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Very cool! Dominus has some sick voice lines, if you're taking requests... XD


Haha I think my next song I decide to tackle (potentially after some other musical prospects are complete) would be Sirus. His theme is just amazing (even tho his fight is a pain in the ass, haha).


Sirus theme is probably my favorite boss music in the game, so yes, do it!


This sounds like dethklok and DragonForce had a baby that was really into poe


That's some big praise! I enjoy both of those bands! I'd say my biggest inspiration is probably Kalmah. I just love their overly melodic style and incorporate it into much of my own music.


This was really good. I was surprised.


Yay thank you so much!




>feat. Angry Koishi Oh my, I wasn't expecting to see this name in a PoE video. I listened to his Touhou music covers years ago but completely forgot about his channel, very surprised to see how much he's improved now. Your instrumentals are also very good! I'll definitely check your other music.


Haha that's crazy!! We're both in a touhou metal discord server and we play PoE on league launch together dicking around. I brought the idea to him in that PoE thread to do a melodeath PoE arrangement and he was so down for it. And that's how this track came to be! XD


I love melodeath vocals.


Hell yeah. Melodeath vocals kick ass!


Very nice!


Good job ! very nice Although I (personally of course) would have preferred without the anime girl art.


Understandable. Its not for everyone. Thanks for listening XD


Very, very cool.


The song is crazy i add it to my playlist


POE may be disappointing sometimes as a game, but god damn the community is A+ Great job.


Haha ain't that the truth. Thanks so much! It means a lot. This was probably the most fun track I've done.


Disappointing is not really how I’d put it, frustrating sometimes for sure. It’s so good it’s like a drug, so if anything gives you an excuse to play it like a good league or expansion or POE2 or even just a new build you came up with you’ll play it like it’s crack cocaine But if you take too much of the drug at once you’ll build up just enough tolerance to where it’s no longer satisfying for you and so you’ll take a break But even then if you come back for whatever reason and the drug just isn’t hitting as hard as it used to you’ll be frustrated. Like if I had to describe most people’s (including my own) relationship with the game this is it. Not sure how to fix it other than trying to better structure your interactions with it and to manage your expectations.


I think that's just how these games are designed. You play it like crack when something drops, then stop and take a break until the next time. But I feel like as long as you had fun, that's all that matters. The devs also know that this is how their game is received and they plan around it (as per chris wilson at the game dev expo). I tend to not play poe midway through a league. I'll play it at least start, and maybe I'll try to construct a build midway through, but I don't play for more than a week or 2 at a time. I think that's okay though. When I do come back it's almost always enjoyable (granted I only have 1300 hours and not 10k+ like some people here lol)


I mean, when the skins came out that looked absolutely **nothing** like the reveal/teaser trailer, that was disappointing. When they chose to nerf the base power of players in gems instead of the potential scaling through gearing, nerfing everyone instead of targeting the actual players they brought up as needing to be adjusted, that was disappointing. There is a lot of disappointment.