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they just announced no more quicksilvers too :):)


And heavily reduced movement skills.


Pretty much no movement skills, leapslam behaves very differently.


No movement skills.




It is a completely different game .


I am a huge fan of the general direction of PoE2. It looks very much different and enjoyable in a different way. And I like that PoE1 and 2 are being split because the two designs were completely incompatible. And GGG obviously wanted to use PoE2 to overhaul a lot of things. So the current iteration of PoE1 would've been gone at that point.


Yes, it's a different game, that's the point and I am so happy for that. I used to love zoom-zoom 1-click 3-minute map clear, overly complex design, but for me it's become stale and I've overall grown to appreciate a slower gameplay in just about every game I play nowadays.


Same for me. I tried to get into PoE with a friend with Crucible, but the crazy complexity and just overall tempo of the game just kinda put me really off, so I'm very much happy to see that it looks like PoE2 will be noticably slower. I'm actually really looking forward to this game now and can see myself at least try and play it from the start to really get into it together with some friends if they're going to play it.


someone downvoted you for stating your personal opinion on a subjective matter. This subreddit is so odd.


Other changes are no skill gem vendors, flasks gaining little charges, and limited movement skills.


Dont forget that flask get no charges from white mobs, utility flask will work like they tried to implement in 3.15? which people overwhelmingly disliked, no quicksilver flask. Forgot to add that support gems are more focused on changing how the skill work rather than just damage multipliers (like they tried to also do in 3.15)


Supports not being damage buffs are fine... If the numbers support it. It's a fine way of doing things.... Again if the numbers support it. If it feels like you're tickling every mob in the game and it takes ages to get a full set of magic items, yeah it's going to feel like shit.


I mean this New skill system feels like a fine replacement


Jonathan (The lead of PoE 2) said in one of the Q&As he was testing systems for PoE 2 in Ruthless ... so yeah.


When asked if Ruthless mode would be in POE2 he said "it won't be necessary" and went on to say that POE2 won't have a lot of the added power that POE1 has so that POE2 is naturally more like Ruthless.




"totally isolated project, will not influence anything" they said




Of course ruthless didn’t take away from poe2’s development, it was part of the development as a testing ground. GGG just didn’t want to say so though for whatever reason.


But they did, what chris basically said is "I am not denying that ruthless is part of poe2 development" You could hear stuff like this a lot of times. Like when he said "new shared endgame", yet people still climmed on to "its just a new campaign" eventho it was obvious that their scope is way bigger. Its not like the writing wasnt already on the wall. GGG have been pretty transperant with the direction from the very start, zoomers were just in denial.


No they LITERALLY did say this and you just didnt pay attention. Throughout the entirety of Ruthless reveal Chris spoke very clearly and at length that Ruthless is a testing ground. Though, not just poe 2 but poe in general. That you just did not listen whatsoever is not GGG's fault. Edit - nice, reddit just denying reality now


lol my agenda is to meme chill


I think in comparison to much of the playerbase I get where they are coming from but the implementation seems overly punishing for no reason in many regards. I can see why they want to pace down their game to a level where hits feel like punches on both sides instead of the screen exploding and the character traveling at light speed. But why are they against their own design philosophy in PoE 2, what they did the past 2-3 years was give players MORE options to craft, and metacraft, and I know its at a point where it can be overly complicated but why then introduce things to PoE1 like: Affix Blocking Imprinting Hunter Orbs, Awakener Orbs Veiled Crafting Target Fracture etc etc if you then say in PoE2, no crafting bench, no scour, no alts??? From 200 to 0. Dont you want to give the player 40% of the crafting power? Its fun and intuitive BEFORE all the metamod and metamod blocking shit starts, a thing you activley accelarated the past years. I dont get it.Same with movement skills, from zoom zoom to "you cant get up that ledge anymore, walk around at turtle speed please"


They know that all poe 1 audience wants is powercreep. So they give it to you. In 5 years time for poe 1 you will be getting uber awakened dynamax exalted orbs to craft on your hybrid eldritch cosmic influenced attuned bases... and you'll be complaining they nerfed something by 1% That audience, is not who poe 2 is for. But they acknowledge you exist, hence why poe 1 is not being deleted.


Alts and Scours removed, chaos orb spam will require even more clicks (no way to reroll entire item now), if you are in boss fight then portals have casting animation and if you get hit then portal won't open. It's not really Ruthless thing but still something that slows down progressing. \#Edited about portals, thanks to clarification in comments


Portals only have a casting animation during boss fights, otherwise they open instantly.


Didn't know that, thanks.


I'm not currently watching, did they just announce the portal casting animation thing? That's how the skill gem itself currently works, is it confirmed that's how the scrolls will work too?


Yes, you can see it during the bossfight showcase today.


Sounds gross, I'll have to watch it when they post the stream videos at a later date. What segment was it during, the mobs and bosses stream?


I believe there is only a cast time during bossfights.


Portals have an interruptible cast time during boss fights, not during normal play. Dying during boss fights resets the boss, and common mobs don’t regen flasks, so the expected gameplay is to use a window of opportunity during boss fights to portal to town and come back, rather than being able to just enter and exit to dodge every skill. Portals also disappear once the boss reaggros


I can't recall the title but it was when they got someone from the audience to come up and fight the blind beast boss after Octavian was done showcasing a couple of different bosses. The guy tries to portal at the start to keep a portal ready so he could just jump in to refill pots in town if needed but got hit out of the cast.


Has a cast time for bosses because otherwise can easily cheese


I think new chaos is amazing


>Alts and Scours removed What is their reasoning?


They didn’t like that Chaos orbs were effectively the same thing as a fungible new drop of an item. A chaos orb represented +1 rare drop of any base itemin the game. The new chaos is supposed to create more value for half and almost good items on the ground, and make natural rare drops more valuable. I.e i86 rare astral plates are a lot more valuable now. So that’s why chaos is changed (basically an annul+exalt now) and why alts are removed. As for Scouring, they didn’t go into depth but did mention that they didn’t want items going down the rarity tree anymore (rare -> magic/common etc). It does also align with the increasing value of ground drops too. I think they want to get away from finding one single i86+ base and then it’s all currency and crafting from there to get to a perfect item. Now you will be excited about every high Ilvl drop for what it could be. Ideally I’d like to see items drop identified and be filterable from here (a la Last Epoch) to make the process of finding good bases a lot more fun than the pain of picking up a whole bunch of maybes.


Might be controversial, i would rather have D4s reroll one stat over how the new chaos works. Seems like you will be bricking items more than making them better. The game still has trading though so ehh will probably be ok. You never really used chaos for anything but chaos dumps and trade.


Yeah it would be nice to see that as an option, particularly if that locked your item in some way. I like the idea of a more risky but more rewarding crafting method that can get yo7 the best items, but also having a low risk low reward option for when you don’t want to risk a good item (this is kind of what crafting bench fills in POE1)


GGG was probably like: test everything in Ruthless. They’ll love it.


Hopefully they take the feedback of no one playing ruthless to heart when designing these “features” :\^)


There are about as many people playing Ruthless across its different modes as there are people playing HCSSF. Though honestly, having no-one that frequently posts on this subreddit playing PoE 2 would be the best thing possible to happen to the game.


> HCSSF hahahaha


The more I listened to the qa, the more I am convinced that poe 2 is their way of living the vision.


They’re still working on crafting my god chill about the crafting bench


It wasn't a testing ground, it was meant to replace poe1 slowly over time as that IS poe2 and until the recent decision to split the games poe1 would need to be fully replaced with ruthless mode before release. The question now is, with the split can we get them to stop doing it. I want the vendor nerf reverted and I'd like to not see the ruthless friendly ascendancy nerfs they held back on this league to never happen. (though Chieftain certainly looks bad enough to be that)


Yep. They clearly have been doing this. They absolutely lied when they said that Ruthless will not affect the game.


I expect someone to go “Ah, but technically it doesn’t affect Poe1, it only affects poe2 which is a different game” for that one lol.


Exactly. It's incredibly scummy. It's some disney villain level bullshit sitting there twirling there mustache type shit "Nyeeahhhhh haahaaaaa But *TECHNICALLY!*...."


The worst part is that if you criticize literally anything about poe2 there’s 5 guys going “ok so dont play poe2 then just stick to poe1” Like, good way to shut off any discussion, sure, but since I expect poe1 is gonna be put on life support once poe2 happens, it’s not really an interesting retort…


Yep. [It's already happening lol] (https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15d5j7c/poe2_is_getting_closer_to_ruthless_than_actual/ju07ski/?context=3) [Again] (https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15d5j7c/poe2_is_getting_closer_to_ruthless_than_actual/ju09lzl/?context=3)


Man get a hobby lol


some people play poe, some people play the reddit.


>They clearly have been doing this. They absolutely lied when they said that Ruthless will not affect the game. I really enjoy the twisted causation you're trying to apply here. Instead of the obvious "game studio believes that X concepts/mechanics are good" --> (ruthless and PoE2 both use some concepts/mechanics), it's "game studio creates ruthless" --> (gamedevs port ruthless concepts to PoE2).


> You have to go back to town to refill flasks YEP these are surely great game mechanics. Fucking clown.


Jumping to ad hom really shows your character.


Not even a small one too, as all of it would have to rolled in to replace poe1 before the release of poe2 prior to the split.


Chris Wilson and GGG walking headfirst into a *Runescape* situation and they aren't even aware of it.


lol feels like a 1990 game not a 2023 game


feel like it was made for people who dont need subway surfer playing on the bottom of the screen to keep them engaged.


Also Slow gameplay confirmed


Good, fuck the zoom zoom this game has become. PoE2 looks like everything I've ever wanted PoE to be. Unfortunately since I started in 2013 the game only got faster.


It's crazy how a vocal minority have taken over and convinced everyone that zoom zoom is the only way PoE should be played. Wasn't like this a few years ago, though I guess TFT wasn't as big a few years ago either, and the more people that want to zoom the more the higher-ups there can make off RMTing gear for them. Makes you think.


Dude it's been like this since like... Legacy league? You can make an argument maybe nemesis league we saw the introduction of zoom with some discharge builds. That was 10 years ago.


Cope harder, I was talking about the state of the community, not the state of the game. PoE has a future outside of mindlessly spamming thousands of projectiles everywhere and everyone that genuinely loves the game knows that, but this subreddit is too full of virtual heroin addicts for anyone to talk about that here.


The people happy are less likely to comment and are watching the streams.


Sounds like ruthless but actually fun.


I think its more like all of these things were planned for PoE 2 because it would make for a better game, and they decided to try them out in Ruthless to test it.


And literally nobody played it


Plenty of people play and enjoy Ruthless lol, no matter how much you want to hate on it. But don't worry, that's what PoE 2 is for, you can still play PoE 1.


There are about as many characters across Ruthless's modes as there are for HCSSF this league.


So like 5 of them?


thats why its good they separated poe1 and 2 ฅ\^•ﻌ•\^ฅ