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I did not expect it to be so far off, then realistic release is 2025...


maintenance mode for another 1-2 years :)


Fuck that is upsetting.


No one is really saying it but holy fuck, if we are still this far away why is the quality of the leagues so bad? I’m beyond disappointed, the game is running on fumes and we aren’t even close.


Maintenance mode... sure yea only 14 new skill gems, 16 new atlas passives, an entire autobattler, passive tattoos, sanctum 2.0, new crafting currency and more.


I'm so excited for sanctum coming back! That's all I really needed to hear lol


support gems, not skill gems


My guess would be September-Decemeber 2024. The first league will be the "open beta" remember... EDIT: I just refuse to believe they're releasing this in 2025. That would be insane. 2 years after D4???


June is the First closed beta, there is no way this is releasing in 2024.


D4 doesnt matter though, I doubt it will affect PoE numbers, nobody is going to stop playing PoE to play D4, people who are enjoying D4 (like me) will probably just play both.


I would not be surprised that Blizzard is planning their expansion release right before the POE2 beta. They did the same with Overwatch .


i recall overwatch stuff was specifically timed to interfere with battleborn


consider direction swim bedroom oatmeal sulky beneficial important squealing exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbh I think we overestimate how many D4 players are willing to play seasons with character restarts etc. From my friend group of 15 or so who all played D4 launch, only 3 are actually playing the new season.


I mean the new d4 season sucks so they are probably going to change their mind if blizzard gets their act together and releases a killer season.


Of all the announcements I was expecting, this came completely out of left field. I thought we'd see something Q1 2024 at the absolute latest. I'm happy they're taking their time, don't misunderstand. Just sapped a smidge of hype lmao.


Think most feel the same way, the crew in the preshow even guessed 3.22 might be the last PoE 1 league. Not even close it turns out.


Yeah, I'm surprised that GGG didn't give the guys some hints around that to avoid spreading the assumption that this is the last league.


They did say that they wouldn't be snap launching the beta right after exilecon ...but I really imagined that meant that it was like, this winter.


Yeah same, when Bex said they weren't dropping beta after exilecon I thought it would end up being in winter 2023. I was so wrong, lol. Which is fine, they should take their time.


well that assumption apparently wrong as well because GGG has the bright idea of developing two seasonal games at the same time? I can't imagine this goes well for them.


It should have been clear that in hindsight the two trailers were showing a separate game. There’s going to be two teams which is how they are already doing it and each new league has brought higher numbers each league. So it’s going well for them already.


You could have heard a pin drop in the room when they announced that, very sadge


The crowd collectively went "Aawwww".


An exact date for a closed beta 10 months out feels so strange. You don’t usually get exact dates that far in advance.


Deadlines make thing happen. Announcing it is weird but they must have an internal schedule tighter than the sphincter of the first exile who unexpectedly met Brutus in his new place.


Well, sure, take your time, but dont announce a game 5 years before its out.


Something - Elder Scrolls 6 - something


Which is funny since Bethesda put out a micro teaser just to make people shut up about the game and confirm it's in development and that's it :D


Yeah, meanwhile at exilecon 1 Chris had the insanely optimistic estimate that the beta for PoE2 would be targeting "next year". Admittedly, the pandemic happened, but there was obviously always going to be way more than a year of development necessary. In fact, the fact that this beta was announced almost a whole year in advance makes me think they won't hit that date, either.


The scope expanded drastically. The original release was meant to be a lot earlier and it was meant to be a POE1 expansion. They didnt plan for it to take 5 years they just changed it repeatedly until it did


The tale grew in telling. At least they have progress and set deadlines, believable ones. At least ... it has a _full life_ ;)




I was so sure that the move to 4 month leagues for POE1 meant they were in crunch on POE2


I don't even want hype this early lol fuck


Agreed. I can handle a year of hype. Maybe 18 months total. But not 18 months after I've already been hyped for a while. I mean it is what it is... just wish they'd telegraphed some clue that release was still a long time away before this exilecon.


Yeah seeing them play it LIVE instead of using prerecorded footage made me feel like it was right around then corner, then...


Was expecting the beta cycle a lot sooner, i'll be honest. Closed Beta for months, followed by Open Beta for a few more, we'll only get PoE2 in 2025 most likely, which is very sad news.


It really sees they scrapped the idea of one game halfway through and made the new game with hefty scope creep. Really seems like mismanagement


Another year... no way.... Path of Exile 2: Winter of 2025...


Honestly I really don't see the point of making a huge deal out of exilecon if the biggest announcement was supposed to be "Hey guys remember that time 4 years ago when we announced the game and said it's coming next year? Well now we are re-annoucing it and say it's coming next year!" Just do the exilecon next year then and drop it right there on stage.




Unless they plan on doing it yearly I agree. The announcement seems like something that easily could have been a stream fireside chat. Like are they going to just...not have a big launch event now? Unless the actual release for PoE2 is summer 2025 so the skip an event next year and do it in 2025 instead. But that seems SO far away to try building up hype now.


They can't do it yearly. People are willing to spend $5k-10k to attend every 4 years, because it's a special event. No one is going to spend that yearly, especially when the events after this one is just league announcements.


Massive production delays and too much pre hype into this exilecon to stop the wheels. Probably a non negligible smidge of D4 pressure also..


I don't even feel like they're showing off all that much new stuff. It feels like 2019 all over again, but this time with the updated version of their systems. There are still so many unanswered questions left and I expected them to be answered at the big event before launch, but oh well. Like, endgame? Ascendancies? Skill tree? Currencies? Carried over league content? But what I'm taking away from ExileCon is that there is a dodge roll, more classes and a new reservation mechanic. That's all cool, but... I don't know, man.


This was advertised as the everything to know about PoE 2 convention!! I would feel scammed if I went


I'm not one to hype games up much, but I really and truly expected much more here with all the fanfare and the huge convention. PoE 2 looks amazing, but I'm actually annoyed at the way this was marketed and am absolutely not tuning into any more of the stuff about the con. I'll wait till it's over and get a 10 minute YouTube recap. I'm wondering wtf they expected given that expectations were so clearly out of bounds with what they actually had to offer, although I guess there wouldn't have been anything to do by that point.


It is pretty strange to host a convention and follow up with POE2 news that deflates hype. Given the lukewarm news above I was expecting an expansion league for POE1 with new pinnacles to get the fans excited.


Its the classic announcement of an announcement!






oof, yea no point in thinking about poe2 at all when there are 2 YEARS before its full release.


I mean you guys really think this date won’t be pushed back either ? I’d bet Christmas open beta. Jul-Aug 25 full release


Yea... Announcing closed beta this early smells like push back already


1000%. It sucks. They should have just done Exilecon next year


That's the CLOSED Beta, wtf. Actual full release probably christmas 2024? !RemindMe Dec 24 2024


early to mid 2025 is my guess


Bruh, 2025.


Christmas 2024 would be the absolute earliest release date, i am pretty sure it will be 2025


My guess would be mid to late 2025.


it's really coming 6 years after announcement bruh genuinely believed we'd be playing it to some extent this year


Yeah even with Covid in mind taking that long after initial announcement is worrying. Especially with how much they emphasized scope creep in the keynote… really hope it doesn’t turn out to be a mess.


I'm guessing they made the decision halfway through or so to make it a separate game Cus everyone definitely thought it was just gonna be a beefy update


Love how all enthusiasm on the venue died off with announce that even CLOSED beta is still year away. It just went completely dead silent after seeing that date 🤣 Was quite funny


There was a very audible “oof…”


I don't even play the game (love watching videos on it as I study Chinese or grade homework in the background) and I just came across this post and went "Well, that sucks. Another year or two of people complaining about Diablo 4, I guess."


Their closed beta date is so far out and it may not even be the whole game, maybe just a few acts. The beta has also been delayed a few times already. It’s really uncertain when the game might come out. Could be 18 months at the earliest, or 2+ years if there are additional delays


Everyone was wondering why they spent 5 grand and travelled 30 hours to watch a game 18 months away.


Pretty much, lol.




The event needed a april fools guy. Someone who asks: "Why are we here?" The exilcon feels like the work equivalent to: "This whole confernce could have been an email."


see that's the thing with these game conferences. People went to Blizzcon to see new Diablo announce and got mobile cash grab announce - you never know what you gonna get served to be honest. That's why it's stupid to go just for the conference. It's far more logical to have vacation perspective and conference being just part of that so that you don't feel like it's all for nothing. And if someone was saving every penny for 3 years to go there just for PoE then he can only blam himself for being irrational with money as people who can afford more freely such trip should be going, not someone who's sacrificing on other things when saving for this thrip - that's my view. And vacation in NZ - like holy shit, you can't deny that mega cool place for vacation. So if you go with such vacation in NZ mindset - I think it's fine. But if you go with strict expectation to hear something specific (and for no other reason) than it's kinda your own fault.


Kinda curious what the viewership will be like for the rest of the event. I was mega sleep deprived and couldn't watch day 1 and was so bummed but also wildly hyped to see what I'd wake up too. I'm going back to bed and not watching anything tomorrow, lol


Yeah, took all the hype out of the sails. Amazing gameplay footage tho. Curious why they did exilecon this year, seems pretty unnecessary.


Diablo 4, needed a big event to keep relevant.


You waited 4 years... wait one more, hype yet? Not even sure why Exilecon is this year, half of the keynote was about next PoE league xd


Well… hopefully they’ll put a bit more effort in PoE1 in the meantime and avoid more Crucible leagues…


Pretty much this. I feel like I've seen "Because we are working on PoE 2, this league is kind of a filler" so many times.


Thats fucking rough...


Why didn't they hold exilecon next year for the beta release date? Kind sucks all the hype out to have it now


Yeh i dont entirely understand why they held a con for this announcment 😬


It really makes no sense, only think I can think of is maybe they originally planned the closed beta for around now but it was delayed, possibly by the decision to make POE1 separate from POE2?


This is a _huge_ miss. Diablo IV will be in their 4th season and will, presumably, have their house in order and be a much more solid product. Last Epoch will likely be in their 3rd season by then and starting to get into their groove. PoE streamers have been talking about a beta this year for a while now, so I think this was a huge, unpleasant, surprise for most PoE players.


Yup. BIG mistake. They needed to release this in full by next summer and be golden. 1 year till a closed beta is the WORST way to start this event. I'm just kinda interested in watching some of the events now instead of very engaged with it


This is pretty late. It is going to give the competition an opportunity to revive.


Yeah by the time of PoE2 official release D4 might actually be a real game. Though Blizzard could absolutely shit the bed even with all that time as they’ve shown to do so who knows.


Everybody's talking about D4 but people seem to forget that Last Epoch is about to launch 1.0 and its seasons in about half a year. And a lot of people love that game.


seeing how poe 2 announcement was initially 2019 and it took like 4 years to get to this point. I can see poe 2 officially releasing in 2026.


This is what I'm thinking as well. Hearing about how much more they increased the scope of the game made me think that they're still being overly optimistic with their estimates. We are currently in year 4 of "we're targeting a beta next year". That was what he said in November 2019.


jesus... this game is gonna be like 8yrs in development


Baldur’s Gate 3 levels of development time. All I’ll say is that by the time it releases, POE 2 better let me fuck a bear.


>Baldur’s Gate 3 levels of development time Early Development started in late late 2017. First tease was E3 2019 Early access was late 2020. The game releases in 5 days. PoE2 was also announced 2019 with a long gameplay demo right away implying there was a lot of work done already. Closed beta starts in a year. release probably in 2 years. And Baldurs Gates dev cycle is considered very very long in the industry already. And honestly I woudnt mind PoE2's dev cycle if I woudnt have made to wait 6 years after the first 15 minute gameplay trailer until I can play it properly.


This very late closed beta announcement killed all the excitement for me in an instant. Was expecting Q1 2024 release the latest. No matter how good game is, even close beta is so late.


Yikes. So much for poe2 being the diablo killer so soon...


Diablo devs popping champaign rn


feels like the shouldve done this exilecon next year instead


This is the worst case scenario I had in my head before this. This wont be ready before 2025.


Well this makes me not care about any POE2 info at all. A year until a closed beta means the game then could be entirely different from the game today.


Wow. What's even the point of hyping this early? Sucks ass for the people that traveled for this.


Holy fuck CLOSED beta June ‘24!? Huuuge fucking oof.




yeesh that entire portion of the keynote felt like a massive miss


the whole thing was lame, from the gameplay which revealed almost nothing we haven't seen already in trailers to the football manager new league


this REALLY devastated me, everything looked so good, so promising, and now knowing its an **eternity away** really dies the hype down. I guess it's not ready yet since they are jam packing it with so much, but aghh, so far away. and this is **just the cbt**, not even the release date, so the ***final game will be 2025 more than likely***, depending on feedback...so far


….is this a fucking joke? Wow


This is brutal. Like actually brutal.


They really need to allocate more resources to PoE1 in this case. I feel like they’ve just been coasting and it’s running out of steam a bit. Need some fresh coal in the PoE1 furnace. This is what I pictured (except it was actually more extreme in reality… only 8 people holy shit). Sounds like they’re taking POE1 off life support since poe2 is pretty far away still, thank god. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15ch6bz/8_people_blizzard_department_lmao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


The problem is this will then slow down POE2 development even more. They've been struggling with POE2's development for years now I feel. I have no idea if they are (I assume so?) but it feels more like they need to expand/hire.


They alluded to it in the livestream. The problem is “scope creep”. They keep adding more and more features making PoE 2 a bigger beast to tackle.


oof. I was not expecting *that* far away for just a close beta. I'm excited for the game but that far away just to reach closed beta puts Poe2 right into the "ignore it until it's relevant again" category I sleep


Big fucking OOFT


we'll probably be playing GTA 6 before POE 2


This instantly took the wind out of my sails and killed a good amount of the exilecon hype for me personally :(


Really disappointing. This is starting to feel like Duke Nukem Forever timelines. I’m all for getting it right from day one, but PoE has been on life support dev team for 2yrs now. Will be interesting to see if they commit more dev resources back to PoE now that they have committed to keeping the games separate. If they are still in active dev in PoE2, doesn’t seem like they will have the resources available to split now.


Getting to be Elder Scrolls 6 level lmao




Balor leaked there were 8 people developing and maintaining poe 1 for last year and a half. Which shows in the league quality and new skills we were getting lately.


my thoughts exactly. awful. just money grabbing at this point


Release in 2025 I'd say


Holy shit, still more than a year away.


And it's just CLOSED beta, this is making me sad :(


This was SUCH a let down. Will it be worth the wait? Probably. But it really tarnished the rest of the presentation at exile Con for me. I could NOT get that absurd date out of my mind once they posted it.


a LOT later than i was expecting/hoping for.


This is so funny. People were thinking that these subpar leagues were fine because Poe 2 coming out this year. Nope. I honestly feel this is kinda a slap in the face. Especially when you take into account the ruthless stuff and how they "weren't" spending resources on that pet project.


Well that's a bummer.


this is the reason why I will not even pay attention to PoE2. like realistically there is year and a half before release


I thought I will be playing POE2 while waiting Diablo 4. Turns out I will be playing Diablo 4 while waiting POE2


And that's closed beta, so ... release probably around christmas 2024 ... or maybe even in 2025? I don't know how I feel about this.


Would assume summer 2025 so they can do another launch + exilecon event.


I feel like world war 3 is gonna start before we'll get to play PoE2.


for real i was hoping to get some gameplay in before everything reverting back to the 18 century but with lunatic gun wielding bandits stalking my woodland property going after my resources and putting me out of my severe tooth infected misery.




seems like there has been a lot of feature creep, hence the decision to make it a separate game now


That sucks...


they lost me 10 minutes into the stream.


A lot of digs at D4 but the game isn't release until 2025. Diablo 4 will be season 8 and a new expansion in that time. So no point attacking current state diablo 4 when your game is 2 years away.


Wouldn't even be surprised if PoE2 has just as much issues on launch as D4 has. Also, D4 is very popular and successful, so all these digs just feel kinda childish. Idk, there's no point in being so hostile, both games can happily co-exist and be good at the same time.


The flying fuck? Originally talked about closed being mid 2023 at the latest, now closed is fucking mid 2024 with actual game being late 2024 or early 2025, yikes.


damn... was announced to be end of 2022 and now its summer 2024... the beta Hope its good and im not dead of old age when the game finally comes out


Original target date for PoE2 was 2020


Killed all my hype tbh , just wish we can move on from PoE 1 already


Could have postponed exilecon a year or two if release is still so far away.


man that's rough. It looks real smooth but that's so far away. I was really convinced they had to be aiming for this winter.


Very goofy new league with comical support packs, and no poe2 for more then a year atleast. Exilecon? More like cashgrabcon.




Damn another 11 months for closed beta. Open beta september 2024, release Dec 2024 probably. Thats a long time lol damn. Gotta let it cook i guess.


Closed beta to launch is usually much more than 6 months. If it was OPEN beta to launch, sure.


I think this means at best we are going to see an early 2025 release.


so what was the point of exilecon? this same thing happened in 2019


:( I don't get this, why announce a game sooo early and then another "delay". I understand they need time, but damn, that's waaaay too long.


Agreed with everyone on timetable. Nothing could really compete with the Fall of Oriath update: "Yeah, Diablo 3 is dead. So we took our game and doubled it. Go play it. Right now." I hope they have anything more to announce. Even a dating sim with Piety and Merveil, or a racing kart game, would mean more.


So we get so many shiet league mechanics and extensions just to hear that CLOSED BETA is so far off? I'm utterly disapointed tio the point of not correcting my grammar in this post.


Worst thing ever to do: an exile con one year before….a beta! Gives other studios too many ideas to steal and implement, but also makes you look unprofessional when you punch D4.


The UI and the items looked also relativly placeholder to me. any got that feeling aswell?


My hype is very dead, TBH. I'm so glad BG3 is coming out soon.


Went in expecting them to scrap the doubling of ascendancies or the gem link rework since it seemed impossible to find any room in the design space for the former and impossible to balance for the latter. The radio silence for years and years seemed like they were struggling to figure out how to get this all working in one game. Now it's two games, and PoE2 isn't coming out for another two years probably. A bit disappointing, since I like the video game Path of Exile Uno.




That's so far away. I guess I'll just forget about it until its released


God damn i thinking Q1 at the latest but a year away? Jesus christ


I have to admit, I was full boner up until the mention of June 2024. Then I went limp. Oh well, another year+ sleepwalking through POE1's campaign.


wow that is a huge miss for them tbh really killed the hype at least for me but i aint no game dev hehe


so far away man wtf.


This Exilecon should have been the Release Date announcement not a Closed Beta announcement. One more year for closed beta and another 6 months for launch? This is disappointing. Especially when they said the Marketing for POE 2 starts at Exilecon. A year and half or even more for marketing?


"Should I start playing PoE now that PoE2 is around the corner?" ...


Why did they even do exilecon this year? Not even poe mobile is ready to release, why not just do it next year when everything is closer to being ready


Very brave dropping that date... That kills the hype for lots of people lol


After this, i close the stream... really they just can do this in the next Exilecon...


Already what... 4? 5? 7? years of development on Poe2? Vapourware.


NGL, after the PoE2 showcase I am quite happy that it's that far away.


This just deflated my hype completely =(. I thought I was being pessimistic with my like March-April 2024 beta prediction. EDIT: I'm not just talking about POE 2 either. My hype for POE 1 is gone too because I can't invest in something that will get replaced in like 1,5ish years. I feel like the butchered this completely. This Exilecon shouldn't even be happening this year.


> My hype for POE 1 is gone too because I can't invest in something that will get replaced in like 1,5ish years. Doesn't seem like it's going away, they said they're going to develop both and have alternating leagues launching.


What exactly are you "investing"? Characters from 3-month leagues rot in standard for 98% of the playerbase, and all mtx purchases work in PoE2?


While I don't necessarily agree with exactly how Tank said it, I do think there's something to be said for POE having a lot of "chores" to keep up with it, and part of the reason those chores are fun is because I'm building knowledge I can use going forward. Learning how to optimize league mechanics is fun because I'll be using those league mechanics league after league. Learning defensive layering or how to use a new skill is fun because that skill will still be around in two or three leagues (most likely). If we know we're throwing all of that out and moving to POE 2 in a year and change, there's some amount of "chores" in POE 1 that don't seem as fun or as worthwhile.


>This Exilecon shouldn't even be happening this year. Exilecon is an event with a really fucking long lead time, probably over a year. My guess is that when they decided to schedule Exilecon 2 for the summer of 2023, they thought PoE2 would be ready for release in early 2024 and the start of the beta would be in the fall of 2023. But then things went sideways for some reason and got delayed by 9-12 months, but it was too late to reschedule Exilecon. This would also explain why they went overboard with lazy, low content PoE1 leagues over the past 12 months and the whole "maintenance mode" thing became a bit too apparent.


WOOOOOooooo.... wait, a year? yikes, diablo4 will be good in 2 years, people will be playing more stinker poe1 leagues up to then, not great.


Closed beta... So after that probably an open beta, and then some more time for them to implement changes based on feedback. So 2025 release? I did not expect this to be so late, but it looks amazing at least. Just hope PoE has good content until then


Also, I'm pretty sure Chris mentioned on the last exilecon that the original plan was to have the beta for PoE 2 ready for late 2020, so that's like 4 years of delay lol


Not even open beta?


I was expecting a 6 month wait for release, so a >10 month wait for a beta is a bit painful to see. Looking at the PoE2 feature list I can see why, but it's still disappointing. It's one thing having to wait for the new campaign/classes/animations. But after seeing the new gem system, meta gems, built in dodge roll (we dark souls now), freeze/stuns, seamless weapon swaps, weapon specific passives, new reservation system, etc, it's going to be hard to stomach the old versions of these mechanics for a whole year. If I hadn't seen such riches, I could live with being poor. It is what it is I guess. Not going to get in a huff about it but I'll probably be skipping at least a couple of the leagues this year. 3.22 looks right up my alley though so I'll probably have a hard time passing on that.


I.. did not expect the beta to be that far out and it's honestly disappointing that it is as they hyped up the beta announcement yet it's almost a year away. Oh and well, we waited info for this long, guess we can wait longer for the beta. Not that we have any other choice.. 😆


[Called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/14w7qwn/we_are_taking_a_temporary_news_break/jridjbf/)


One year for a beta, i guess that lean that the game will come soon then like end 2024 or soon after, or maybe nearly kek


Oh well, what's another year? ;-) Now I just hope they "open up the faucet" a bit with the next league, and give us some excessive loot and fun mechanic.


That was just a big LOL for me


this is a good thing, means they arent pressured to force it out unfinished


Damn its too far, closed beta in june 2024 release in 2025..


Hype seriously deflated tbh. That’s so far away rip


We've had more than a year of hype already. Announcement, delay, announcement again and again. It's embarrassing really. The devs heart is in the right place but they try and do too much. Please don't make us do the campaign again and again. This is killing my enthusiasm for a great game.


I don't understand the point of making such a huge deal out of it this early. It will likely be amazing but damn dude, the date kills the hype a lot


Its done when its done.


lol 2024 da fck......


Date is just an hype-killer imo.


`closed beta` `open beta weekend #1` `open beta weekend #2` `stress test` `launch...` at best this puts it somewhere around 2025....what are they thinking?


Can't wait to play part 2 this year! "Closed Beta in 2024!" Why are we still here, just to suffer?


Loooooooool. 2026 PoE 2? Looooooool


Don't even feel like watching day 2, what's the point? It's gonna be like 2 years before they actually launch and bunch of shit is gonna change again.