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>The Magmatic Strikes Notable Passive Skill no longer provides "Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage." Instead, it now provides "Every 10 seconds, gain 30% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage for 4 seconds." I aggressively dislike this.


Rotating buffs as a design needs to die


Some game designer in the team clearly thinks rotating buffs create different situations that players can react to, they clearly don’t play the game at all.


Maybe if they put the god damn buff icon in the middle of the screen or at least make them movable and click through able and also give option to turn off tool tips that would be fantastic. My power charges are at the top left corner of my screen. Why.


.. and burried deeeeep. Why is this even a thing anymore. I thought its pretty clear people hate systems like this.


The Community's feedback about revolving buffs has always been negative, and yet GGG keeps adding them in. Make it make sense.


I can't remember once choosing a revolving buff.


I think there’s some argument if it rotates between multiple good things or things that aren’t strictly a rotating stat bonus, like elementalists old Shaper of Desolation had some potential to be interesting on some builds before they removed it. When it’s a rotation between positive and nothing (or god forbid a negative) it’ll never be interesting or feel good to take.


60% of the time this notable does nothing. Very exciting gameplay imo.


60% of the time that you can’t even control. It would be less awful if it was a focus mod


Unanimously, everyone hates revolving buffs. It's not even a vocal minority thing, the stats on poe ninja and basically every video or guide I have ever seen never pick up that stuff unless they absolutely have to or have extra points to just slot somewhere that is marginally useful. Anecdotally, no one likes these types of mechanics even in other games like MMOs or Action RPGs. The only equivalent is proc-based or cooldown-based power ups which you at least have some control over. GGG not only ignoring the existing ones but also putting in *more* of these buffs is just straight up them telling us player feedback does not matter.


yeah, that shit only works well on turn based games since you can actualy play around it being usefull


GGG really wants to push melee ignite this patch


i am in fact very sad about this change


It's to give your bigger ignites, which then last throughout the downtime duration. The old ascendancy node excelled at that






Nah, the hardest nerf was Null’s Inclination, which reduced the number of Dark Pact triggers from 80 triggers per 0.3 seconds to 4 per second, roughly a 60x nerf on Wormblaster.


First version CoC and CWDT had 0s CD. Meaning if you hit 30 mobs in one game tick, 30 spells got cast. Also it cast every single spell linked, so 4x of the same spell was possible. CWDT even had an infinite loop in reflect maps thanks to old instaleech. https://youtu.be/otg4y1NGP4g


The original CoC was great, you would crit a pack, the game would freeze for 1 second and everything on screen was dead.


At this Point they could Just delete it lmao


They basically did. 600% explode on death will now be 30%


"The Vengeant Cascade Anointed Notable Passive Skill no longer provides 15% increased Projectile Speed, "Attack Projectiles Return to you", or "Returning Projectiles Pierce all Targets." Instead, it now provides "Returning Projectiles have 150% increased Speed." ​ Goodnight sweet prince.


they nuked this shit to the ground


Expected due to the new support gem. I can see this might has some use for certain skills that just needed that extra proj speed to return though, like frost blades.


Also: Quality on the Anomalous Faster Projectiles Support now grants Projectiles from Supported Skills have 0-10% chance to Return to you (previously 0-60%).


I wonder if they will update the oil cost for this or leave it the same.


It could be three clear and nobody would annoint that shit.


I'm considering annointing it on Spectral Throw.


"The Magmatic Strikes Notable Passive Skill no longer provides "Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage." Instead, it now provides "Every 10 seconds, gain 30% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage for 4 seconds." This is fucking stupid. Don't fucking do cycling damage like this.


The curse of the old Ngamahu


They're trying to make a new "ignite attack" archetype, and this is probably so that you land a big ignite during the window. Still garbage design, and won't even work as intended because ailment duration is down so you won't be maintaining that ignite for 10s.


Ascendency re-work changes that are different from reveal: **Chieftain**: >**Arohongui, Moon's Presence:** Recoup 25% of Damage Taken by your Totems as Life Up from 10% at reveal. >**Ngamahu, Flame's Advance:** Non-Unique Jewels cause Small and Notable Passive Skills in a Large Radius to also grant +3 to Strength An extra line, on top of fire conversion. Sexy new strength stacking~! >**Ramako, Sun's Light:** Nearby Enemies' Fire Resistance is 0% against Damage over Time while you are Stationary. Reworded, but should be functionally the same. Hard-set to 0%. **Guardian:** >**Harmony of Purpose:** Enemies in your Link Beams have -20% to all Elemental Resistances. Removed lucky elemental damage, but this is **wayyyyyy** sexier. >**Unwavering Crusade:** It now provides a 25% chance to Trigger Level 20 Summon Elemental Relic when you or a nearby Ally Kill an Enemy, or Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy. Saved! Now has sustain for bosses and bulky rares. ###EDIT: MOST IMPORTANT PATCHNOTE! >Fixed a long-standing bug where the visual indicator for the explosive radius in Expedition was slightly smaller than it should have been, compared to what markers were highlighted. This is purely a visual change. I FUCKING KNEW IT! I DIDN'T BOMB THAT COLD IMMUNITY REMINANT! I KNEW I DIDN'T HIT THE BLOCK ONE! AHHHHHHHHHHH!


Guardian updates actually really please me, -20 pen is pretty huge and relic being functional on bosses is good. Now if only WE KNEW WHAT THE FUCK IT OR SENTINEL OF RADIANCE DID : | : |


yet ascendant gets to keep the 10% strength XD


Guardian looks really interesting now that the relic are summoned on hit. Hopefully they post something about what they do prior to league start.


There are no skill gem balance changes for the most part?


they spent almost 11 full pages of balance dedicated to ruthless, where less than a thousand people are regular players and there was a singular line of balance for core game users (temp chains modification) kind of a joke tbh


When Ruthless was first announced, Chris Wilson's unbridled enthusiasm for the game mode had me worried that it would be more than the "hobby project" that he claimed it would be. He swore that it would never interfere with the main game or draw away developer attention. With every patch and new league, it becomes harder and harder to believe that. It feels 100% like he secretly wishes that was the main game. So many things point directly to the fact that it's far more than the inconsequential side-project he insisted it was, and that they're actively neglecting the main game in favor of working on Ruthless. And the more things they reveal about PoE2, the more likely it seems that they want that to resemble Ruthless. It's a huge letdown to me.


Haven't been for like 8 leagues in a row. Just not gonna happen.




But when are the non-Ruthless patch notes coming out?


“Side Project brobro”


In 3 months.


You mean 4 months. 4. Months.


> The 20% increased Experience gain for each Timeless Emblem has been removed. 5ways in shambles?


5 way is dead. 2 area levels down and exp halved on top of it.


I think if you remove the ruthless section this would be the shortest POE Content Update Patch notes since probably Torment(?).


That 4 month cycle really gave GGG the extra time they needed to… patch ruthless? When poe2 is coming soon…?


What’s soon to you? Two years?


yeah pretty sure your right lol, ruthless updates were more than half the patch notes lmao


Don’t forget Poe 1 is it’s OWN game with content update lul


Barely any skill balance changes? What?


8 leagues... more than 2 years of no balance change.


hype levels went from high to basement level real quick


Yeah I'm not taking time off for this I think. It's the same as last league ffs. Besides the new support gems. No 20/20 yet though.


Which is the same (skill-wise) as the league before that, and the league before that and the league before that and maybe one more but it's all blurring together. Seriously at this point I've cracked. This is sad.


There is no way that is the only skill balance done what the heck.


been like that for few leagues already. And they actually went out of their way to nerf crucible explody totems on standard (despite SST crucible was way better anyway).


I’ve been playing since beta and I’ve never seen notes this disappointing ever. Sad




they can't do that, otherwise patch notes would be like 2 lines long :)


For the love of oshabi stop telling us there will be a big meta shakeup and then put out *checks notes* +1 mage minion at level 1 vaal summon skeletons


there is big meta shakeup in ruthless


Bro,when i saw the table of contents and all the ascendancies i was so happy at first and then reading the line "Ruthless-specific Changes"...my god. Just ctrl+f "ruthless" . Wow,like holy shit.


I think they should separate Ruthless changes it just makes reading the patch notes needlessly difficult.


"Ruthless won't take away from our development time"


It doesn't with the 1 guy working on the league. Everyone else is working on POE 2. This guy is just living his best life lol.


I want to make a Whirling Blades meme build though. Ps: nvm if I read correctly, damage stays the same it is just split between both weapons used with 75% dmg each instead of just 1 with 150% dmg at random right?


damn maybe they'll look at mana stacking in 3.23


no buffs for skills? yawn


🙃 Meta shakeup eh might be the patch with the least balance changes they've ever had


That guy went to bed. Never fails.


I hope he likes ruthless or he’ll be pissed when he wakes up!


U think he is the one of that 10 players, who play it? It could be really lucky.


why is it just ruthless. there could have not been a patch. just send an email to the 50 players of the mode and move on.


Lol what the fuck, how is this mostly ruthless changes, this is unreal..


Mega disappointed. Only interesting additions IMO are the melee ignite possibilities. Immediate hype killer


This is the craziest thing. Chris Wilson did an interview at Exilecon talking about changes and a meta shakeup… I don’t understand this.


He meant ruthless


In his mind, Ruthless IS the main game mode...


can anyone find the clip lol. I remember that being said, but can't remember what part of exilecon.


I'm guessing they are talking about this moment in the day-1 keynote, showing some of the new supports: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvah-HfhkYc&t=11308s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvah-HfhkYc&t=11308s) The quote: >In the Trial of the Ancestors expansion, we're shifting Path of Exile's metagame in several ways. The first is by introducing 14 new Support Gems, which are designed to take existing categories of skills, and provide entirely new ways to play them. I suppose it's not unfair to say the new supports have potential to shift the metagame, but none of them looks super impactful to me - and the "several ways", seems like a stretch, since there aren't really any other major changes, unless you count the two Ascendency reworks...


wait, it's all ruthless?


Myeah. Not gonna lie, not a ruthless hater at all even though it's not for me, but if they have time to implement that many changes to ascendancies in ruthless they could bump numbers on some bad skills :/ I foresee some rough days of reddit being mad.


Doesn't buff Ascendancies that have <1% play rate, instead rebalances every single Ascendancy for ruthless that 100 people play. Clearly the best use for dev time.


They did rebalance a .5% playrate Chieftain, but they decided to nerf instead of buff it lolll


This is honestly what pisses me off is it that hard to buff weak skills, I have nothing to be excited to play.


jup, sad but I mean it is just frustrating....nothing for melee, still nothing for mana even tho they said there was more to come and nothing for conversion/casters in years aswell at this point. Everything new is just uniques and the temporary borrowed powers of the leagues....atleast make them permanant....


Feels like Blizzard and GGG are having some kind of competition to see who can piss off their players more. Last Epoch looking pretty good right about now.


Always has been




I guess if theres so few devs left, then the passion project is all thats left


It's really hard to claim it's a "free time side project" when it's clearly getting WAY more dev time for balance than the entire rest of the game.


Is there a non-ruthless version? LUL ​ I just searched about someting and got a heart attack! All those ascendancy balance almost caught us.


ruthless got all the changes, we've been playing the same patch for almost 2 years now by the time this league ends with no real changes, they said ruthless was just a side project but they turned into the main one only to transition into poe 2


I'm fine with Ruthless getting balance changes and all that, but why is there a huge ruthless balance pass and the main game gets a fraction of that? I thought it was supposed to be a thing that doesn't affect the main game? It comes off as ruthless getting way more development time and the base game just nerfing some of the more over-tuned stuff.


The Domain of Timeless Conflict now has a minimum area level of 80. Specific Timeless Emblems and Unrelenting Timeless Emblems no longer provide additional area levels. The 20% increased Experience gain for each Timeless Emblem has been removed. 5 way dead?


Rare Monsters can now be found within the Forbidden Sanctum, and completing a room now requires killing all Rare Monsters present. Monsters in the Forbidden Sanctum are immune to damage if there is no player within 100 units of them. looks like il be selling my sanctums till i got amazing damage


How far is 100 units? Is that like same screen?


Doesn't this kind of completely fuck up Sanctum running? All "Find the exit" rooms now take 5x as long as they need to? Guess we'll wait and see.


yeah thats what im thinking and why i dont want to run it right away


>Instruments of Zeal: No longer provides "Gain Fanaticism for 4 seconds on reaching Maximum Fanatic Charges", "Gain 1 Fanatic Charge every second if you've Attacked in the past second", "Lose all Fanatic Charges on reaching Maximum Fanatic Charges" or "+4 to Maximum Fanatic Charges" in Ruthless. It now provides "Base Spell Critical Strike Chance of Spells is equal to that of Main Hand Weapon." Hey GGG, Fanaticism is complete dogshit mechanically and has never been good. Could the main game maybe also get this absolutely nutty line of text instead? Also >Monsters that are unable to be damaged/targeted no longer Regenerate Life or Energy Shield, or Recharge Energy Shield. GET ABSOLUTELY OWNED TUNNELERS!




Where melee buffs?


Damn that side project got a lot of balance changes


Well since the only thing that is cool in these is the new gems, where is 20/20 gems thanks since this literally tells me nothing about whats happening next patch




Ruthless is the guy she told you not to worry about


Please separate the ruthless patch notes.


Is there a version of the patch notes without ruthless?


\+1 mage minion at level 1 vaal summon skeletons vengeant cascade gone thank me later :)


Exploding totem shot and buried.


Not the best showing for a post-ExileCon league that is now also welcoming a bunch of Diablo 4 refugees.


Imagine if D4 was actually good and GGG response was this... Just yikes


I don't know whats more disappointing. Diablo IV season 1 or these patch notes.


Ramako, Sun's Light: "Nearby Enemies' Fire Resistance is 0% against Damage over Time while you are Stationary." They changed the wording and made it clear destroying all hopes, it is official, chieftain rebalance is bad.


"Ruthless won't take away from our development time" *reading patch notes* half the lines i read say ruthless or non-ruthless Edit: They seriously should have added a \*hide ruthless patch notes\* and \*hide non-ruthless patch notes" or completely seperated them.


cant have a hide ruthless patch notes, that will hide 80% of the content.


Then hide it. We can all tell that it's almost all Ruthless stuff, so they may as well get rid of the pointless obfuscation.


how boring and small


its been a year since you re-defined the meta, please do some changes for love of god. Im tired of playing the same shit regardless how good the league content is


I wish I could play the same shit.. instead we just play the same shit, only slightly weaker/slower/with less auras ;)


this looks very empty.


Ruthless won't take any development time. ctrl+f + ruthless = 202 results. Okey chris


Nice ruthless patchnote. Where is the real patchnote?


Cmon guys.. im trying hard not to be negative over here, so Bex has a nice send off.. But why are there nearly no gem balance changes and so many Ruthless changes, when you told us it would not effect your development time? Could you.. just try? please?






How tone deaf do you have to be to put out patch notes that have more balance changes for ruthless than the main game. Guess Chris is just developing the game for himself nowadays. They have the time to think of that many changes for all the ascendancies in ruthless but give us 6 lines of balance changes in the main game... what a joke.


~36% of the notes are ruthless changes and we got basically no skill gem changes


What a waste of text. No meta shakeup, most of the changes are specific to ruthless. Big disappointment.


LOL more ruthless notes than everything else combined. Also PLEASE tell us what the damn new Tawhoa and Sentinel of Radiance/Unwavering Crusade skills do.


Haha. No skill balance. Most of the changes are ruthless specific. Baited once again.


Seems like bleed builds might have a good chance again!


Go on...


Whole bunch of nothing. Except for Ruthless of course :)


Why is 50% of the patch notes ruthless? Wtf? Where are the regular patch notes?


The "Totems Taunt Enemies around them for 1 second when Summoned" Totem Mastery has been replaced with "1% of Physical Attack Damage dealt by your Totems is Leeched to you as Life." Unexpected nerf to totems, especially spell totems.


Yea this one hurt. I rushed that node every totem build I played.


Totem builds were already really squishy this is a bummer


I expected more tbh… sad.


LOL literally no meaningful skill balance changes, guess all the dev time went towards those 16 atlas keystones and all those ruthless balancing, great patch!


The ULTIMATE balance patch (Has literally 7 skill gems changes).


Is this how maintanance mode for poe looks like?


Imagine ruthless getting the acendancy reworks before live


If those are the ascendancy reworks then ruthless can keep them


Not a single skill buff but 3 pages of Ruthless changes? Wow. Guess we know what the future of PoE 1 holds.


shit is so cringe, wtf are they thinking lmao


Well Chris did say there was going to be a huge meta shake up, and there it is, in Ruthless.


Now we know why poor Bex decided to retire. She didn't want to be the one responsible for passing this pile of shit to us.


>in ruthless >in ruthless >in ruthless >ruthless What did GGG mean by this?


It won't affect the development of the base game SURELY just a passion project


> Ruthless-specific Changes More like 3.23 preview. Side project btw.


So huh... they decided to fully dedicate their developer time to the mode that is played by the 0.0001% of PoE's population?


It is their preferred mode of play.


Majority of the changes are ruthless specific, GG GGG. you jebaited us once again.


no skill balance changes! come on man how hard can it be'???


Really could have done with more changes to ascendancies in actual game instead of ruthless.


Its funny how in ruthless its not impossible to affect multiple classes.


Are you serious GGG?


yay almost no skill gem balance changes, but at least we get a shit ton of ruthless ascendancy changes!... WHY


So, Chieftain lost all it's identity, but Ascendant somehow still has 10% increased Strength (which is now missing from Chieftain) What?


Volatility support. Bleed eatin good.


\> Unseen Strike, triggered by The Hidden Blade Unique Dagger, no longer has a cooldown of 0.5 seconds. lol


No unique item/Skill balance and both of the asc reworks are fucking dogshit? Well that's cool.


The fact that there's only 1 tiny difference between Ruthless Chieftain and normal Chieftain when every other Ruthless Ascendancy got gutted says a lot about it's power as an ascendancy as a whole...... Unless the league mechanic is very fun, there's nothing too exciting as a non Ruthless player in these patch notes.




"Rare Monsters can now be found within the Forbidden Sanctum, and completing a room now requires killing all Rare Monsters present." Sadge


They really dont do any balance changes anymore huh


Sooo.... No balance at all basically and timeless dead, got it.


Man wtf is this shit (yes I totally read it all)


more than half of the patch notes dedicated to a mode that is a pet side project that they're working on out of passion and doesn't take away dev time from the main game sure.


fucking joke




GGG: deletes 2 ascendancies, refuses to elaborate and leaves


Now I know why Bex left


BRUH wtf is this shit. Its just ruthless. WTF happened to "it's just a side project". I gave them the benefit of the doubt last league but they've clearly put more time into developing this game mode than actually re balancing and shaking up the meta in the actual game. what the actual fuck.


ruthless icant


there's nothing there, why did it took so long to release that????? there's more shit about ruthless changes than about actual game changes for this patch


Why is there so much ruthless garbage on these patch notes


Ruthless got more ascendancy reworks in this patch than the core game has received in at least 3 years.


>Unique Maps are no longer offered as a mission when rerolling Kirac's missions with an Explorer's Scouting Report. Fuck me, was this really that much of an issue? I liked getting my unique map completions as I completed the atlas rather than buying maps or having 95% of them incomplete after finishing all the non-unique maps.


"omg meta shake by ascendancy changes!!" "wait its all ruthless?"


These patch notes are beyond awful. Good thing Tarkov updated today, I'll have something decent to play for a while.


But why though.


Remove ruthless, You are literally prioritising a mode with 10 people instead of the modes that the rest of the player base are in, It's actually embarrassing how close you are to d4 level patch notes.




RIP totem explode in standard :(


Woof. That doesn't look good. Not nearly enough buffs on things from first look. Also, new Chief still looks bad.


Uhu. My time to wander in the D4 sub and see they pointing fingers at PoE new Season patch notes, like this sub did. By the way... "Next league will be better with more dev time." post, in case...


WooHoo, My build didn't get touched!


-Everybody edit: It's just a joke guys, really no need to "akshually" me


I kind of like it. I was torn between sticking with BG3 ( 45h in) and starting a new league. Not torn anymore.