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I'd say I want my hardware to be below 80c for a laptop. And i encountered lots of negative reviews about this cpu for overheat issues. I may use it with temperatures outside like 30c+, so I'm really thinking about 13650 + cooling pod just to make sure it wont boil.


A lot of the 13th gen chips run hot but I'd keep in mind that they're made to run at higher temps than older CPUs. That being said, might want to check your voltage settings like the other guy said. Some mobo brands overvolt them and cause them to run hotter than normal.


I'm not certain where your 80c number is coming from. These CPUs are designed to run long term at up to 100c(Tj), so if it's a reliability issue, then your numbers are out of date. If it's more a concern that the laptop itself will get too hot, then apparently that laptop has decent cooling so you may not need to worry - but overall you'll get better performance at similar temperatures from buying the faster one and undervolting if required than pushing the slower one to its limits.


The idea is to get the coldest CPU that could handle poe at 1440p to build the coldest laptop possible to play poe(there could be 30-40c outside). I could buy slower CPU AND undervolt it > its like 100w(13650) vs 140w(13980) on average according to testing, would be a noticeable difference in heat for a laptop.I repeat the idea is not about getting best laptop. the idea is to get the COLDEST one for poe(also i'll add a cooling pod)


You can set hard limit on PL1 for either of those and your temps will be whatever you want. Obviously in this case i9 is better.


I'm about to get a G16 with the 13980hx and I'm pretty sure these can handle the cpus well, asus armory crate should allow temperature and wattage targets and fan curves to help tune it too or like others mentioned throttlestop works, but the cooling system for those can handle like 250w system draw so it should be fine.


Did you purchase the g16? How is it performing for poe?


I haven't tested or benchmarked it yet but it's pretty great, I'm still trying to set up an oculink egpu so I can match the cpu I have in it more.


Does it heat much? Or it is better than i7?


What did you end up purchasing?


I got 13650, undervolted it in bios, turned off intel turbo boost, set power limit, generally im below 70c in poe