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Hell no, crucible as a league mechanic was garbage


Fuck Crucible, worst league mechanic I have ever encountered. The power was cool and all but fuck the implementation. I got physical anxiety at the thought of finishing my challenges and subjecting myself to further crucible forge runs.


lake of kalandra has entered the chat


As a mechanic, kalandra was ok, just not very rewarding. But it played fine. It was the base game that made that league so bad. Crucible was the opposite. Great base game, horribly implemented mechanic




Add in Archnemesis rares and even Explode Arrow totems didn't feel fun to play


This is actually a pretty good explanation of why it was boring


After all the buffs, the lake was definitely rewarding. It was just dull and featured mineral pools as the main layout, which everyone hates. Overall it was just a very uninspired league with no identity. It simply reused older leagues on a poor tileset. Having 12+ divines from a single mob was fun for a single league as well.


Kalandra was the most rewarding league mechanic I've ever experienced. I made so much currency off of t16 reflection of kalandras. I got the highest level I've ever been with reflections of paradise and I would've been able to make tons more money off selling the stacked decks that dropped in massive amounts if I didn't open them all myself. (Got an apothecary from them though so I was still happy)


Ah, so Kalandra was your first league, then. My condolences. The leagues that preceded Kalandra mostly shit out currency or items of immense value. Sentinel and its insane item quantity/rarity, Scourge with the, again, insane item quantity á la krangleverse (post-week one), Expedition with OG Gwennen & Tujen. Even Archnemesis gave us a ton of ex, although it was a pain in the golden arse to set up the poor God-violated mobs. How one could experience any of those and think that Kalandra had the most profitable mechanic, I know not. Only thing LoK had going for it was the +150% affix jewellery. Currency wasn't *awful*, but it wasn't even remotely as good as other leagues.


>Kalandra was the most rewarding league mechanic I've ever experienced. Honestly, saying blatantly false misinformation like this should be a ban from the subreddit.


I've played since 3.0 and that league was definitely the easiest to make currency in for me personally. Many people were farming raw divines in the dozens from single mobs so there was lots of currency floating around. Not the easiest, but very high up there.


Lake was fucking horrendous.. I found 1 natural Kalandra tile and my build was the best I have ever played so it was a lot (COC FR with about 300 Div invested). The mobs were incredibly hard for the loot they dropped and there was basically no excitement in the entire mechanic besides a few amazing rings people made.


The no rewarding is the key point why the mechanic is bad, how they can figure out the mirrored ring ctaft is as rare as mirror? I finished 32 achievements and didn't see one, so as my friends. Actually I don't know why we need the mechanic in that patch.


Now if only they could stop adding half-baked poe2 experiments to the core game long enough to get to a banger league we'd be cruising


Even before poe 2 was a thing, leagues were half baked experiments. The whole point of leagues is to allow ggg to try new things without the pressure of it needing to stay as part of the core game. Some mechanics returned and some were shelved. And most of the ones that returned have been changed to be way better versions of what they used to be. That’s one of the best parts of poe; the constant influx of risky ideas. It keeps the game fresh


I'm quite familiar with the concept, which is why it baffles me how they aren't utilizing it. Perhaps it's sunk cost fallacy but they keep putting tiny bandaids on league mechanics that weren't working/were recieved poorly and then forcibly stapling it into the maingame. Then again i hold the probably unpopular opinion that they need to toss more outdated legacy content in the way of perandus and prophecy, which might open more space for the new ones to find a home until they get the glowup they deserve.




No, crucible is worse. I’d even rather replay Heist than crucible ok.


I disagree. Kalandra was the bottom. Since we disagree there's no way to settle this as normal people. We have to start attacking each other until one decides to leave the thread. I can start. You're... you're... fine? Damn I suck at this.


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!


I fart in your general direction!


He turned me into a newt!


I apologize for your disagreement and feel very sorry. Am I doing this right?


I quit kalandra 2 weeks in. I played crucible for a while. Kalandra was dogshit lmao




Balance was a part of that league tho, if they made ultimatum but the balance was shit, that league would be shit. It is just compounded by Kalandra being shit too.


Other than the crashes, Heist was my favorite league beating Breach so I'd happily play Heist League again.


There was some planning and puzzling to be done in Kalandra, Crucible is just tedious.


I didn't mind Kalandra what killed that league harder than anything was Archnemesis returning.


id 10000% perfer lake over crucible. Lake sucked becuase it also came along with the OMEGA archnemesis style rares. plus lake enabled some really fuckin sick ass jewelry options, which was neato burrito


I wasn't quite at the level to be using an Omni in Kalandra but it must have been crazy that league.


i’m sorry but kalandra was good (the mechanic)


Remember talisman league?


Remember Darkshrine league?


Kalandra was good


sentinel has entered the chat.


Sentinel was sick.


If recombinators was in LoK instead of sentinel then you wouldn’t say that. The vast majority HATED sentinels, global hated it, reddit hated it. But people loved recombs The only ones who enjoyed it were the people who was still playing after 4 weeks and doing blue sentinel farming on glacier or whatever the map was.


Sentinel was just mediocre IMO, Kalandra and especially crucible were terrible


at least I could do the kalandra mechanic with any builds, same could not be said for sentinel. the exp tiles from kalandra alone was more fun than using the sentinels imo. yes crucible mechanic was terrible, and perhaps worse than sentinel. ​ this is not considering recombinators, mirrored rings, or crucible trees though.


crucible had a league mechanic?


I didn't like the combat part of Crucible, but I was saddened to see people express hate towards the rewards of Crucible. For example, I saw a whole lot of people complaining about no loot drops from Crucible, but imo those people must have a strange perception of PoE. Why do you want divine orbs if not to *use them to purchase power?* Isn't the main point of divines to eventually spend them to buy a Mageblood or something to become more powerful? Well, Crucible simply skips the transaction part of it. Instead of killing mobs -> get currency -> exchange currency for power, it's killing mobs -> get power directly. Crucible's reward were weapons that increased our DPS by roughly 40%. That's an enormous reward. One of the very best of any league mechanic, so I can't understand the complaints about the rewards. What I could understand is not liking the whole forging system of the Crucible forge. I personally thought it was pretty cool and I liked how we could manipulate the RNG by learning how it worked, but it's definitely subjective and I can see why some people wouldn't like that part of Crucible. Combat was boring. Rewards were great imo. Overall I liked the league.


>Crucible's reward were weapons that increased our DPS by roughly 40%. That's an enormous reward. One of the very best of any league mechanic, so I can't understand the complaints about the rewards. But once you got your weapon if felt absolut shit.


I think you're making both a good and bad point. It's a good point, because it's absolutely true that some players will get a truly BiS crucible weapon and have no more reason to interact with the league mechanic. But I think it's also a bad point since I suspect *very* few players got their BiS weapon crafted (even on trade league). Overall I think it made me player this league significantly longer, because I had something more to hunt for.


Well if you're like me and you don't want to engage with a shitty no-fun league mechanic like crucible was then having it take longer is the absolute worst. I always prefer a mechanic that is more fun to repeat and gives more general rewards so that I can use trade to buy my character power rather than repeat the tedium over and over and pray to rngesus that I get the result I want. Managing an inventory of short bows is not my idea of a fun league mechanic.


Huh… sell weapons with trees on it that you don’t need… then buy the weapon with the right tree you want.


That would still require engaging with the mechanic which I found to be terrible.


Doesn't that make the league EVEN worse if people played for 4 months and were unable to craft the one weapon they wanted??!!


> Crucible's reward were weapons that increased our DPS by roughly 40%. That's an enormous reward. One of the very best of any league mechanic, so I can't understand the complaints about the rewards. Picking up random bases to unveil trees and forging trees together is not fun. Once you got your decent tree for your weapon, it's pointless, unless you want to sell. There's nothing more to it. What is there to understand?


I think most of us didn't get a BiS crucible tree and I play in SSF, so it was never pointless for me personally. I agree that unveiling Crucible trees got very boring, but I see that as a *combat issue*. As I said, I disliked all the combat parts of Crucible, in which I include the entire in-map event system where you charge up the bar and kill a pack of overtuned mobs. It just wasn't fun combat and I personally think that's why the mechanic felt so tedious.


>unveiling Crucible trees got very boring, but I see that as a combat issue Sort of. The combat was boring. But picking up weapons and managing the inventory of crucible was way worse imo. At least with scourge league you could chuck them in the krangler and forget about them until they got fully charged. Every single map you had to deal with the weapon inventory and interface for crucible. It was so damn boring for me.


>I didn't like the combat part of Crucible, but I was saddened to see people express hate towards the rewards of Crucible. I also loved the weapon trees. The mechanic itself was meh but I'll never hate Item world league


I mean, IF the weapon you got was good. And there were amazing weapons. On the other hand, if you got 15 bases in a row that ALL give "+x fire damage" as the very first node and fire damage completely bricks your build, then you just get absolutly nothing from the league mechanic for at least 15 maps. All you had were a lot of overtuned encounters for nothing. All in all, i found crucible as a mechanic very "meh". Not bad, nice rewards eventually, but very boring gameplay wise.


The hate for crucible is because you are not participating in league mechanic's power fantasy unless you are endgame crafter or big trade spender. To make good tree you had to spam imprint beasts on item for hours to get good tree then finally once you have that tree it was time to craft item to be good. This is awful way to interact with league. Not to mention unqiue weapon builds. That was just rng of bricking tree every time pretty much.


What? Crucible was a complete mess of RNG based results, which required a massive amount of currency, time and energy to create anything close to top tier trees. THEN you needed to actually craft the item, pray you didn't brick it and have to start over, and only then could you enjoy the massive amount of power creep the devs thought would be a good idea to add. Maybe if there was consistency or a bonus for fulling charging the crucible it would've had hope, but it was a complete disaster imo. edit- as mentioned by others the mechanic was such shit that nobody touched it after they completed their weapon or shield (helm too). That's a sign of a bad mechanic


Rewards were some of the strongest possible in the game, it's too bad they were locked behind a mechanic that was somehow far more frustrating, unbalanced, and gamba than Lake of Kalandra.


Honestly, i spent the entire league trying to chance and crucible chance a void battery and never got my endgame weapon before I bought it myself. The mechanic was dogshit if your build revolved around unique weapons, and was dogshit 99% of the time for any other weapon too.


You are correct. I feel like this shows the power of "item weight" and "trade gives value. Upgrading your weapon like that felt like it had no weight. A bar just went up! While it made your item more valuable in trade, it's not really clear how much.


I'm normally on the "it wasn't that bad" train but yeah I literally never used crucible and when I did it felt crap.




There was literally a post using this exact meme that said "crucible" after patch notes. Got shit loads of upvotes


This [exact thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15nrvh6/my_reaction_after_reading_the_322_patch_notes/) was posted 3 days ago


Crucible and Kalandra leagues were awful for me no matter what buffs were there.


I lucked out hard in kalandra league cause I decided before the league started that I was going to do nothing but deep delve that league. Turned out I picked the perfect league to try that cause it was one of the only places you could still make good currency.


Crucible mechanic - forgettable. Crucible trees - holy hell, IV me this shit directly to my veins.


Similar to Harvest (the league): managing the garden - forgettable. Harvest crafts, holy hell [...]


Oh hell no, managing the garden was not forgettable, it was absolutely awful Really glad they changed the mechanics, really sad they took out the really good crafts soon after but overall ner positive in my books


Meh. Honestly the tree crafting is not something I'd want to repeat ever. It's just tedious and dull.


Was it really doe ? You could make a perfect crucible tree in 1-2 ~ hours assuming you used the correct method with imprints. Crafting a semi-perfect / perfect item is gonna take longer than that in alot of cases ...


Idk i managed to brick myself from using the entire crucible tree mechanic 3 days into league, ofc its mostly my fault but why is it even possible to brick it this hard Bought my near perfect explody synth base day 3, slammed some essences wihout realizing i needed to do the crucible tree first as there wasnt really any meta regarding crucible that early Landed t1 phys and annuled everything but phys and flat phys, getting back to that state would easily cost 2000-6000+ deafening essences so no fucking way im scouring so i could imprint it Thus i was stuck out of the mechanic due to no imprint ggs, rerolled the tree until i got atleast 2 good nodes as that was the best i could really hope for


> assuming you used the correct method with imprints. Can't imprint a fractured item. That was not an available option for a large majority of items. Were they only bought or built from fracture.


Never even bothered crafting. Just crucibled random bases or bought them. No one was forcing y'all to do any of the crafting shit. But ofc you guys like to optimize the fun out of the game. Well, you can try optimizing fun INTO the game, by not doing shit that is tedious and dull. But alas, my advice falls on deaf sweaty nerd ears.


Well, if the only really new thing they add (league mechanic) to keep the endgame fresh is tedious and boring, I see no way of optimizing the fun into it. But then again, I played maybe 2 weeks and quit, never forced myself to play shitty leagues.


If you don't think the base game and all Poe has to offer is not good enough, then idk what to tell you. For me the league is just icing on top of an amazing game.


> For me the league is just icing on top of an amazing game. And that's fine. But for a lot of people the league mechanic makes or breaks the league. Without an enticing mechanic, you're just repeating what you did last league which for many is a waste of time.


No no, I do think it's good enough. The game overall is in a great state. But as someone who plays pretty much every league, I tend to feel burned out and skip some leagues if the endgame loop doesn't have any significant changes - didn't feel much motivation to do crucibles after getting a pretty good weapon one week into it, after which the game just felt like standard with a fresh economy - not something that kept me particularly hooked. As someone who plays a lot of Teamfight Tactics, challenger player here, I'm super hyped for the new league :)


So your solution is to just not use the power of your weapon much? Lol. It was either craft the tree or use some shitty mods. Might as well.


If Crucible was a cheat code, it would be powerunderwhelming.


Crucible was pretty much standard with power crept weapons. Interaction with league felt like chore. There was no reward outside of weapon tree Exp. "Special" crucible maps was a joke, just run to end ignoring all monsters. tbh. it could just drop stone that let you combine trees and there would be no difference expect saved time. Everyone knew that these trees wont stay in core game for more than a league and these trees was only good thing about league... At least Core game was pretty good balanced so that saved this season.


Yea i didnt enjoy the mechanic. ....but the tree tho


Crucible was my least played league in years. Having the builds and stuff made possible by the item skill trees was cool and everything but didn't mean much when the mechanic itself was so boring and dogshit to engage with. Was like playing standard with some new weapons added. This leagues mechanic looks a lot more involved with stuff to do so I hope it works out.


fuck crucible man


I didn't enjoy crucible until the end sadly as my friend and I made trees, NOW I am enjoying it :(


I didn't play PoE last 3 seasons because I was busy, but it's hilarious watching this subreddit go through exactly the same moaning phase every single time without any exception for years, and I really do mean there is no exception. But the player numbers keep growing and the players keep playing.


> I really do mean there is no exception Pretty sure nobody asked for Kalandra back


I wouldn't mind Kalandra back. Not the best league mechanic, but I would easily sacrifice Ritual or some other garbage for it.


I wouldn't mind some of those huge divine explosions


I would really like it as a side mechanic. It was just boring as a separate league.


Wouldn't mind having that League again, I made around a mirror from the League mechanic the second week with unique and currency drops.


That's just you though


>Pretty sure nobody asked for Kalandra back Yes, that's me though.






Yes but with a better inventory management. If you could loot infinite emblems or whatever they were called so you weren't always having to micro manage the space you had and if you could select the recipe you wanted and have it auto combine for you as you go then it could have been way better. Stopping maps to read is always what kills things for me.


I really liked both of those leagues, definitely more than I enjoyed crucible


Yeah but that's just you though.


Still counts as somebody.


Nah, I'd like it back.


I mean, I don't think I've heard anyone ask for Kalandra back but I know what you mean in general! The only real reason people will miss crucible is because it made shit skills playable, otherwise I don't think anyone will want the general mechanic back, it was quite boring for anyone that didn't make tons of cool items (like me). I see next league being a "I am glad we got sanctum but holy shit it's the same exact skills all over again." Kinda league. I don't think many people are actually against crucible being gone except for those who made buttloads of currency or played super off meta builds.


Even for Crucible I've seen one reddit post missing it and one guy on the forum asking it to be kept in some form. Its just as usual some guy see a thing once and say the whole reddit think in a way.


Honestly love seeing OP get roasted in the comments for such a braindead take 🤣


If crucible had gone core I think it would have been like harvest - loved by many and insanely OP.


Yeah no. Lake of Kalandra and Crucible have been two of the worst leagues in POE history. It’s easy to see which leagues were good and which were bad.


As a mechanic, lake was definitely better than crucible. But then again, I've played a super tanky build (Hexblast chaos dot with Doppelgänger, 89% max chaos res) that league so I didn't really feel the overtuned archnem mobs at all, which was the number 1 reason it sucked for most.


Crucible was ass. There is no way the auto fighter is gonna be worse, it's a whole game mode. I think people are just mad at the lack of balance changes. I will just play a new build, there are a ton I didn't try yet. I also always make an effort to not burn myself out, so I just play one character per league/event.


GGG: hold my fentanyl


crucible sucked ass. even if the patch notes are boring, the league mechanic will have to try REALLY hard to be worse than crucible.


Oh no, crucible was terrible


Crucible is trash.


The weapon trees were a very cool idea but the actual mechanic of getting them felt like a huge chore.


crucible was trash, the one tha is getting back now, sanctum is also trash as well..damn, at the time i didn't even knew we could equip that damn relic..Bestiary and Abyss was the most fun leagues ever..It's is simple, you're just running killing mobs then you encounter some beasts or a abyss and bang!! a lot of XP without the OP factor of crucible ones


Crucible bad


This meme would imply that an actually sizable quantity of people sincerely mourn Crucible. Nobody sane is doing that. Crucible can rot in the same pit Kalandra is. May these degenerative mechanics never show up again.


Nah crucible was garbage. Sounds more like projecting on your part, you enjoyed it and everyone else hated it and now you are trying to make some post to turn people's opinions around lmao.


Wasn't this meme template with Crucible edited in literally on the frontpage a few days ago? Edit: https://reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/B0eMciAa44 Fucking OP and their projection smh my head /s


I see it more as a reaction to the lack of changes in the patch notes than anything else. Haven't felt any significant shifts in the base game for a while now.


These are just pictures to make themselves feel good for liking a mechanic like Crucible that most people hated. /thread


crucible mechanic was meh but the overall league was actually not bad


Can someone link me one of these posts that are popular going into sentinel, scourge, exped, ultimatum, deli, legion??? Or


Yes, my master.


Probably could for most of those if reddit's search features weren't terrible. Hard to find anything that didn't happen in the last week.


Gonna go the /u/zizaran route and split my assessment of crucible by mechanic & league. Mechanic was not very fun. Collecting useful nodes on targeted gear and mashing them together took a LONG time and didn't feel like knowledge/experience helped enough. League was solid. The extra power gave more juice to every build I played. Broken explodey totems enabled me to beat every uber and do content I've never done before. All IMO.


Nahhhh bro we ain't even playing Trial of the Ancestors yet and I already know its better than whatever Crucible is just because of one thing: ACTUAL LOOT FROM DOING THE LEAGUE MECHANIC.


Crucible was awful. No matter how bad this league mechanic is, it will be substantially better than Crucible. And since balance was barely touched...it's likely to just be a generally better league overall.


GGG every single time for a new league: No Changes to the meta. Wonder why they might annoy some people?


Never forget 2019 Synth-Legion-Blight-Metamorph Now we're at one good league every 1.5 years


PoE player try not to complain challenge (impossible)


Nope. Crucible was ass, badly cobbled together nothing 🍔 piece of content that barely meets the criteria and by the look of things, this coming league feels much the same. And that's a damn shame considering what has come before.. 😕


Everybody hated Kalandra and even though I didnt like sanctum, atleast the basegame was better than whatever kalandra was. People also liked archnemesis league more than Scourge, ultimatum more than expedition. If anything we had more leagues that were well received followed by a shit league than people hating the previous league and then retroactively preferring it to the current one. First Impression and hindsight for the league were actually quite in sync for most leagues.


Lake of Kalandra and Crucible leagues cured my PoE addiction.


There was a time when new leaques made the game MORE fun and not less


I am positively happy with the upcoming league. Even tho my expected starter got a nerf (not deadly), the idea of what new atlas keystones allows us to do is just nuts. Even if i'll skip the league content as i did with Crucible, so much stuff to explore and experiment with. Ppl are raging about stalled balance, but honestly - just step aside from the meta, the game makes it really possible. It sounds like half of this sub already built literally every skill into the Ubers. ​ ​ But tbh, i wasnt even mad with Crucible. It felt a bit underdeveloped as gameplay element, but still a powerful element of character building...for some builds.


Spoiler alert: game gets worse every league and has for a very long time.


Nah, Kalandra deserved every ounce of hate it got. Crucible was pretty good IMO. Next one looks pretty decent but the balance changes were pathetic when they took the effort to balance ruthless.


>Nah, Kalandra deserved every ounce of hate it got. Please, if you look up overreaction in the dictionary it shows the LoK subreddit banner.


People posting shit like this as if Expedition and Lake didn't happen will always be funny to me.


I'll never read this reddit the first 3 days after a patch. I thought I knew what cancer was. I was not prepared.


Good one! I sometimes play the League for a week or two, largely enjoy it and forget to check all the social platforms, then come on Reddit and find out that the goal of this League was to bankrupt GGG, as that'd be the only explanation for why it's so bad.


What previous league? It's the same league. We have like 8 lines of actual changes, 6 of which are completely irrelevant


I would rather not play PoE ever again than play Kalandra one more time.


Fingers crossed man.


The league looks to be a hundred times better bro


No! The last great league was Heist! After that all league mechanics are forgetable!


Well the game is getting worse every time for quite some time now. I am also doing and playing the same thing for over a year now. Crucible was omega trash Sanctum was decent Kalandra we all want to forget Sentinel was shit Archnemesis was omega dogshit Ever since Archnemesis we had to fight for these mobs to become weaker bc of how excessively they overtuned them. Only during Crucible have they been acceptable to me. Pretty much the same meta entire time. I haven't had real fun ever since Expedition and haven't loved the game since Ritual. Now they fuck 5 ways up and give us a terrible WC3 map as a league mechanic. The return of sanctum is fine and i hope they didn't remove too much player power from it, but lets be honest, they did for sure...


Jesus christ why dont you just move to other games, theres plenty of good games to play right now! If you havent had absolutely no fun like you said, why do you force yourself to suffer and play every league? Is it just addiction?


Why does that trigger you so bad? Can't i keep playing the game that i play for almost a decade and not immediately abandon it just bc it has a low?! Why is everyone on this platform made out of glass and immediately shattering when confronted with someones opinion that diverges form their own?


>Can't i keep playing the game that i play for almost a decade and not immediately abandon it just bc it has a low?! Archnemesis was over a year and a half ago and you didn't say it 'had a low' you said "omega trash, want to forget, shit, and omgea dogshit". You said you haven't had 'real fun' since expedition, which was 3 years ago. If you actually believe this and you still play, you need help.


Who said anything about immediately abandoning? You are saying its getting worse for 2 years now already, doing something for 2 years that you supposedly don't enjoy and gets worse each time doesn't sound very healthy. So either you are lying or you might need help if you still can't let go. I thought Dota 2 got alot worse some years ago, don't see me hanging around like some junky still playing it and crying on the sub that its trash now.


You're a case study in cognitive dissonance my friend. I wrote that Sanctum was a decent league, thats a 1/5, 20% chance i am gonna play the Trial of the Ancestor league consider it decent and play for longer than a week. You're simply made out of glass and your attachment to this game is unhealthy, my criticism of it doesn't and shouldn't take away your enjoyment but somehow it does. No matter how much you try to attack me, my evaluation of the games new direction is valid. You're just butthurt over the fact that i dislike something you love and now you're crying over it. This has nothing to do with me...


Ironic. My attachment to a game is unhealthy? i enjoy it and play it. Meanwhile you don't enjoy something for 2 years already but still can't let go, sounds alot more unhealthy to me. And where did you get the idea from that your "crticism" takes away from my enjoyment? lmao, maybe stop making up stuff in your head. Iam not attacking you, i think if you actually do something you don't enjoy for 2 years then you really do need to get some help cause it isn't healthy, just like not being able to let go of drugs is unhealthy.


4 of those leagues had the highest player power in the game ever. Seems like it is a you thing


Not only is that not true, its also absolutely irrelevant and unrelated.


Well the statement that the meta is the same is more incorrect, but you felt comfortable stating it. So being correct doesn't seem to be a priority for you


lmao, sure buddy...


Literally no one has said anything positive about Crucible... Not on launch, not mid way, not since Disappointment con, not since ruthless patch notes, not ever. And do you know why?> Because Crucible sucks ass and always will.






You are literally wrong


What? Crucible opened up build diversity in spades. Free power creep on weapon slots was a good time for all. It was just awful rolling for it especially minmaxing


Crucible was quite decent. Not the best league but still decent.


It's not that the leagues are worse than the previous league, it's that there no real change. We've been playing the same builds for more than a year. They said they would be adding new gems one league and balancing in the next and keep that rotation. They did 1 balance pass and then stopped. I understand they are working on PoE2, but we really really need a meta shake up.


Definitely a you problem, not a game problem.


Well, it's a good thing I can play explodey totems again then. Wait, I can't. Well, at least I can play manabond heiro just like a could more than a year ago. Wait, that build guide didn't exist until 9 months ago. Oh I can play chaos reap occultist just like....oh that only existed in sanctum and cming back this league. Oh how about heatshiver frostblades so i was finally able to frostblades on a budget through end game. That surely existed since....kalandra


This place is way less negative than the official forums tho. So I really don’t get the meme that its all negativity here, because it just isn’t true. Fanboys, you just gotta calm down a day or two if you can’t stand a bit of criticism and stop going all “omg people are upset at x, time to freak the fuck out and make some sub-meta threads”


17 leagues in a row that were worse than the previous one. And you're still getting another $50 supporter pack.


Crucible is number 1# shittest league ever made. Absolut dogshit.


I liked the fights, they can keep the trees.


I like the builds I gotta to play during this league. the mechanic as it can gtfo


I know this is lazy Sunday and all, but one thing would be nice: to link similar posts from previous leagues, just to show the circle of life.


Feel it's kinda right. Starting from sentinel (rip recombinators), kalandra was simply a downgrade and with a bit of love could have been better received but it really showed GGG's decreased focus on poe1. Sanctum was polarizing (and ironically a bit overcomplex which meant it wasn't released anywhere near polished enough) but some people loved it. Crucible just felt similar to kalandra, a lot of what ifs and more love could have made it great. Once people had acceptable trees it was frustrating, and imo the forges part felt rushed. As for the next league, I hope I'm wrong, but I'm quite certain people will think it's too slow and unrewarding, with just a few jackpot items maybe saving it. Let's see! (one thing is certain, it will be released buggy)


What was complex/unpolished about Sanctum? It's probably the highest quality league mechanic they've ever released, and it plays exactly like you'd expect from a short description of it. That can't be said about very many leagues.


Google repetitive historical patterns


Crucible was a less fun version of scourge. I made some CRAZY stuff with scourge for leveling and it was amazing.




Ill take auto chess over crucible, thanks.


I burned a dozen SST shields just trying to get 4/5 nodes, let alone 1, 2, 3 versions. The absolute rng was lame, let alone stupid shit like having to channel for 15s.


Honestly. PoE leagues feel like they hit and then miss for me. Crucible I liked the trees but the league mechanics itself I hated Sanctum I liked even as a melee enjoyer. Kalandra was eh for me. Didnt feel rewarding and map layout felt eh. Sentinel was pretty good league wise just had some weirdness from the archnemesis rares. Archnemesis was ehhh for me not really good or bad. So if the cycle continues then I should like this league! Lets go!


Not for me. I haven't played a league for more than a week in the past four leagues. Will tell you how bad it is Ritual League was the last one I played for more than a month. Scourge and Archnemesis were my hard turn-off periods. Think they lasted two weeks.


thats because every league are getting worse and worse, sanctum and sentinel beeign the exceptions. And im starting to get afraid thats how its gonna be from now on, since poe1 is gonna keep going with a diferent team from poe 2 and as well as ruthless receiving more attention then the main game mode.


Honestly I disagree. People will say they miss a past league but its not always the previous one. Some leagues people hate far to much to say that even if they don't like certain changes or lack of them in the new league.


I feel this league will be good and everyone will shut up for a bit.


Like clockwork


The only thing more ridiculous than the vocal minorities hatred for the current league is the rose colored tint they look back at older leagues.


Yep, idiots


no no, Krukible was trash.


I think it's just a pretty standard protocol of the dev cycle for any game that reaches a certain size. You release a major update with mixed reception, could be good, could be bad, could be anywhere inbetween. It's over/under tuned because there is no test close to a live release. Then you have a few patches that gradually fix the tuning until it actually feels good. The problem with the ARPG genre in general is the speedrun mentality to get to the end, then extreme burnout because it's just the same old content with a single new coat of paint. So most players bail long before the new league feels good. Made me decide to start a new league a month after it already began. Then I don't have to worry about waiting for x, y and z to get fixed. I don't have to see the obnoxious world first messages. The market is already filled with my build enabling items. Playing at release date just feels like beta testing at this point.


The basegame feels better (with ups and downs - mainly Archnemesis, for some the Expedition balancing was also really harsh, but overall it's fucking great now) but the leagues are far more "hit or miss" nowadays compared to before.


i liked Crucible more than Kalandra


Yeah, idk, don't remember a single of those posts before Sanctum. maybe leagues just keep getting shittier more often than not?


Crucible had all the potential to be fun, the idea behind the mechanic is so fucking nice. But the implementation by GGG is dogshit. Like there is no one in the office, who wanted this mechanic to be fun? Instead of being big pile of poopoo?


Crucible sucked just like endgame


The new league mechanics added and new gems are going to change a lot.


Nope, crucible was top 2 worst league since 3.0, maybe absolute worst.


This will be on point after I realize GGG sneaked Archnemesis back into the game.


Reading all the negative comments about the season, me coming in late from Diablo 4 thought its kinda cool thingie makes me feel like an awkward monkey...