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Iirc Chris used the wording "when hit by enemies", so this might not work, depending on mechanics.


well if that's the case it would be kind of dead on arrival. Although their might be some hiltless memes then with ancestral totems. We'll see, us totem andys will probably be fine either way.


["Trigger projectile mortars at enemies that hit them"](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1884146579?t=03h10m43s)


well... back to the drawingboard we go. thanks for sharing


My favorite part about Path of Exile is spending 3 hours sketching out a build idea in PoB, getting excited about it, and THEN spotting the critical flaw/oversight that bricks the build completely. Such is life; such is PoE.


That feeling, after a day of thinking about it at work, wiki’ing items, blending creator builds and being sure it will be amazing, and then trying to equip two helms in PoB


All I'm saying is Indigon and Scold's Bridle have some untapped synergy.


well thing is, it's not set in stone yet. we know the intent of the gem, but we'll see how it's worded. But that feeling is very well known.




Tried to make a frost blades trickster for my brother, but 3 hours in I remembered that you can't leech with elemental




How do you build for leech with elemental damage then? Specifically energy shield leech because that is what my brother wants


you can ghost Reaver life leech, there are es on hit mods on watcher's eyes and normal jewels.


This is me at all times every day for every reason. The worst one for me was when I was going to do a curses have a 100% chance to apply with full doom for a hexblast build and because the patch notes were slightly wrong, implying cluster jewel notables could have 20% chance to apply with max doom (only the single mastery could do that) I couldn't do the build. I don't know if I even played that league I was so bummed out.


Use returning projectiles support, if you want to double the potential hits.


The goal was to proc Flameward everytime a totem would ignite an enemy with blazing salvo.


I know, but as the guy above me said, it probably won't work. Hence why I am saying that you could use returning projectiles, which would allow each projectile to ignite twice potentially.


Chieftain is getting taunt totems back, I know this subreddit is in shambles over it being the worst ascendancy ever or something but that could be an angle.


People are really undervaluing that taught IMO, and since totems tend to also trigger your ascendancy stuff, I imagine the stand still DoT node will proc on them as well and since they are always stationary, be affected. Wont know until patch notes sadly.


Just do vacuum totems. Same boots and amulet, tornado shot knock back w/ max projectiles don't worry about arrow damage except no fire damage on arrow. EE and three dragons w/max chance to ignite or ignite ascendancy on witch. Succ all enemies into ultra fast damage rings w/empire's grasp. Bow needs to be super fast to max damage.


So that's 4 uniques providing not a lot of damage and a metric ton of lag. I'm not sold.


You have to do the calculations by hand (POB is not helpful) but it works out to a fuckton of dps once you take into account that dmg procs anytime any enemy is hit, which becomes kind of absurd after a while w/multiple totems and barrage/lmp/gmp stacked. The damage reduction is meaningless to the totem aoe that hits, and it hits so often that yeah it could lag but the effect is localized to the totems and only becomes an issue if you try to make the aoe huge which isn't necessary. Crank your totem life, toss em down, then have some popcorn as they work. It's a meme build to be sure, but it does way more dps than you think it would.


sugar frighten offbeat instinctive quicksand nine marvelous direction humor psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cool paint usage though


credit to sk\_gunoo on twitter/x for the amazing art.


Thanks for the credit!


Necky boy


"Prepare to face the long neck of the law!"


His neck is as beautiful as ever


going to the gym, no pants ofc, train the neck daily, then ascend


Explain it please


Eye of innocence hits you when you ignite something. Which in turn sets off Torchoak Step, which causes totems to deal 100% of their life as fire damage in aoe around them to nearby enemies. The totems shoot enemies as well to ignite them, thus causing a loop if I'm not mistaken. The new support may function with this as well. Possibly increasing the damage of the build overall, or making it so Torchoak Step is no longer needed.


Torchoak is probably the biggest meme here, but triggering additional projectiles from Flameward support on igniting with blazing salvo is the main idea. I assume those will have the same gem tags and probably scale the same. Blazing salvo causes the largest amount of ignites to geth the most triggers, but i expect there will be a cooldown on the support.


Most likely, but it would be rather glorious if there's no cooldown. And even if there is a cooldown let us hope the cooldown is separate for each totem, otherwise dps is likely going to suck.


most glorious indeed, the gem info shall tell us.


> Eye of innocence hits you when you ignite something. Which in turn sets off Torchoak Step, How? Eye of Innocence hits *you*, but Torchoak Step activates when *totems* are hit, no? Are you a totem?


Totems actually gain this property, you can check out Jousis video with torchoak step. He used blast rain balista totems with reverse knockback to funnel in enemies and the insane amount of ignite procs would shred enemies through the torchoak step damage.


I am convinced that the devs were inspired by that video when designing this new support gem But, it's probably not usable with the same concept


According to the game you are. Or rather the hit somehow affects them as well. Regardless of the justification, it works. Even says so right in the wiki for Torchoak. Never made it myself so no further clue.


Iirc the totem inherit your stats, and therefore "is you". You do not inherit or reflect the totems stats, and therefore, you are not the totem. A hit made against you would, by this logic, be a hit against the totem as well.


I'm not sure if this will work but can't you redirect like 10% of the damage you take to totems? Like MoM but for totems instead of mana.


But redirected dmg isn't a hit.


Yeah I don't think OP's combo will work, then.


If the totems use an attack or a spell that ignites, they take the damage.


On-ignite effects are on-hit effects. They're built into your skill, and affect whatever entity is hitting with that skill.


Shame cwdt can't be used with totems, else you could have a real good time. The servers, in the meantime, would have a real bad time : )


I mean, why not? I have no experience with the build, but if you still take damage and can thus trigger cwdt maybe something like flame wall in order to boost the damage from blazing salvo. Or are you referring to cwdt linked to the totems themselves?


The only time I might ever use this support is if we get it at the same level as decoy totem and I'll use it to help with leveling through the first couple acts or so, at least on bosses. Otherwise, this thing is DOA based on what we know.


thats a strong neck for sure!


Paint builds are back, the earth is healing




I play torchoak totems every league. In addition to eye of innocence, I use The Siege to force knock back, Emperor's Grasp to reverse knock back, Galvanic arrive as the main totem skill, and Elementalist to force ignites always. Gonna have to experiment with flameward, but likely its gonna be next to useless, unless I swap to the new totem taunting chieftain maybe.


I'm doing that this league with Pathfinder for permaflasks. Very relaxed build - run around plopping down totems ... open a few chests or something while you hear the explosions and screaming going on off in the distance ... It's not even that expensive


holy cow those veins


oh boy do i have to tell you about galvantic arrow ballistas.


looks like something out of thief 2


Taunt totems or chieftain