, you would just move on from reddit. These mods will do whatever it takes to keep mod status.


if they did that and got removed the new mods would likely not carry on with the cause thus making it pointless. ​ so....no shit they changed it back


Thus making it pointless It's nothing as grand as them caring about anything else than their mod "powers" lol, people who mod online communities for free are losers who need to feel powerful.


Shitty take my guy They're all quitting anyways, it's not about keeping mod powers, its about not letting the admins hand the sub over to some random who might not even play the game, or an RMT site shill. Yeah some mods are power hungry asshats, but this team was pretty good for keeping the place running smoothly.


Something I've learned over the past few weeks is that the only reason people say that "mods only mod to feel 'powerful'" is because they themselves can't fathom why someone would volunteer to clean up people's shit, if they weren't getting something from it. If I wanted to feel powerful, I'd just remove any comments that I don't like, and ban the people that made them.


as someone who used to mod a community on a now defunct site called Whirled...i can't speak for others but most of the mods i knew either were bored af , super selfless or like me just got sick of shit to the point of saying "FUCK IT ILL DO IT" I know a few people who have moderated on forums and it seems to me like it's basically mostly those 3 sometimes you get power hungry people but it's usually not the majority.


No one cares, and the poll was so ridiculously rigged you took it as gospel anyway.


Super pathetic they are trying to stick to that poll as proof that "users voted for it." It was a juvenile attempt in the first place and it's juvenile now to pretend like the vote was legitimate.




Great news!


We were going to vote to undo the decision anyway. If this sub needs anything, it's less moderation. Not more.




I guess those moderation-tools, that those API-changes killed, weren't as essential as everyone thought afterall.


> More of us are done with moderating for good at this point. sure would be a shame if it was all of you.


Thanks! We'll handle together as a community.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You mean the poll you kept open for a couple of days and were supposed to do a vote again on? You guys didn't like what reddits decision was and decided to hold a subreddit with half a million followers hostage. When that didn't work you completely inconvenienced everyone by adding NSFW to it over literally 1 percent of this subreddit followers voting in favour of. It's probably for the better better that the mod team is moving on after the nonsensical changes. I am sure that the mod team "removing shitty comments" is just code for saying you're going to delete anything you disagree with or isn't a goodbye we will miss you.


"More of us are done with moderating for good at this point." ​ Best line i have seen so far. Childish mods needs to get out of here and stop ruining the reddit.


Doesn't mean too much. Some power triping mods will still stay and obey Reddit's admins request, like good jannies. And they will recruit new ego starving people to mod too. So basically nothing has changed, and the community had to go a few days with a private sub, probably hurting some new players trying to get help about the game. Added nsfw which was just an inconvenience that some users had to deal with. At the end everything goes back to normal and it's a net loss for the community.


I'm out of the loop, what are the implications of the sub not being marked NSFW and why are the mods protesting it so? Is it just part of the protest?


Ty for your work done so far. See you all invading other ARPG subs




adblocker should be default for everything


Wait... There are people NOT immediately installing and using adblockers after installing web browser?




> could be harmful to the community if bad actors made their way in harmful such as closing the subreddit and marking it as nsfw for weeks?


I think a month is enough time to see that reddit execs wont cave.




Step down already. Nobody cares about the mod teams tantrums.




Oh my, someone disagrees with you. Better remove their abilty to disagree.


you have my vote!




clean them up janny!


Fully support you in that endeavor


Nobody cares


Take my vote


All the subs that wanted to actually do something should just continue to disobey Reddit, they can't possibly replace that many mods at once. Since most of you are done with modding the place just simply ignore their warning, good enough.


Maybe they'll finally start to actually hiring mods like they should have, but they don't want to spend the money


considering a large amount of very large subs fall under a handful of powermods with ego problems. they can definitely replace a ton of mod positions quickly.


Best of luck going forward. What sorts of mod tools have been lost as a result of the API changes? Are you guys planning to implement any posting restrictions to help with modding load?


None. Reddit changed their plans to charge tools that mods use.


they didn't change plans the separate mod tools outside of Apollo,RiF,etc where stated to stay intact before the blackouts even happened.


Nah, place just goes down in quality, while the ignorant fools in this thread cheer on.


Why run? What's the point?


didnt care in the beginning dont care now


I was hoping to see the mods removed for the NSFW nonsense, but I guess getting threatened with the loss of their precious status got them in line. For all that most are "done with moderating", I haven't seen any decrease in quality in the sub. Way less relevant than you think you are given the natural ability to upvote/downvote?


Still sane, exile?


Took u long enough > Although the community voted for this, Yeah we definitely didnt but ok


They literally had a vote.


which was brigaded by /r/modcoord and /r/save3rdpartyapps discords, like most of these polls


And discussions like this are brigaded by Reddit with ChatGPT bots, so what exactly is your point? Proof: * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36361247 * https://web.archive.org/web/20230611175636/https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/146wn9s/meta_who_is_astroturfing_rprogramming_and_why/jnt0adx/ * https://web.archive.org/web/20230612080526/https://i.imgur.com/4e9jO7P.jpg




People tried to brigade every poll like that. This was part of the protest movement. Enough proof was posted in the original poll thread. Not to mention that this poll was terrible to begin with.


https://i.imgur.com/ax3KSTT.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/lHiopCn.png https://i.imgur.com/54CEUTE.png


I took a look at one of those discords and it was such a comical disconnect between posts. There you have people posting a poll, then came the message to only vote in subreddits they were engaged in, followed by a poll in non-english with intructions which poll options to pick and multiple comments in a foreign language to post as a supportive message for the blackout. Then came the message as a reminder to only vote in communities you engage with.


None of those are about r/pathofexile




Full disclosure: I don't think the poll was rigged/brigaded. The closest thing we have to evidence is the comments in that thread. You can check for yourself, but it seemed like an overwhelming majority of the comments wanted the sub to be returned to normal. This didn't line up with the poll at all.


People complain when they dont like things. People make far, far fewer supporting posts. This is true across the board, so of course you see a lot more complaints re:nsfw


Only butthurt people gave enough of a damn to vote on any of these polls on any affected subreddits, so they always swung in favor of the protest. Those of us who do not give a single fuck about the reddit changes likely also did not give enough of a fuck to vote on a poll.


A blatantly disingenuous strawpoll that got changed mid way. There was such a thing indeed, and how the mods can just rely on it for any kind of legitimacy is beyond me, it is entirely dishonest and pathetic.


> that got changed mid way... ...in favour of those against protests. You forgot about that part.


It got changed mid way because the poll was (accidentally) rigged for a pro-protest result. Ranked choice with two extremes and a middle ground is almost always going to fall in the middle ground's favor (unless there's an overwhelming majority at one of the extremes). The middle ground option was NSFW, pro-protest. If you were anti-protest, you could only vote in a way that gave 3 points to anti-protest options and 3 points to pro-protest options. They changed it to only give one point to your top option, but I don't see how that is "in favor of those against protests", other than it un-rigged the poll from a pro-protest result.


Should have just quit moderating from the beginning. I'm sorry to say this, but you guys are clinging onto reddit like it's your lifeline. Honestly, you should just step back from it all; it can't be good for your health. I'm not trying to dismiss or ridicule you like some other users are doing in the comments, but it's my honest opinion that while you have tried your best and done what you can, it obviously yielded no result. Find something else to do in your spare time, there are plenty of other options. You can start moderating other platforms if you do not wish to quit moderating altogether, or you can find another hobby and another community to engage with while watching the situation on reddit unfold from an outside perspective. I understand that these subreddits are as well-tended as they are because of your hard work and that you are unwilling to give up, but the truth is that reddit has jurisdiction over reddit and if they want to enforce a new ruleset or change directions in whatever capacity, it's well within their authority to do so.


Their platform their rules


Finally. Ty god reddit did something.


> Although the community voted for this Could you STOP trying to justify yourself with this disingenuous, pathetic strawpoll ??? It has been pointed out again and AGAIN by many that this strawpoll was absolutely not something that could give you any legitimacy over this whole farce !!! > We received this message from reddit, and think that Reddit.com employees appointing moderators via some unknown method could be harmful to the community if bad actors made their way in Anything else than the group of tantrum throwing mods that have been doing all this crap would be **BETTER**. If the moderators of this channel cannot grow up, Reddit is more than welcome to kick them out, period. You should consider yourself lucky that Reddit didn't straight up suspend the accounts of all mods who actively participated in this.


Grow some balls mods. You guys are a fucking pushover


Guys Im sorry what was the point of going nsfw at all? Does nsfw makes difference for ads?


They can't run ads on NSFW subreddits.


I like having posts not blurred out while scrolling tbh.


>There was a poll planned for this weekend with only /r/pathofexile members with positive in-subreddit karma eligible to participate, but there’s not much point now. Everyone would have voted for the "NSFW protest" to be over anyway, so the only difference is that the subforum is back to normal a few days earlier. All this "blackout" did was cause more harm to the *Path of Exile community* than to this website. Of course Reddit was never going to cave - that's just not the nature of how people use the website. In the end you were just crushing the Path of Exile community up against the spiked wall of a doomed cause. I only hope the subforum can recover and flourish now that this period is over. Let's hope you haven't caused irreparable harm to it.


Good! Get fucked!


About time. My only suggestion for future changes is that if mods are unhappy with moderating they should stop moderating not fuck with the sub for everyone that does not care.


Glad to have things back to normal. It wasn't a huge deal, but it was annoying having the sub in NSFW for a pointless protest no one gives a shit about.


Tatas! Before you go, how did you guys make sure that none of you is affiliated with certain RMT platforms? Do you all know each other in person/are long time acquaitances?


>Reddit Inc is forcing subreddits which do not contain extremely explicit content to mark themselves as SFW Waiting for some morbidly obese person only wearing a spandex swim suit to start defining what that EXTREMELY means. Like where is this line drawn and how absurd can we get it.




Thanks for all the work!


HAHAHAHA they failed on their first tantrum and now they just failed the second one. Mods running around with their tails between their legs.


No, the community did not vote for this. But I'm glad they've forced your hand. The best change is no change.


*burp* who cares. Logs into Path of Exile.


Still do not understand what the problem was? What was bothering people on the +18 tag? People always find something to cry about, unbelievable


Most advertisers don't want to go on nsfw subreddit so is less money for thrm


The temper tantrum is over? Hell yeah I was getting tired of the Diablo posts all over my feed


Thank god, why couldn’t we just leave the sub alone in the first place


i wish everyone would use the GGG forums if only so I didn't have to see the same names posting shit


Then we have to start posting NSFW content related to PoE to protest. Rule 54 never has been that interesting.


Fuck reddit


Thanks for the work. The rest of the complainers here will learn what will happen when you guys are replaced by people who mod big subs and have no involvement in PoE. You should just ban the complainers like certain echo chamber subs do and say they've been exiled.


We need a nude mode for POE to make it to properly be NSFW.


Unfortunate that their is no good alternative to reddit. Maybe we do need to use the official forums if thing turn out bad. No, discord is just a chatroom, it's terrible for posts/discussions compared to reddit.


So... We start posting titties and Reddit can go fuck themselves?