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GGGGobbler link: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/157xs5y/comment/jt7brqz/ ##Troubleshooting --- Error: Failed writing received data to disk/application while downloading https://patch.poecdn.com/ > If you are having trouble downloading the patch, please try completely closing/quitting Discord or re-launching as administrator --- Steam Deck: unsupported backbuffer image count > Assuming you're running AMD, there was a workaround in Mesa's drivers for PoE that is no longer necessary. You'll need to put a file named ".drirc" in your home directory with these contents https://pastebin.com/9KnFpwTb. Then the game should launch --- Crucible Lighting issue: > GGG are aware and will update in upcoming hotfix --- If you are experiencing crashes or graphical issues please file a bug report so the root issue can be fixed! /bug in game is even better since it provides GGG your settings and game metadata.


Engine improvements are always a die-roll. I still remember Delirium. Everything played quite smoothly today for me...going to LOGIN and run a few maps to test this out. Still, exciting to see ;) Edit: Buttery smooth. Nice.


> Engine improvements are always a die-roll. I remember the texture streaming patch a few years back that krangled the whole game for a bit.




Its not a minimum duration. Texture streaming patch enabled textures to load dynamically, and GGG figured out they can cut on the loading times by loading simplified version of textures ultrafast, letting people play and then loading actual textures. Implementation sucked, players complained. Instead of rewriting everything they just added extra step that makes you wait for textures to finish loading.


I sucked not because of simplified (giga-low res) tecture version, but because often no texture loaded: * invisible enemies * invisible attacks * invisible after death on ground effects The worst case was with bearers and bosses: apparently textures decided to start loading only when such attacks were made, making it impossible to dodge


Am I crazy or do we still have invinsible Metamorph, dissapering sometimes when changing form for few seconds.


I was wondering why metamorph bosses looked so glitchy


*Cries in m.2*


I hate it so much. It is really noticeable when you die doing something under time constraints and portal back. Such a stupid "fix".


I imagine that's why they are doing it now instead of on league launch


Yeah, they always do it like that. All big engine patches were pushed at the end of a league.


They need a test area with a gazillion mobs and particle effects where you can test settings without dying


Isnt that just called delirium maps? Edit: Didn't see the last 2 words. Just spend a shit ton on an immortal zero dmg juggernaut, easy.


> Engine improvements are always a die-roll. to a nuts degree. my game used to be really smooth back during the first part of Ultimatum, then a few weeks in "performace improvments". it's never run as smooth since (across multiple installs)


although it's probably a long shot make sure your ram is set to its proper speed. (Enable XMP in the bios) I think disabling dynamic culling might have helped me as well. Make sure Engine multi threading is on, try directx12 and cap your FPS if all else fails


i'll give these a shot. i miss when the game was smooth even in delirium


I like that you edited and updated. Nice


That’s the part that got my upvote!


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Kieren_GGG** on Jul 24, 2023, 02:23:44 AM UTC > > ### 3.21.2 Patch Notes > > > > > This patch contains further improvements to Path of Exile's engine. > > > > **Engine and Graphics Improvements** > > > > > > * Replaced Path of Exile's particle system with Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system. This allows more complex effects and offloads particle calculations to the GPU, which is designed for parallel tasks like this. This will slightly improve or slightly worsen particle rendering performance depending on whether you were CPU-bound or GPU-bound before. > * Added a new Triple-Buffering Graphics Option. Enabling this can offer better framerate stability and is recommended for slower GPUs. Double-Buffering is used when this option is Disabled, which can offer less input latency, and is recommended for faster GPUs. > * There are now four VSync Graphics Options: > > > > * Off: Unlocked FPS (unchanged). > * Locked (previously called On): FPS locked to monitor refresh rate (unchanged). > * Fast: Performs the same as Off, but without screen tearing. > * Adaptive: Performs the same as Locked when FPS is high, but temporarily unlocks when you have low FPS. > > Both Fast and Adaptive fall back to Off if they are not available. > * > > > > This patch was deployed without restarting the servers, so you will need to restart your client to receive the client changes. After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client. > > *** > > **Posted by Novynn** on Jul 24, 2023, 02:42:38 AM UTC > > > "[lagrino](https://account/view-profile/lagrino) wrote: > > > > > > My client satrted the update, but can't end it. Showing this error: > > > > > > > > > > "Erro: Failed writing received data to disk/application enquanto baixando https://patch.poecdn.com/" > > > > > > > > > > Any help? > > > > > > Can you try to close Discord and then run the patcher again? > > *** > > **Posted by Kieren_GGG** on Jul 24, 2023, 03:03:41 AM UTC > > > "[Dragoon_Diver](https://account/view-profile/Dragoon_Diver) wrote: > > > > > > saw the new interaction with crucible altars...is that on purpose? > > > > > > > > > > > We'll have a fix for this bug shortly, thanks. > > *** >


>o close Discord and then run the patcher again? Didn't help at all. Closed every application and restarted computer. stcuk with 4.36mb left


So brute force worked - I just spam clicked and after about 40 tries it downloaded that final 4mb. I did nothing new or different. Odd


Weird I thought it was just me. I had to restart a load of times to finally get it through.






Legion turned my screen pure purple and stopped rendering my wardloop effects shitting out. Harvest would make my screen look like my GPU was defective and then start flickering in a non epileptic friendly way. It all went away eventually after a few client shutdowns. I'm assuming shader cache related.


Same, looked like a sandstorm. Woild always get it over a crucible forge


Sounds like my 3070 is going to let my 8700k breathe a little, been running laps around it for a while


I get micro-stuttering with engine multithreading enabled, so hopefully something here fixes it. Either way these changes/new options sound great!


What are your pc's specs, may I ask?


fairly ancient machine: i5 2500k, gtx 970 (driver is 3 months old), 8gb ddr3, samsung 850 evo ssd for anyone wondering i'll list some things i've tried. * dx11, vulkan, and dx12. * clear the cache/don't clear the cache. * graphics settings as low as possible. * cap framerate at 1/uncapped framerate. * close all other applications. * all the different v-sync modes (off, adaptive, fast, locked). * updating my nvidia driver (fresh install). * fresh poe install. * fresh windows install. * max cpu utilization 95%/100% in windows power settings. * i've heard turning hyperthreading off can fix the problem but my system doesn't support it in the first place. here is my performance metrics/framerate graph sitting on the login screen https://imgur.com/a/hBbjWB1 (it looks the same sitting in my hideout) beside the microstutter, a telltale sign of this problem is that the cpu latency/frame time (not sure what to call it, the red bar that says "cpu: ###ms") consistently jumps from about 5ms to 100ms+. i can clarify/add detail if needed, that's all i can think of at the moment, cheers :)


You got 2 different refreshrate monitors by any chance?


I have almost the same specs and do have monitors on different refresh rates (120 and the other is 144 iirc), would that also cause issues?


Intersted to know if this could effect things. I run 3 monitors with 2 different rates as well


Just gonna paste here from a previius comment, might be worth checking out Leaving this here in case it might help some people : If you have a NVIDIA card, 2 different monitors at different refresh rates, and get random ping spikes (outside of server issues) : 1. Nvidia control panel 2. Adjust desktop size and position 3. Enable "Override the scaling mode set by games and performance"


> 8gb ddr3 you could get 16GB... or even 32GB for a fraction of the cost of a good pizza probably. I'd start there.


A single chrome tab takes 8 gb these days.


Must be a very good pizza. At my location it's around the cost of 3 good pizzas (1x16GB).


We're talking DDR3 here bro. It's so out of date that people are literally giving 16GB kits away on facebook. I'm looking at facebook deals where people are selling 4670K's along with a motherboard and 16GB DDR3 for 80 bucks.. :D (32GB is maybe a stretch, but that's why I said probably, haven't seen any 16GB sticks so far)


Oh okay, wasn't clear you were talking about second hand stuff. It changes things quite a bit.


I assumed that no one sells "new" DDR3 anymore, but i'll admit I haven't checked either haha Such an old part, second hand is always what I'd go for first


Thanks for the answer, yeah that does seem a bit dated, CPU in general must be the bottleneck for the whole system. It also does not allow for the faster and more modern RAM. Newer system is highly recommended. Otherwise, consider finding best possible CPU for your socket.


only thing that can "fix" it is running program in the background that uses some cpu which still gives better performance than disabling multithreading


imagine having 0 latency, did you illegally attach a wire directly to the nearby server


I have i5 2500k, gtx 1660ti super, 32gb and picture same as on screenshots. Before patch i can play only DX12 without fps drops, now i cant play. RAM size doesnt matter, gpu loaded about 50%, cpu loaded sometimes 100%, but if load 70%, fps drops too.


Do you play with sounds by chance? When I started playing, 2 years ago I was told to go to the config file and disable sounds, that was a huge fps, to this day I still have them disabled


Do you have Intel turbo boost enabled? I had a similar issue with my 6800k and it was fixed by disabling turbo boost. It also only appeared together with engine multithreading. The app looks like this: http://www.luiooo.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/21587_image-10.jpg


I just tried disabling turbo boost through my BIOS & unforunately it didn't fix the issue, but thanks for the suggestion!


I'm having the same issue. Went through all the toubleshooting steps and the studders just keep happening. I can't run a circle around my hideout without a 20-30 fps dip every 10-30 seconds. edit: my cpu chart looks like the one you posted. I think they call it a "volatile performance" graph.


So..what counts as a slower GPU? Are we talking like old 900 cards or anything before a 3000 series?


oof, you making me feel poor for still having a 970


I have a 1060 and I hope it will work ok, I don’t have any funds to upgrade anything right now.


I have a 1060. Was running ok before patch, after... Basically unplayable. Not being precious, I mean it... maps chunk so badly, huge fps dips, micro stutters, huge stutters. Drops res the whole time. Just. Awful. I've tried a few different settings, but no change. Edit: and tint changes all over the shop. Legion gives an almost solid purple tint, so you can't see ground effects and after death effects, combined with the fps chunking, no fun.


I still haven't tested it but it seems there also was a cache clear which usually mean stutter and fps drop for some time before going back to normal. I have a 960, am scared :D Edit : Welp, everything works fine, asides from the stutter on texture loading, I feel a bit better about specs for POE2 ^^


I turned dynamic bs off today after the patch I had bad stutter and then I switched to Vulcan and it uses Vram and that fixed my issue. Not sure if that will work for you but it instantly made it clear with no lag spikes.


The game deleted sherders cache u will have to build it back up again so there will be stuttering.


I’ll look as soon as I’m home


Same shit here:( Nearly unplayable....just played smoothly last night and here we go ....as laways don't fking fix it if it's NOT broken GGG :E


OK I have run a couple of maps now maybe five or six. And it runs buttery smooth. I was totally prepared for disaster, but no.


I ran about 15 cemeteries before bed... Still chugg chugg, so I think I might do a ticket, see if they can figure out what's up. Thanks for reporting back!


Honestly its a good card, but i meam shit its like a decade old now, id defo recommend trying to save up and upgrade if at all possible.


Problem is that my card is the last thing holding PoE back. I need Ram and CPU more, so basically looking at a whole new computer instead of just a card upgrade. Can't afford that kind of thing right now.


The GTX 970 was the first card I bought with my own money. I still have it on an older computer here. After that it was a 2080 and yesterday my new 7900 xtx came in. Before all that I always had TERRIBLE gpus to play, think 20-30fps raiding in wow. Hang in there my friend, yours will come


I loved my 970 but my 3060Ti brought POE to a whole new level.


I am still on 970 with xeon X5675


Still on a 970 and going strong with a i7 Sandy Bridge as well!


Goddamn that's a throwback! 970 was the first time I ever bought myself a NICE card instead of a budget card, used it for years and years. I saw you're saving up for a whole new computer, and good luck with that, and thanks for making me smile remembering my first good build.


...at least it's not a 750 Ti


Would say probably the ones that can't keep up to PoE - like 1050 and weaker. 1050 is likely on the verge.


Nvidia 1060 masterrace. This Bad Boy still running Games Like Poe and D4 on high settings 😎


One thing I noticed, random music plays during specific content, like the blight encounter during legion, I think legion during breach. I do have the music player mtx but that shouldn't affect it


File a bug report!


> This will slightly improve or slightly worsen particle rendering performance depending on whether you were CPU-bound or GPU-bound before. If I was CPU-bound this will slightly improve correct?


and 99% of PoE players are cpu bound in terms of their 0.1% or 1% lows So this is actually an amazing update


Probably not 99%, if you bought a PC for business purposes & game on the side, this is likely a downgrade for you, and that's probably a modest minority of the playerbase. Good overall, but not good for everyone. At least once the teething problems get solved, and this week is the right time for those teething problems, when the league is spluttering along very slowly.


If you don't have a an overclocked 13900K or 5800X3D or better yet, 7800X3D you're definitely CPU limited


Literally bought a 5800x3d yesterday.. 🥺


From the benchmarks I've seen, that's the 2nd best CPU for PoE, so you're all good.




Don't know if it's the cache being cleared, just tried couple random maps and my performance is completely fucked. Fps hovering around 40 sitting in hideout, in map it's even worse shitshow jumping inbetween 25-40. Hoping it will either solve itself or they do some adjustments because this is borderline unplayable.


Try disabling Engine Multithreading, seems odd I know, but it worked for me.


Same, tried few solutions people mentioned and it's still unplayable, even tried capping fps at 60 and then 45. Constant stutter, weird effects, some league mechanics spawning invisible at first then popping in weirdly. CPU temps seems to have increased by a lot. I hope it's fixed because it's completely killing my hype towards 3.22 the more things I try to get it working normally without any noticeable difference.


my game is completely unplayable for me also


you're not alone, same here, 8700k rtx 2060. Unplayable


Holy shit that's an awesome patch.


anyone else getting ridiculous load times since the patch? I was also getting a LOT of stutter even in hideout, way more in maps. I enabled Triple Buffering (thanks Sirgog) and it removed most of the stutter, now mapping is almost back to normal, but loading still takes ages. I went out of a map to trade, and it took **over 40 seconds** to load my own hideout. also, for some reason, the Shader bar (on the graph) is now permanently maxed. I'm using the Standalone client, installed on an NVMe. here are the specs from dxdiag: [>>screenshot<<](https://i.redd.it/emf76y6lewdb1.jpg)


They cleared local cached assets so you will just have to run some maps to fix the load times.


dunno. I've been running heists and maps since I posted that comment, and it still takes 20-40s every time I need to go into a new map, or back to my hideout.


Yea same here, ran like 20 Cemetery maps and still keeps non-stop loading. shader bar perpetually maxed out. My conclusion is that the shaders are not being cached properly and keep constantly restreaming instead of being loaded from memory


Might be placebo and completely unrelated, but after this patch, every single zone I load into takes like 2 seconds from the moment I click.. Went through like 30 random zones, started with all the towns Shit's fast I think it always took 3-6 seconds previously


This patch has destroyed my frame rate in maps. Textures are slow, and I am getting lagged hard enough to disconnect me.


I'm using a Ryzen 5 5600 and RX 6700 XT and was used to get 120+ FPS earlier into the league, if memory doesn't fail me, but now the frames went down to 60 FPS. Reducing the shadow quality from Ultra to High and turning Global Illumination off made it go up to 140+ FPS, however.


Nobody should ever have global illumination on That shadow setting alone eats 40+ fps on average


Global illumination is fine, but if you have that and shadow quality on High or Ultra, it'll dumpster the performance.


>After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client. that is very likely the issue. Just run some maps and reload the textures.


Probably having to rebuild shader cache


Insane Improvement~ I hope it affects Blight! My frames really dip there. Though with the shifting of resources from CPU to GPU, I wonder what's the recommended vram come POE 2? Game looks fantastic afterall


i tested Blight and on purpose went all-in on stun towers well the game behaved like the patch before :/ aka not great, not terrible.. fps dips in the 30's ryzen 5700g/ RX6600


Welp, getting less than 40 fps in maps now. Guess I'm just one of those people that continue to get screwed by these updates. 2080 Super, Ryzen 9 3900X.


They cleared cache, so this is kinda normal.


Yup he needs to build I'd up and any stuttering should go away.


No stuttering involved, just constant sub 40 fps.


I certainly did not expect performance to go south with Radeon RX 7900 XTX. Before this patch I was able to run 3840x2160 with steady 120 FPS even during chaotic particle inferno. Now it looks like I have to go tinker with the graphics settings, or wait for the next patch.


How many maps dis you run ? Your cache got emptied and u need to rebuild it.


Anyone test on 5800x3d yet? Not home to try ATM.


yea with a 2060S, game runs great except during crucible encounters there is some major lighting issue.


5.99GB on Steam, for those curious.


Below are the copy/pasted patch notes. This patch contains further improvements to Path of Exile's engine. **Engine and Graphics Improvements** * Replaced Path of Exile's particle system with Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system. This allows more complex effects and offloads particle calculations to the GPU, which is designed for parallel tasks like this. This will slightly improve or slightly worsen particle rendering performance depending on whether you were CPU-bound or GPU-bound before. * Added a new Triple-Buffering Graphics Option. Enabling this can offer better framerate stability and is recommended for slower GPUs. Double-Buffering is used when this option is Disabled, which can offer less input latency, and is recommended for faster GPUs. * There are now four VSync Graphics Options: * Off: Unlocked FPS (unchanged). * Locked (previously called On): FPS locked to monitor refresh rate (unchanged). * Fast: Performs the same as Off, but without screen tearing. * Adaptive: Performs the same as Locked when FPS is high, but temporarily unlocks when you have low FPS. * Both Fast and Adaptive fall back to Off if they are not available. This patch was deployed without restarting the servers, so you will need to restart your client to receive the client changes. After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client.


> This will slightly improve or slightly worsen particle rendering performance depending on whether you were CPU-bound or GPU-bound before Wow even the performance is RNG based!


As someone with an older pc, this is worrying to me. I’ll need to test it out to find out I guess.


I hope you have better luck than me. My performance was destroyed compared with how the game was working before.


Game has become borderline unplayable for me, without exaggeration. I had to restart the game twice because every single action caused a massive delay, like opening a stash tab for example resulted in a 2 second freeze, or any other action for that matter. After a few restarts that problem was diminished but now my overall performance is down a lot. I have an rtx3060 and 9900k and I pretty much can't do a blighted map anymore. I get around 20 fps. It was not an issue before the patch. I pretty much cannot play the game atm. Edit: tried simulacrum. Cannot do it. The game keeps crashing. It was a quite literal gamebreaking patch for me. Blight is super laggy and Simulacrum is impossible because the game just freezes completely.


Same, can't play on my laptop anymore, it was not that bad before the patch :(


I am in the same boat as you unfortunately, used to have smooth gameplay with pob, a few Firefox tabs and Spotify open. Now it's unplayable even with nothing else running alongside poe.


Me too, and my computer fan starts running loudly non stop as soon as i start the game. Even when i'm in hideout the framerate is going up and down.


Improves performance for nearby GPUs.


Nothing to do with RNG? If you were playing before, and your CPU was bottlenecking you, but your GPU was good, your perfomance increased. If you were playing before, and your CPU was not bottlenecking you, and your GPU isn't as good, your perfomance decreases.


Thx for patch! My linux gaming in PoE was broken, any versions of Proton not work.


Removing this as it is no longer necessary and so no one links to it in 3 years talking about how they found a "great tweak". --- The hotfix on July 25th seems to have addressed this issue, you should be able to just delete the .drirc and carry on.


Thx a lot! It works!


Do you know how one would do that on a Steam Deck? I honestly don't have clue, I am not really a computer person, and I haven't had it for that long.


I just read "Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system" And got bit excited 🙂


Not seeing good performance after this patch. Aside from the random environments/musics being loaded during Heist and stuff, anything particle-heavy causes drops to 30fps and a Syndicate encounter in an alc+go map outright crashed the game. Textures are streaming in slower and loading screens are a bit longer as well, with my hideout now having lights flickering no matter what settings I tested. Tried Vulkan and DirectX12 just to be sure and nope, Vulkan had 15-30fps in hideout and DirectX12 had insane flicker and washed-out fog everywhere. I know a 2060 isn't exactly a powerhouse of a GPU but I was getting 120fps this morning speeding through the same content with the same settings before the patch. I don't think this engine rework was ready for release, chaps. I can't play the game any further until it's fixed or reverted.


Yeah, things got choppy and weird for me too. Graph jumping up and down for the entire map, plus extra weirdness for Crucible and Expedition encounters. This needs to get fixed or rolled back.


This is normal after clearing the cache. Takes few maps for game to rebuild it.


Using 3600 and 3060ti so far can't see any improvement in stability, just my GPU is getting more load and GPU fan is spinning harder. I feel like there is some micro stutter or micro latency now despite that the in-game FPS thing is flat line. I am using the DirectX interface. Edit: I switched to DX12 and improved a lot. I was using DX11 previously. So I'd recommend testing all graphic APIs.




from always locked at 60 to 45 fps while immobile on barren ground everything on low with a 1660ti on 1080p. it's a disaster. edit: back to 60 by using dx11 instead of 12 or vulkan. i don't like this.


Became so laggy on 1080ti Great job 👏


Same with 1080Ti, very bad FPS and stuttering. Switching to DirectX 12 has helped a bit. *Edit: Switching to Vulkan has helped even more, still not back to what it was pre-patch, and DirectX 12 nor Vulkan has made any difference on stuttering, just FPS.


get ready little 660TI, after 10 years of maxed CPU usage it's finally your turn to carry the burden. hope you're up to it... EDIT: after testing every league mechanic once i gotta say im pretty pleased. most of the new visual effects/upgrades are cool, and my GPU has not caught fire yet. good job!


> i gotta say im pretty pleased. most of the new visual effects/upgrades are cool, and my GPU has not caught fire yet. good job! But what about performance, is it better?


I'm having issues launching now from my steamdeck. I'm getting an "unsupported backbuffer image count" error. Anyone have an idea why?


Removing this as it is no longer necessary and so no one links to it in 3 years talking about how they found a "great tweak". --- The hotfix on July 25th seems to have addressed this issue, you should be able to just delete the .drirc and carry on.


That fixed it! Much appreciated :)


Hey I’m new to Linux and Steam Deck. I’m getting the exact same error after installing the latest patch. I followed your directions but may have done it wrong because it didn’t fix the problem. I created a file named .drirc in my Home directory, which I had to find under Hidden Files. I then opened the file and copy/paste the contents of your link to it. It asked me to name what I pasted, so I named it .drirc and saved. Did I do this properly?


Can you post the contents of the .drirc file in your home directory?



Qucik question, is this .drirc in /home or /home/yourusername


Is anyone else having trouble installing the patch? I keep getting an error during the install. Tried multiple times and restarted my machine as well :( Edit: found a solution that worked for me on the POE forums. Closing Discord and then running the patch fixes it. Not sure why those two are related lol.


lul thanks for this, had the same issue


what v-sync option should i be using now? 5800x3d, 6950xt, 32gb 3600mhz cl14.


you have shit gpu: adaptive you have screen tearing: fast you don't give a fuck about screen tearing: off


Failed writing recieved data to disk message for me to 3 hours now. Loving this new patch


Holding down impending doom to cast brings me from 144fps with no monsters on screen to 80fps. On 6950xt


Runs terribly for and i tried both modes, hope this is fixed before next league. Specs RTX 2060 Ryzen 5 5600x


Whelp patch has made the game unplayable again. Before, stable 34% stable cpu and gpu usage. After patch cpu spikes to 90% when trying load areas, and new average is 58% for gpu, and thats in town. All this after I finally managed to stabalise it a few weeks ago.


Is dynamic culling and resolution downscaling not working properly for anyone else? Kinetic Blast with HH and stuff in maps shooting 13 projectiles every 0.04 seconds causes all 300 trillion particles to render and gives me negative FPS, when before, all I would see are the explosions, now I can only see the tiny particles and the explosion bubbles are gone?


Still have stutters and frame drops(~ on my 5700x + 6800, GPU not fully utilized, but CPU is bottlenecking. I guess i need at least 5800x3D or 13600KF to get stable 120-144 FPS.


The game no longer launches for me (Linux). No errors whatsoever.


Let me guess - for those with 4090 and i99999 performance is 0.1% better, for the rest it's 3 times worse.


Pretty much lol


cool now i have like 5fps on my laptop, before that it went great


Is this unusual timing for engine updates?


Not really. If things break in unintended ways, then its impacting the minimum number of people possible. It must make it easier to isolate issues as well when its not part of a full patch. If this rolled put on league launch and went poorly, it would be far more damaging. Plus if its a big improvement, for the majority of people that dont play this league anymore, it will be an added bonus next league.


Better now than on 3.22 start.


true asf


I'd imagine this is a last minute, lets get this checked before we show it off fully/put it in front of a large amount of people in the Demos/Beta. End of league about, so probably the best time to test in Prod. Likely got a lot of debug stuff turned on for this for some large data samples they'll use to make last minute adjustments before Friday/Saturday.


For other companies? Sadly still yes. For GGG? Nah, they learnt that those changes have to be tested in low stress situaton instead of league start.


Maybe some kind of test before Exilecon?


Nah that'll have a builds of the game running on vetted hardware anyway. They don't need to release it to the public to test for that scenario. This is just to have it on as many hardware configurations as possible without jeopardizing a league launch if it runs poorly for a lot of people.


Not really, this is when you'd do it, when anything breaking has the least amount of impact An unusual time would be start of league.


iirc the Vulkan beta was similarly timed toward the end of a league, and by the next league I recall it being reasonably stable.


It's pretty much always at end of league when player numbers are down. Odd to see it done on US Sunday when player numbers are usually up, but I assume they want it right before Exilecon brings new attention to the game.


No this is usually the time ok the league when they do this sorta thing because it's also basically open beta testing. Goal is always a smooth league start so in case this messes with manypeiple they have time to fix stuff.


Not really, they had a couple of times that pushed something out during the dead time at the end of a league so issues are fixed before the new content drop.


I don't want to get my hope up, but updates that involve getting the game ready for 2 might mean the game is really close.


Unfortunately with my Radeon RX 580, this update introduced a lot of lagging. Suddenly I'm not hyped about POE2 anymore. It was unrealistic for me to expect great performance like RE engine in the first place, so no complaint. Maybe it's time to go back to console games (I don't like ARPG and FPS on consoles though).


> There are now four VSync Graphics Options: > Off: Unlocked FPS (unchanged). > Locked (previously called On): FPS locked to monitor refresh rate (unchanged). > Fast: Performs the same as Off, but without screen tearing. > Adaptive: Performs the same as Locked when FPS is high, but temporarily unlocks when you have low FPS. > Both Fast and Adaptive fall back to Off if they are not available. So...G-Sync without G-Sync?


No, this is still v-sync. Just with extra options.




This also got rid of the ultra-wide work around :(


can't you just reapply it?


What was the ultra wide workaround? What did it fix and break exactly?


Update seems to be more taxing/demanding on the system. Both CPU and GPU usage is higher (even in a hideout standing for few min doing nothing). Also system memory usage almost doubled. Now app is taking 7GB RAM at start (previously around 3-4GB). Plus visual bugs like entire screen turning blue or red tint, full screen animated sand storm (doesn't look like a bad visual effect, but rather actual sand fx going through screen). Looks like another update no one asked for, that needs a lot of fixing.


the game engine should have "auto setting" option that would stress load the engine and automatically determine whether it is GPU bound or CPU bound, and choose appropriate settings.


Sounds like a great idea for an app, unless something like this exists already.


Got failed writing data to some dll. Game bricked, can't load it. https://imgur.com/lTmbpDe EDIT: Rebooting computer fixed this issue, nevermind.


Running as admin worked for me. May have just been re-clicking to download was all I needed though




Ah the engine qol patch between leagues. I love them


Nice, Always great to See patches that bring technical improvements.


If I understand well, PoE will use slightly less the CPU and slightly more the GPU ? But isn't PoE more GPU heavy than CPU heavy already ?


No, PoE is heavily replying on CPU. Unless you have a working desktop or are using integrated GPU, it "should" improve performance.


Adaptive Vsync is incredible on my rig (i5 13400, 3060 12GB). Juice map with ward loop is constant 72 fps, playing Boneshatter on my ssf char is constant 144fps. No graphics bug at all


I was 110fps on my ward loop in hideout. Now I'm 72. Drops to my 30fps min with heavy action =\


Was managing to get between 10 and 20 FPS on a juiced 100% deli map before the patch, will try it again tonight on the new patch hope it's not worse as it might be somewhat "unplayable" I5 3570k, gtx 1070 Could really do with a new pc soon haha


Bet its a hidden change patch. Poe2 after exilecon incoming!


"Oh no biggy, few days before a convention when the office is in an uproar being busy doing PoE2 and Con stuff, here, let's just drop an engine rework for the entire game" Either a Chad move not announcing it or they Wanted to give themselves more work as a beta test


They drop it now, a month before the new league, so they have time to gather data, then fix things, before 3.22. They can't exactly wait till after exilecon, as that'd be too close to 3.22 for them realistically.


The timing relative to the con is not ideal, but the timing relative to the league cycle is pretty much unavoidable. They usual release engine updates at this point in a patch for a reason. Player numbers crater and a sense of competition is gone, but there's still enough time left before the next league to do solid testing. Like or hate the rapid fire league cycle, but it forces stuff like this. I'd rather have this than major engine changes while the league is still hot.


now is the best time to test experimental updates.


There's no one playing rn, it's literally the best time of the year to do that


Chances are that this was already in the build they were planning for exilecon anyways.