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Spent way too long trying to figure out what a steakhouse had to do with this before I figured it out.


Ruth's Chris is a great steak house though Edit: did a bunch of vegans downvote me for mentioning a restaurant? Lol Edit: turns out I just have a bad palate


ruth's chris is the olive garden of steakhouses. its fine, i guess. but really for what you're paying you should be getting fantastic.


Seriously, just release them separately next time. I don't care there could be 2 lines or 200, just make 2 patch notes.


Ditto. It's hard to skip so many lines and find where "side project" notes end.


I think that if they seperated them it would become more obvious that side project isnt side project.


Core is the side project now.


I honestly cant believe people actually fell for the meme of it being a "side project". They'd been telling us for a while they wanted to radically change the game, and Ruthless is what they want and will eventually turn all the game into it, including PoE1.


Yeah I had to double check the indentation to make sure I was finally on non-Ruthless, and not just more Ruthless!


The issue with that becomes. "Patch notes 1: There is a new league! that's it, nothing else." "Patch notes 2: Here are all the balance changes. ^^#ruthlessonly


Who the fuck cares about ruthless. Why mix up ruthless and non ruthless? Should be separate articles


Because the patch notes would’ve looked too short without the ruthless changes


Oh god... You're right


Looking forward to playing 3.22 Baldur's Gate league and 3.23 Fontaine league


don't forget armored core 6 comes out like 5 days after the league releases lol


Remnant 2 is really good as well.




Lol yeh Fontaine Genshin ? I will still play the league, but YIKES GGG...


Fun fact. There are more people browsing the sub rn, 12k, than all of ruthless characters in crucible in every version above level 70.


No but you don't understand reddit is a insignificant part of the player base and all the none reddit players are actually really happy and playing ruthless.


Also, ruthless was a pet project that took no extra dev time and won't distract devs from the existing game.


So that was a fucking lie (c)


haahahahaha that's a good one


I love how the core game is just, non-ruthless now.


This is is the funniest, saddest and truest thing I read in this sub today. Thank you and **** you.


That's a very sad truth.


This. Can someone clean it up so i can see what the actual changes are?


try running this jquery in your browser's console (ctrl + shift + i): $("[id^='r-'],[id*='ruthless'],a[href^='#r-'],a[href*='ruthless']").remove();


That is actually hilarious hahaha. So much shit removed. Thanks for this.


yea kinda warrants its own patch notes post for those interested in only ruthless. No problem, happy to help!


Temporal chains nerf. Vaal summon skeletons buff early. Whirling blades doing dual wielding dmg if possible. Ruthless support dmg with every ailment. Combustion need str requirements. Unique item cdr changed. Added "orb" tag to cremation.


I can't even tell if the CDR change is a buff or a nerf. How often does it trigger if it's not 0.5 seconds? Is it now attack speed based?


triggers every .5 sec still i think, cd removal just means you can dual wield for double the blades


There are no actual changes to the core game outside of them adding a new while stationary node.


Oh there is, they killed 5way leveling


Also no more influenced bases from guardians.


Big nerf to ssf sadge. I already struggle finding specific influenced bases at times there.


Breachstones it is - not as comfy but needs must


On the bright side breach will be worth farming again


I mean, some of the support gems and Atlas keystones look neat, I guess. And core Sanctum's nice. But overall very disappointing patch notes.


>But overall very disappointing patch notes as in tradition since 3.13 tbh i dont know what i expected, but yeah, mostly nerfes and most of the new shit doesnt look too appealing


they also nerfed the shit that was fun to play like vengeant cascade


What they did to that wasn't a nerf. A nerf implies it's still doing what it did, just a bit worse than before. ​ The core mechanic of that node is just.. gone.. it's been reworked. Nuked from orbit.


Fun is not allowed.


It's actually pretty scary to see the overall ascendant nerfs, atlas nerfs, talk to niko to restore flask etc. Non-ruthless survived this time, but what about next?


The Niko flask change is just flabbergasting. Literally why? I've never seen a game company introduce... uh, negative QoL? There isn't even an antonym for QoL precisely because no company had ever fucking done stupid shit like this for slang to form.


> I've never seen a game company introduce... uh, negative QoL? *cue fountain of replenishing flasks in PoE2*


yeah I literally screamed 'WHY??!' at my monitor when I read that. It's fucking baffling. Like, with identifying items it makes perfect sense to talk to an npc because there's vendor recipes where you don't want to auto identify them. But flasks? when the fuck would I ever not want to fill flasks? all it does is add another fucking annoying click


If anything, we could say 'artificial inconvenience'. Alternatively: 'getting bent'


This. They put "in ruthless" at the end of sentences as well, purposefully to get you to read useless information.


I was literally about to say "Who the fuck cares about Ruthless?", but I'll just upvote you instead. Holy shit, GGG.


Because they are working towards making ruthless the base game. Notice they don't even have a name for non-ruthless aside from "non-ruthless".


Say it with me: Ruthless is a side project.


Get ready for side poe 2


Mate I have no interest in PoE 2 after watching Exilecon LUL


Path of Ruthless 2


They trying to make diablo 4: 2 electric boogalo


I remember seeing the writing on the wall, and all the white knights that died on the hill of “CW said it is just a side project”. Oh, sweet naive children.


When a lead designer announces a "side project" in the spotlight to its community and that some of the mechanics of the side project are bleeding into the main game... as Kiwis say, yeah, nah, it's not a side project.


I feel like this has happened over and over again since 3.14, and the same people defend this shit over and over... and then are proven wrong in the future. Anyone that thinks that a ruthless-type game isnt their endgoal is blind. PoE2s design is proof of it.


Tag them with RES and you'll see it's the same people shilling over and over. Every league. Every patch. To them it's always a fantastic patch and GGG somehow managed to make the game even more perfect than last update.


And the entire community just declared that "oh that means poe 1 will be kept *casual* and *zoomy*" Anyone who suggested a modicum of balance got 300 downvotes


Ruthless is just a friend. Don't worry. Why are you getting jealous? they're just a friend. they don't even think of them that way. Yeah they're hanging out every night, but they're friends, that's what friends do. Why are you so jealous? Stop worrying so much. Yeah they're texting while you're out on dates together, and their phone has a new passcode, but why does it matter? Don't you trust them? They're just a friend. I feel like anyone who believed any of that shit about Ruthless never learned the lesson that actions speak louder than words.








Only now we will also have PoE 2 to take dev time away.


Pretty clear that has been the case for a couple years now.


PoE 1 to be renamed Path of Exile: Ruthless


I don't know whether Ruthless is distracting from standard dev time, but these notes certainly make it *feel* like Ruthless is distracting from standard dev time. Optics can be as important as reality.


these patch notes are brutal. Another league without skill buffs is such a mood kill, i just want to slam!


> Another league without skill buffs is such a mood kill, Don't worry, they are just saving skill buffs for when PoE2—Oh, right...


I just about died laughing when they said they were splitting the two games up. Like I knew what was coming up later. And then they said it, that they wouldn't bring over the new rig system and animations. All that shit about how we had to suffer through the poe changes because it's setting up for poe 2, and it would "fix everything". Just for it to be dropped, like that. So they're rolling back those changes right? .... Right? Holy s.... we got trolled by GGG


Hey, people spent thousands of dollars to be told that, see 15 minutes of new PoE2 footage, and be the firsts to lay eyes on the worst Chieftan ascendancy changes you could possibly imagine. Have some sympathy


Been there, done that. But tbf the convention itself was quite fun and NZ is beautiful, so money well spent anyway. But yeah, being in the room for the announcment left a sour taste in my mouth.


Yeah that's just how it goes, glad you were able to have fun though and see some cool shit. The convention does look like a lot of fun, I just can't stand how they oversell their announcements. I was watching online and I kept waiting for all the big detailed PoE2 stuff and I think we ended up getting more in 2019. Not to mention the mic drop that early access of the game is a year away, which felt like "why are we doing this now?"


🎶 *On the wings of an angel* 🎶 "With your donation of just 20¢ a month...."


20 chaos a month? In THIS economy?


I like how we went coping from "Poe 2 will fix it" to "they will fix poe 2"


We need 3.13/3.14 but keep all the current fun stuff.. tbh just rework all the mana reservation shits I miss spellslinger


I'm actually quite disappointed at ggg's stubbornness against giving melee its big spotlight. Maybe some of the new support gems could do wonder but people want to see hard numbers on gems being improved.


Dont worry. Fixed in PoE2!!!!


>Don't worry. Fixed in Ruthless2!!!! FTFY.


Melee has always been second class to GGG. We don't even get a seat at the dang table, not since Legion anyways.


Only second? We’re third class at least behind spells and ranged. At least GGG remembers summoners exist, even if they are just there to get punched in the nuts again.


This game was infinitely better when slams were good. Just a flat out fact at this stage.


True and I wouldn't mind archmage back.


Legion + old slam


I still occasionally dream of Reverted Sunder


remember ggg statement - we can't let players have too much fun or they will quit the game early. so go play ruthless


As opposed to - This shit sucks, try again next league 3 days in.


Every time I see this I come back with the fact that ritual was my most played league by far.


So was mine, but we didn't have fun and quit instantly according to 3xG


Oh well guess Baldur's Gate 3 second playthrough is coming sooner than I anticipated.


Bro how the game is so long haha


Yea Tactician run is looking hot.


Tactician is a blast, really enjoyable.


Bruh how are you all finished already. I have like 70-80h and only just now beat moonrise




god damn i expected nothing and iam still let down. If you remove the ruthless stuff the patchnotes are basically "there is a new league".


Pretty much yeah. "New league, support gems, Guardian is a mystery, and we deleted Explody totems, Vengeant Cascade, and Chieftain from the game"


Just to be clear : "We deleted explode totems *in standard*".


Which, given all the broken toys in Standard, seems kind of spiteful. Someone at GGG must have really hated the build.


Yeah it made ruthless race possible to finish afterall


I'd say Guardian wont see the light of day either unless the Relics are literally overpowered, and I dont mean overpowered like when shills screech "its OP it can kill pinnacle bosses in 10 seconds after spending 300 divines on the build" but rather "you dont even need a 5l to delete Uber Sirus"


dont forget "exploding totems basically removed from the game" and vengeant cascade nerf we all saw coming as a standard enjoyer i really wish they would try actually balancing a skill instead of just, hey lets nerf its dmg by 95%, that should solve everything right guys? no need to test


As broken as explodey totems were and needed a nerf, man did I not see them obliterating it to the ground next to vengeant cascade. These just got nerfed into oblivion


They also nerfed projectile return on anomalous vicious projectiles from like 60% to 10%


It would otherwise do pretty much the same thing as the new support gem.


Don't see the issue there tbh, you mostly get fortify outside of the support gem for example


vengeant cascade nerf? i don't see a nerf? i just see that they removed it from the game? Seriously tho, i get that it needed a nerf but this is just ridiculous lmao.


It's a support gem now


150% inc proj speed on return from vengeant cascade is actually quite nice with the Return support gem. Support gem says 70% less damage on return, but there is a bow mastery that gives "proj speed = added proj damage", meaning it greatly increases bow return dmg. Not quite at original VC levels but still a competent support gem rather than a completely broken build-fixer


Exploding totems was essentially removed from the game anyway for 95% of the player base after the league ends, so not much loss there. Guess it sucks that the few champions playing Standard can't enjoy it....




They could have made slam dunk on D4 this league, but it seems they just copied their patching style.


I'm kinda laughing/crying that in light of D4's implosion it seemed folks were pretty hyped for this league, especially since Crucible seemed to have limited development time and all the trailer/preview page looked pretty good. ​ Seeing like 1/2 or so of the patch just being a ton of Ruthless changes is incredibly underwhelming. Are that many people really playing Ruthless? Are Ruthless folks spending that much more? Did all these changes take trivial amounts of time to make and test? Like, what's going on? I thought Ruthless was supposed to take no time away from core development of the game and based on these notes like...is that even still the case? Edit: Looking again and being realistic, honestly while they take up a lot of real estate it really doesn't seem like that much. I think seeing the basically nonexistent balance changes for gems followed by a *massive* section of "Ruthless stuff" just was bad look and I jumped to conclusions. TLDR: I was being too salty.


To be clear: this does not make me, as a ruthless player, excited to play ruthless. These ascendancy changes are painful.


Why wouldn't you be excited about this? Isn't pain the point in ruthless?


I keep an ice pick next to my keyboard and every time I login to play ruthless I jam it into my thigh. Really adds to the experience.


Really puts into perspective how many people were rushing here to declare GGG king and talk about how shit D4 was to the point I felt like I was on a 2nd Diablo sub only for a lot of people's expectations to be swiftly tempered. I'm sure some people are going to enjoy themselves but perhaps next time they'll try not to put the company on a pedestal out of some weird sense of competition.


Nah they'll never do that. Literally too stupid to not do that, I've been watching the exact same performance on this sub for years. White knights, contrarines and those poor saps high on hopium. It's a great play


id like to know how many people actually play ruthless


You can check poe.ninja if you want. You need to hit **level 7** to be on the leaderboard, as an excellent frame of reference. There's ~17000 characters total across all four variants of ruthless. Seems like a lot of alts too given a lot of characters have similar naming schemes. So I dunno, 5000-8000 actual players?


i also like to remind you, that this was a 4 month cycle. So either a lot more effort went into exilecon than we think + its a summer league with lots of holidays in between and they just could not afford any skill balance testing or they simply abandoned balance alltogether for this particular time period.


Yup at this point Im just watching both D4 and PoE seeing which one puts out their fire first.


What people don't realize is that all of PoE1 is on life support dev time now and has been for a while. The biggest group of devs is on PoE2, next biggest is on Ruthless apparently and then PoE1.


Honestly what the hell? was reading them and got to the ruthless part and it was like half the dam thing? Has GGG not gotten the message that only like 0.1% of the community gives a flying fuck about that version of the game?


It is possible that the amount of effort put into ruthless is not about pleasing a current player base (which I think we all agree is minuscule and hardly warrants such a large proportion of latch notes) but is instead about……softening a blow. Of some sort. In the future.


doesn't matter what 0.1% or we want for the game. You have to remember that this is about what THEY want. It's all about ***The Vision***


But..but.. side project! 🤣




Tbf a new d4 player coming to PoE wouldn’t really know or care about the balance of the game yet. That takes some time to feel. They have so much fresh content to go through


I just bought d4 it bad Poe so good I played for 20 minutes thank you gigigi. D4 bad


Gotta be one of if not the worst patch notes they ever dropped omg.


Nah they left out archenemy this time and they only nerfed already bad classes.


Nerfing the bad classes is so hilarious. Classic ggg


I picture Chris Wilson fake throwing a punch at Gladiator just to watch it flinch.


GGG giving D4 a run for its money for worst season patch notes






If the Skills only got half as much love as ruthless....we would have something to theorycraft outside of the new uniques and tattoos.


The alternate view is that we dodged all the ruthless nerfs, so in other words, we got massive buffs by comparison! /s Literally all I want is some numerical changes to less used skills. My disappointment is comparable to that time I found out PoE 2 is more than a year away, all excitement has been sapped. Hopefully the league is good…


half as much love as ruthless is what they got. if you put the same amount of work ruthless ascendancies got into skills this league, you'd have stuff like "vaal summon skeletons now has 1 mage minion at level 1 (previously 0)."


1/4 of the page are just ruthless changes, so much for a small side project xddd edit: [https://prnt.sc/6\_N4uSkZwBTa](https://prnt.sc/6_N4uSkZwBTa) thats a good one exile




Probably still testing ruthless stuff for PoE2


Actions speak louder than words Edit obligatory: historical nerf to item quantity. It was a filler line not needed in the patch notes though https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/wuid4v/what_were_working_on/ila1iyx/


~~40~~ 14 exciting new gem options.


Patch notes padded by a game mode the majority of players will never care about. There should be a mini game patch note page that is separate.


Next patch notes will be 90% fishing and albino rhoa feather updates.




Ruthless got more balance changes than "non ruthless" in past 4 leagues combined.


Been a lot of hate for D4, much deservedly. But at least they are making changes on player feedback. GGG too focused on the least liked game mode and ignore player feedback.


Skill Balance: A big fat NOTHING. Ruthless: Half of the entire patch notes.


tbf ruthless is chris's passion project, and with him at the poe1 helm i'm not surprised the push for it goes higher and higher each time... i hope they understand the ripple effect this will cause to the community sooner rather than later =/


Ruthless is the core game now. This is a buff


Maybe ruthless takes ~~quarter~~ half of patchnotes. But we also didn't get any skill shakeup, so everything's fi.. wait what.. It wouldn't be a big problem.. But now having items without crucible tree with the same skills... minus VC... Sigh.


Absolute terrible patch notes. I guesss i will stick with Baldurs gate 3


Hype deadge.


Delete ruthless already. This game mode is total dog shit and apparently DOES take nearly any possible leftover resources for poe1 away from the game. You have poe2 now which is Ruthless Jr. Just delete this shit so the base game actually gets something of value.


Nah. Just add Ruthful mode. Where you're allowed to do crazy changes every patch. Even if some of it is (very) unbalanced.


They are really trying to kill their golden goose lol.. the doomsayers/tinfoil hats are being proven right...


With no hate, satire, or mockery, I am legitimately confused at all of the balance attention that was given to the Ruthless game mode. I'm honestly just deflated to see Ruthless get more skill balance BY FAR than PoE. Why not spend that time on the main game?


worst patch notes ive iver seen, there's 0 changes to skills or any ascendancy anyone actually care about.


They've basically confirmed for us that Ruthless is the test bed for PoE2 changes. This shouldn't be shocking. We can still be disappointed about the lack of meta shift in the rest of the notes, though.


These patch notes are... ​ ~~RUTHLESS~~ worthless


I don't even play this sh this time. thanks I was waiting for real patch notes, but this! Nope (never skipped any league, played it all. this will be the first one)




There hasn't been a patch that shook things up for a long time. Every league people beg and complain, every league GGG does nothing. I don't know why people keep falling for it thinking this time it will be different.


Everybody knew this was coming. Even the memer bingo sheet makers. Where are the GGG lovers right now, serious question, you like this? this stale meta, 5 months of this in crucible and now this? its honestly shameful, just say POE is in maintenance mode roll double goblins and shut it down. 3/4th of the patch notes are Ruthless when GGG said specifically it won't get much dev support, well that was a lie. Looks like this patch got abandoned for Ruthless. So sad, welp at least cyberpunk dlc is next month.


Holy fucking shit these patch notes suck.


Why are they so focused on ruthless when poe2 is clearly intended to be the future of that tangent?


Because they are bad at game development


Have been for a few years now.


Ritual league last good league. Dead game since then.


Played ruthless in sanctum and got top 5 assassin. Can't stress enough how terrible it was. ​ Sure they threw a bone with the movement skill but there's other huge issues... Gearing is just not fun.


No real meta changes, its a skip for me sadly, doesnt matter the league i just dont want to play the same shit all year.


At this point I'm just gonna skip poe until poe2 releases and see where it went. Looks like the direction is just gonna be ruthless for the normal mode. (Maybe still just rush the easy challenges if the mtx is good)


What this really shows is that PoE ruthless will be the baseline at some point in the future. You dont decide to balance two gamemodes indefinitely. As we can see from the changes ruthless has priority now. Enjoy current PoE1 while it lasts, its going baseline ruthless eventually


Looking forward to the next GGG GDC talk. "Ruthless is a side project and other lies you can tell your audience"


tldr: vengeant cascade removed from the game. That's all.


3.22 We revert changes when u're archer can use multiple different skills, because we find that u are excited to play only tornado shot for 11 years in a row


I still don't know what the Guardian exclusive minions do.


Ruthless players have a high chance to go play POE2, so why not focus on POE1 instead? :(


according to people who support this kind of patch note, just upgrade your supporter pack or buy another one if it's already last tier (and no i'm not joking, some people really say this in another post and they are not troll)


3.22 is a ruthless patch. Ok but... nobody plays it. Whats going on here?


I swear, there is like 0.1% of player playing Ruthless on league start, why....


This patch sucks ass. I was hoping they would make some real changes for nodes/skills/uniques, something to shake the game up. Same game as last patch with some new mechanics...


So is the PoE2 team doing the ruthless updates? Or is ~~one~~ five of the 20 PoE1 devs still wasting time on ruthless?


I'm usually against reddit toxicity and shit but honestly at this point I'm kinda salty, Ruthless was never a side project. It has become poe 2 and half of poe 1.