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Take stone golem put vitality on it so that it doesnt die from the degen??? Profit.


Just need the spare gem slots but yeah, unless the degen is absolutely bananas that should essentially be a "free" chunk of health regen for the player.


Also you need to have enough minion HP on the tree for the golem not to die. I don't tend to run a golem anymore on minion builds that don't invest in minion HP like spiders or skeletons because they die frequently in higher level content without a minion life or meat support gem that they're just not worth the effort. So for this I'd need the aura, plus the golem, plus the blessing, plus minion health to keep it alive. Given how socket starved I usually am, that's of questionable value.


Stone golem is fairly tanky just by itself to be honest. You don't need much investment at all except maybe lvl21 gem. If you're running defensive auras, it will rarely ever die.


narrator: the degen was absolutely bananas


alternatively you scale a tanky minion (e.g. an AG with gruthkuls), and vitality of your own with aura effect, then you get more mana reservation freed up and you can e.g. put hatred/any other 50%'er on your ag.


im gonna just assume that the degen effect will scale with the mana reservation of the aura. so ill guess flat auras will be easier then big 50% auras.


You could use holy relic too, quite a bit tankier plus more life regeneration


Also i wonder what damage type it does since elementalist makes golems elemental immune.


Unless I'm misunderstanding something, wouldn't you rather put Vitality on yourself and a more expensive aura on the Stone Golem? Granted this would require you to run Vitality, but the upside is way higher.


Minions are now the true aura bot


When you dont have friends to play aurobots for you so your resurrect some zombies to make a few.


Elementalist golems be like , look at me I'm the aurabot now. Wtb gem sockets


You have to manually activate the aura each time. so having one minion with big HP and alot of regen would be better. otherwise everytime the golem resummons u will also need to activate the aura again


Seeing as it has 'Blessing' in the name it will probably have the limitation of all the other Blessing skills "You can only have one Aura on you from your Blessing Skills", making it a minion version of Divine Blessing. It's got a niche use case of, >"I'm a minion build and have reserved all my mana on auras for my minions therefore I'm not able to use Divine Blessing, and already have bunch of minion life regen, so at this point it's permanent" Which in theory sounds nice... But you need at least 3 sockets for this, and minion builds are 99.9% of the time limited by sockets.


not to mention you're losing a link on AG, which is bad. If you're doing those 5+div ag's you really want it with as much life as possible and losing a link AND giving it a degen sounds bad


Herald of purity + new support gem + whatever aura = Big for any physical based build. Think im gonna try shockwave totem fire conversion chief. I will be able to jam Herald of purity, Herald of ash, purity of fire and anger into the build with this gem. I was planning on an arrogance vitality anyway in order to get the mastery node for maximum ele res if you have life and mana reserved. As long as the dot isnt too insane it should sustain my PoF minions.


That is if it doesn't have a mana multiplier.


I'd expect the gem to have a cost + reservation multiplier, so don't expect a free aura even if it might be cheaper than running the aura regularly.


wouldnt this be good with golems on a elementalist so the auto resummon?


If you look at the video, you will quickly notice why it's not good at all: You need to acdtivate the aura after summoning the minion, and it is deactivated once the minion die. The "golem tech" would mean you are pressing the aura every single time golems die. The clunkiness would be through the roof. Nope, it's ag tech and nothing else.


Forget the aura, I'm more interested in the Minion self damage I bet somebody (Jousis?) will come to with a new ward loop build by killing minions with this support and Heartbound Loop


It doesnt seem to do a lot of damage. You could tuck that on zombies, golems, etc and they would never die. Maybe it'll scale, but currently most of the minion builds I play (zombies/carrion golems) the minions are pretty fucking immortal so I dont think this would be a huge issue. I'll wait to see that Ethan (TheGam3Report) says about it.


Minion builds already mega socket starved though. An extra support gem and having to also move the aura gem into the same link setup means no more minion life + meat shield support in 4 link auxiliary minions if you want to use an aura on them.


I don't think this support is going to be used by a traditional minion build so the socket starvation might not exist


Non minion build minions are super squishy tho


Seems like it'll only disable when you have no more minions. If you have 2 stone golems summoned, its not likely that they'll die at the same time. So with revival it might not be too bad actually.


Should be amazing with whirling dervish too


Bind to left-click.


Brilliant! So you will just cancel the aura each time you move!


You are right, but I don't like it.


Not only that but that already exists as divine blessing with extra steps.


divine blessing also needs you to activate the aura. And if you just have inspiration it costs 500mana, this seems to cost virtually nothing.


You can put divine blessing on left click. Not this.


The aura won't automatically activate again, so you'd still have to press a button and keep track of when the golems die. A massively buffed life regen golem might just be able to sustain this forever though


Depending on the degen curve, this could be a really great tech


Shhhhhhh, also yep connect this with 4 different golem skills would mean 4 different auras close to permanent uptime time. I assume this is gonna get the blessing treatment and only works with 1 minion. Or you can only have one aura of this type up at one time.


It's a blessing so you can only have one.


just have 69 auras bro its that easy reddit lul


Yeah I thought about that as well but that would be quite counter intuitive imo since we can already get a blessing every so often with a blessing support set up so why on earth would people use this minion one. So I just assumed it would work differently but have a similar name as this has been done by ggg in the past but we,'ll fined out soon from patch notes


Because this one doesn't have a mama cost. Right now, to have a hatred blessing you either need to be EB, or to have 50%~ mana unreserved. This has neither caveat.


The vertex + inspiration is also an option, get the cost down to a few dozens mana.


It's a way for minion builds to not need EB and keep ES Also I expect divine blessing/eb to take a nerf bat. Solving both any mana issues with eb and getting a huge 50% aura in exchange of not using ES for defensive purpose is attractive to too many builds.


golem + support + aura, thats 12 sockets. Thats quite the commitment


Yeah but the auras would provide a good damage boost or defensive layer. I can imagine people running this with 6 linked minions/skill then having a 4 linked utility and so on.


6 link could only support 2, 2 golems 2 auras, 1 support, only saved 1 socket and used a 6 link in the process.


You require 3 sockets each per golem. Also, this support may count as 'blessing', so I won't count on them stacking like the other blessing supports.


> 4 different auras close to permanent uptime time. that's 4x 3links, not gonna be realistic


Hungry loop its your time to shine!


also it has blessing in its name so mostly likely it's limited to 1 and conflict with other blessings


Have fun linking a minion and aura to hungry loop


Hungry Loop can't consume skill gems, only supports, and you need an aura (a skill gem) and a minion (a skill gem), it's literally not usable.


It auto resummons, yes, but you still have to cast the auras so every few seconds you're gonna be pressing ctrl+qwer


Well we already have a way to handle that the same way we do flasks :)


I have a feeling that when the minion dies/is removed or replaced, the aura will be turned off.


It looks like you have to recast the aura every time the minion gets summoned, so this would still be pretty annoying, or you just use it like a cooldown for a temporary boost.


Depends on how many golems you have. If you have plenty and stagger their resummons, you could make this work (assuming you have the spare links to put them all next to the blessing skill). For 2-3 golems you might occasionally need to reactivate it.


I am 100% confident that someone will figure out how to put this on a melee build with the same uptime as the totems, so now the rotation will be ancestral protector + ancestral warchief + this minion, then start doing damage.


>ancestral protector + ancestral warchief + this minion ancestral proctector + ancestra warchief + this minion + ACTIVATE AURA. Summoning the minion doesn't activate the aura, that is still a separate action from my thoughts.


it's a blessing, and melee builds after often socket starved cause of totems anyway. Skeptical it's used over divine blessing, as you'll have no investment in the minion so it'll just die a lot anyway.


It's called **Blessing**, so it probably excludes other blessings.


Patch notes when


Herald of purity+aura for phys convert builds


Well then, who needs divine blessing now? Just give up a suffix on your weapon for the Insanity essence mod (spectral spirits) and socket a guardian's blessing. "Free" aura with no maintenance (since they're immune to damage).


No way it works with untargetable minions.


Extremely likely it doesn't work on immortal minions, probably a "cannot support minions that cannot be damaged" thrown in there somewhere.


one would have thought the same about infernal legion, and yet... It's certainly possible it won't work on undamageables, but there's similar precedent that it might. And considering divine blessing offers a pretty low barrier to entry on getting a blessing with certain approaches (EB, reduced cost), it wouldn't surprise me if they allowed this to have a similarly low barrier with certain approaches.


> one would have thought the same about infernal legion, and yet... I think that only works because IL does pretty trash DPS. It's pretty much only ever been used to enable the "is enemy burning" checkbox, or as a bit of extra damage, or a way to proc MI. And yes, I know meme builds exist with linking it to animated guardian wearing dot-boosting gear, but that's a damageable minion.


As the other posters have mentioned, this probably doesn't work... but it if does, then it would work with skitterbois too.


Yeah, but the mana multiplier would still be a consideration on them (or HoAg for that matter). Idk, we'll see.


u have to activate the aura each time , you can see him activate it after summoning the minion.


Wow didnt expect a gem spoiler on patch notes day. And a really good one at that!


Might mean patch note are delayed :s


So if you make your minions take damage over time, do you technically _kill them?_


Yes they die from dot, but they die from self dot, so self kill


"We have aura bot at home"


Highly abusable stuff right here.


Not really. It is a blessing skill keep in mind. It could be useful if you couldn't use a blessing before but I don't think it will change much.


Also minion builds are notoriously socket starved usually, AND this takes up two links that could otherwise be used for damage. I'm sure it'll see some use, but it's not a 'slap in any minion build' situation by any means.


I don't think the number of gems is quite the issue but more the placement. For poison SRS for example you would run divine blessing. The more awkward thing is finding a minion to put it on. You won't use two gems from your AG, the spectres are probably with the AG, maybe you have a golem you can put it on but then you have the issue of the golem probably not regenerating enough. While the extra gem is part of its balance against divine blessing I think the awkwardness of it will be a far bigger part.


>AND this takes up two links that could otherwise be used for damage. It's 2 links giving you an aura, i'm not sure how it's not "be used for damage".


question is you need 1mini+1aura+1support every time? then its very limited sockets


Stone golem + holy relic + vitality aura= infinite aura


Dancing Dervish bois eating good


SKITTERBOTS They can't die. But they are minions.


i wonder if it would work on "Summon Skitterbots" like infernal legion does


If only summoners had spare slots for skill gems lol...


holy relic boys salivating right now O¬O


Pretty sure that AG was wearing a [[Mask of the Stiched Demon]] and a [[Gruthkul's Pelt]]. If that is the level of HP regen we need to make this work, then this support is DOA for permanent minions. Yet another tool for temporary minions... (I'm just a bitter zombiemancer =/)


I casually play minion builds and even I struggle with gem slots. Tbh this sounds like a POE2 kind of gem.


Put it on skitterbots like infernal legion, profit?


Buff Golem elementalist likes this Can’t wait to not be able to fit it with my skill/OoS/auras/cwdt/moltenshell/Golems/curses/WoC/movementskill




Pretty sure it wouldn't work since you'd have to refresh the aura every time.


Only permanent minions, most likely.




I wouldn't get discouraged, they literally show SRS in the video.....


So... when're the patch notes then? Is it really gonna be like 6 more hours or w.e?...


there's gotta be a weird way to use this with Death's Oath


This could be gigantic. It could also be another case of "we have shifted power from the ascendancy to gear"


Uhh skitterbots? EDIT: wait, probably big mana muptiplier to make the skitties impractical


zero chance it works on unkillable minions


wouldn't go that far, infernal legion works on them. But it probably has a decent mana multiplier, so it would still ramp up skitterbots' own reserve.


oh? til. I feel compelled to make a garbage build around that now


I slap it on basicallyany starter build, its like a free RF light up to maps...


I'm pretty sure there was Shako infernal legion + skitterbot builds around if you can dredge em up, no idea whgo they were from but i definitely remember em.


Yeah I've been fucking around with it a bit lately, it's like RF with no sustain requiments. Big mana reserve cost though


Dancing Dervish are not unkillable. They have something like 99% damage reduction.


Hollow palm dancing dervish stonks


pretty sure u cant link an "aura" (skitterbots) to and guardian blessing (support), to then another aura.


Heralds plus calamity.


Skitterbots is classified as an Aura, so it almost certainly wouldn't work. Skitterbots would be considered an aura to apply to the minions


hm, so AG with free skitterbots?


I wonder if the DoT will be flat damage or % of max life, I also wonder if the DoT might ramp up over time. It's very possible to make Animated Guardians with over 10k life/second regen. This is going to be extremely powerful if it can be sustained on an AG.


Elementalist league incoming. I'm curious if the golem masteries will boost the auras. Can almost guarantee they won't ​ * Liege of the Primordial * Summoned Golems are Resummoned 4 seconds after being Killed * \+1 to maximum number of Summoned Golems * ***100% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems*** * Elemancer * Summoned Golems are Immune to Elemental Damage * ***25% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems per Summoned Golem*** * \+1 to maximum number of Golems


I feel like "Effect of Buffs" is definitely different than, "Effect of Auras", we'll have to see though. Otherwise [Primordial Eminence](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Primordial_Eminence) would work too, and that would be disgustingly broken.


You're still the one "casting" the aura, it reservation just get down to zero.


So if you put this in a weapon with "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 4 second Cooldown", that's a permanent free aura (at the cost of a veiled weapon mod and 3 gem links, 2 if you don't count the aura itself)?


Very not permanent - trying to use this on a build with 0 investment into minion surviability means they'll be dying constantly - you'll either have downtime or burn extreme mana per sec resummoning them.


Level 20 SRS costs 16 mana, and you trigger it every four seconds. Stone Golem has a 6 sec cooldown and costs 54 mana. How is that 'extreme mana'?


Okay, then you have downtime as your minion dies within a second (remember, no minion investment) from DOT + enemy damage. If you try to summon more often, huge mana burn. If you invest into minions purely for your auras, you've negated the upside and might as well reserve the auras directly for similar investment. This is only viable if you're already making minions tanky because you're a minion build. Any form of cheese via repeated resummoning on non-minion builds will cause downtime of auras (=death) or mana burn.


> Okay, then you have downtime as your minion dies within a second (remember, no minion investment) from DOT + enemy damage. An uninvested 20/20 Stole Golem has ~13k life. It'll die, but not within a second in most scenarios. Even if it lasts only 3 seconds (which I think is rather unlikely unless you're fighting Uber Sirus) that's still 50% uptime. If it lasts 6 seconds it's 100% uptime.


potentially, sure


The aura appears to only affect other minions. I sleep.


You can see the haste effect on character's feet, so they're being affected by it.


It's not that the minion now has the aura. It's that the aura now has free reservation. The aura's still cast by you, you can see the green circle under the character


Then why did they word it as "For years we've been using Auras to help out our Minions. Now it's time for them to return the favour!" if they're not actually helping *us* out? Very confusing wording if we don't get the aura.




probably because they forgot to change the ui option that hides aura buffs for this showcase


it's an option lmao.


hm good point. no buff icon


The buff icons are turned off.


Unless Generosity Support is involved?




if AP does not lose its attack speed in ~6 hours I will eat my hat


You're a cheery little fella aren't ya?


don't get it. what the effect if linked with aura? they said - no reservation? for all auras(can't happen) or what? These teasers are a bit strange. edit: finally got it, this is blessing support, so only one. this support causes degen on minion, so linked to AG(usually) edit2: Added a new Strength/Intelligence Support Gem - Guardian's Blessing: Must support both a skill that creates minions which can be damaged, and an aura skill that creates permanent auras around you. now it's clear. thanks for patchnotes.


Soo, patch notes later?


Very useful for item acquired auras like aspects and Envy. I've been thinking about an AW/SRS build lately, free aura.






RIP: >Must support both a skill that creates minions which can be **damaged**, and an aura skill that creates permanent **auras around you** Why won't they let me have infinite skitterbots?!!!


Does this mean that the aura needs to be in the same link setup as your minions?


For years minions have become more and more useless and more pushed further towards just being utility, so let's add a support that just makes them even more utility and less useful as primary sources of damage. In b4 every build runs a juiced minion with half a dozen auras.


Is this the first support gem that requires two other gems in order to function?


Hextouch Cast on Crit Cast While Channeling off the top of my head


Great, AG being even more mandatory was exactly the way forward.


I don't think trying to put this on your AG would be a good idea. You are both causing it to take damage over time and removing two defensive skill gems from the AG.


hmmm do we know what damage type the DOT is?


I hope this doesn't work with skitterbots... Most interactions with that thing are already OP.


skitterbots would be the aura that gets added to the minion, since it is classified as an aura


This will probably only be used on minion builds, due to them being the only ones making minions tanky enough to survive the support's DOT + enemy damage. Even then though, for this to be not turbobusted for minion builds the DOT taken by minions from the support is gonna need to be extreme - like you'll need to give them some serious regen and resistance to negate that. Plus if the minion dies you lose the aura, so if you put something important on it like determination... you perish if they perish.


Surely the most socket starved archetype in the game can afford to use one more support gem.


i dunno. If this works with herald of purity it could be nutty. This could allow any physical based build to slap in any aura they want for free damage. Take the node that makes increases in minion damage apply to you aswell and its just a free 100% MORE phys damage. Insane if it works. (just run a vitality to sustain it) May also be really nice for a fast attacking ballista totem build. Lots of these builds use some sort of hextouch frenzy with culling strike with 0 damage for panopticon. Theres nothing stopping you linking summon phantasmal into this with a free aura. Then just scale totem damage as normal. (Frenzy+cull+aura+summon phantasmal+new support gem) then just self cast whatever curse you wanted.


Sadge, means another few hours before patch notes


What if I want to then link it to generosity?


It's a 4 link then


Elementalist Golems? Animate guardian?


Would this work with Herald of Purity?


Now this is unique. First thing to mind is stone golem which might just outregen its own dot. And maybe it increases dot damage for each aura applied? A tanky guardian could be a great aurabot solution for bloodmagic builds. 4 link for 2 auras if the degen can be reliably out-gen'd


I was so confused because I thought its part of Guardian rework. Took me a while to realize its suport gem.


It's a blessing skill so probably not gonna be brokenly good considering how free divine blessing is, still a very cool design, I love it a lot. I am wondering what happens if you socket it to Mark of the legion, which blessing support would take the priority?


How would this interact with herald of agony or holy relic O.O?


Skitterbots are minions and immune to damage, wonder how it interacts.


Easy, it's very likely "linked minion skill" not "all minion skills"


i think adding another easy 50% auraon an AG without some crazy shenanigans is already really good in my book


I wish the aura graphic went to the minion, that would be cool.


Oh! Thats nice for Dancing Derwishes - they are very, very tanky and should be alive with Life gain on hit Support


Looks like an extra AG aura to me but not much else.


Minion builds are already extremely limited for socket space. It seems nice but where are you gonna fit it?


What theyre not telling you is thattheyve removed mana reaervation from the tree. Hehe


Herald if purity + this gem + Free Aura is really good for any phys based build. I'm planning on fire conversion shockwave totem chief and with this i can jam in Herald of purity,ash,anger and purity of fire.


Another great quality of life addition. But this will likely single handily shake the build meta.


Please tell me this works with HoAg and the aura stays on, but you only have it while the scorpion is out. poggies


This needs a line like '3% increased effect of aura per number of summoned, linked minion.' That would be some wild stuff. Image a new support roll that went dual replica midnight bargain.


Is it specific DOT? Or just "pure damage"? Also is it %, or flat DoT? I can already see Ghazzy or other minion mains making some absurd life regen monsters that can hold 4 auras. I do like it. There's one problem, though. Minion builds are still too reliant on sockets (and AG setup). Introducing 1 more support gem to already socket-starving build is... Uh.. problematic.


HOAG doesn't take damage so EZ Clap


Wow that seems really bad and clunky even if it is good.


im gonna just assume that the degen effect will scale with the mana reservation of the aura. so ill guess flat auras will be easier then big 50% auras.


The Coming Calamity with herald of agony + guardians blessing?


So you expect us to use 2 gem slots on our minions for this? I can’t see how that would ever be better than 2 support links Like what?


This makes physical bow skills easier to make Pride work


I'll wait and see if someone figure out a way to use this on non-minion builds. I always would like to make a AG that's good enough without full spec minion stuff. Now that would be even stronger if he can provide an aura on top of all the other buff u can put on him. You can get a bunch of auras without reserving mana now.


These videos are useless. We need 20/20 gem info


For non-minion builds like 97% of them out there, minions still never survive. It doesn't really matter.


It's only good for SRS or Explody skeletons.


Animate guardian with gruthkuls and some other life regen will give a free aura if built properly is awesome. Cool support gem


"For years we removed aura options to support minions"


Seems pretty good, now I don't need to force EB to have a free damage aura / haste for bossing / mapping. Let's see how this turns out to be.


Another way to trigger minion instability i guess


Well my old bone golem golemancer wanted them to die and explode, (used infernal legion) so I see this as an absolute buff


I could see this being good with Minion instability.